Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

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Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? POLL

  • John

    Votes: 124 8.4%
  • Patsy

    Votes: 547 37.2%
  • Burke

    Votes: 340 23.1%
  • An Intruder, (anyone including someone known to them)

    Votes: 459 31.2%

  • Total voters
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I strongly encourage people to Google Image search "Boy Scout commando rope." Once you see it, you can't unsee it. It has the exact same construction as the garrote used to strangle JonBenet. We all know Burke was a Boy Scout (was John also one, perhaps?). Anyway, it is eye opening and chilling.
I just Googled it.
You're right, it's very chilling.
This just confirms my suspicions on certain males (or just one male) in that household.

I mean really. How many people are going to know how to construct a device such as that unless they were/are a Boy Scout type of group. I guess a person could just look it up...but what are the chances of that?

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Sorry, the correct term is "Boy Scout Toggle Rope". It's uncanny. John was apparently a Scout leader and we know Burke was a member...
JBR is on the cover of In Touch magazine this week, so I bought a copy. In it, a detective by the name of Ollie Gray is claiming that Helgoth is on tape as admitting to the killing. The confession was recently brought to Gray's attention and one of Helgoth's former employee's, named John Kenady, thinks Helgoth is guilty based on statements made by Helgoth and Helgoth's behavior around the time of the murder. Also, the tape was given to BPD, but they ignored it.

Even though this is the cover story, it is very short, so save some $ and read it at a library, or even while waiting in line at the grocery store.
I don't believe this for a second. Even if I believed it was Helgoth I wouldn't believe this story. Such a tape would have leaked eons ago or more likely sold to the tabloids.

I wonder how much Mr. Ollie or Kenady was paid for the story? Any chance they'd donate a percentage of that chunk of change to Justice For Homicide Victims, POMC, or a similar organization in Jonbenet's memory?

Meh...probably not.
The reason I chose JR as the person who "killed" her is because I believe he created and administered the "garotte." I believe also though that Burke struck the near fatal blow on the head, so I guess this is kind of a trick question/answer for me.
What's makes you think JR would do such a horrific thing?

Jealousy perhaps?
Maybe he was jealous of all the the attention JonBenet was getting since she was in beauty pageants and such.
He could have felt B (not sure if I'm allowed to use his full name since he was a minor at the time) wasn't as "loved" as much and killed JonBenet because of it.

OR B was jealous of the attention his sister was getting and had help killing JonBenet...either help from his father alone or both parents helped and covered for their son.
What's makes you think JR would do such a horrific thing?

As I may have stated elsewhere, I think JR and PR believed the JBR was dead already, so the garotte as part of the staging must have difficult, but I don't believe JR thought she was alive at the time he did it.
Jonbenet was ignored just like Burke unless someone was looking.

those kids weren't even clean.

PR had MAJOR health issues as well as being barking mad

a tiny frail 9 year old Jealous enough to murder his sister? it hasn't happened before Jonbenet and it hasn't happened after it.

Burke was another victim and carrying on with the BDI torch (Which has ZERO evidence of any kind even circumstantial to support it) is to my mind the most Illogical Theory around.

I ask again - can anyone provide any Actual Evidence Burke murdered his sister?
a tiny frail 9 year old Jealous enough to murder his sister? it hasn't happened before Jonbenet and it hasn't happened after it.

I ask again - can anyone provide any Actual Evidence Burke murdered his sister?

What would make you think a 9 year old hasn't murdered a sibling before? Because you had never personally heard of it?

Again, as I stated, I don't think Burke "murdered" JBR, but I do believe he struck her. I find nothing illogical about that assumption, based on the evidence, prior history of hitting sister with a golf club, and the apparent mental health problems that I believe BR may have suffered from.
Jonbenet was ignored just like Burke unless someone was looking.

those kids weren't even clean.

PR had MAJOR health issues as well as being barking mad

a tiny frail 9 year old Jealous enough to murder his sister? it hasn't happened before Jonbenet and it hasn't happened after it.

Burke was another victim and carrying on with the BDI torch (Which has ZERO evidence of any kind even circumstantial to support it) is to my mind the most Illogical Theory around.

I ask again - can anyone provide any Actual Evidence Burke murdered his sister?

