Who would "stash" Kyron for Terri...

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A boyfriend?

That was my assumption in the beginning -- really holding out hope. I even brought it up again yesterday. However, would a boyfriend hold a child who has been missing for a month, knowing there would be kidnapping charges, interference of a crime, etc. We're talking years of prison time here.

For whatever reason, I still can't fathom step-mom killing this beautiful boy. Did she hand him off to someone who did? Yes, I've been known to be naive, because I can't think inside the world of insanity. I just keep hoping and praying Kyron is alive out there somewhere, and will come home like Jacee Duggard, or Shawn Hornbeck, or Elizabeth Smart.

If we don't have hope - what do we have?


Question: Is Kyron’s uncle’s arrest for child molestation in Seattle, Wash., part of this investigation?

Lt. Lindstrand: Yes, I can say that it is part of the investigation.

IMO: If Kyron is hidden away somewhere (which I do NOT think he is), he would have to be with Kaines family. The only statement the LE HAS admitted to is that Kyrons uncle molestation charges has to do with Kyron being gone.
So, maybe Terri (for who knows what reason) takes Kyron to Uncle Kristain, but, now Uncle Kristain is in jail, where would that leave Kyron,? Kyron would be at the address of Kristian which is Kaines Dads house... which also brings me to think about his books...especially Rolf's Hideout & the Map that was published May 2010.

That is not what I took that to mean at all...I took it mean that yes, he is being investigated along with everyone else. Not that Kaine's brother had anything to do with the investigation, or didn't have anything to do with it, just that he was included in those they were looking at.
Its hard to think of anyone who would be willing to take the fall...unless there was someone who:

1) Was loyal to Terri
2) Disliked Kaine.
3) Trusted by Kyron
4) Lives out of town from the Hormans
5) Old enough to drive
6) Thinks he/she is too young to be charged as an adult...

As a result of point 6 above, I can't speculate if there is such a person.
This and that many if not all the things said by the family has been so carefully stated and read, that is seems like they are trying to do what somewhat has told them to do, and to not say anything wrong to make them hurt Kyron, are the only reasons I feel the 'someone holding him/with/without TH involvement. That and it leaves hope. I loves me some hope. But....

I see signs in TH and her family/friend statements of a compulsive liar. Not being a shrink, that could really be signs of things much deeper and darker, in which case, what we rational minds can't comprehend, to an irrational one is very possible.

Then I lose hope and get very, very sad.

Regarding the underlined part... as in convince someone it is in Kyron's ( or her ) best interest he be removed from the home for whatever reason?

I so agree mtnone. We don't think that way and could not imagine anyone else doing so. That's where we're wrong. We can't even begin to go where they would go, do what they would do or imagine what they do. Their reality is not ours.

I think it is very possible that he is alive and with someone. I still hope that, if he is, the people who have him will just leave him at a church or somewhere safely.
SINCE this is a "theory" thread, I have tried to come up with a valid reason on why someone would continue to hide Kyron and how they could evade the FBI, but have to agree with all the comments here that it doesn't make sense, BUT.....

I am not familiar with that part of the country (way down in the south) but could it be possible that SM may have had an elaborate plan to leave Kaine but would have no custody rights to Kyron, and Kyron may have been dropped off with this individual on Sauvie (sp?) Island and the two embarked on a trip heading to either Canada or Mexico by boat (sailboat, etc)?

Thought occurred to me that if Kyron is being held on a sailboat heading to another country by water, it may be harder to locate him. Even docking up for gas, etc Kyron could be kept in cabin below out of view and sailboat wouldn't attract much attention as it sails down the coast, but would be completely outside eyesight of LE/public on the ground?

Is it possible that master plan had been for SM to meet up with "myystery accomplice" and Kyron in say, Mexico in 4 weeks time? Did she feel this was the only way she could keep "her son" if she left Kaine? If her plan worked, do we extradict from Mexico for criminal charges?
SINCE this is a "theory" thread, I have tried to come up with a valid reason on why someone would continue to hide Kyron and how they could evade the FBI, but have to agree with all the comments here that it doesn't make sense, BUT.....

I am not familiar with that part of the country (way down in the south) but could it be possible that SM may have had an elaborate plan to leave Kaine but would have no custody rights to Kyron, and Kyron may have been dropped off with this individual on Sauvie (sp?) Island and the two embarked on a trip heading to either Canada or Mexico by boat (sailboat, etc)?

