who killed devon and damon!!

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Thinkoflaura said:
OK, I was wrong- snowed. Darlie is guilty, IMO.Darin is most likely guilty but I guess the crime lab lost his pants and whatever else he might have been wearing from the waist down
I had a real hard time getting past someone cutting their own throat. That was my very first question when I came here. I think they have Darin's pants. I don't know why they weren't tested. I don't think there was any spatter on them or they would have tested them IMO. He covers himself well. He was working on Devon and he quickly checked Damon's pulse 2 times. So that explains any transfer blood. He's sitting in a crime scene filled with blood, which he admits to.
If anyone wants to know, here's what changed my mind:
1) Cast off blood patterns on the nightshirt from both boys. Murderer splattered as she stabbed them. For all I know, Darin had a bloody chest and washed up or poured bleach from the laundry room on his chest , don't know for sure but I lean towards his involvement too
He could have had spatter on his chest and cast-off on his back. In all the confusion nobody would have looked at the blood carefully enough to notice anything but blood. IMO. Once things had settled down a bit, the cops let Darin run across the street to get Karen and Terry Neal. They said they just remember blood. Of course they were shocked and horrified, not looking at the blood from a det's viewpoint. Darin went into their bathroom and washed. So who knows what he washed off.
2) Crime scene photos on the pro- Darlie site. The vacuum cleaner in the middle of the floor of a crimescene? GMAB! Then Darlie says in her trial testimony that she had vacuumed dirt up earlier and when she was talking to the cops, got dizzy and " leaned on it". Accounting for blood on vacuum. Why didn't she sit on the floor or lean against a counter instead of the Hoover? That's about the stupidest thing I ever heard of
The funny thing about these Pro-Darlie sites is most of the stuff they post prove she's right where she's supposed to be! I guess she thought the intruder would have knocked it over as he ran out. Yet, he was able to move safely around it when he came in. Lame Darlie :loser: She tried too hard to create a crime scene. Don't drop 1 glass on the floor, don't push a vacuum over, makes no sense, or the coffee table..it's been used before.

4) Darlie's appeal attorney claimed that inadequate fingerprinting techniques failed to recognize an unidentified partial print on the coffee table. Experts for state said it was from a child or woman- small hand.
Further examination of all persons' prints at the residence ( EMS, police, etc) showed that the ONLY person's hand which could not be excluded as making the fingerprint was--- Darlie. Why am I not surprised
That print which I thought was on the sofa back glass table, was too smeared to even run through the data base. Her camp acts like it's a perfect print and LE has just been ignoring it and letting sit in storage. And they actually say, in some places, that it did NOT match Darlie. Flat out lies, these people tell. Right, the experts agree that it is most likely the print of an adult female or a small-framed male. Darlie's attacker was a big man. But during hynopsis, she "remembered" there was a small man there also. hmmm
5) Her jewerly on the kitchen counter- Not what you think. Not because it wasn't stolen, but because she took off the things which would have been coated in the boy's blood deep down in the crevices- the things she wore on her HANDS
Oooh very clever, I have not heard that before. Makes alot of sense! I sleep in my rings, but not any other jewelry. It is most likely she had those on now that you mention it.Cool
6) Darlie says she had been sleeping downstairs for about a week ( didn't these people have a guest room for goodness' sake??) because Drake's crib squeaked on the hardwood floor when he moved around and it woke her up. Yet, she slept through her 5 and 6 year old being stabbed fatally and her arms and neck being cut? No way
As far as her not sleeping well, that's where I think the diet pills may come in. You'd think they'd have enough room in that house for an extra bed! The evidence shows that Devon kicked and fought at least some. I think that would have waked her up.
When questioned about why she didn't scream, she says she guesses someone had a hand over her mouth. So what did the intruder stab the boys with? His feet? Dumb dumb dumb narcissistic Darlie
Do I sing that to the tune of the Tums commerical? Her camp says there is a missing knife that was used on Devon. There is no forensic evidence to support this that includes his wounds. It is more likely that she rinsed his blood off the knife when she cut her throat. Then when she realized Damon was still alive had to stab him again, but wasn't able to rinse the knife that time. Her blood was found under his blood and in an outline of the knife near Damon.
7) First time I had seen her in her prison pinup photos. I knew she had a boob job but my gosh!! There is NO way an intruder could cut her neck like that and not put enough pressure on those whoppers to cause a lot of pain- thus waking her up, if the neck cut didn't
Plus an intruder had easy access to those and her tummy but chose to reach around to get to her throat. They are holding up well in prison, aren't they?
This is the first time it's all come together for me. It's obvious that they were both lying every time they opened their mouths. Her attorney did her an enormous disservice by not dissuading them both from testifying.
I saw the photos of the family at a Medieval dinner theater type place. One of her boys is looking at her with absolute adoration. Broke my heart. She looked stoned... was posing for the camera, totally ignoring the little cutie pie.
Darlie loves a camera. They are both their own worst enemies

