Whoa! a new 48 Hours (April 16) Check out the trailer!

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Exactly!!! That is what I said when I read this, "Only Casey Knows"...my first thought was, well will she share what she knows on 48hrs? :maddening:

This is all to taint the jury IMO, and there will be much more to come the next 6 weeks..I can see Cindy & George making their rounds. :maddening:
:snooty:Nah, she's not Joran Van Der Sloot...
Why so soon to the trial?
Did the Anthonys get money for this?
Why is it not just facts only and after trial.
Is this to taint a jury?

After the trial is episode three. Maybe Diane Fanning will do a follow up of her book.

Mock Jury Hears Casey Anthony Case
CBS News Program Suggests Weaknesses In State's Case
POSTED: Monday, April 11, 2011

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Producers for the CBS News program "48 Hours Mystery" have assembled a panel of mock jurors and shown them evidence that may be used at Casey Anthony's murder trial next month.
In a TV commercial for the news program, the mock jury is asked whether they would acquit Anthony if the only charge was first degree murder. Nearly all of them stand up.
Producers have released few other details about the program, which airs Saturday night at 10:00, but a spokeswoman for the show confirms the mock jury rejects some of the evidence prosecutors plan on using at trial.
"This is going to have an impact on the jury," said Orlando criminal defense attorney Mark O'Mara. "It's going to be something that the defense and the state and Judge (Belvin) Perry will have to deal with and protect against."
Judge Perry has decided to select the jury from an undisclosed city outside of Central Florida in order to find jurors who have been exposed to minimal pretrial publicity about the case.
"I think he'll be noticeably and understandably upset," O'Mara said about the CBS program. "He wants to have a fair trial."

O'Mara said it is common for lawyers to use mock juries as a tool to test out their case before going to trial. But rarely are those exercises broadcast to a national TV audience.
O'Mara pointed out that the judge still has not decided whether certain evidence found in Casey Anthony's car will be allowed at trial, including a mysterious stain the the trunk and air samples that prosecutors said suggested the presense of a decomposing body.
Anthony's attorney Jose Baez has not yet explained his client's behavior, such as partying at nightclubs, that occurred during the 31 days she had failed to report her daughter's disappearance.
"Has this mock jury seen something, some interpretation of the evidence that the real jury is never going to see?," asked O'Mara.
Jury selection begins May 9.

Copyright 2011 by Internet Broadcasting Systems and ClickOrlando.com. All rights reserved.
I was wondering if everybody else's TV INFO description for this episode is the same as mine on Comcast. It says "A report on Casey Anthony's defense for her 2011 murder trial in which she is accused of having killed her two year old daughter Caylee in 2008 and burying her in a vacant lot near their Florida home."

Burying her in a vacant lot? That's the first time I've ever heard it said that way. That makes me think she lifted up a concrete slab in an old playground and hide her away, rather than what really seems to have happened - a haphazard heave-ho into the woods.
The only thing I have realized is that the news about the 48 Hours Dateline program and the attempt to introduce the psychologists into the guilt phase sure has taken our attention from waiting for the Frye and other motions from HHJP! Still waiting on you Sir!

Oh, and besides taking our attention off the psychologists and the Frye results....how about the discovery that was just passed to the defense. That should be coming out soon too.
I was wondering if everybody else's TV INFO description for this episode is the same as mine on Comcast. It says "A report on Casey Anthony's defense for her 2011 murder trial in which she is accused of having killed her two year old daughter Caylee in 2008 and burying her in a vacant lot near their Florida home."

Burying her in a vacant lot? That's the first time I've ever heard it said that way. That makes me think she lifted up a concrete slab in an old playground and hide her away, rather than what really seems to have happened - a haphazard heave-ho into the woods.

I suppose that is just one of many of the misconceptions in this hoopla of horror that will be coming across the airwaves.
The shows are going to air no matter what anyone does to voice their displeasure about it. The more attention it draws ... the better (whether negative or positive attention). More viewers and more people posting on their blogs.

It is interesting to me that George finds time to participate in the InSession and 48Hours shows - sitting right beside CA's side and broadcasting the misinformation along with the Defense attorneys and Defense Experts, and "former" Defense team members, but does not make it to the Hearings, and did not appear with his own attorney to debunk the possible Defense theory that he had anything to do with Caylee's murder. He is present and accounted for when it's time to get media face time and possible financial reward for his appearance, and to help support his daughter (and not being a voice for Caylee). He is transparent and disgusting IMO.

RespectfullyQuoted ThinkTank :)

I totally agree.

I could have given George and Cindy a lot of leeway, even making money or not having to work would not have bothered me(if they were loving innocent grandparents/parents) except for how they were willing to blame innocent people for the death of Caylee, while claiming Caylee was alive to "save" Casey.

