Who is Annie D?

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LE had some choice words for the person who put forth that particular lead.

It's so strange in this case how some people don't want anyone other than KC and her family to be investigated, or anyplace other than the Anthony home/car and forests/ponds to be investigated. Okay....
If I were LE I would have done forensics at all the apartments where Casey/Caylee had stayed, also at the Sawgrass apts (both the empty one and the friends' apt) and in the cars or any other properties of all the friends and the other people who had spent time around Caylee. But that's just me.....
There were just so many people, both living at the apartments where they stayed, also various people visiting those apartments, coming and going, spending time around Caylee, anyone could potentially have a scrap of information that could lead to Caylee. Not accusing anyone, all are presumed innocent of course, but you would just expect that everyone would have been investigated from the beginning to rule everyone out. I do hope LE have been doing this, I would imagine so, but the media haven't mentioned anything other than them doing quick walkthroughs to make sure Caylee wasn't physically at (at least at TL's apt) and taking basic statements/interviews with a few of the friends.

Thanks for this thread because I was also baffled when I heard it said in a couple of the interviews that AD and SD were KC's very best friends, I thought, why have we heard so little about these best friends. Then also the fact that the young man C, I don't know his last name, returned Caylee's swimsuit to the Anthony grandparents. (What?) I wondered, why has so little been said about these particular friends? Then later when I realized these were the same friends who actually resided there at Sawgrass... (did the young man "C" who returned the swimsuit also live in that apt, where did he live?)

I had always wondered anyway, if KC had actually been in this crisis there at those apts waiting in a panic, wondering where Caylee and the "nanny" were, etc, wouldn't it be likely that the first place she would go would be to her friends' apt that was there, both for a place to sit down and wait, and also of course to tell them what was going on and to get help? If she had left Caylee with a babysitter there frequently, wouldn't they probably also be aware of this person and know who she was? etc. The fact that KC never mentioned these "best" friends or having gone to them just made me wonder, well plus the fact of course that she led police specifically to the stairwell of that building for whatever reason, whether there was any ZG involved or not. Of course I don't know what happened, no accusation toward anyone.
I am also inclined to think that Zanny is Annie--or at least she started out that way. Small children do not like words to begin with hard vowels. So when you say "This is Annie. Can you say Hi?" --to the child, phonetically the "z" from "is" just blends right into "Annie"-I'd bet 8 out of 10 three year olds would respond "Hi Zanny".

It is just my opinion, but it makes more sense than a lot of the stuff we've gotten from KC. I just think that, as time went by, Zanny became the universal name for everybody that could be "whoever my child is with right now". I think she hunted up Zenaida to fit the nickname so it would be someone outside of the crowd.

I have thought the same thing about Zanny being a nickname for whichever friend was watching Caylee, and I know Cindy A said in her interview she suspected this could be the case, she thought maybe Zanny was an actual babysitter to start with (maybe when KC had income to pay a sitter), then later that the name was used for whichever friend.... After I heard about the "best friend" being named Annie I wondered about Zanny/Annie as well, but not in the detail you thought out, that's a good point about kids' pronunciation. Or even if there was a specific, regular babysitter by some other name he/she could even have been nicknamed Zannie jokingly, I understand there is a kids' story "Zannie the Nanny" apparently? I don't know it myself.
Annie is the one whose hat got ripped apart as well......I find that very interesting

Very interesting!!!!!!!! I wonder if that hat ever made it to LE and if so was it checked for possible DNA for Caylee. Blood, anything! Also the person that said that the white car by the woods and the person coming out wearing a hat. Maybe Casey wore that hat and then tried to destroy it after? Probably not going any where with this, but it still makes me wonder.
I was forgetting Dante at that car dealership. GA hadn't entered my mind in connection to car dealers.
Thanks tx_dot.

And I never even realized RM and AD worked at that same dealership where D did. Thanks tx_dot.
It's so strange in this case how some people don't want anyone other than KC and her family to be investigated, or anyplace other than the Anthony home/car and forests/ponds to be investigated. Okay....
If I were LE I would have done forensics at all the apartments where Casey/Caylee had stayed, also at the Sawgrass apts (both the empty one and the friends' apt) and in the cars or any other properties of all the friends and the other people who had spent time around Caylee. But that's just me.....
There were just so many people, both living at the apartments where they stayed, also various people visiting those apartments, coming and going, spending time around Caylee, anyone could potentially have a scrap of information that could lead to Caylee. Not accusing anyone, all are presumed innocent of course, but you would just expect that everyone would have been investigated from the beginning to rule everyone out. I do hope LE have been doing this, I would imagine so, but the media haven't mentioned anything other than them doing quick walkthroughs to make sure Caylee wasn't physically at (at least at TL's apt) and taking basic statements/interviews with a few of the friends.

Thanks for this thread because I was also baffled when I heard it said in a couple of the interviews that AD and SD were KC's very best friends, I thought, why have we heard so little about these best friends. Then also the fact that the young man C, I don't know his last name, returned Caylee's swimsuit to the Anthony grandparents. (What?) I wondered, why has so little been said about these particular friends? Then later when I realized these were the same friends who actually resided there at Sawgrass... (did the young man "C" who returned the swimsuit also live in that apt, where did he live?)