I know there's much more, and I will find more discrepencies/ unbelievable lies.I wanted to say that I fell off the fence with a whomp and that I'm sorry I was doubtful of the State's case against Darlie
This post is great Laura! You've brought in some things we haven't discussed in awhile! :clap:
Thinkoflaura said:
Mary, do you think any of Darlie's bruises came from a physical fight with Darin earlier that night?

Ahhh, you touched on my favorite subject, Laura. One thing I'm positive about is that Darlie inflicted the bruises after she left the hospital. Every single nurse and doctor testified that they would have seen those bruises within 24-48 hours, and Darlie was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days. Dr. Dillawn examined Darlie before she was discharged & there wasn't even any redness or swelling on her right arm. I think Darlie needed some more injuries to support her story of "fighting with an intruder" & she pulled it off June 8th or June 9th, before the photos were taken on June 10th.

Also, I am no expert but the autopsy report on one boy states that there was a greenish bruise on his hip. In people who live after being beaten, bruises turn green days into healing. Has anyone found any evidence that the boys were physically abused or neglected prior to the night of the murders?
Well, Devon was a physically active little boy, so bruises wouldn't surprise me. I don't think they happened while he was being stabbed. And no, there was no evidence of physical abuse...in fact, I believe the autopsy report said they were well nourished, with no signs of abuse (other than the stab wounds, of course).
Thinkoflaura said:
Then Darlie says in her trial testimony that she had vacuumed dirt up earlier and when she was talking to the cops, got dizzy and " leaned on it". Accounting for blood on vacuum. Why didn't she sit on the floor or lean against a counter instead of the Hoover? That's about the stupidest thing I ever heard of.
That's so ridiculous, isn't it? Anyone who's ever used a vacuum cleaner knows you don't lean on it unless you want to take a header across the room...especially when there's a sturdy counter right beside you. Darlie also swore up and down that the vacuum was never in the kitchen. A supporter once suggested that a paramedic hurled it over the counter & it landed by the kitchen sink, ahahahaaaa!

Why the heck he wasn't arrested and tried too is a travesty
The only thing they could really get Darin on is perjury, because there's no physical evidence whatsoever to tie him to the actual crime. I think Davis and Shook would love to slap him with perjury, but it seems that prosecutors rarely pursue it. Too difficult, costly, and time consuming to prove in many cases. Personally, I don't think he was involved in the stabbing, but he has definitely lied his tail off to protect her.
The only point I disagree with yall on is the jewelry. I also sleep in my necklace and earings....but take my rings off the second I get home. :)
Thinkoflaura said:
Mary, do you think any of Darlie's bruises came from a physical fight with Darin earlier that night?
I have been watching my bruises for a long time. I bruise very easily these days, usually from my dogs jumping up on me and plopping a big paw on my arm or leg. I have noticed that the pressure points heal first. Like the centers of a paw print will turn white long before the outer edges of it will. That tells me that if Darlie had been hit with Devon's heels, the point that received the most impact would heel first. As I recall her bruises appeared to be changing colors pretty evenly. Maybe someone with really good eyesight can look closer. I also don't think any man, Darin or intruder, hit her for the same reason. As I think Cami has said, her bruises seem to be consistently even for large areas. That is probably why the medical people said they looked like blunt trauma. They testified in court that it had to be a large flat surface. That rules out fists and feet and even a baseball bat or board of some type. I wish we had photos of her arms in the days immediately following the police station photos. However, on the silly string tape and interview immediately following it, there are no left over colors anywhere on her arms. They are milk white again. That was only ...what?....ten days or so after the police photos. Looks to me they healed pretty evenly and pretty rapidly.