Thought occurred to me that if Kyron is being held on a sailboat heading to another country by water, it may be harder to locate him. Even docking up for gas, etc Kyron could be kept in cabin below out of view and sailboat wouldn't attract much attention as it sails down the coast, but would be completely outside eyesight of LE/public on the ground?

Is it possible that master plan had been for SM to meet up with "myystery accomplice" and Kyron in say, Mexico in 4 weeks time? Did she feel this was the only way she could keep "her son" if she left Kaine? If her plan worked, do we extradict from Mexico for criminal charges?

Many previous cases where some have taken off to "hide" in Mexico....:waitasec:
Its hard to think of anyone who would be willing to take the fall...unless there was someone who:

1) Was loyal to Terri
2) Disliked Kaine.
3) Trusted by Kyron
4) Lives out of town from the Hormans
5) Old enough to drive
6) Thinks he/she is too young to be charged as an adult...

As a result of point 6 above, I can't speculate if there is such a person.

While I cant speculate as a result of the rules of WS...it would likely be good news if there was such a person as they would likely have hidden, rather than harmed Kyron. And if Terri reciprocated the loyalty that might explain some unwillingness to share info.
SINCE this is a "theory" thread, I have tried to come up with a valid reason on why someone would continue to hide Kyron and how they could evade the FBI, but have to agree with all the comments here that it doesn't make sense, BUT.....

I am not familiar with that part of the country (way down in the south) but could it be possible that SM may have had an elaborate plan to leave Kaine but would have no custody rights to Kyron, and Kyron may have been dropped off with this individual on Sauvie (sp?) Island and the two embarked on a trip heading to either Canada or Mexico by boat (sailboat, etc)?

Thought occurred to me that if Kyron is being held on a sailboat heading to another country by water, it may be harder to locate him. Even docking up for gas, etc Kyron could be kept in cabin below out of view and sailboat wouldn't attract much attention as it sails down the coast, but would be completely outside eyesight of LE/public on the ground?

Is it possible that master plan had been for SM to meet up with "myystery accomplice" and Kyron in say, Mexico in 4 weeks time? Did she feel this was the only way she could keep "her son" if she left Kaine? If her plan worked, do we extradict from Mexico for criminal charges?

I think any part of that could explain why someone would keep Kyron with them and not be aware of the news.
I guess there are some speculations that could be possible.

But I am not sure if we are supposed to speculate too specifically. I may have opened a can of worms and if so, I apologize and feel free to close the thread. (like you need my permission :) )

I just can't wrap my mind around anyone being so in love/involved with Terri to do something of this magnitude and maintain it for so long. And I like to think that with the FBI's help, this person would have been tracked down fairly quickly. Terri does not strike me as a super-criminal and she kept busy online with games, postings, etc...doesn't seem that between that and a baby she had a whole lot of time to mastermind such an intrigue. Kinda like Misty being called the mastermind...
I just can't wrap my mind around anyone being so in love/involved with Terri to do something of this magnitude and maintain it for so long. And I like to think that with the FBI's help, this person would have been tracked down fairly quickly. Terri does not strike me as a super-criminal and she kept busy online with games, postings, etc...doesn't seem that between that and a baby she had a whole lot of time to mastermind such an intrigue. Kinda like Misty being called the mastermind...

Of course, if the person was doing it to get revenge on Kaine, it would not need to have been triggered by Terri.
Can a person leave their computer on signed into a game and be somewhere else?
I know I can be here at Websleuths on a particular thread and go to the grocery store at the same time. Don't do it a lot but have done so in the past.

During the day when Kaine was at work she could have been other places.
Regarding the underlined part... as in convince someone it is in Kyron's ( or her ) best interest he be removed from the home for whatever reason?

I so agree mtnone. We don't think that way and could not imagine anyone else doing so. That's where we're wrong. We can't even begin to go where they would go, do what they would do or imagine what they do. Their reality is not ours.

I think it is very possible that he is alive and with someone. I still hope that, if he is, the people who have him will just leave him at a church or somewhere safely.[/QUOTE]

Convince someone of doing something for her, or, if she is seriously disturbed, having done something worse.

As you said, what we can't fathom, life shows us way too often, others can.

If the information that Terri's mother and friend put out came to them from Terri, then she misinformed them of how and when she came to be involved with Kaine and being friends with Desiree before Kyron's birth. We also know she lied to some degree or another when she said everything was fine after Kaine had moved out, taken the baby and the 2 911 calls.

