Who molested/abused Jonbenet?

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who molested/abused JB?

  • JR

    Votes: 180 27.1%
  • BR

    Votes: 203 30.6%
  • JAR

    Votes: 28 4.2%
  • a close family friend

    Votes: 41 6.2%
  • a stranger/stalker a la JMK

    Votes: 20 3.0%
  • PR-it wasn't sexual abuse,it was corporal punishment

    Votes: 89 13.4%
  • she wasn't previously abused/molested

    Votes: 103 15.5%

  • Total voters
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Here's the other video:

I couldn't help but notice in both videos, JR doesn't wear a wedding ring. (Or maybe the quality is just bad). Don't know if this means anything but why not? What message is he sending?
"Every decision we made was made on Burke's behalf." Yes, in after-the-fact context, but still an interesting comment.

This would have been shortly before Patsy died as Burke was in college and had been long enough to have made the Dean's List.

(referring to the first video posted)
I've fought it for a while, but I can't stall it off any longer. There's something I wanted to pursue from this. I asked if you thought JB and JR had an "appointment" that night.

When I read that, I pictured JB and JR making a "game" out of it. Well, I've heard it said that a lot of molesters will introduce molestation to the child as if it were a game, for obvious reasons. Admittedly, that would apply between children, as well. "Playing doctor," etc.

Tortoise, if I'm way off base here, please tell me.

Patsy set this scenario up with JBR's bleached hair, makeup, portraits of her naked except having a boa wrapped around her, chorus girl costumes, etc. What responsible parent treats her six year old this way? I've never heard of anyone else who kept a portrait of their small daughter clothed only in a boa and full makeup...hanging above their bed. All of this and much more points to Patsy being the very crazy one in this family.
Patsy set this scenario up with JBR's bleached hair, makeup, portraits of her naked except having a boa wrapped around her, chorus girl costumes, etc. What responsible parent treats her six year old this way? I've never heard of anyone else who kept a portrait of their small daughter clothed only in a boa and full makeup...hanging above their bed. All of this and much more points to Patsy being the very crazy one in this family.
"clothed only in a boa"? "hanging above their bed"?

First I've heard of this. And I thought I had read quite a bit about this case. Do you have a link for this info?
John and Patsy possibly realized that they should try a bit more 'togetherness' for future interviews and videos. They must have known people thought they looked estranged in those early months after JBR was murdered.

Resentment - on a woman's side - goes deep. We have a way of remembering every little slight, every hurtful remark - it never goes away.

And regarding that fateful night - I suspect the couple blamed eachother for not supervising the children better. John had probably gone to bed leaving Patsy to do the packing etc.
"clothed only in a boa"? "hanging above their bed"?

First I've heard of this. And I thought I had read quite a bit about this case. Do you have a link for this info?
There will be no link to it...among other things.

Some interesting info came down the pike on sites that died long ago.
There will be no link to it...among other things.

Some interesting info came down the pike on sites that died long ago.
Thank you. As I thought. Just another unfounded rumour.

By the way - glad to see you again!
"clothed only in a boa"? "hanging above their bed"?

First I've heard of this. And I thought I had read quite a bit about this case. Do you have a link for this info?

The Whites Party Photos thread....#76...12/10/13
Thank you for the links. I see now that the info comes from the book "Presumed Guilty" by Stephen Singular and that it was based on a statement from an unnamed source.

I especially appreciate the last link, the post by otg. His entire post is great, but since I'm not permitted to paste all of it, I'll just include the most pertinent paragraph (though I highly recommend reading the post in its entirety):

"Add to the above questions about the photo(s) in the Ramsey basement, another item. Someone who met and visited with Patsy long after 1996 described seeing a photo hanging on the wall of the Ramseys’ home (I think in Charlevoix) that was taken of JonBenet. That woman described the photo as being suggestive of her being covered only with a feather boa. Much has been made of this, and there have been others who reported it. Another version had that the woman was “house hunting” even thought at the time, the house was not being sold. Stephen Singular even repeated something like this in his book, Presumed Guilty (page 160). His description is that “The photograph, the woman said, showed JonBenet with a provocative expression on her face, wearing nothing but make-up and a feather boa snaking around her torso.” I’ve also seen that this said photo was a “glamour shot” taken when she was apparently around three years old. Another version of this story has Linda Hoffman-Pugh saying the said photo hung on the Ramsey wall but was removed before calling the BPD to report the “kidnapping.” (I put no validity to this story, or even to LHP’s having related it, because after JonBenet’s death she never had occasion to be back in the Boulder home to know.) So was JonBenet actually nude in the photo (if it existed), or was it simply suggestive of nudity with her clothing covered by the feather boa? Never having seen the photo, again all we have is rumor and speculation."

Thank you, otg.
Thanks for posting the links Ambitioned. I didn't know that info was still around.

Thank you. As I thought. Just another unfounded rumour.

By the way - glad to see you again!
Not necessarily an "unfounded rumor"......its just in the category of many things known and discussed years ago on dead and buried sites and it would be difficult to ever source any/all that info spanning twenty years.

Many old timers remember hearing about students at JAR's school mentioning his fascination with her. You couldn't source this with a shotgun aimed at your head yet was considered pretty much common knowledge on the Ramsey communities of yesteryear.

Yeah I hadn't been on here in a week or two. There's so many posts here I don't like to check unless I know I've got 2-3 uninterrupted hours to read them all. I hate it when the site times you out and new posts no longer show up as new. You'd have to manually go backwards through the threads to catch up and that gets too tedious. I've checked topix a few times for any breaking news but never felt the need to read through all their threads. The quality of discussions here and there is like night and day. You have to wade neck deep in troll poop when navigating topix.

I've checked topix a few times for any breaking news but never felt the need to read through all their threads. The quality of discussions here and there is like night and day. You have to wade neck deep in troll poop when navigating topix.

Lord, ain't that the truth!
I don't dare open up Topix until I have some Excedrin nearby.

Some of them couldn't pour rain out of a boot with a hole in the toe and directions on the heel.
I don't dare open up Topix until I have some Excedrin nearby.

Some of them couldn't pour rain out of a boot with a hole in the toe and directions on the heel.

Lol. So true.

Or find their own backsides with both hands.

I don't know why I keep going back there. It's some kind of weird compulsion.
I haven't seen you on there Dave, so I presume you use another name? And who can blame you?

Now I'm going to be wondering which poster you are. Lol.

I can rule you out of being 90% of them.

Quite right. I do use another name. As to who I am, let's just say there's a new sheriff in town.
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