Who Is Caylee's Biological Father?

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I have not searched all the pages here, so please forgive me. I am no where near being an expert, but someone might know more about this. Since Caylee has/had hazel colored eyes and Casey has blue, the father would have brown or hazel eyes? Eye color genetics has alot to do with determining eye color from the mother and the father to what the child would have. Doesn't LA have blue eyes? A blue eyed mother and a blue eyed father could only produce a blue eyed child. Blue being very dominant? Just thinking here. Thoughts?

Well for what it's worth I have green eyes, both of my parents have blue eyes and all of my siblings have blue eyes. I am the only one with green eyes. I know my mother gave birth to me and I am the spitting image of my father in most all ways.:)
I have not searched all the pages here, so please forgive me. I am no where near being an expert, but someone might know more about this. Since Caylee has/had hazel colored eyes and Casey has blue, the father would have brown or hazel eyes? Eye color genetics has alot to do with determining eye color from the mother and the father to what the child would have. Doesn't LA have blue eyes? A blue eyed mother and a blue eyed father could only produce a blue eyed child. Blue being very dominant? Just thinking here. Thoughts?

There was another eye color determination chart posted a while back, but here's another:


My Mother has blue eyes. Father has hazel. I have hazel eyes.
My husband has hazel eyes. We have 3 children- one has ice blue eyes, the other 2 have green eyes.
Turbo - Where is this quote from??? I've read other posts where it is mentioned but this is not an interview that I have seen. Can you post a link??? :)

Pink, I do not have the link, but...the event happened in front of the Anthony home when reporters were pressing in....Geo was getting really angry...Cindy kept trying to pull him away from the reporters....lots of yelling...as he went back into the garage she said: I don't want to lose another one.

I do not think her statement was a big deal as she already had KC in jail and did not want her husband in jail also.

It was telling in that Cindy was aware her husband's anger could get him locked up.
Pink, I do not have the link, but...the event happened in front of the Anthony home when reporters were pressing in....Geo was getting really angry...Cindy kept trying to pull him away from the reporters....lots of yelling...as he went back into the garage she said: I don't want to lose another one.

I do not think her statement was a big deal as she already had KC in jail and did not want her husband in jail also.

It was telling in that Cindy was aware her husband's anger could get him locked up.
Thanks karenmamo. I'll go looking for that one...:)
Well for what it's worth I have green eyes, both of my parents have blue eyes and all of my siblings have blue eyes. I am the only one with green eyes. I know my mother gave birth to me and I am the spitting image of my father in most all ways.:)
From the websites below I found, you are in the one percent. But, two blue eyes cannot make brown eyes. I was thinking that the father would have hazel or brown eyes.

The site: http://www.docshop.com/2008/01/04/what-color-will-my-babys-eyes-be/
There was another eye color determination chart posted a while back, but here's another:


My Mother has blue eyes. Father has hazel. I have hazel eyes.
My husband has hazel eyes. We have 3 children- one has ice blue eyes, the other 2 have green eyes.

Mmmm....I went to this site and it says both of my parents could not have had blue eyes if I have green eyes. Whaddya' know? I'm an anomaly!:rolleyes: I'll ask my sister. Maybe one of them had one blue and one green...and I never noticed :)
Originally Posted by Broderick
I have been reading studies whereby this type of incestuous abuse alluded to lasts on average of 7 years.

Just curious, when does it start?....

Missmybaby...You need to do some reading about incest and child molestation...You ask "when does it start"?? Hmmmm!...:confused:...varies greatly, anywhere from 3 months old to 12+ years old.....imo
Mmmm....I went to this site and it says both of my parents could not have had blue eyes if I have green eyes. Whaddya' know? I'm an anomaly!:rolleyes: I'll ask my sister. Maybe one of them had one blue and one green...and I never noticed :)

That website is incorrect and probably oversimplifying eye color genetics. Many examples use brown vs. blue or brown vs. green simply to illustrate Mendelian genetics. However, eye color is not a discrete genetic trait. Many genes contribute to eye color.

Green eyes are caused by a completely separate gene that overwrites information on the normal eye color gene. It works very similar to the "red hair gene". So, you CAN have green eyes if both your parents have blue eyes.
From the websites below I found, you are in the one percent. But, two blue eyes cannot make brown eyes. I was thinking that the father would have hazel or brown eyes.

The website you are referencing is a very straightforward simplification. If we want to use eye color to make a forensic determination, formulas such as those cannot be used. They are meant only for folks wanting to amuse themselves by guessing baby's eye color.

