Where would you put a dead body?

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
You clever people - where would you put a dead body?

My first thought was to bury it, but then my friend said she would put one down a storm drain found along a street glutter (and I think that is brilliant) which I never would have thought of.

If I had a dead body in the trunk, my first line of business would be getting rid of it in a meticulous fashion. I don't think that was Casey's priority.

Plus, there may be different ways of disposing of a body if it was still in a stage of rigor mortis or in Padilla's words "body stew in a bag."

So, in a brainstorming fashion, where would you put a dead body?

I have a hard time with this one, it's even more difficult because the body would be that of my child. Being my child I would have to think of a really pretty place I had been that was out of the way or I would search for one. I would bury, I could in no way do the gator thing or dumpster thing.

Some random body of someone I couldn't care less about and would prob'ly hate--concidering they're dead at my hands? I guess if I know I'm going to be suspect I would want them far away.

I tell myself dismembering and disposing of in several locations would work best, but I can't imagine I could get past the ralph factor. But gators and such sound good to me in that case.

I don't know, I think I'm not so good at this gettin' rid of a body bit. Think I'll stick to my boring life, it's simple and baking cookies smells much better than disposing of bodies! *shiver*
I think tossing her in a gator infested body of water is the most likely. I think she buried her in the back yard first but got scared and moved her to a swamp. I can't imagine being that evil.

I think she is in the swamp too. KC just seems far to confident Caylee's body will never be found.
Oh she is scared. She just has a very good poker face. Everybody gets scared near the end. She knows better to fess up for her own good
I just can't put myself in a situation where I'd have to hide a body! I don't have it in me, at all!
I don't believe KC acted alone in disposing of the body. She was intending to bury it on June 18th but the job was not as easy as she thought:
- hottest/most humid time of the day 1:30-2:30 pm
- borrowed a shovel for less than one hour; you need MORE than one hour to dig a good size hole
- KC is the type of person who does no physical hard labor; has no experience doing gardening; this is not her "thing" etc.
- petite build; she is just too much of a "girly" "party" type of girl accustomed to having others to things for her. I have a hard time picturing her going into swampy, alligators, mosquito infested areas. She could not handle a disposal on her own.


Simplest solution - the back of the house!! You put the body in a sealed container, make a hole deep enough that cadaver dogs would not be able to sniff (I have read that they cannot smell below 4 feet). Then you put pavers or a shed on top of the burial site "sealing the area". Then you think of something to throw off investigators (abandon car next to a dumpster -throwing off LE to look for the body in a landfill).

IMO GA's whereabouts and statements need to be looked a little closer...

True, Momto.
That's been my stumbling block for Casey going into the woods alone, on foot, with a body in hand.
Until you actually get out there and experience the Florida wooded areas...not nature trails...but really undisturbed wooded areas, you don't know how CREEEEEEPY it really is. One foot into it and boom you are facing a giant web, with a spider that is huge, and at face level. :eek: There are poisonous snakes, swarming biting bugs, scorpions...it is not for the faint hearted casual hiker/ or party girl.
There is no way in he!! she is gonna stick around in those conditions long enough to dig a hole, especially in the brutally oppressive Florida heat. Planting a flower is an effort.
My avatar and I have been out in that type of woods in Central Florida.
While we have encountered all sorts of wildlife, 2 species come to mind as not being scared off by the dog. :snake: The rearing rattling snake and the galloping feral pig.
Everything else, including bears, has just scooted off. We have seen gators but only in the water and we kept a respectful distance.
The point being, Once you step off of well used or marked trails, it's a real creature feature around here. You never know what you'll bump into and the brush and undergrowth can suddenly become so thick you are either entangled or at a dead end, unless you have a machete.
I still say the turkey vultures are a Florida alternative to the gators for quick body consumption.
We have seen a large male deer in the woods, nearly intact, and in passing the animal, or what is left, a few hours later, it has attracted a mass of these carrion eating birds and it is a scattered skeleton. There is no blood, nothing. This is not to say a dog would not know...but a human observer would not be alerted.
I guess my point is that I cannot mentally form a picture of Casey in that type of environment with a body or without a body.

As for the sealed container, just don't charge it at JCPenney.:rolleyes:
I think that she wrapped her up in plastic (probably a bag), put her in a suitcase, drove to a bridge over an aligator infested lake/river and dumped her.

I don't think that the decomposition was something that she had considered and I do think that she tried to somehow clean the car but that the smell just wouldn't go away.

