Whoa! Meter Reader gave tip on August 13th!

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What's your gut reaction?

  • Meter Reader called in tips, then went searching on his own.

    Votes: 441 89.8%
  • Meter Reader is the one who killed Caylee.

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • Meter Reader is related to an accomplice.

    Votes: 37 7.5%
  • Meter Reader is Casey's accomplice.

    Votes: 10 2.0%

  • Total voters
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Hearing NG explain that the meter reader was temporarily reassigned...maybe that's why he waited until Dec to look again

In the wtv article they say he is a fairly new employee. Is being reassigned a typical thing?

Also, he is saying he was off duty, so he didn't need to be assigned there to look.

Anyone else not liking the OSCO paying for his attorney?

I agree. However, he was looking for that skull for 4 months. It's not like he was a little old lady driving her car to Church on Sunday and somehow spotted a baby's skull. This was a man looking for the body for 4 months and opening a bag in the woods thinking he might find the remains.


Do you have a link to anything or did you see an announcement that the meter reader was looking for the skull (or even for the bag) for 4 months? I've seen nothing like that, and I've been reading and watching everything possible since this news broke.
In my opinion, he found that skull just as innocently as if he were a little old lady driving to church on Sunday. In fact, he's a hero because he had the gumption to go back after LE didn't follow through 3 other times. I can see not wanting to push it with LE but also not being able to get it out of the back of my mind.
Capt. Angelo Nieves of the Orange County Sheriff's Office said that the same utilities worker called in tips on Aug. 12 and 13 and Dec. 11 regarding the area where the remains were found last week. Nieves said the calls were handled differently. He said no deputy was brought to the scene after the first call, CrimeLine handled the second call and a deputy responded the third time the meter reader called regarding the scene.

Now lets read that one more time please:

Capt. Angelo Nieves of the Orange County Sheriff's Office said that the same utilities worker called in tips on Aug. 12 and 13 and Dec. 11 regarding the area where the remains were found last week. Nieves said the calls were handled differently. He said no deputy was brought to the scene after the first call, CrimeLine handled the second call and a deputy responded the third time the meter reader called regarding the scene.

Colors and bolding to match the responses to the calls.

Apparently the news report has December 13th which must be August because Nieves does say on video that there were 3 tips and August 13th was the day that a deputy went to the scene at 4:30 to 5 in the afternoon. So the news report must have a clerical error. I did not catch any other dates from August other than the 13th mentioned by Nieves. He never said what occured on that day.

Someone above posted that a dead critter was found in this area from the "tips" Also I believe it was reported remains from another critter was found during the actual discovery of the body/skull. Perhaps POISON was used and when these critters fed from the human remains they in turn were poisoned as well.

I posted this on another thread as well.

4. Any odor of decomposition the meter reader smelled would have to have been due to another animal. After nine weeks there would not have been an odor noticeable to humans. I say from experience, living next to various forests for about 30 years and smelling decomposing animals, large and small. In wet weather a deer stops smelling after about 3 weeks, smaller animals sooner.

I posted this on another thread, too- ITA w/you - see bolded - Help!

Okay, the JVM thread is all abuzz, due to reports that the Aug trash bag (by the side of the road, and smelly?) was grey and the Remains trash bag being black.

Can one of the supersleuthers that knows how to access police reports, that I think are public record, see what can be found about any incident in that area Aug, 11, 12 and/or 13? Might go well towards stomping out some of the speculation and conspiracy theories that are flying.

My theory- In August, IF there was a grey trash bag by the road, not JUST a smell, LE may have checked it, found a dead pet dumped and let it go as that, without giving info to meter reader. All he knows is that he called, they responded (one or more of those days) said we'll take it from here and that was it as far as he knew. IF there was just a smell, LE may have checked it and found a bag with dead animal remains, or just a rotting animal, chalked the smell up to that and may or may not have even filed a report. Jump to Dec. Meter reader is back on regular route, water in area is down now, may or not have had to pee, goes into woods, maybe pokes around out of curiousity, finds BLACK bag, calls it in to supervisor to report, since he knows he already called LE in Aug and doesn't want them to just ignore him as a repeat crank about the same area. And there ya go...Taa Daa!
I think she was trying to say that the guy's first name is German and his last name is the same as ZFG...not implying a connection between ZFG and the meter reader...IMO

Bolded mine.... Wasn't there a psychic that said Caylee would be found where the German Shepherd pees?
Found the first tip releated to Suburban Drive discovery ... its on Tip #9 document at this link below The tip # is Caylee - 2785


on 8-18 Detective Cain found a decaying plastic bag with clothing and stuffed animals at the dead end of Suburban drive. The clothing had roots growing on them. Detective Cain was asked what he did with the plastic bag/clothes/stuffed animals and in an email his response was "I left them there".