Let me add that if the hard, flat surface had been a board, it would have left marks where the board ended. Being hit repeatedly by it should have left multiple edging marks. I don't see anything like that on her arms. I think the surface had to be larger than a board unless it had no edges....hmm...
Mary456 said:
Ahhh, you touched on my favorite subject, Laura. One thing I'm positive about is that Darlie inflicted the bruises after she left the hospital. Every single nurse and doctor testified that they would have seen those bruises within 24-48 hours, and Darlie was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days. Dr. Dillawn examined Darlie before she was discharged & there wasn't even any redness or swelling on her right arm. I think Darlie needed some more injuries to support her story of "fighting with an intruder" & she pulled it off June 8th or June 9th, before the photos were taken on June 10th.
Very good point, Mary. You would think that the defense could have found at least ONE nurse to claim he/she saw bruising on Darlie or even a large red patch growing on her arms. I mean, how hard could that have been for their investigator? Esp if all the nurses who did testify lied.
michelle said:
why did drake live? i mean i still cant figure out what there motive would be to do this??
How could they explain the baby being killed and Darin not only NOT being killed but not even being attacked or awakened by the intrusion? I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't rationalize it with the two older boys being so inseparable that the survivor would go thru so much emotional pain over the loss of the other that it would "be cruel" to kill and not the other.
i know alot of people think she is guilty i am still on the fence, i just dont know what the motive was, it doesnt make sense at all......
Thinkoflaura said:
OK, I was wrong- snowed. Darlie is guilty, IMO.
Darin is most likely guilty but I guess the crime lab lost his pants and whatever else he might have been wearing from the waist down.
The pants are still in custody. I don't remember if the state said they didn't test them or if it didn't come up because he wasn't a defendant. Plus with the defense not targeting him, there would not have been a foundation to bring them into the trial, as far as I am aware .

Thinkoflaura said:
2) Crime scene photos on the pro- Darlie site. The vacuum cleaner in the middle of the floor of a crimescene? GMAB! Then Darlie says in her trial testimony that she had vacuumed dirt up earlier and when she was talking to the cops, got dizzy and " leaned on it". Accounting for blood on vacuum. Why didn't she sit on the floor or lean against a counter instead of the Hoover? That's about the stupidest thing I ever heard of.
They had two vacuum cleaners. One was in the formal living room and the other in the kitchen. I am not sure which one she used to clean up the dirt you are talking about. Leaning on it instead of the counter she was standing right next to is pretty lame as someone said. It is also not believable. Doesn't she say on the 911 tape that she is just going to sit here or something like that, indicating that she wasn't standing at all?

3) Darin says under oath that he knows exactly what happened the entire time that night. Why the heck he wasn't arrested and tried too is a travesty. The only way he could have known what happened the entire time is, of course, if he was downstairs participating in the crime.[/QUOTE]
Because there is no physical evidence linking him to the actual murders.

Thinkoflaura said:
4) 5) Her jewerly on the kitchen counter- Not what you think. Not because it wasn't stolen, but because she took off the things which would have been coated in the boy's blood deep down in the crevices- the things she wore on her HANDS. The photos of her at Baylor show her with 3 earrings in each ear. I don't know about the rest of you, but the one thing I don't sleep in, jewelry wise, are earrings, especially hoops, and the bottom pair were hoops. She also left her necklace on.

I guess some people do sleep in big earrings as well as little one. I wouldn't have when I wore them many moons ago. I did sleep in my rings though, except the really big ones. I don't think it proves much one way or the other though.

Also, earlier that day Darlie brought her jewelry down from upstairs to show the housekeeper, who was the mother of her friend and shop employee, Basia. The old woman was said to have known a lot about "good" jewelry, and she said Darlie told her she needed to sell it because she needed $10,000. Darlie asked her if she knew anyone who might buy it,

Now this is a double edged sword for me because, on one hand, her bringing the jewelry downstairs shows premeditation to me. It looks like she was creating a witness to the fact that she had a good reason to bring the jewelry downstairs. An effort to deflect guilt on her part, and doing it well in advance of the crime.