Cindy could not have loved Caylee one little bit IMHO because when OCSO and the FBI told George that Cindy needed to stop doing what she was doing because it wasn't good for CAYLEE or Casey: she did not stop- in fact, she pushed even harder.

Cindy was willing to talk about AH and bring up HEROIN(!), all the while she knew what a thief and bad mother her daughter is...

It is "beyond difficult" to find sympathy for people that would not do what was needed to protect their granddaughter. Supposedly they did not know Caylee was dead, yet Cindy would not do what was needed to get her back?

NO. I don't think George and Cindy would give anything to have Caylee back. Casey was not created by herself, IMHO and Caylee only looked "loved" because Cindy wanted to hurt Casey...

AND that is why Casey murdered Caylee. IMHO

ETA: Lying to save yourself, or to make things better for yourself...even THAT could be passed by...but when you lie on other people...lies that would devastate their lives and the lives of those that love them: you have reached a whole 'nother level of poor human behavior. How much less caring can you show for other human beings?...other than killing them...?


Mock Jury Hears Casey Anthony Case
CBS News Program Suggests Weaknesses In State's Case
POSTED: Monday, April 11, 2011

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Producers for the CBS News program "48 Hours Mystery" have assembled a panel of mock jurors and shown them evidence that may be used at Casey Anthony's murder trial next month.
In a TV commercial for the news program, the mock jury is asked whether they would acquit Anthony if the only charge was first degree murder. Nearly all of them stand up.
Producers have released few other details about the program, which airs Saturday night at 10:00, but a spokeswoman for the show confirms the mock jury rejects some of the evidence prosecutors plan on using at trial.
"This is going to have an impact on the jury," said Orlando criminal defense attorney Mark O'Mara. "It's going to be something that the defense and the state and Judge (Belvin) Perry will have to deal with and protect against."
Judge Perry has decided to select the jury from an undisclosed city outside of Central Florida in order to find jurors who have been exposed to minimal pretrial publicity about the case.
"I think he'll be noticeably and understandably upset," O'Mara said about the CBS program. "He wants to have a fair trial."

O'Mara said it is common for lawyers to use mock juries as a tool to test out their case before going to trial. But rarely are those exercises broadcast to a national TV audience.
O'Mara pointed out that the judge still has not decided whether certain evidence found in Casey Anthony's car will be allowed at trial, including a mysterious stain the the trunk and air samples that prosecutors said suggested the presense of a decomposing body.
Anthony's attorney Jose Baez has not yet explained his client's behavior, such as partying at nightclubs, that occurred during the 31 days she had failed to report her daughter's disappearance.
"Has this mock jury seen something, some interpretation of the evidence that the real jury is never going to see?," asked O'Mara.
Jury selection begins May 9.

Copyright 2011 by Internet Broadcasting Systems and ClickOrlando.com. All rights reserved.

Purple is mine...

If this "mock jury" had favored the State, you can bet your bippy that the defense would be screaming at the top of their lungs demanding some kind of mistrial (if they could even do that before the trial begins).... but they'd be screaming... no doubt about that!

What, if anything, can be done about this? Is their anything Judge Perry can do to delay the broadcast?

It will be a very sad day, indeed, if/when we allow media to completely control the outcome of a first degree murder trial of anyone, much less an innocent 2 year old baby who never had a chance to live her life. Did this kind of stuff happen with OJ? (Even though I watched that whole fiasco, it was a time of my life of which I remember very little.)

I guess the legal question might better fit in the attorney thread, but maybe AZ will stroll through here and see it.
IF (and this is a big IF) Casey gets off because potential jurors are swayed by the "48 Hours Mystery" episode and what the defense presents at trial,

I can 99.9% be certain that people WILL take the law inter their own hands just to get justice for Caylee.

If this happens, I don't think Casey will be their only target.
I hope it can be a last-minute question on the voir dire questionnaire for potential jurors. If I were the state, I wouldn't want anybody who had watched this blatant attempt to influence the public.
With all the stunts the def. has done over the last 2+ years, I just don't think this one will make a hill of beans either. When the jury listens to everything at the REAL trial ICA will still be in a dark hole that she isn't able to get out of. In my opinion it just makes the bunch of them look silly'er.
Are they going to play Casey's first jailhouse interview where she argues with her mother and asks repeatedly for Tone's number for the jury? (The real jury)
If this question has been asked,please forgive me.If the defense team has hired a jury consultant,and has worked with CBS on this program,then why is the state of Florida going through the expense of going to other counties to find an impartial jury? The defense has evidently given info to CBS along with their jury consultant. So IMHO HHJP should not move jury selection out of Orange county, the "jury pool" has already been contaminated as the D/T would have us believe by their own actions. As they say,once that bell has been rung,it's hard to unring,once potential jurors see this program you cannot go back and say "don't pay any attention to that show" IMHO HHJP should make the jury selection in OC and tell the D/T" you made your bed now lay in it". For the D/T to do this special is a slap in the face to the Fla T/P's who are footing the expense for this trial. The monies that JB has received have only lined his pockets,he should be made to give any monies he garnered as a result of this show back to the state of FLA.JMHO:maddening:
Are they going to play Casey's first jailhouse interview where she argues with her mother and asks repeatedly for Tone's number for the jury? (The real jury)