Maybe I'm just dumb... but how on earth does clothing grow roots? :confused:
I am out of words, this is truly the strangest case I ever seen in my life. It certainly seems as if this meter reader was obsessed and felt compelled to keep going back to that area. I just can't believe that this area being so close to the anthony's wasn't looked at with more scrutiny..just crazy.:eek:

God bless this obsessed meter reader.

No way this guy had anything to do with this, he wouldn't have drawn so much attention to himself especially since casey was already in jail and has been charged with her murder. LE may be a little daft here and there but of this I am sure, if this guy was involved he won't get far.

The forensics along with botanists and other speciallists will be able to tell how long she has been in that spot.
He was not looking for a skull for 4 months. Geesh, he made several phones calls to LE. If he really was looking for a body, I think he would have been more aggressive in his sleuthing ways. He is just a meter reader. I do not think he ever had any motives whatsoever.

I respectfully disagree. He had no meter reading business in the woods. On the 11th, maybe not looking- maybe just hanging in the woods with the teens in the "zone." But his future intent had to be looking for the body he thought he originally found. I mean, why else would he be there on December 11th- just hanging in the woods again?

In the wtv article they say he is a fairly new employee. Is being reassigned a typical thing?

Also, he is saying he was off duty, so he didn't need to be assigned there to look.

Anyone else not liking the OSCO paying for his attorney?


I see no problem here at all.
I have been looking and looking in all the media reports since Caylee's body was found. Not one Media source has said the meter reader's last name was G. They have not mentioned his name at all. Since the media have no problem reporting people's names involved with this case, I am going to say that the meter reader's name was not been released and the reports that his last name is G are just rumors. This 'rumor' has really taken off and I think any discussion of his name should be stated as 'rumor'. The Media would be all over this if it were true, especially with the news that came out this afternoon.
ok ...so he saw the bag on the 11th and reported it. nothing was investigated. why did he call again on the 12th? did he drive back by and see that the bag was still there. It's my understanding that an officer came out after the 2nd tip but found nothing. Then he calls and reports a smell on the 13th? No bag! What brought him back to the same location? He wouldn't be in the same area reading meters 3 days in a row right?

The below article explains it pretty good. I'm still not seeing a mention of the gray bag. ETA: it does say gray bag. My bad!


Investigators interviewed the meter reader at length about what he knows, but he is not considered a suspect in any way.

"He is not a suspect in this case," Sheriff'f Captain Angelo Nieves said early Thursday evening. "He is a credible witness and we consider him so at the Orange County Sheriff's Office."

Steve Triggs, Director of Communications for Orange County, said the meter reader had been a county employee for a “relatively short time” and would appear at a news conference with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Friday afternoon. Triggs said he is being represented by outside counsel at the County’s expense. (more at link)
In the wtv article they say he is a fairly new employee. Is being reassigned a typical thing?

Also, he is saying he was off duty, so he didn't need to be assigned there to look.

Anyone else not liking the OSCO paying for his attorney?


Not sure what OSCO is . . . but

I think the utility company is paying for his attorney, not the sheriff's office. (If that's what you meant. If not, sorry for misunderstanding! :))
"Steve Triggs, Director of Communications for Orange County, said the meter reader had been a county employee for a “relatively short time” and would appear at a news conference with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Friday afternoon. Triggs said he is being represented by outside counsel at the County’s expense."


Good, we can see what he looks like and maybe name too..
LP has my theory. He just stated on NG that he thinks he heard from someone that the remains were there. He isn't in on it but got wind from someone that does know. This might be a plausible explanation. Someone told someone that told someone yada yada
On the fox blog, somebody said the meter reader knows Kiomarie.
Has anybody heard this ?
The below article explains it pretty good. I'm still not seeing a mention of the gray bag.