I had always wondered anyway, if KC had actually been in this crisis there at those apts waiting in a panic, wondering where Caylee and the "nanny" were, etc, wouldn't it be likely that the first place she would go would be to her friends' apt that was there, both for a place to sit down and wait, and also of course to tell them what was going on and to get help? If she had left Caylee with a babysitter there frequently, wouldn't they probably also be aware of this person and know who she was? etc. The fact that KC never mentioned these "best" friends or having gone to them just made me wonder, well plus the fact of course that she led police specifically to the stairwell of that building for whatever reason, whether there was any ZG involved or not. Of course I don't know what happened, no accusation toward anyone.

Bolded by me for reference.
I think this is the precise reason why we can believe Casey wasn't in crisis at that apartment complex and no nanny lived at the complex. Because certainly she would have sought comfort from a friend when she was in crisis and the friend lived in the same bldg. where Casey alleged something went wrong. How convenient for Casey. Casey did not go to friends telling them something was amiss. Casey never stopped in to say hey to the friends when she was supposedly dropping Caylee off. The friends weren't aware of any nanny living in that complex. And this again is a friend that has been named one of casey's closest friends.
With this information alone it is safe to believe that there was never a nanny living in Sawgrass Apt.s not to mention the oodles of other evidence that point to the same conclusion.
Then also the fact that the young man C, I don't know his last name, returned Caylee's swimsuit to the Anthony grandparents. (What?) I wondered, why has so little been said about these particular friends? Then later when I realized these were the same friends who actually resided there at Sawgrass... (did the young man "C" who returned the swimsuit also live in that apt, where did he live?)


Sorry to be such a mooch, but, can someone ed-u-ma-cate-me on this young man "C" returning Caylee's swimsuit to G&C???? Just a sentence...firstname & last initial, date returned. Thanks.:blowkiss:

Sorry to be such a mooch, but, can someone ed-u-ma-cate-me on this young man "C" returning Caylee's swimsuit to G&C???? Just a sentence...firstname & last initial, date returned. Thanks.:blowkiss:

She says that she can't remember who brought the bag and that MAYBE it was Chris. The only Chris that I can think of is the Chris S. that is interviewed by LE. She says that this person brought a bag of Caylee's stuff (including swimsuit) to the house when the A's had all the "kids" over to share information and to talk.
Very interesting!!!!!!!! I wonder if that hat ever made it to LE and if so was it checked for possible DNA for Caylee. Blood, anything! Also the person that said that the white car by the woods and the person coming out wearing a hat. Maybe Casey wore that hat and then tried to destroy it after? Probably not going any where with this, but it still makes me wonder.

Cindy talks about the hat in the 2nd interview with LE. She brings it up saying that it was in the car when her and GA picked it up and brought it home and was definately there that night but was missing by the following morning. she claims that KC was never left alone so that it couldnt have been her that took it......so how did it end up in the trash all ripped up ....well i'm sure kc could put a good spin on that too.

It was Chris, an ex of Casey's that she spent Mothers Day hanging out there with Caylee. Then showed up between 6-17 to 6-19 in TZ's Jeep, no Caylee.

It was Chris, an ex of Casey's that she spent Mothers Day hanging out there with Caylee. Then showed up between 6-17 to 6-19 in TZ's Jeep, no Caylee.

It is interesting that she wasn't driving her own car on that date. i wonder why?
Cindy talks about the hat in the 2nd interview with LE. She brings it up saying that it was in the car when her and GA picked it up and brought it home and was definately there that night but was missing by the following morning. she claims that KC was never left alone so that it couldnt have been her that took it......so how did it end up in the trash all ripped up ....well i'm sure kc could put a good spin on that too.

I have not had time to listen to this interview...Thanks for that tidbit.

What do you suppose she is implying here? George or Lee took it and ripped it and put it in the trash? Does she say if it was already ripped when she saw it?
I've only started a couple of threads (semi-newbie), so if this needs to be moved, merged, feel free. But I didn't see any threads that addressed this. I've seen Annie's name mentioned in other discussions and many WS's seem to think she is key to this case. I'm not sure what the story is, why she's important, so I thought maybe we could start a discussion and talk about this Annie character...who is she? Why no release of her statment, etc...
I believe Annie's statement is being held for the Murder charges. When disovery is released in regards to these charges, we'll find out.
I've only started a couple of threads (semi-newbie), so if this needs to be moved, merged, feel free. But I didn't see any threads that addressed this. I've seen Annie's name mentioned in other discussions and many WS's seem to think she is key to this case. I'm not sure what the story is, why she's important, so I thought maybe we could start a discussion and talk about this Annie character...who is she? Why no release of her statment, etc...

We haven't seen any statements by her as of yet. She may have gotten information from Casey in the past that would explain motive and/or other information pertinent to the murder charges.
Annie was casey's best friend for years and also dated Lee...there is a pic of her somewhere...I also believe that Aniie is signifigant to this because of all the witheld info involving her No text, no statements we all know she was interviewed..
Annie was casey's best friend for years and also dated Lee...there is a pic of her somewhere...I also believe that Aniie is signifigant to this because of all the witheld info involving her No text, no statements we all know she was interviewed..

I bet she knows the blockbuster information LP has alluded to previously and that he now espouses as fact with 100 percent certainty in radio interviews.
So who exactly IS Annie? I remember posts referencing her in relation to KC obtaining Xanax (I think). Is she a friend of KC's (in the same crowd w/ Amy, Tony, etc...)?
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