Why has the family not made a public plea?

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They have. Repeatedly. I am sure privately, but for sure publicly. They asked TH to do the right thing.
I think it's a good question. TH obviously doesn't have physical hold of Kyron if he is indeed alive. So, unless they are being instructed by LE not to do so, what the heck do they have to lose by begging and pleading with whomever does, to just let him go.

In the birthday party interview the other day with Desiree, she goes so far as to say how angry she is with the "selfish" person that has Kyron, but she never asks that person to "have a heart" and let him go. IDK, having never been in this situation, and praying to God I never am, maybe it's harder to do than it sounds.
I seem to recall Desiree saying to the person who has Kyron to just drop him off at a phone booth and call 911. Some people laughed at the idea of any phone booths still existing. Anyone else remember that?
I've wondered about this from the first family press conferences. They spoke to Kyron, like he was watching and perhaps had the ability to return home. I didn't understand it then, nor do I now, but then I never expected we'd still be asking the same questions almost 5 months later. I suppose the good thing is that they still say, in one form or another, "we're going to bring you home, little guy." At this stage in the game, we've seen some strange things we didn't expect. That's why, despite not understanding the pleas or lack thereof, I don't find it impossible to believe Kyron is out there, just...waiting. I really give everyone involved (WS-ers included) a lot of credit for both their tenacity and continued hope. Now that just needs to keep going until Kyron comes home!
I seem to recall Desiree saying to the person who has Kyron to just drop him off at a phone booth and call 911. Some people laughed at the idea of any phone booths still existing. Anyone else remember that?

I remember that! She said it a few times, later in the summer, when she was really getting out there in the press.
They've begged for his return many times in the past. What we are seeing now is that they've settled into this odd place, almost a limbo/purgatory. Desiree is far too angry to beg. If someone gave Desiree 10 minutes to say whatever she wanted to say, I think we would see her turn into a Linda Blair type character, complete with split pea soup. Maybe at the end, she could compose herself and threaten everyone within an inch of their lives for taking her son away.

I could see her doing this and I'd be just cheering.
They have. Repeatedly. I am sure privately, but for sure publicly. They asked TH to do the right thing.

Personally, I was referring not to Terri, who isn't holding Kyron, but to the person who is physically holding him.

Maybe that's not clear. We've seen Terri over these months, she's at her parent's house now etc, she doesn't have Kyron with her. If he's being held, it is with someone. It's that someone I was referring to.
We are all smart people here, and I didn't think I needed to clarify this point, but I will as it seems that my point is being misconstrued.

Yes, Desiree and Kaine have pleaded with Terri to give them the information to bring Kyron home; however, Terri doesn't currently have Kyron. Neither does Dede Spicher.

There have been a few times, very few, when Desiree has asked that Kyron be dropped off somewhere, but it hasn't been a consistent thread throughout the investigation.

I take issue with the argument that Desiree and Kaine are not appealing to the abductor* because he/she may get off on the attention. Many have asserted or insinuated (including Desiree) that Terri is a sociopath or has sociopathic tendencies. If that's true, wouldn't Terri get off on all the attention? And yet in interviews and press conferences the attention is always focused more on Terri than Kyron.

*for clarity's sake, lest there be any misunderstanding, by abductor I mean the person currently holding Kyron hostage
I watched the show, but I obviously I missed it, Kim. What did she say?

:eek: I don't remember verbatim. I'll have to look again. I think it went like this:

Oprah asked why they don't ask Terri what happened and she said they have and Oprah said what was her answer? and Desiree said she didn't answer at all.

IMO, they have been asking for Kyron to be released. They believe Terri gave him to someone and that Terri needs to fess up what happened. As a poster here and not a mod, I think they've done everything they can at this point to implore those who are involved with Kyron's disappearance to turn him over. :( (I'm not trying to sway opinions, this is just what I believe personally).
Okay, but Cypress is asking why Kaine and Desiree have not looked into the camera and said "Person X who has our son, give him back. He is not yours, and we want him back." Saying Terri is only thinking about herself aside, they have yet to appeal to whoever it is they believe is physically in possession of their child.

I, for one, have many many other questions than this one.
I wonder if Desiree still feels that a group may have Kyron. If some person in a group felt that they were saving Kyron, even Terri may not know where he is right now, but knows who set it up. These people or person needs convincing to quit hiding him if they have him.
We are all smart people here, and I didn't think I needed to clarify this point, but I will as it seems that my point is being misconstrued.

Yes, Desiree and Kaine have pleaded with Terri to give them the information to bring Kyron home; however, Terri doesn't currently have Kyron. Neither does Dede Spicher.