Investigators interviewed the meter reader at length about what he knows, but he is not considered a suspect in any way.

"He is not a suspect in this case," Sheriff'f Captain Angelo Nieves said early Thursday evening. "He is a credible witness and we consider him so at the Orange County Sheriff's Office."

Steve Triggs, Director of Communications for Orange County, said the meter reader had been a county employee for a “relatively short time” and would appear at a news conference with the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Friday afternoon. Triggs said he is being represented by outside counsel at the County’s expense.

The sheriff's office said the meter reader had called in tips about the exact same area to Crimeline and the sheriff's office three times in August, two weeks before Tropical Storm Fay hit and flooded much of Central Florida, including the area where the remains were found last week.

The sheriff's office said it is focusing on its own deputies who came out on August 11 and 13 to inspect the scene. It's unknown what the area looked like on August 11, the first day the meter reader called and reported seeing a gray bag.

Sheriff’s officials said the man called Crimeline on August 12th. A detective checked records and determined the area already had been checked by a cadaver dog.

The sheriff's office is also investigating deputies who came out and cleared the scene on the 13th of August. The meter ready accompanied the deputies but nothing was found.

Officials aren't releasing the names of any of the deputies involved, but they are under administrative investigation.

Nieves said the meter reader went back last week because he had a nagging feeling that it was the place to look.

Just pointing out the bolded part!:blowkiss:
I respectfully disagree. He had no meter reading business in the woods. On the 11th, maybe not looking- maybe just hanging in the woods with the teens in the "zone." But his future intent had to be looking for the body he thought he originally found. I mean, why else would he be there on December 11th- just hanging in the woods again?


I believe the point was "actively" for 4 solid months day in day out hour after hour. He probably returned after all this time to search. I would have searched there myself had I not known it was never completly searched by detective or anyone else for that matter in all this time. And I would be stuck in this poor mans shoes. He smelled something and was not satisfied with the "deputy's" findings and went back big whoop.
Just a thought on the garbage bags being black/gray...

What one person would call dark gray another could call light black....It could be the same bag. Even in August, the bag was probably sitting there for two months in the sun. The sun may have faded the top of the bag to look more gray.

However, when OSCO actually finds the bag, and examines it, including the portion not exposed to sunlight, they would notice that the bag was actually black.

Just throwing it out there...

Re: the clothes and stuffed animals found at end of Suburban on 8/18...this could be the "second bag" if there is one. And these could be Caylees!! I would think if an officer had found even something like that discarded in the woods so close to the home of a missing child, it would be looked at right? Not just left there??? Please, tell me I'm right! OSCO's done a great job so far, this is a huge case with tons of people and manhours invested, and of course there will be human error, but I am seriously suprised that given the circumstances you don't investigate that bag more...
People give Casey so much credit for clandestine activities. But all of her actions speak otherwise. She stayed within miles of her home after killing her kid !

Look, either this 22 year old girl is the most gifted criminal ever, or there is a major conspiracy to frame this girl, why, what could be the purpose of this ? Why would so many risk a lot just to send her to jail ?

It's illogical.

She killed her kid 'cuz she didn't want her anymore, resented her mother, and wanted to be free.
Sure she planned it out (as well as a 22-yo can do) but executed it horribly. Had no plan to leave the area, no real money etc.
She left a trail of evidence right to her.

or someone/some group is setting this all up just to send an unemployed, high-school dropout, free-loading, loose, etc girl to prison for life ?

why ?


IMO, this case is such a circus because we have a beautiful little girl who was not reported missing for a month. When she was finally reported missing, the family couldn't even get the day right. The perp not only blatantly lied, they were stupid lies that were easily disproved, and then members of her family also seem to lie like most people say hello, and again, stupid lies. Because of the media attention, all the loonies came out. That's it. None of this changes the basic facts of this case, at least in my opinion.
12-16-2008, 11:54 AM Replies: 189
All things Meter Reader UPDATE: No Reward
Views: 6,767
Posted By simplesimon
Is it true that his last name is Gon-----? where...

Is it true that his last name is Gon-----? where did someone see that at?
If it is true:eek:
Just like OJ being found guilty exactly 13 yrs from the day he was found innocent
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