Whoa! Meter Reader gave tip on August 13th!

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What's your gut reaction?

  • Meter Reader called in tips, then went searching on his own.

    Votes: 441 89.8%
  • Meter Reader is the one who killed Caylee.

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • Meter Reader is related to an accomplice.

    Votes: 37 7.5%
  • Meter Reader is Casey's accomplice.

    Votes: 10 2.0%

  • Total voters
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Good Lord. I am going to try and get a group rate for all of us with a really good shrink. We are going to need it. YIKES.

Sorry but I have not read the whole thread yet so if this has been posted please forgive me.

Even if the cops did follow up on his tip the area would have been covered in water...I think. I think it was covered in water in August.

I do know the water only receeded about 2-3 weeks ago.


This is a quick off topic...But I just have to say that you are the most gracious,sweet site owner I have ever come across.

ok back to my lurking ways!!!
I posted this on another thread as well.

1. I don't believe this helps the defense or hurts the prosecution. It does not change the fact that there was a crime, nor does it change the nature of the crime. At best JB could attempt to tie the meter reader to the crime in some way, but I think any attempt will be discredited rather quickly.

2. The prosecution would have been helped if the body had been found in August.

3. Looking at the crime scene photos, if the meter reader was not there with LE to point out the specific location of the bag he allegedly saw, then I can understand how the responding officer did not see it. Unless he pointed to the bag in the presence of LE and it was ignored, I doubt the responding officer could be faulted.

4. Any odor of decomposition the meter reader smelled would have to have been due to another animal. After nine weeks there would not have been an odor noticeable to humans. I say from experience, living next to various forests for about 30 years and smelling decomposing animals, large and small. In wet weather a deer stops smelling after about 3 weeks, smaller animals sooner.

5. The meter reader is probably in that neighborhood on the 11th of every month. August 11 he spots the bag, calls in the tip, hears nothing, calls in again on the 12th and 13th and hears nothing. Wonders if maybe there really was nothing to the tip.

Returns September 11, October 11, and November 11 but cannot see the bag...probably under water. Wonders what we have all wondered...did they find a body and are keeping it secret, or maybe it was not a body, or maybe it is under water.

Returns December 11 and sees the bag. This time decides to investigate.
This gray bag could just be a random bag that was in the area, from some of the pictures I have seen there is garbage scattered around in there. I dont think the gray bag they are talking about has any connection at all. I think this area was always very likley to be where she was and so its not surprising to me that this is where she was found and given the area its not surprising it was looked at and search and she was not found at that time.
Im not saying that the meter reader guy is involved in the case.....I throwing ideas out....about who had contact with KC after the fact....and I found it odd that someone from her old high school would show up like that to visit her......the whole *zone* thing is bugin me.....the whole coded talk is bugin me....the double baged body is bugin me.....the is whole case is bugin me.......:(
I don't know. Now they are saying the meter reader was off-duty. Well, what about the 9-1-1 call where the supervisor said that he'll be waiting for the Sheriff in a "white Colorado with OC decal on the side?"

How did the guy end up telling his supervisor to call 9-1-1? If he was out there looking, surely he'd have a cell phone with him? Was it just a big ol coincidence that he went looking on his own and then ran into his co-workers and asked his boss to call 9-1-1?

If he is lying so he can get the reward, then he could be lying about other things...


Meter readers often get to drive their trucks when they are off duty. My SO was a meter reader, so I know this is fairly common. I held off on buying a car for a while because of this.

Also Meter readers cover very wide areas, because they only have to visit houses once a month and can cover a lot of ground that way. My SO told me about many interesting places I'd never heard of in an area I'd lived in for 30 years. It's very very likely that this meter reader read the Anthony's meter.

Also she was not surprised in the slightest that a meter reader would discover something like this, or send in a tip. Most of their time is spent on
foot. I'm guessing this was a water meter reader, so this one is on foot and looking at the ground all day. They have little computers with addresses and such and have the capability to add notes about certain locations.

My SO worried off and on that she'd discover a DB, and the computer had little notes asking the meter reader to check in on certain elderly people etc. She was bitten by a dog twice, and got into an accident with her truck within about a year and a half of this. She also said it was often hard to find a place to pee, so the story has some plausibility.

Let's find out what the tips were about and where the tips lead to, before we pass judgement on the meter reader. It's a hard and a bit lonely job, so it's not hard to see someone passing the time with some amateur sleuthing. Which last I checked is what this forum is all about.
On Aug. 11, the meter reader called the Orange County Sheriff Office communication center to report a gray bag was on the "right side of the road" near Hopespring and Suburban drives and a deputy responded and cleared the site. The meter reader did not meet with the deputy.

On Aug. 12, the worker called the Crimeline tipline.

On Aug. 13, after the worker called again, two deputies responded at two different times. At least one deputy met with the meter reader. The site was cleared.

Three different deputies were involved.

Exactly what happened each time was not released and Orange County Sheriff's Office is trying to determine what happened in every instance.

If the meter reader was involved in Caylee's death, why would he call LE so many times to try to draw their attention to her remains? Isn't this the opposite of what a perp would do? And if some diabolical part of some plan was that the remains be found, why would he let four months go by before calling again?
This poor guy is just another hapless victim of this case, like so many others.