There have been a few times, very few, when Desiree has asked that Kyron be dropped off somewhere, but it hasn't been a consistent thread throughout the investigation.

I take issue with the argument that Desiree and Kaine are not appealing to the abductor* because he/she may get off on the attention. Many have asserted or insinuated (including Desiree) that Terri is a sociopath or has sociopathic tendencies. If that's true, wouldn't Terri get off on all the attention? And yet in interviews and press conferences the attention is always focused more on Terri than Kyron.

*for clarity's sake, lest there be any misunderstanding, by abductor I mean the person currently holding Kyron hostage

I think that's a good question. They may have information that would lead them to believe it would be useless, is all I can think of. I can't say I've seen them ask for whoever has him to free him or not as I mostly read any updates on the case versus the day to day stuff. Does anyone have a link to either of them directly addressing the abductors?
Sometimes I like to look at things upside down. So why haven't Kaine and Desiree pleaded with the person holding Kyron?

Well, we can rule out any nefarious reason. No one doubts that they desperately want Kyron back. So however they choose to phrase or direct their pleadings, there is nothing negative in any way to assign to these desperate parents.

That is the starting point.

Perhaps the reason they direct their comments to Terri rather than this other person, is that the choice, as they see it, is between appealing to a total stranger who has no feelings for Kyron and the stepmother who has spent years with him. Terri might seem like the one of those two choices who might be vulnerable to just the tiniest bit of concern to Kyron.

They seem convinced that Terri knows where Kyron is "stashed." This is the supreme frustration. So they continue to appeal to the one person who has the key.

They may also have been given some information that makes the Stranger so frightening that the concept of appealing to him seems like appealing to a heartless, unfeeling monster.

Or LE may have shared information that makes them believe that any appeal to the Stranger will only work if it comes from Terri. She arranged this...she MUST be the one to call it off.

How incredibly frustrating it must be...trying to find the right words that will possibly save your child...trying to refrain from saying more than LE wants you to... trying to restrict yourself so the integrity of the investigation is safeguarded...trying to get everything out in limited media time frames...trying to touch people, have them connect with your little missing guy. What an onerous task! I doubt I could do it...much less do it as well as they have. There is always something that could be said or phrased differently.

What amazing control they have had! Considering their ordeal, their exhaustion, the fact that they were not Reality Stars used to the press, I really feel they have been outstanding advocates for Kyron.t
I think that Kaine and Desiree have handled all of the press conferences, appearances, interviews just fine.

I don't have it in me to harshly critique parents who have lost their son and who are living this nightmare every waking hour.
Its not as if Kyron was seen being taken against his own will and driven away in a car, like Jaycee Dugard. Kaine and Desiree are not stupid people, they know all the events concerning Kyron, the outlook is prob grim, but there is always hope until the worst is confirmed. I dont fault them for this.
Okay, but Cypress is asking why Kaine and Desiree have not looked into the camera and said "Person X who has our son, give him back. He is not yours, and we want him back." Saying Terri is only thinking about herself aside, they have yet to appeal to whoever it is they believe is physically in possession of their child.

I, for one, have many many other questions than this one.

Hi Debs, Your post brought back memories of Brooke Wilburger and Elizabeth Smarts's parents. They not only spoke to the child directly but also to the abductor to let them come back home.

Deb, it's great to see you at WS. I remember all the times we noted that Madeleine McCann's parents also never pleaded to the perp to let her go. I maybe heard once her Mom's asking the 'perp' to drop her off at a church I think. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I think they honestly can't fathom who Terri might have "given" Kyron to-they don't know why she would do it, so how would they know who? The only real person to them, in their minds, is Terri-they have not been able to form a picture in their minds of who might actually have Kyron-they only see Terri, so they address her.

Also, I don't think they want to think too much about that part, or they might see it does not really make much sense...that he is being held...
Hmmm, let's see, Elizabeth Smart's parents made a public plea to the persons that had Elizabeth, Jaycee Dugard's parents made a public plea to the persons that had Jaycee, yet those pleas fell on deaf ears. Do you think a person that gets his/her socks off holding a child captive is actually going to care in any way shape or form and release that child because their parents have asked them too? Desiree has made MANY PUBLIC PLEAS to the person that they feel is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and those pleas have fell on deaf ears just as I would expect them too. Terri Horman cares for NO ONE BUT HERSELF. Kyron was a thorn in her side and she solved that problem just as she solved her problem with her own son by shipping him off to live elsewhere and likely would have done to her own daughter had the opportunity presented itself. JMO.
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