Who was George Brody?

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I have just got off the phone with an elderly man living in Tampa, Florida who knew this George Brady. He told me he was a "colorful guy". George Brady's father and uncle had a lumber business in Maine which was their fortune. A wealthy family. He never knew what ever happened to him and many people are looking for him. He supposedly was on a national "wanted" list for stealing money from the city. See newspaper article previously posted about this guy.

But wasn't that in the 60's and we have our GB placed in SF back to the 40's?

Can you send this man in tampa pics of our GB?
But wasn't that in the 60's and we have our GB placed in SF back to the 40's?

Can you send this man in tampa pics of our GB?

We have an article from 1941 about a George Brody who was picketing, but no proof he is our guy.

I asked the man in Tampa if I sent pics if he would remember him. His answer was no, he would not remember his face. He did say he wore fedoras.
I thought I remembered reading here that Annasmom found something with Brodys name spelled Brodie. Should we be looking under that spelling too, or has that been ruled out?

I did find a 1901 Scottish census with a George L Brodie, born 1880, with a spouse of the name ANNA E. Interesting coincidence...
I don't really know where to post this thought, so I'll do it here. I wonder if Eifee is a feminine form of Eifel?
I found it to be German. I also found Benede to be German as well. Has this already been researched?
Since GB wanted to name this new baby, I think what he wanted to name her may hold clues to where he is from, at least ancestry. Has this been researched?
Also, fwiw, I'm not convinced that Bobby Wolgast who fought in SF is the same BW that was dismissed as the one who stuck around Philly? and died there. I think that ball was dropped too soon. I think this should be dug up and looked at again. jmho that is if it hasn't already. I've only been reading for three days now, and have still only scratched the surface.
We still have some outstanding questions that the Kukodas are helping us answer, but one exciting (yet confounding) tidbit is that when Margaret left for California, she went with her "boyfriend" who was named Russell. It was evidently Russell who then sent Margaret's ashes back to her family after her death. Yet we know that it was Brody who had power-of-attorney over Margaret and her estate, so it would make sense he would be the one who sent the ashes. But...the Kukoda who meet Russell says that she does not recoginize the pictures we have of Brody as being the same person as Russell. So we end up with three possible scenarios:

*Brody is Russell, and time has played tricks on the memory of the Kukoda who met him.

*Brody is not Russell. It is possible that Margaret come to California with a Russell, drifted apart, and later met Brody who was the one who sent the ashes. The family member may have remembered Russell as the boyfriend when Margaret left for San Francisco, then when a different boyfriend then sent the ashes, assumed that it was the same person.

*Brody is not Russell, but Russell was still involved with Margaret when she passed away. Knowing the way that Brody either drove apart relationships or drew loved ones into his web, if Russell was still around at this point, he would have had to have been a Brody disciple also. Brody could have had power-of-attorney, but Russell was the one who actual mailed the ashes. One kink in this theory is that there did not appear to be a Russell involved with Brody when he met Waters.

The questions raised above are those that we are trying to nail down with the Kukodas' help.
Not reading ahead, and didn't want to forget another theory. Brody knew about Russell, and sent the ashes back using his name? That way it kept him secretive. jmo
I don't really know where to post this thought, so I'll do it here. I wonder if Eifee is a feminine form of Eifel?
I found it to be German. I also found Benede to be German as well. Has this already been researched?

Hi, I'm new to this thread and apologize for butting in, so to speak. I'm of German-speaking ancestry and still speak German at home. Could this "Eifee" name really be either "Elfie" or "Effie" the last "e'" could be dropped for both and they both would be a short form for the name "Elfriede" ? There really is no German name "Eifee".

For whatever it is worth, the "Eifel" is a German mountain range between western Germany, Luxembourg and eastern Belgium.

I started reading Anna's thread yesterday, and ever since I saw her age-progressed photo I have been fascinated because she looks so very familiar to me. I will keep thinking and showing that photo to everyone I know.

Annasmom and everyone involved in the search for her, you have been doing an incredible job! I thank WS for spotlighting this case, or I would have never heard of it. Hugs to all and I'm here if you need some research or translating done.