ETA - I also think that she put one of those pavers inside the luggage - to weigh down the suitcase.
Link: http://www.slate.com/id/2063086/

Author indicates that according to NCMEC study mothers frequently dispose of childs bodies in womblike conditions, such as wrapping. And, almost always found in or close to the home.

Problem is, I don't think you can call Casey a mom in any sense of the word. I also do not think, psychologically speaking, she sees herself as a mother either. Hence, in this case, I don't think she would follow the above hypothesis. JMO
Hello Everyone I am new to post , but I have been lurking since the beginning of Caylee's disappearance. Excellent ideas and thoughts from everyone. A while back me and a friend was throwing back a few beers and a conversation came up that tripped me way out. My friend said if I was going to hide a body the best place that I could think of would be look in the local newspaper at the obituaries (at this point I was like oh my god why would something like this ever cross his mind.....but just wait it will all make sense). He said I would look at the obituaries to see when the next grave side service is taking place and the day before they usually dig the grave and prepare for the service. So the night before place the body in the grave cover it with a shallow layer of dirt and the grave workers usually lower the steel vault into the ground the morning of the service, the burial takes place, the coffin is lowered into the vault and the burial ground is filled back up with the soil. End of story. FYI he said the person had to be older and died of natural causes so there wouldnt be a possibility of the grave being dug up for any reasons.
I looked at him and asked where in the heck that came from, months earlier a lady we worked with her niece had come up missing and he was researching the area and possible leads to helping locate the coworkers niece.
I think she really thought by leaving that car with her purse in it where she did, that it would be stolen. Think about a check cashing place- people go there because they do not have any money and if they are like the ones in this area, it is a very "rough" looking crowd.

I don't believe she considered them having it towed anywhere, but that someone would heist the car and then she would have someone to blame it all on. In her mind that was the perfect plan.

Totally agree!
Totally agree!

At first I thought that makes alot of sense, but then I thought. Wait, she had Tony pick her up. So he would know that he picked her up, the car was there and Caylee wasn't. So I don't think that would fly, unless I'm not following what your thoughts are.
If I lived in FL, I'd dump a body in an alligator infested lake. If I lived in FL, I would probably know which lakes are more infested than others -Lake Jessup, for example, with the largest alligator population in FL. If I was new to FL, I might check out a site like this when looking for alligator infested bodies of water: http://www.gatorchasers.com/

And if there was a bridge going over Lake Jessup, all the better.
True, Momto.
That's been my stumbling block for Casey going into the woods alone, on foot, with a body in hand.
Until you actually get out there and experience the Florida wooded areas...not nature trails...but really undisturbed wooded areas, you don't know how CREEEEEEPY it really is. One foot into it and boom you are facing a giant web, with a spider that is huge, and at face level. :eek: There are poisonous snakes, swarming biting bugs, scorpions...it is not for the faint hearted casual hiker/ or party girl.
There is no way in he!! she is gonna stick around in those conditions long enough to dig a hole, especially in the brutally oppressive Florida heat. Planting a flower is an effort.
My avatar and I have been out in that type of woods in Central Florida.
While we have encountered all sorts of wildlife, 2 species come to mind as not being scared off by the dog. :snake: The rearing rattling snake and the galloping feral pig.
Everything else, including bears, has just scooted off. We have seen gators but only in the water and we kept a respectful distance.
The point being, Once you step off of well used or marked trails, it's a real creature feature around here. You never know what you'll bump into and the brush and undergrowth can suddenly become so thick you are either entangled or at a dead end, unless you have a machete.
I still say the turkey vultures are a Florida alternative to the gators for quick body consumption.
We have seen a large male deer in the woods, nearly intact, and in passing the animal, or what is left, a few hours later, it has attracted a mass of these carrion eating birds and it is a scattered skeleton. There is no blood, nothing. This is not to say a dog would not know...but a human observer would not be alerted.
I guess my point is that I cannot mentally form a picture of Casey in that type of environment with a body or without a body.

As for the sealed container, just don't charge it at JCPenney.:rolleyes:

This description is soooo right on the money, :clap: this is a true picture of what nature is like in Florida. OMG the snakes and spiders!! Anything outside the roads or even nature trails is absolutely wild and dangerous and so scary!! I will never forget when the ValueJet crashed in the everglades, searchers gave up the search and rescue almost like immediately because the area was too dangerous for even the most experienced searchers to go into. We have mini Everglades areas all over central Florida, same widlife conditions except not as large area like the actual Everglades is.