But then you have her telling someone she needed the exact amount of the insurance money. Why would she do that if she were trying to set the wheels in motion to deflect her guilt? Maybe because she just unconsciously shoots herself in the foot a lot. I don't know. But I am still betting that the jewelry was brought downstairs for a specific purpose and that was to establish that she brought it downstairs earlier in the day to show to Halina.

And why would she ask Halina if she knew anyone who might buy it. Halina obviously couldn't afford it or she would not have cleaning house for Darlie. Plus she had only been in Texas for about three months. Who would she possibly know? I don't think she cleaned any other houses. The whole story about this incident seems out of sync with the rest of the case. And there is more than one thing like this that is out of sync.

6) Darlie says she had been sleeping downstairs for about a week ( didn't these people have a guest room for goodness' sake??) [/QUOTE]
As a matter of fact they did have an extra bedroom. Plus they had an upstairs game room with another big screen TV. Damon's room was the one called the Mickey Mouse room. He didn't like ti and preferred to sleep in Devon's room where there were bunk beds. They could have easily watched their movie on the big screen TV upstairs, which I believe was the new one, and Darlie could have retired to the MM room after the boys fell asleep. Just being downstairs like that seems prearranged. Why would anyone sleep on a vinyl couch for 5 days just because they are mad at their husband over some money issue when there was a bed in a separate bedroom no one was using?

Thinkoflaura said:
7) First time I had seen her in her prison pinup photos. I knew she had a boob job but my gosh!! There is NO way an intruder could cut her neck like that and not put enough pressure on those whoppers to cause a lot of pain- thus waking her up, if the neck cut didn't.
Even without those *advertiser censored*, he had already established a MO of stabbing in the upper torso. Why would he stop that method and go for a throat that was difficult to get to (because of those DDs as you say, not to mention a woman sleeping on her side, probably curled up)? Take one swipe and make a couple of jabs that were less than an inch deep and not located anywhere near a major organ? It makes no sense.

Thinkoflaura said:
I wanted to say that I fell off the fence with a whomp
I was really mad at Darlie when I realized she was guilty, but really it was just my own inexperience in looking at and analyzing evidence that allowed me to doubt the state's case. Most defendants do give in once they know the gig is up and confess, but there are some who will NEVER admit they did anything wrong and actually (for lack of a better word) get off on confusing people or withholding that one bit of information they know the cops and prosecutors really want. I guess I would term most of them narcissistic, like Jeffrey MacDonald and crazy Manson and that guy in Virginia who gives me chills everytime he opens his mouth...he played girlfriend and wife against each other, finally getting the grilfriend to kill the wife. Can't remember his name but he tried to establish himself as some kind of weird guru, talking about space aliens, etc. I always wondered if he had a poster of Ira Einhorn in his room. (oops, like I wandered a bit.)

Thinkoflaura said:
and that I'm sorry I was doubtful of the State's case against Darlie.
A lot of my doubt comes from the complete lack of prosecution of Darin, which I still don't understand. If nothing else, they could have plea bargained a life sentence for him if he testified against Darlie... They should have had the guts to squeeze him hard and charge him with 2 counts of murder too.
This is my only real criticism of the RPD. I don't think they interrogated these two aggressively enough. I think they were too soft on them. I understand that they didn't want them to get scared and lawyer up because then communication would have been cut off, but I really think they needed an Andy Sipowitcz and his partner Bobby on this team, to good cop/bad cop them. I think Darin would have caved if he thought HE was going to take the fall for it. Darlie, I am not so sure. She has the stamina to hang tight in the toughest of situations, or so it seems. Or maybe that is just as illusion created by her refusal to confess. I am amazed though that she has never confided in anyone at any time. Surely someone besides the minister knows what she did.

Thinkoflaura said:
They are both narcissists who shouldn't have reproduced. I do wonder why the baby was " allowed" to live... I wonder if Drake will ever guess how lucky he is, and I wonder what kind of life he has with Darin's family. After all, I believe his parents probably produced a killer as well.
It could be as simple as the Paul and Karla team in Canada. Maybe apart they wouldn't be likely to do such horrible things. It is the combination of the two, the support and motivation they receive from each other that creates the monsters.