P.S. I want to add something here. I just stumbled upon Doogie's photos and.... the drawing of Eifee freaked me out. What is Eifee supposed to be? I'm sorry but I haven't read all the threads and every post yet, so I'm stumped. Upon first seeing the "creature" I thought it was cute, but the longer I looked at it the freakier it got. I ended up with goosebumps. Literally, "Eifee" means Egg-Fairy. Because German has a somewhat limited vocabulary (apologizing to the Germans who might read this), many words are composed of two or more other words. Eifee is composed of Ei (egg) and Fee (Fairy). I know this probably has absolutely nothing to do with anything related to this case but the longer I think about it the stranger this name Eifee seems. Note: I don't freak easily.

Hi, I'm new to this thread and apologize for butting in, so to speak. I'm of German-speaking ancestry and still speak German at home. Could this "Eifee" name really be either "Elfie" or "Effie" the last "e'" could be dropped for both and they both would be a short form for the name "Elfriede" ? There really is no German name "Eifee".

For whatever it is worth, the "Eifel" is a German mountain range between western Germany, Luxembourg and eastern Belgium.

I started reading Anna's thread yesterday, and ever since I saw her age-progressed photo I have been fascinated because she looks so very familiar to me. I will keep thinking and showing that photo to everyone I know.

Annasmom and everyone involved in the search for her, you have been doing an incredible job! I thank WS for spotlighting this case, or I would have never heard of it. Hugs to all and I'm here if you need some research or translating done.

P.S. I want to add something here. I just stumbled upon Doogie's photos and.... the drawing of Eifee freaked me out. What is Eifee supposed to be? I'm sorry but I haven't read all the threads and every post yet, so I'm stumped. Upon first seeing the "creature" I thought it was cute, but the longer I looked at it the freakier it got. I ended up with goosebumps. Literally, "Eifee" means Egg-Fairy. Because German has a somewhat limited vocabulary (apologizing to the Germans who might read this), many words are composed of two or more other words. Eifee is composed of Ei (egg) and Fee (Fairy). I know this probably has absolutely nothing to do with anything related to this case but the longer I think about it the stranger this name Eifee seems. Note: I don't freak easily.

Don't worry...the drawing was just a figure from a computer game (Pokemon, I think it was--I don't know much about these games) which was called Eifee. Doogie was trying to track down an individual who used that name on line, and it turned out that she had gotten the screen name from the game.

It is possible that there is some German connection with the name, but really I think it is more probable that GB was trying to come up with something which fit his system of "numerology" and which would result in the number he thought was a strong number. He had heard of the Eiffel tower, I'm sure, and I think the name was just a derivative of that. As I say, he never used any foreign words or phrases and never spoke of anything which would indicate travel abroad or anything beyond third, fourth generation U.S. citizenship.

Thank you for your thoughts. We certainly welcome a fresh eye and a new perspective.
I don't really know where to post this thought, so I'll do it here. I wonder if Eifee is a feminine form of Eifel?
I found it to be German. I also found Benede to be German as well. Has this already been researched?
Since GB wanted to name this new baby, I think what he wanted to name her may hold clues to where he is from, at least ancestry. Has this been researched?
Also, fwiw, I'm not convinced that Bobby Wolgast who fought in SF is the same BW that was dismissed as the one who stuck around Philly? and died there. I think that ball was dropped too soon. I think this should be dug up and looked at again. jmho that is if it hasn't already. I've only been reading for three days now, and have still only scratched the surface.

Welcome, Yosande. I just posted something suggesting Eiffel (maybe I spelled it wrong). I am forgetting the dates about that fighter and why we thought he couldn't have been GB. I'll look at those posts again. Doogie, do you remember offhand?

By the way, if you want a quick synopsis of the case and the research, you can find it at www.searchingforanna.com.

Thanks for your input.
Thanks for the info about the book. will buy it.
I'm still on the second thread, but I have a question.
Annasmom, you mentioned that GB mentioned Hitler a couple times. Was it in a postive light or negative? I was going to say, could he be one of those nazi officers? but I guess not if he had no accent, though it sounds like he might have been in spirit i.e. his ego.
yay, I just reached 2007!!
We have an article from 1941 about a George Brody who was picketing, but no proof he is our guy.

