Who would "stash" Kyron for Terri...

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DNA Solves
This is a good question! It has to be someone crazy because no one in their right mind would want to get involved in something like this!

Barefoot Bandit ??? ;)
I hope LE is not as lost as we all seem to be...I want to have faith, until it is proven they don't deserve it. Sometimes I think that the extreme caution they are using with this case is due to their fear of screwing it up, when it has become so huge. Lots of people across the country are watching. And because it has become such a 3-ring event, this case, if unsolved, won't fade away as quietly as some might. Also, as I've said before, when schools are close to reopening, I think LE can expect some of the parents who have kept their silence to unload. I'll bet the thought of that keeps LE up at night-if they have not spelled it out with a suspect by then, they might be backed into a corner.
I wouldn't have a clue who would do this for her, but I don't doubt the real scenario may have been somewhere along these lines.

We have the older son moving out, he was butting heads with Kaine, so what, that is what kids do at that age. Then Kyron goes missing.

I am just taking a guess here, it does seem Terri may seem the type to just want her family to consist of herself, Kaine and baby. Most of her pics on FB were of her baby, she left her picture as main one for days, I don't even know if she chagned it to Kyron's, after he went missing, all the while still posting comments, but couldn't take the time to change her picture to HELP FIND KYRON.

I could see all of this as a way to make her "blended" family become a "single" family. Not that I know her I'm just saying, I could see this being a possibility given the oddness of this case.
Who would hang onto Kyron for her? Depends. I could see a boyfriend doing it, or a relative (I don't know if she has any siblings?) Keep in mind that if TH handed Kyron off for safekeeping, he could easily have been taken out of the country - Oregon isn't far from Canada, or he could have been taken further (Mexico, or perhaps even a country that doesn't have an extradition agreement with the US). Who's really going to be looking for Kyron in Canada?

Could the 911 call have come about because she told her husband she took Kyron - and was going to take the baby as well? If no one else heard her, it could be a he said/she said thing, but maybe enough for him to get the RO.

The more I think about the email that she sent to the school re picking up the science project - maybe she WANTED them to notice at that time that Kyron was gone. Maybe she had quickly handed Kyron off after leaving the school - and was trying to narrow the possible time frame to make it look as if she didn't have time to do anything to him.

IDK - there''s just a bunch of pieces that don't quite fit together with this case. I'm not ruling anything out.
It could have been a ransom situation gone bad. If the SM had a lover and wanted to leave her husband eventually she probably knew how he'd be difficult in a divorce, maybe they even have a pre-nup - who knows these days, so it could have been a ransom setup, planned.

But something went wrong somehow. Maybe Kyron accidentally saw her part of it when he was supposed to be unable to. And he would tell on her now if they followed through with the ransom end of it. So now she looks so worried because she doesn't know what to do; that Kyron is being held by the lover somewhere and neither of them know what to do because they'll get caught if they follow through with the ransom demand and they'll get caught if they just let him go somewhere.

That would fit with the part where TH says they didn't think it would be this long. It woul fit with law enforcement moving into their home. It would fit with them telling her to go to the gym "so they could secretly monitor her when she thinks shes alone and may try to contact the other party" which would be why she'd write on her facebook that she's hitting the gym - to arrange a call or meeting surreptitiously. It would fit with Kaine filing for divorce - to try to get her to make a contact with the other person, it would fit with them taking away her baby to try to prod her into making a move so she can start seeing her baby again, it would fit with them banning some of the press who may have gotten wind of it, it would fit with the press having to submit their questions in writing so the general public wouldn't be privy and tip off the involved that they're wise to what's going on, etc.

Just idle speculation, every word of it.
It wouldn't really fit with searching for him with divers, though, would it?

I guess I have a hard seeing even a boyfriend/lover going to this extreme, even willing to leave the country, for Terri. And I can't see her putting herself in the way of not being with her baby at some point, i.e. committing a premeditated crime and having someone else who could "turn" on her as well.
The only way I could see someone being motivated to hide him this long for TH, is if they were convinced they were doing it for the right reason, such as, TH perceived some kind of threat (real or imagined) to Kyron, or something terrible was indeed happening to him. This is really a stretch, as TH would have to be totally convinced of it, and so would the person hiding Kyron. Further, it would not address the issue of the person hiding him to be skillfull enough to do it for so long without getting caught.

It is my fervant hope that something like this is what's going on and that he is still alive and well somehow. I just can't really wrap my head around how that could be so, at this point :( :(
Here is another possibility.....

TH sets up the negative relationship between Kaine and her oldest son. She does not want him to like Kaine. She makes it so they fight, bicker, etc...and then to "save" him from the negativity sends him away.

In this scenario TH has a lover. They plan to build a life together. She convinces lover that the kids are being abused and she needs to escape, but can't without her children.

If she divorces she gets son, who now does not like Kaine and will not miss him or want to see him, and she will get her dd. The only person she will not get in a divorce is KH.