Kids murder other kids more often than you think.
Mary Bell? She was an 11 year old who killed a 4 and a 3 year old.
Those boys that murdered James Bulger were only 10 years old.

It does happen.
Whether Burke did or did not murder JonBenet, another Ramsey did.
Maybe Burke had help. Or as other have speculated, he hit her hard enough to knock her out and his parents killed her and covered for their son.
Burke was another victim and carrying on with the BDI torch (Which has ZERO evidence of any kind even circumstantial to support it) is to my mind the most Illogical Theory around.

I ask again - can anyone provide any Actual Evidence Burke murdered his sister?
Strongly disagree that it's never happened before but agree with your general point. I found Kolar's theory bordering on laughable even though I did like his book.

He bludgeons JOnbenet in the midst of a pineapple snack and his parents send him on up to bed so they can strangle her and stage this crime scene? As Gorilla Monsoon would have said, "Highly unlikely Jesse...".
Kids murder other kids more often than you think.
Mary Bell? She was an 11 year old who killed a 4 and a 3 year old.
Those boys that murdered James Bulger were only 10 years old.

It does happen.
Whether Burke did or did not murder JonBenet, another Ramsey did.
Maybe Burke had help. Or as other have speculated, he hit her hard enough to knock her out and his parents killed her and covered for their son.

Heyya ilovepierre,

Ya, I was recently reading about Mary Bell. Horrific case.
Wrt the genital mutilation, and 'piquerism'-like behaviour,
I was wondering if that patterning is most often exhibited by perpetrators that have been sexually abused.
I just Googled it.
You're right, it's very chilling.
This just confirms my suspicions on certain males (or just one male) in that household.

I mean really. How many people are going to know how to construct a device such as that unless they were/are a Boy Scout type of group. I guess a person could just look it up...but what are the chances of that?

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wrt the BSA handbook
https://books.google.ca/books?id=cv... Crime Prevention Program introduced.&f=false

in 1996 a 'Crime Prevention Program' and merit badge were introduced.
[Boy Scout Handbook/10th Edition Boy Scout Handbook (1990–98)]

It might be possible to describe some of JonBenet's injuries as Piquerism, particularly if JonBenet was assaulted internally for this purpose, there are other interpretations of this behavior.

Dr. Wade Myers has a short section on piquerism in his 2002 book Juvenile Sexual Homicide.
“Piquerism is sometimes performed post-mortem. It generally refers to the penetration of human flesh, although it is sometimes practiced against animals. The piquer’s range of activities for sating his or her needs can be a purposeful single prick with a pin or knife, multiple stab wounds to an eroticized area, or elaborate cutting, stabbing, biting and mutilation of a victim. Piquerism becomes part of the repertoire of many sadists, depending on their progress along the ‘sadistic learning curve’. Often the sexual mechanisms inherent in piquerism are ignored during the assessment of sexually sadistic crimes. The prevalence rate of piquerism is unknown”.

In that alleged time period between the head blow and the asphyxiation did JonBenet's assailant think JonBenet was dead, so proceeded with apparent postmortem behaviour, which was really perimortem, or simply did not care?

Given what Kolar has hinted at I reckon Piquerism could be used to describe some of JonBenet's injuries, particularly the use of the paintbrush which I'll assume had a pointed end?

Sometimes in homicides involving Piquerism the killer likes to remove a trophy item, e.g. Knife or missing piece of the paintbrush?

I'd like to link your idea of Piquerism with that of Scatophilia i.e. a morbid interest in excrement, both are paraphilias.

I reckon we can associate Scatophilia with the case given what was found in JonBenet's bedroom, and slightly more tenuously Piquerism, which needs a definitive example wrt JonBenet.

Ya thanks for the info UKGuy,


"Oftentimes, the medical examiner will refer to these types of injuries as "punctuate abrasions,"
which is the correct forensic description of this pathology."
......"although sexually motivated, the offender targeted portions of the body, which could be considered sexual regions in male homosexual events, such as back and neck of victim."

FFJ's thread, The two knives:

"There are two knives relevant to this case- Burke's Swiss Army knife found in the basement on a counter and the paring knife found on the counter of the 2nd floor laundry area just outside of JonBenet's room."
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