Narcissists, huh? This term keeps popping up. At the risk of getting torpedoed again, I have to ask if all one has to be is selfish to fall under this label? If so, how selfish is selfish enough to win one the title? And how consistent does one have to be selfish? Should there be a pattern of many selfish acts or is one or two sufficient? Just wondering.
I am just going to address the points I think are incorrect or misleading, not necessarily intentionally. So don't be offended.

beesy said:
Once things had settled down a bit, the cops let Darin run across the street to get Karen and Terry Neal. They said they just remember blood. Of course they were shocked and horrified, not looking at the blood from a det's viewpoint. Darin went into their bathroom and washed.

He didn't go into their house the first time he went over there. He waited on the porch for them to dress and join him. It was after the ambulances left and he was released to go to the hospital that he went in to the Neal's house and washed up. He borrowed a tshirt from Terry. When he got to the hospital, detectives collected his clothing and took pictures of him.

beesy said:
As far as her not sleeping well, that's where I think the diet pills may come in. You'd think they'd have enough room in that house for an extra bed!

They did, sort of. Damon never slept in his, so his bed was almost always available and probably where Dana slept. Aha. That is probably why she slept on the vinyl couch for some of those 5 days she was mad at Darin or trying to escape the squeaky crib, whichever you prefer. But that night Dana went home so Darlie could have slept in the Mickey Mouse room if she so pleased. And don't forget about the upstairs game room. It had a big screen TV too.
michelle said:
i know alot of people think she is guilty i am still on the fence, i just dont know what the motive was, it doesnt make sense at all......
The motive was money. You have to listen very carefully to what these two say when talking about money. The hairs on the back of your neck will stand up every once in a while. One thing that has always stood out to me was Darin's comments shortly after the murders when appearing on a local radio station. He said they had lost track of what was really important because they were so wrapped in "living large." It is almost like his is apologizing for something.

Then later at the trial he said his idea of success was to be able to go anywhere one wanted on a trip without being forced to settle for some place he or she didn't really want to go to, obviously because of lack of funds. I have never ever heard anyone describe success like that. It is like he is telling us that the trips are at the core of the reason for the crime and that they were justified in their feelings about it. He goes on to say that they deserved that kind of life. They worked hard and should be rewarded for their efforts.

There 's Darlie with the family insurance policies in the crime scene. They openly admit they argued about money that night. Darlie didn't think Darin was aggressive enough in collecting monies owed to them by his customers. Those insurance papers must have come up in their discussions and arguments because they were right there at their fingertips. It doesn't make sense that people are arguing about money but never discuss the papers that were right there in an open file. Why would they be discussing insurance in the midst of arguing about income and debt? Was someone offering themselves up as a sacrifice for the other? I don't think so. Remember, earlier in the day, Darlie told her housekeeper that she needed $10,000 and the kids were each insured for $5000. Is it just a weird coincidence that the amounts are exactly the same and kids end up dead that night?

And let's not forget all the talk in the first six months about book deals, that the Routiers would write their own book and cut out the middlemen so they could pocket more for themselves, talk about how big their case was, that it was the biggest thing to ever hit Rowlett...(who on earth would say that about their children's tragic death????)....hiring agents and selling book rights to someone who moves in with Darin's parents and ends up publishing graphic crime scene photos....self published, too. Money, money, money is all around these people.

If I left anything out, my fellow posters will probably add it for me.
Goody said:
How could they explain the baby being killed and Darin not only NOT being killed but not even being attacked or awakened by the intrusion? I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't rationalize it with the two older boys being so inseparable that the survivor would go thru so much emotional pain over the loss of the other that it would "be cruel" to kill and not the other.

Isn't it plausible to state that all Darlie had to do was tell Darin to leave Drake downstairs with her and the other two boys instead of taking him upstairs, then stab him once when the other boys went to sleep in the family room? Darlie testified that Drake had been sleeping on her chest, woke up for a bottle, and that contrary to their usual routine, Darin took him upstairs and rocked and fed him that night instead of her doing it. He then put him in his ( gaudy) crib.
If she wanted Drake dead, it certainly would have been the easiest murder.
Thinkoflaura said:
Isn't it plausible to state that all Darlie had to do was tell Darin to leave Drake downstairs with her and the other two boys instead of taking him upstairs, then stab him once when the other boys went to sleep in the family room? Darlie testified that Drake had been sleeping on her chest, woke up for a bottle, and that contrary to their usual routine, Darin took him upstairs and rocked and fed him that night instead of her doing it. He then put him in his ( gaudy) crib.
If she wanted Drake dead, it certainly would have been the easiest murder.
Sure, if she really wanted the baby dead she could have found a way to kill him with the others, but would a story like that sell to cops and media, family and friends?