Now just like KC... I cannot fanthom GA going in those areas either - he is "too spiffy" for that too :nerves:

Thanks for sharing!!
Yeah, I just don't understand why she didn't clean out the trunk after she disposed of that precious little girl's body. If it smelled so bad, and she left the car in a public place, she had to have known incriminating evidence would be found. I don't get that part.

I don't think she bothered because she really thought that car would be stolen. I mean, she made it easy enough for it to be. I'm not sure she did put in the water or dumpster. I think she may have put Caylee where she could "visit" her. That might go along with the witness who saw someone who looked like Casey leaving the area by the airport.
I've never gotten that part either. Since she knew what she would have needed to do to cover it up, it's almost like she wanted to be caught.

I think the reason why she didnt clean up the car was because she couldnt take the smell! Simple as that. She wanted it to be stolen or towed.
So she left it!
I can't even fathom ever being in a position to dispose of a dead body.
Seriously, my bf and I were discussing this the other night.
I could never take another person's life unless it was in defense of a loved one and then it would still be hard to kill a living soul.
Even then, I'd be justified and have no reason to hide the body.
I think the reason why she didnt clean up the car was because she couldnt take the smell! Simple as that. She wanted it to be stolen or towed.
So she left it!

Yes, I could definitely see her thinking ok, someone will steal the car and if it is ever found, the smell would be from whoever stole the car, not from her carting around her dead baby. The other thought I had, she might just have thought the car smell would go away the longer it sat there. ??
I don't believe KC acted alone in disposing of the body. She was intending to bury it on June 18th but the job was not as easy as she thought:
- hottest/most humid time of the day 1:30-2:30 pm
- borrowed a shovel for less than one hour; you need MORE than one hour to dig a good size hole
- KC is the type of person who does no hard physical labor; has no experience doing gardening; this is not her "thing" etc.
- petite build; she is just too much of a "girly" "party" type of girl accustomed to having others to things for her. I have a hard time picturing her going into swampy, alligators, mosquito infested areas. She could not handle a disposal on her own.

IMO She ended up carrying Caylee around in the trunk for days wandering and driving around many areas looking for a spot; then came up with the idea to put the vehicle on fire (gas cans stolen). This did NOT work out because GA found Caylee in the trunk along with the gas cans - my theory is that when GA came upon the gas cans in the trunk he also found the body there. I don't believe for a minute that he is truthful about what he saw!

Now we would need to think like him, there is not much time to think/act at this point. What would he do? where would be the BEST place to hide the body in a quick manner while at the same time give Caylee "proper burial"?

Simplest solution - the back of the house!! You put the body in a sealed container, make a hole deep enough that cadaver dogs would not be able to sniff (I have read that they cannot smell below 4 feet). Then you put pavers or a shed on top of the burial site "sealing the area". Then you think of something to throw off investigators (abandon car next to a dumpster -throwing off LE to look for the body in a landfill).

IMO GA's whereabouts and statements need to be looked a little closer...

I have felt he was involved from the beginning. It was always VERY STRANGE to me that CA kept saying how much yard work he had done and how his BLOOD AND SWEAT was what the dogs were hitting on in the back yard. Their grandchild is missing and they all of a sudden start totally redoing their back yard? Give me a break !

In an earlier post today, I commented on all the lime being poured over the back yard. That to me was VERY telling. I honestly believe YOU are right on with this post........

I believe that child is in the back yard and have asked if they poured any concrete during the time she was "gone." Concrete has lime and will cover the smell for the dogs sometimes. Then you take and cover the ENTIRE back yard with lime and PRESTO.........dogs are not an issue anymore.

They would have NO FEAR of any of the searches and were somewhat cooperative UNTIL TES was going to do a search again in their yard. Then all of a sudden they disliked TES and they limed their yard.

Yep..........look under some concrete or a storage building.
Just thought of one that goes one better, in a very morbid sense of "better."
I have a unidentified child from my files, her parents (presumably) wrapped her in a baby blanket, then wrapped her in plastic sheets, placed her inside a suitcase, wrapped the suitcase entirely in duct tape, opened up the back of a large console TV, cleared out all the wires and tubes that were in the way, put the suitcase in the TV, screwed the back of the TV on and took it to the dump themselves.
If some random person hadn't decided to go hunting for metal in the dump and kicked the back of the TV, causing the suitcase to fall out the body never would have been found.


...but it was a nice try! :rolleyes:

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