So that she can have them all, and punish Kaine for whatever reason, she convinces her lover that he is protecting KH. Eventually they will all be together and the kids will all be safe.

Just another crazy scenario to throw out.
OK I think we all know that these are merely theories because there is no news to state that Kyron was given away. Let's just make sure we don't talk about any BF in any of the other threads that are fact based OK?

No one is doing anything wrong here I'm just giving you gentle guidance that we have fact based threads and theory threads and this one is theory...... 10-4 :wave: Sometimes they get all confused and we end up with theory mixed with fact and that is just not good. :biggrin:

And I'm tired because I can't type of write. :banghead:
It wouldn't really fit with searching for him with divers, though, would it?

I guess I have a hard seeing even a boyfriend/lover going to this extreme, even willing to leave the country, for Terri. And I can't see her putting herself in the way of not being with her baby at some point, i.e. committing a premeditated crime and having someone else who could "turn" on her as well.

Yeah, it would fit with divers if it went wrong and they never followed through with the ransom end of it, or didn't follow through with the ransom demands until much later - after diving had already commenced re phone pings on the island - at which point the police wouldn't know what to believe for sure. A ransom note still may not have happened, but a conversation between SM and a lover/accomplice may have been overheard and been on one of those untraceable monthly tracphones. So they can't track the dude down. But they know she knows, but they can't make her tell.

It would also fit with why she was at the school so early to set a couple pieces of paper on the desk, which would only take a minute or two tops. The parking lot would be more empty and an accomplice could park right next to her car. She could say hey Kyron I forgot my wallet in the truck cuold you run out and get it for me and when he went out he could have been grabbed into a vehicle right next to her truck in 2 seconds.

Just more idle speculation, from an idle mind.
Even if Terri had a boyfriend, I doubt anyone would stash Kyron away and be able to keep it quiet. Then again, I doubt anyone would do that, but prior to June 4th I would have doubted that anyone would take a child from a school. :/

It's hard to believe it's been a month. :( I still remember getting the phone call from the school district saying a Kyron Horman was missing from Skyline. My family and I were in the Applebee's parking lot. I told hubby about the missing child, fully assuming it may be on the news that evening that the little boy was found. Oh, how I wish that were so.. :(
The only way I could see someone being motivated to hide him this long for TH, is if they were convinced they were doing it for the right reason, such as, TH perceived some kind of threat (real or imagined) to Kyron, or something terrible was indeed happening to him. This is really a stretch, as TH would have to be totally convinced of it, and so would the person hiding Kyron. Further, it would not address the issue of the person hiding him to be skillfull enough to do it for so long without getting caught.

It is my fervant hope that something like this is what's going on and that he is still alive and well somehow. I just can't really wrap my head around how that could be so, at this point :( :(

Have you considered lots of money as a big motivator? A ransom, especially if Kaine's employer added to it, could be hefty. So could monies from ultimately suing the school system, into the millions.
It wouldn't really fit with searching for him with divers, though, would it?

I guess I have a hard seeing even a boyfriend/lover going to this extreme, even willing to leave the country, for Terri. And I can't see her putting herself in the way of not being with her baby at some point, i.e. committing a premeditated crime and having someone else who could "turn" on her as well.

If I was TH and had stashed Kyron, I might well leave some red herring clues suggesting that something else had happened to him.

IE, if TH was a fan of CSI type shows, surely she would have known about cell phone pings. So - leave your phone in the place you want them to THINK you are - or have someone else take the phone.

And if one really wanted to be sneaky - coded messages posted to Facebook or other internet sites. Things that wouldn't mean anything except to the accomplice.
This is what's frying my brain.I can understand her saying everything is alright no problems,I've seen that in other women who have to make everything appear normal or perfect.But a stay at home Mom with no income,who would risk going to jail or be close enough to her to change thier life?Anyone who is keeping him is having to stay at home,can't go anywhere.If there was abuse,wouldn't she have gotten her child out of there or if she didn't want to keep Kyron,tell Desiree so she'd take him?

If she was doing this to get money from the school,because a child was taken from thier care,wouldn't that have been her and Kaine?She couldn't have done the missing child thing alone.Why would she risk having her daughter,that she's obsessed with btw,taken from her?If she did this to get back at Kaine for her son having to leave,why not just leave and move back in with her family?

It's just odd to me that this is the second time around this is happening in Kaine's life,but tables were turned,Desiree had a 7 year old and pregnant with Kyron getting a RO against him.I just can't understand the logic in any of these scenarios.Kyron isn't her child,even if she left,Desiree and Kaine have joint custody.And if divorce wasn't in the picture before this,the divorce right now is making no sense,seperation yes,but divorce,don't think so.