And maybe it really just boiled down to she couldn't take a butcher knife to a defenseless baby. Sounds ridiculous, I know, given what she did. But maybe there was a lot of resentment build up in her against the older boys and she thought she could be a better mother to just one child. Sparing Drake might have been her way of starting over.

And if Darin were involved in the planning, I think he would have balked at killing all of the kids. How can you do that and expect not to fall under suspicion?
Goody said:
Sure, if she really wanted the baby dead she could have found a way to kill him with the others, but would a story like that sell to cops and media, family and friends?

And maybe it really just boiled down to she couldn't take a butcher knife to a defenseless baby. Sounds ridiculous, I know, given what she did. But maybe there was a lot of resentment build up in her against the older boys and she thought she could be a better mother to just one child. Sparing Drake might have been her way of starting over.

And if Darin were involved in the planning, I think he would have balked at killing all of the kids. How can you do that and expect not to fall under suspicion?

I think it makes as much sense that she would kill all 3 of the kids than to kill 2 and spare one. I think Devon and Damon were also defenseless. They loved and trusted their mother. One weighed 40 lbs at autopsy, the other 45 lbs.
That's about as close to defenseless as possible, isn't it?

I can also pose the counter argument that at least one of the boys SAW and FELT his mother hurting him, and knew exactly that she was the one with the knife. If the child had lived, he could have testified against her. Also, the fact that the two older boys had reasoning abilities and language capabilities far exceeding Drake's makes it stranger to me that she did not also kill the one who really wouldn't have understood a thing about what was happening except to feel pain if this was a rage, loss of control crime.
Drake will always wonder if ( or know) his mother killed his brothers. That's not something I would imagine Darlie likes.

Is your opinion about why Drake was spared influenced by the fact that it appears there was life insurance on the 2 older boys only, and not Drake?
Goody said:
I have been watching my bruises for a long time. I bruise very easily these days, usually from my dogs jumping up on me and plopping a big paw on my arm or leg. I have noticed that the pressure points heal first. Like the centers of a paw print will turn white long before the outer edges of it will. That tells me that if Darlie had been hit with Devon's heels, the point that received the most impact would heel first. As I recall her bruises appeared to be changing colors pretty evenly. Maybe someone with really good eyesight can look closer. I also don't think any man, Darin or intruder, hit her for the same reason. As I think Cami has said, her bruises seem to be consistently even for large areas. That is probably why the medical people said they looked like blunt trauma. They testified in court that it had to be a large flat surface. That rules out fists and feet and even a baseball bat or board of some type. I wish we had photos of her arms in the days immediately following the police station photos. However, on the silly string tape and interview immediately following it, there are no left over colors anywhere on her arms. They are milk white again. That was only ...what?....ten days or so after the police photos. Looks to me they healed pretty evenly and pretty rapidly.

Let me add that if the hard, flat surface had been a board, it would have left marks where the board ended. Being hit repeatedly by it should have left multiple edging marks. I don't see anything like that on her arms. I think the surface had to be larger than a board unless it had no edges....hmm...
Oh....hmmmm...good points!:dance:
One question about the money issue....the boys were killed for the 10,000, but the funeral costs were almost that much. Had they planned on donations coming in to pay for the funerals? I know that sometimes they show a story on tv and the donations come pouring in because it is a really sad, pitiful story. I think they were planning on book and possibly movie deals because of the comments Darin made. I still think the death of those boys would not have fixed the financial situation immediately. If the book Precious Angles is to be believed, then they were already two payments behind in the mortgage and a third one was due shortly. That means foreclosure was coming pretty fast! Where were they going to get the money for that? Unless of course, they had planned on getting money from donations to pay for that funeral.:confused:

He didn't go into their house the first time he went over there. He waited on the porch for them to dress and join him. It was after the ambulances left and he was released to go to the hospital that he went in to the Neal's house and washed up. He borrowed a tshirt from Terry. When he got to the hospital, detectives collected his clothing and took pictures of him
I just condenced that whole story by saying "once things settled down a bit" But thanks for clarifying it for the others. :blowkiss:

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