I asked the man in Tampa if I sent pics if he would remember him. His answer was no, he would not remember his face. He did say he wore fedoras.

But didn't Joe Ford verify with the owner of the property MK and GB rented, they had been living their together since before he bought the property in 62 and GB moved out shortly after MK died in 67? The GB you mention above was found in 69 in Atlantic City, and Annasmom had seen GB with GW already in 69. (Unless GB was living a double life and commuting back and forth between coasts.)
But didn't Joe Ford verify with the owner of the property MK and GB rented, they had been living their together since before he bought the property in 62 and GB moved out shortly after MK died in 67? The GB you mention above was found in 69 in Atlantic City, and Annasmom had seen GB with GW already in 69. (Unless GB was living a double life and commuting back and forth between coasts.)

Everything we knew of George Brody was:

1. He was from a weathy family back east.
2. He lived in Massachusetts.
3. He was in the political field.
4. He may have been a boxer at one time.
5. He claimed to be a "Leo".

All things between George Brady and George Brody seems to match so far with the exception of boxing at this point. Still waiting for a picture of Brady.

What doesn't match is what you brought up about living with MK and the article from 1969 along with the earlier photo of Brody placed inside the cardboard frame from a photographer (Kilroy) in San Francisco.

Just realize the impact of this case if Brody was the George Brady from Boston. This would be national news if confirmed.
Everything we knew of George Brody was:

1. He was from a weathy family back east.
2. He lived in Massachusetts.
3. He was in the political field.
4. He may have been a boxer at one time.
5. He claimed to be a "Leo".

All things between George Brady and George Brody seems to match so far with the exception of boxing at this point. Still waiting for a picture of Brady.

What doesn't match is what you brought up about living with MK and the article from 1969 along with the earlier photo of Brody placed inside the cardboard frame from a photographer (Kilroy) in San Francisco.

Just realize the impact of this case if Brody was the George Brady from Boston. This would be national news if confirmed.

If I am reading the article correctly, the money was stolen in 1963 right? The landlord that Joe Ford interviewed, he was/is still a friend of the family correct? Or am I mixing this landlord up with another friend of the family who knew GB? If this landlord can be contacted again, I wonder how frequently he saw GB? Was it weeks? Several times a week? I wonder if, and this is pure speculation, MK was a "kept" gf, and he did in fact commute back and forth frequently. Nothing about GB would surprise me. This might also explain why he did not work.

I'm not sure if I posted this awhile back, but I either did, or thought about asking Annasmom if GW was known for or enjoyed gambling. After the squibs were posted and the amount of cash being taken out I wondered. With the tie to Atlantic City, it makes sense......

Plus, when Joe Ford was spying on the two georges, it was so much later than 69... Who knows how frequently GB was 'in town' back then, he could have let GW stay at his place while he was out of town. Did we ever find out exactly when GW started renting a seperate room?
But didn't Joe Ford verify with the owner of the property MK and GB rented, they had been living their together since before he bought the property in 62 and GB moved out shortly after MK died in 67? The GB you mention above was found in 69 in Atlantic City, and Annasmom had seen GB with GW already in 69. (Unless GB was living a double life and commuting back and forth between coasts.)
That's right...this was information from a mutual acquaintance who owned the building in which they lived. I think he only saw them when he collected the rent (which was always paid in cash) and I don't know where this landlord is now, if indeed he is still alive. I would be VERY surprised if GB had ever been on an airplane. He did not drive either.
If I am reading the article correctly, the money was stolen in 1963 right? The landlord that Joe Ford interviewed, he was/is still a friend of the family correct? Or am I mixing this landlord up with another friend of the family who knew GB? If this landlord can be contacted again, I wonder how frequently he saw GB? Was it weeks? Several times a week? I wonder if, and this is pure speculation, MK was a "kept" gf, and he did in fact commute back and forth frequently. Nothing about GB would surprise me. This might also explain why he did not work.