BBM, could Terri's actions NOT be against Kaine but Desiree exclusively?
The infant is hers.....her older son is hers (meaning Terri's)....Kyron, not hers....no connection to him biologically to him. I think it may come out in the wash she never felt the love for Kyron as much as she did their baby and her son. JMHO, Kaine already knew it, probably already an underlying issue they were squabbling about.... and when Kyron went mising, it was the last straw to make him open his eyes and file papers, get out and protect their baby from her.
Have you considered lots of money as a big motivator? A ransom, especially if Kaine's employer added to it, could be hefty. So could monies from ultimately suing the school system, into the millions.

Hi, yes you raise a good point! I did think of this, and you could well be right. After this much time though, I wondered about someone staying motivated for the potential payoff (especially given the risk of serious prison time), versus the absolute of "he would be in harm of some sort if returned".

All in all, that someone currently has him hidden, just isn't working for me. IMO, I can't find a scenario that holds up to scrutiny (although we are woefully thin on evidence and facts). Again, I hold out hope that there is something like this going on, and that he is ok.
The only time that I gave any consideration to this type of scenario was when Desiree and Kaine were interviewed by various news agencies on June 25. Kyron's mother said something to the effect that "they didn't think that he (Kyron) would have been gone this long" or that "we never thought that it would get to this point" (Kyron being gone for 3 weeks). Desiree's comments sounded as if she (or she and Kaine) had an inkling of where Kyron might be and and with whom, but they never expected that this individual would keep the boy away for such a long time. jmo

This and that many if not all the things said by the family has been so carefully stated and read, that is seems like they are trying to do what somewhat has told them to do, and to not say anything wrong to make them hurt Kyron, are the only reasons I feel the 'someone holding him/with/without TH involvement. That and it leaves hope. I loves me some hope. But....

Me too...with me, it goes back to what probably happened, probably happened.


I believe she did take him or at the least knows things,both LE and family believe that from what I'm getting,but I can't figure out why she would have done it.

I also have in the back of my mind the officer saying Kaine's brother's arrest is part of this investigation.But,he's in jail.

I think that may mean he has been part of the investigation because after his sentencing the LE were asked about him and they said they would be checking his wereabouts on June 4th. At which my mind screamed: You haven't checked out a family member that was arrested last year for this!
And.. they are just now checking on local RSO in the area? People here were doing that the first week! These two things make me fear for their ability.

I see signs in TH and her family/friend statements of a compulsive liar. Not being a shrink, that could really be signs of things much deeper and darker, in which case, what we rational minds can't comprehend, to an irrational one is very possible.

Then I lose hope and get very, very sad.

(they just showed a 30 second clip about Kyron on my local news. First one I have seen (smallish city in Colorado) and they showed Kryon, TH from poster and a clip of her weird looking up at Kaine. Talked of her being the last one to see him, two lie detector tests. 10 seconds Kyron, 20 seconds, suspecting step-mom)
Agree, Terri and her Mom at least - they have shown that they have some issues with the truth. We've seen that they will side step the truth in order to tell you what they think you want to hear. Kaine might be completely confused and wondering how much of his entire marriage was based on ... not quite the truth...
Hi, yes you raise a good point! I did think of this, and you could well be right. After this much time though, I wondered about someone staying motivated for the potential payoff (especially given the risk of serious prison time), versus the absolute of "he would be in harm of some sort if returned".

All in all, that someone currently has him hidden, just isn't working for me. IMO, I can't find a scenario that holds up to scrutiny (although we are woefully thin on evidence and facts). Again, I hold out hope that there is something like this going on, and that he is ok.

You're right about the time factor, it's way too long under planned circumstances. If a ransom scenario happened you'd think they'd be thinking maybe a week or two and it would all be done. That's why I'm thinking/hoping that something went wrong (and Kyron is still fine) and they were floored and didn't have a clue what to do, because they'd thought they had a slam dunk or they wouldn't have done it. I don't see where SM would hook up with a killer type as an accomplice, more like a dude who just doesn't make the big bucks like KH and would think it would be worth the risk for a huge payout. I also prefer to see TH as just being greedy rather than a hateful killer, if indeed she is involved in anything at all unseemly.

Question: Is Kyron’s uncle’s arrest for child molestation in Seattle, Wash., part of this investigation?

Lt. Lindstrand: Yes, I can say that it is part of the investigation.

IMO: If Kyron is hidden away somewhere (which I do NOT think he is), he would have to be with Kaines family. The only statement the LE HAS admitted to is that Kyrons uncle molestation charges has to do with Kyron being gone.

So, maybe Terri (for who knows what reason) takes Kyron to Uncle Kristain, but, now Uncle Kristain is in jail, where would that leave Kyron,? Kyron would be at the address of Kristian which is Kaines Dads house... which also brings me to think about his books...especially Rolf's Hideout & the Map that was published May 2010.
If she (or someone) made contact with one of the underground networks that spirit kids away from abusive situations, they'd have resources to hide him, move him around, and eventually settle him in with a new identity.

I consider that a possibility, perhaps someone convinced that he was being abused, also TH's silence could appear to justify their actions.
all the above my opinion only

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