I *SO* absolutely agree with you! Why in anyones name would he put himself into the middle of this (so many words escape me to describe) case if he was involved???? I think this is one guy he followed through with his own gut and didn't let it go. He did the right thing by calling LE again.

As far as "disappearing"? I'm glad he did to protect himself from eveyone in the media, etc...
Good grief, no wonder the meter reader is not putting himself out there to be fodder for the vultures.
I posted this on another thread as well.

1. I don't believe this helps the defense or hurts the prosecution. It does not change the fact that there was a crime, nor does it change the nature of the crime. At best JB could attempt to tie the meter reader to the crime in some way, but I think any attempt will be discredited rather quickly.

2. The prosecution would have been helped if the body had been found in August.

3. Looking at the crime scene photos, if the meter reader was not there with LE to point out the specific location of the bag he allegedly saw, then I can understand how the responding officer did not see it. Unless he pointed to the bag in the presence of LE and it was ignored, I doubt the responding officer could be faulted.

4. Any odor of decomposition the meter reader smelled would have to have been due to another animal. After nine weeks there would not have been an odor noticeable to humans. I say from experience, living next to various forests for about 30 years and smelling decomposing animals, large and small. In wet weather a deer stops smelling after about 3 weeks, smaller animals sooner.

5. The meter reader is probably in that neighborhood on the 11th of every month. August 11 he spots the bag, calls in the tip, hears nothing, calls in again on the 12th and 13th and hears nothing. Wonders if maybe there really was nothing to the tip.

Returns September 11, October 11, and November 11 but cannot see the bag...probably under water. Wonders what we have all wondered...did they find a body and are keeping it secret, or maybe it was not a body, or maybe it is under water.

Returns December 11 and sees the bag. This time decides to investigate.

This case is just craziness x 10 but I think your scenario makes alot of sense.
I have always thought the body had been moved around....I think the body was there....moved before LE could check it out....then brought back...after it had been searched by so many ....thinking it wouldnt be found....the whole double baged and two differnt color bags is odd......
Why is LE making an issue about the meter reader? All this is doing is throwing bits and pieces of unimportant speculation around for media fodder. To me it is reasonable for someone with a job in that area to wonder especially about that neighborhood and the likelihood of something significant being in the area. The man has been aware of the searchers being in the area and the situation with the water levels. I just don't get what is the problem.
My hinky meter went off right away, that's why I started the thread Area body found TOO STRANGE. Now we find out this guy called in tips back in August and not once.
I know we are not supposed to use names in here, but I'll give you a hint as to what his last name starts with.
Try G Is this girl getting lucky while she's in jail or what? My sister mentioned seems luck is going her way.
TM has given 2 different stories too. One he says water level and the other night he tells NG that LE wouln't let him search that area because of fence.
Similar dream team like OJ, gives me the creepies. :furious:

I just posted on the JVM Issues thread (where the same type of discussion is happening) so apologies if you have discussed this. Why can't LE and/or the defense get satellite imagery from the summer to see if the area was under water?? NASA has assisted in cases before and they continue to do so. I know we have "national security" issues with satellites but this isn't one of them. It might be helpful.
The link says "all three times it was found to be nothing". But we're being told that it was not checked all three times. I smell many, many rats here.

Nieves said the tip(s) that was called into OCSC, the officer responded but the tipster did not met the Officer.
Another tip called into CrimeLine and I forgot which agency got the call for the last tip.
Why would someone call LE about a tip on a missing child's case say that you found a gray bag(at a specific location close to the home of the missing child), on the side of the road but not wait for LE to show up and show them exactly what you saw and where you saw it?
I just think that it is more than a man stumbling upon a dead body and leaving tips 3 days in a row.
Does he have any connection to KC, LA, CA, or GA?
Does he have any connection to the lady that said this area had been searched while dry and no body was found (and she has photographs!) What made her take pictures of this particular dry area?
Or was this a man conducting his own search in hopes of receiving the reward money?
"Steve Triggs, Director of Communications for Orange County, said the meter reader had been a county employee for a “relatively short time” and would appear at a news conference with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Friday afternoon. Triggs said he is being represented by outside counsel at the County’s expense."


"The sheriff's office is also investigating deputies who came out and cleared the scene on the 13th of August. The meter ready accompanied the deputies but nothing was found."

"Officials aren't releasing the names of any of the deputies involved, but they are under administrative investigation." :eek:
Why would the meter man have called in if he was an "accomplice?"
1. a guilty conscience?
2. ego, didn't want to be left out of the big story?
just thoughts, and speculation moo
If his name really is GG, I PRAY he does not have a family member with a name like Zeneida, or even a female relative that is a nanny. I stayed up last night when I couldn't sleep and read the trial notes from team Baden-Baden-and-Lee getting a hung jury in the Spector case. This is not good.....

I asked a Spanish woman why and how they pick out their last names. She explained to me that they keep their maiden name and take their boyfriend's name and call it their husband. Or the father of their children, something like that, IIRC

But the name is as strange as the find and lack of find. :confused:
I am still looking at all the tips that were released during the document dumps


Ive found many with the dates of 8/11. 8/13 but still not the one we are all looking for. What is interesting is how many psychic ones that tell about the swamp at the end of Hopespring drive .. knowing what has been revealed make some of these "dreamers" believable.
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