I'm not sure if I posted this awhile back, but I either did, or thought about asking Annasmom if GW was known for or enjoyed gambling. After the squibs were posted and the amount of cash being taken out I wondered. With the tie to Atlantic City, it makes sense......

Plus, when Joe Ford was spying on the two georges, it was so much later than 69... Who knows how frequently GB was 'in town' back then, he could have let GW stay at his place while he was out of town. Did we ever find out exactly when GW started renting a seperate room?
I never knew GW to gamble or to express any interest in gambling. We're just dealing with opinions here, but I don't really think GB did any commuting. I think Margaret probably did the driving, if any. And she wouldn't have had to sell cosmetics, etc., if she were depending on GB for a livelihood. In fact, it was probably the reverse. I imagine GW had a room at the hotel before he actually left home (see timeline at www.searchingforanna.com), because he was gone most of the time.
For Annasmom:
my dear,
GW, after the divorce, had some other woman? You know abt this? He was young and it will be very strange no more woman after the divorce.... thanks for a reply,
I made today a deep search in 1940 Berkeley - California Voter Registrations, 1900-1968 and nothing abt a George Brody; no one.....;

from article of october 1941 a GB was in Berkeley, and frankly, this is the better trace until now... it is possible to find the policy report abt this GB picket....???

where to search? I believe that if the GB of 1941 article is our bad guy, he maybe was not a long resident of Berkeley, and if so, he maybe came of other California counties or maybe of another State....

Also: by JF report, seeming that GB did not want is made to see....it is not made to recognize, and this meaning that him behavior had been not much correct in the past....
for debts or what? this is the problem: to understand what he made, really, in the life....

Also I believe that a brilliant girl as MK, in order to endure the fascination of a man more old, well, they had some common point... because sure seeming not a sexual attraction....
so much suggestions, and no sure data, nothing... as it is possible that a man, in the life, it does not leave traces? all GB behavior, let me think that it hid, because had to hide, but why? from what?
snipped from post #457; JF notes;
A physician at San Francisco General Hospital says that as of Aug. 19, 1966, George Brody was visiting someone in Ward 34 named M. M. Kukoda, as well as a patient named Jessie Evans, 88 Sixth Street, Delta Hotel. Dr. Love was Kukoda’s physician. George Waters was an intern in charge of Kukoda and reported on her case to Brody, who had power of attorney for Kukoda. Physician said Brody was aged 55-60 at that time, was heavy-set, with grey hair.

Has Jessie Evans ever been searched out?
None of the pics I've seen so far show GB as heavy-set?
For Annasmom:
my dear,
GW, after the divorce, had some other woman? You know abt this? He was young and it will be very strange no more woman after the divorce.... thanks for a reply,
Hi, Raf: I had no contact with GW after the divorce and did not even know where he was working or living until the policemen told me after Anna's disappearance. He sent small support checks each month with only a post office box as a return address. While we have been searching for Seka, we thought there might be a possibility that she was connected with GW rather than GB.
In answer to your second post (about why GB was so secretive), he obviously suffered from a psychological condition, Paranoia, in addition to possibly being a sociopath. It is almost unbelievable how he covered his tracks, isn't it?
snipped from post #457; JF notes;
A physician at San Francisco General Hospital says that as of Aug. 19, 1966, George Brody was visiting someone in Ward 34 named M. M. Kukoda, as well as a patient named Jessie Evans, 88 Sixth Street, Delta Hotel. Dr. Love was Kukoda’s physician. George Waters was an intern in charge of Kukoda and reported on her case to Brody, who had power of attorney for Kukoda. Physician said Brody was aged 55-60 at that time, was heavy-set, with grey hair.

Has Jessie Evans ever been searched out?
None of the pics I've seen so far show GB as heavy-set?

He always wore suits which were rather baggy, so though his face was thin because of his age, he could well have been heavy-set. I think one of the shopping lists in the Squibb notebooks (things GW was supposed to buy for GB such as hair dye) included a belt in rather a largish size.

We have several names of others who were patients at the same hospital ward at the time Margaret was there, but my impression is that they had no connection with the couple (GB and MK) other than being treated at the same place at the same time.
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