They can if they wish to.
If this question has been asked,please forgive me.If the defense team has hired a jury consultant,and has worked with CBS on this program,then why is the state of Florida going through the expense of going to other counties to find an impartial jury? The defense has evidently given info to CBS along with their jury consultant. So IMHO HHJP should not move jury selection out of Orange county, the "jury pool" has already been contaminated as the D/T would have us believe by their own actions. As they say,once that bell has been rung,it's hard to unring,once potential jurors see this program you cannot go back and say "don't pay any attention to that show" IMHO HHJP should make the jury selection in OC and tell the D/T" you made your bed now lay in it". For the D/T to do this special is a slap in the face to the Fla T/P's who are footing the expense for this trial. The monies that JB has received have only lined his pockets,he should be made to give any monies he garnered as a result of this show back to the state of FLA.JMHO:maddening:

I am in total agreement with you. The DT has whined and whined about how hard it will be to get a fair and impartial jury. To appease their fears the Court is allowing them to go to a "neutral" county to try to find jurors. All of this is costing the Florida taxpayers a great deal of money. :banghead:

At this point I wish HHJP could call all counsel together and let them know that due to the DT's actions through out the last 2+ years as well as the new addition of the CBS show, it is doubtful they will get a jury pool ANYWHERE that is not tainted. Therefore for Judicial Economy the trial will stay in OC and they will just have to voir dire until they have a panel. Period the end!

Oh, sanctioning the DT would be nice too!
I for one am extremely disapointed in CBS. This was a broadcasting network that stood for integrety in my book, and now I'd rate them just below the Star in jurnalistic integrety. There is no excuse for either the content or the timing, and these people should be ashamed of themselves.
And now the Orlando Sentinel is giving the program more press:


"Defense attorneys Jose Baez and J. Cheney Mason are interviewed in the hour. But they were not involved in the focus group, although they know the outcome, CBS News said. Details about the focus group will be revealed on the show at 10 p.m. Saturday on WKMG-Channel 6."

Can you imagine the howl that would have erupted from the defense if the results of the focus group had been different? They would have had the whole show shut down by now if the "focus group" had not voted for acquittal! Grrrrrrrr
If this question has been asked,please forgive me.If the defense team has hired a jury consultant,and has worked with CBS on this program,then why is the state of Florida going through the expense of going to other counties to find an impartial jury? The defense has evidently given info to CBS along with their jury consultant. So IMHO HHJP should not move jury selection out of Orange county, the "jury pool" has already been contaminated as the D/T would have us believe by their own actions. As they say,once that bell has been rung,it's hard to unring,once potential jurors see this program you cannot go back and say "don't pay any attention to that show" IMHO HHJP should make the jury selection in OC and tell the D/T" you made your bed now lay in it". For the D/T to do this special is a slap in the face to the Fla T/P's who are footing the expense for this trial. The monies that JB has received have only lined his pockets,he should be made to give any monies he garnered as a result of this show back to the state of FLA.JMHO:maddening:

BBM I agree with not moving the jury selection out of Orange County. In fact, I agree with everything you said including :maddening:.
And now the Orlando Sentinel is giving the program more press:


"Defense attorneys Jose Baez and J. Cheney Mason are interviewed in the hour. But they were not involved in the focus group, although they know the outcome, CBS News said. Details about the focus group will be revealed on the show at 10 p.m. Saturday on WKMG-Channel 6."

Can you imagine the howl that would have erupted from the defense if the results of the focus group had been different? They would have had the whole show shut down by now if the "focus group" had not voted for acquittal! Grrrrrrrr

I'm actually glad that the OS has published this article about the show. Now we can rest assured that HHJP will know about it and he can now decide to try KC in OC. No need to go anywhere else, as so many have stated.

This "48 Hours" segment is going down a very, very scary road.

CBS is not reporting on the news nor are they reporting on factual events surrounding a future murder trial.

They are not reporting on a "new take" on the facts nor are they looking into "never before presented" information.

CBS is, instead, creating news using their own version of events and creating fake jury decisions based on an incomplete set of facts and then broadcasting this BS on a national network during primetime before a jury is even selected or sworn in on a death penalty case.

They are not reporting the news but injecting themselves into it. Are they that stupid to not understand the consequences of this piece of trash reporting?

The producers of CBS have got to have an IQ of 0 and should be held in contempt of court for jury tampering.
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