We know for sure she was way off on that one.
Its hard to think of anyone who would be willing to take the fall...unless there was someone who:

1) Was loyal to Terri
2) Disliked Kaine.
3) Trusted by Kyron
4) Lives out of town from the Hormans
5) Old enough to drive
6) Thinks he/she is too young to be charged as an adult...

As a result of point 6 above, I can't speculate if there is such a person.

And, they would keep Kyron from ever talking about that person and what happened in the future, how?

I have had several ideas that fall apart when I ask myself that question.
Have you considered lots of money as a big motivator? A ransom, especially if Kaine's employer added to it, could be hefty. So could monies from ultimately suing the school system, into the millions.
I don't think so with all due respect to you Sylvannah. It has to be much more simple than that IMO

A woman under pressure, a backhand resulting in instant death. Calculating, but not planned is how I see it. And once there was no going back she needed help. Everything was at stake for her then. Her marriage, her reputation . . . . And so she did what she instinctively had to do next, get help to conceal and cover it up.

It is just how I am feeling now about what could have happened. I look at her face and see her in desperation, looking back on that moment over and over. Whipped. In disbelief it could have gone that way. And yet her whole life has led up to that moment IMO.

God Bless Kyron wherever he is tonight. xox
And, they would keep Kyron from ever talking about that person and what happened in the future, how?

I have had several ideas that fall apart when I ask myself that question.

Three ideas:

1) If the person is youthful, they may naively believe that Kyron would never talk

2) The person may be so mad with Kaine they really dont care if the truth comes out...and along the same lines... The person may be so in need of attention that they are willing to take whatever consequences come their way. (The cry for help)

3) The person may not have realized the consequences of his/her actions...maybe thinking that as a non-adult the consequences would not be overly painful...( I believe in some States, juvenile records are wiped clean after a few years...dont know the rules for Oregon.). The person may also believe the action might get him/her in Terri Moulton's good books thereby softening the pain.
What if there were a ransom/blackmail plot involved? How would we know?

Sometimes I feel they are speaking to someone in code.

If I understand it correctly the amount of $300,000.00 dollars was mentioned by the LE as having been spent on the search and that funds were low.

I know this is far reaching but what if this was code for " all we can raise is $300,000.00."

Why do the broadcasts have to be shown on tv on Fridays?

What if the reason the sheriff said Kyron Holmes instead of Kyron Horman was deliberate?

I know some of you think I probably live in my own imaginary world from this post but I'm trying to make sense of what we have seen and know.

What if initially TH had contact with someone who had Kyron and they had quit contacting her?

Just trying to think of answers to the title of this thread.
Hello TiredBlondy...

Although it is moving off the thread of "who would stash Kyron," I can't help but think that you might be on to a little something about "code." Why would a press conference be opened with a bold "Kyron is alive" -- just like that. Why would a police rep say "We are going with that" (or some such similar "odd" wording when mentioning they are going on the thought that Kyron is alive.) The wording in so much of what has been released, how it has been released, etc. has been strange. Oh, and what was with the 2 teddy bears and 3 frogs reported to have been on the table at the last video taping of the 3 parents? (BTW, did anyone see a picture of that?) Was that a symbolism, code of some sort to someone to say some thing?

You brought up the $300K for the search. I have to admit that I thought that number was low for a search. Heck a singular copter ride to the hospital can cost 9K, and there have been copters, boats, dogs, trainers, manpower, etc... used in the search.

One way or another, I think some type of "coding" or "code use" is going on, but I'm not sure it is to someone for ransom, but maybe to get someone to talk.
Hello TiredBlondy...

Although it is moving off the thread of "who would stash Kyron," I can't help but think that you might be on to a little something about "code." Why would a press conference be opened with a bold "Kyron is alive" -- just like that.

I think the bold headline "Kyron is alive!" was a direct response to the print media "disaster" after their last appearance on all the morning shows ...around June 25th.

Although they got some good pr from the TV networks that morning, the AP's headline was "Hope Fades for Missing Oregon Boy"...the AP picking up on DY's comment that "after 3 weeks she was scared". Sadly, the AP's negative spin was featured in many major US provincial newspapers and ultimately in many parts of the internet.

This time, I'm sure their PR coach told them to leave no doubt that you are still very hopeful by hitting the media over the head with the "Kyron is Alive" headline and then closing with the dramatic appeal to Terri which becomes even more urgent if Kyron is alive.

IMO Great PR management by Team Kyron!

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