Eye color is very complex...just like hair color. For instance, just think of the various shades of hair color and eye color which cannot be accounted for in simple formulas. If anyone is interested, I can put together an eye color or hair color genetic explanation in layman's terms (well, layman-types that study forensics on the web anyway...probably they wouldn't be layman terms for my Aunt Ruth or anything).

But, you are 100% correct in that two blue-eyes people can NOT have a brown eyed child unless it was a plain old mutation (which is so unlikely it can almost be ruled out).

This is impossible because eye color actually runs on a spectrum from dark brown to light blue. Since light blue is at one polar end of the spectrum, if both parents had blue eyes, there is no way any combination could form to produce the complete opposite end of that spectrum.
That's another problem with the idea that KC was forced into incest, with Caylee as a result.

She was a grown-up when Caylee was conceived.

And, based on family interactions (cursing out GA, admitted stealing from LA) I can't see the males of the family KC to do ANYTHING.

It appears that that home is a matriarchy.

I don't think so, no matter HOW I look at it.

That website is incorrect and probably oversimplifying eye color genetics. Many examples use brown vs. blue or brown vs. green simply to illustrate Mendelian genetics. However, eye color is not a discrete genetic trait. Many genes contribute to eye color.

Green eyes are caused by a completely separate gene that overwrites information on the normal eye color gene. It works very similar to the "red hair gene". So, you CAN have green eyes if both your parents have blue eyes.

Well there ya' go. I have red hair too.:rolleyes:
I am a red head with blue eyes!

Well thank God you're not a blue head with red eyes...then we'd really be scratchin' our heads tryin' to figure you out!:waitasec: (just kiddin'...just silly today).
The website you are referencing is a very straightforward simplification. If we want to use eye color to make a forensic determination, formulas such as those cannot be used. They are meant only for folks wanting to amuse themselves by guessing baby's eye color.

Eye color is very complex...just like hair color. For instance, just think of the various shades of hair color and eye color which cannot be accounted for in simple formulas. If anyone is interested, I can put together an eye color or hair color genetic explanation in layman's terms (well, layman-types that study forensics on the web anyway...probably they wouldn't be layman terms for my Aunt Ruth or anything).

But, you are 100% correct in that two blue-eyes people can NOT have a brown eyed child unless it was a plain old mutation (which is so unlikely it can almost be ruled out).

This is impossible because eye color actually runs on a spectrum from dark brown to light blue. Since light blue is at one polar end of the spectrum, if both parents had blue eyes, there is no way any combination could form to produce the complete opposite end of that spectrum.

quick question, that website did not include hazel eyes. what happens when a parent has hazel eyes? i'm trying to get a better understanding for how it works i guess.
quick question, that website did not include hazel eyes. what happens when a parent has hazel eyes? i'm trying to get a better understanding for how it works i guess.

My father had hazel eyes. We all have blue. I am the only redhead, in this generation.
quick question, that website did not include hazel eyes. what happens when a parent has hazel eyes? i'm trying to get a better understanding for how it works i guess.

That website listed doesn't explain lots of things and honestly, you'd need a full course in genetics to understand it all - I've even had that full class and then many others and I don't always understand it. Genes are complicated little buggers with so many tricks!

But the more complicated/less simplified version of eye color genetics is:

There are 3 known genetic loci (genes) that control eye color. How all 3 of these interact is what determined what color the eyes will be. For example, albinism...albinos may technically have the genes for brown hair, brown skin, brown eyes, but another gene "turns off" the genes to make those pigments...no pigment is made and the person appears "albino". See what I mean about various genes controlling one trait?

On to hazel...technically, they do not know what causes hazel eye color...but the 2 main genes that control eye color operate on a spectrum...light blue to dark brown. Green and hazel are in between on the spectrum, so they suspect it is inherited on a sort of sliding scale. I don't know that this is how eye color works (nor do the experts), but it is possible that it is something like height...

Mom is of shorter than average height. Her genes would look something like this...


Dad is of average height.


Offspring would inherit 10 of the Ts from mom and 10 Ts from dad. Any 10.

So, one offspring could get all short ts from mom. tttttttttt And all short ts from dad. tttttttttt

So, offspring could be really, really short. tttttttttttttttttttt

The next offspring could be really tall. TTTTTtttttTTTTTTTTTT.

Now, that is really oversimplifying as well, but eyecolor most likely works this way as well. It all depends on the combinations received...and then on the accessory genes that could override that information.
Jat you are absolutely correct. the simplifed version is fine for teaching Mendelian genetics, but eyes involve a much more complex formula and there is a spectrum involved in eye colors.
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