Why has the family not made a public plea?

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Why hasn't Terri ever pleaded for the return of Kyron? Said how much she misses him? Begged for any info about his whereabouts?
Hi Debs, Your post brought back memories of Brooke Wilburger and Elizabeth Smarts's parents. They not only spoke to the child directly but also to the abductor to let them come back home.

Deb, it's great to see you at WS. I remember all the times we noted that Madeleine McCann's parents also never pleaded to the perp to let her go. I maybe heard once her Mom's asking the 'perp' to drop her off at a church I think. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Yes, but ES was taken from her room and there was a sister who witnessed it. So there was hope. There isnt a lot of hope here, when the step mom/caregiver is failing tests and doing a lot of sketchy stuff. If they just accepted he was probably dead, how would that look?
Why hasn't Terri ever pleaded for the return of Kyron? Said how much she misses him? Begged for any info about his whereabouts?

Yeah! Why isnt she in the face of the media trying to prove her innocence? Where are her pleas? Where is her concern?
I'm so glad you created this thread. I am flabbergasted also. I just posted my frustration about this in the Oprah thread. I want them, Desiree preferably, to look into the camera and plead, begggggggggg, to let Kyron come home.

What they have been doing is NOT working. Try a personal plea. One without mention of repercussions or LE or the investigation. How can it hurt?
I was wondering about the same thing earlier today.

It could be that LE has told them not to, for example, if the FBI profilers have determined it could actually put Kyron on even greater danger.

Bean, that MUST be the reason. Otherwise it makes no sense. But it's not working Desiree and Kaine. It's not working. Try something else! PLEASE.
If that is true, then I believe that there is a chance that if someone is holding Kyron, hearing a plea from KH or DY might actually feed their drive to hold Kyron captive. In other words, it could do more harm than any good that it might do.

Interesting. Thanks. God, I just want to cry.
I'm interested in learning about the efficacy of parents pleading through the media for the return of their abducted children. Can you cite some cases that show that children were returned because their parents pleaded for their return on tv, radio, or in any other media?
Yeah! Why isnt she in the face of the media trying to prove her innocence? Where are her pleas? Where is her concern?

I don't think she was given much opportunity too. She did enlist her friends to help with fliers and t-shirts and went to the gym(with kaine) as that is where things were being organized, she was at the family presser and Kaine did speak of TH's concern & upset in the beginning, even after the fliers were passed out friends and people from the school spoke out on TH behalf. Also didn't one friend say they all wished she would tell her side but Kaine said not to talk to the media. I think in the beginning she was giving KH & DY their place as parents to speak out. Then things changed and TH became a suspect at least in the public eye and the family soon followed suit.

AT that point it would be a bad decision to start talking to the media or anyone without legal counsel present and perhaps she has since been counselled to say nothing. I 'm sure if KH or DY were under the same scrutiny we would not be hearing from them either.

None of that makes her innocent but her not talking in the media does not make her guilty or unfeeling.

all of it JMO....
Bean, that MUST be the reason. Otherwise it makes no sense. But it's not working Desiree and Kaine. It's not working. Try something else! PLEASE.

Personally, I hope they don't say another word until Kyron is found.
Personally, I hope they don't say another word until Kyron is found.

After thinking on that for a minute or two, I have to say that I agree with you. But then they'd be picked to pieces for not speaking to the media.
Personally, I hope they don't say another word until Kyron is found.

I'll agree what that. Silence is way better than talking down to and about the person you think took your kid. Plenty of time for that AFTER Kyron is home safe. And then I say let it rip!
I don't think she was given much opportunity too. She did enlist her friends to help with fliers and t-shirts and went to the gym(with kaine) as that is where things were being organized, she was at the family presser and Kaine did speak of TH's concern & upset in the beginning, even after the fliers were passed out friends and people from the school spoke out on TH behalf. Also didn't one friend say they all wished she would tell her side but Kaine said not to talk to the media. I think in the beginning she was giving KH & DY their place as parents to speak out. Then things changed and TH became a suspect at least in the public eye and the family soon followed suit.

AT that point it would be a bad decision to start talking to the media or anyone without legal counsel present and perhaps she has since been counselled to say nothing. I 'm sure if KH or DY were under the same scrutiny we would not be hearing from them either.

None of that makes her innocent but her not talking in the media does not make her guilty or unfeeling.

all of it JMO....

She also enlisted her friends and mother to speak on her behalf. Remember Carol Moulton's interview...and Jamie Finster's?

Terri has had every opportunity to speak. The media offers to let her speak every time she's been seen in public. But she ain't talking.
I guess I feel they always plead for him to be given back.

We think he's alive...someone has him...we want him back...it's not fair...please let Kyron come home...Do the right thing.

Seems like I've heard all those things. I don't feel like they always say Terri.
Unfortunately at this point, it's a damned if you do or damned if you don't situation for Desiree and Kaine but I can't make myself say anything at all negative about either of them because they are parents who have lost their child and desperately want him returned. They have conducted themselves much more professionally than I ever could and I admire both their strength and their determination. I wish them both the very best and whatever way they choose to continue their fight for the return of their beloved son then I'm not going to condemn them. I think both of them have addressed more times than enough the person that they feel is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and to date it's not done any good nor will it ever. JMO.
I think that Kaine and Desiree have handled all of the press conferences, appearances, interviews just fine.

I don't have it in me to harshly critique parents who have lost their son and who are living this nightmare every waking hour.

I don't think anyone's intent was to criticize them. I have actually seen quite a bit of that on WS and other news outlets and find it shocking, mean-spirited and immature (specifically in response to Kaine after his 'team player' comments or questioning why DY doesn't have custody.) I think I would be out of my tree with anger at everyone and everything if I had similar circumstances and cannot think of why some feel the need to criticize these obviously distraught parents who somehow manage to come before the press day after day.

I think the tone of this was quite simply, 'why wouldn't they address a kidnapper' (if there is one)? There could be any number of reasons, safety issues, they've been told not to, LE has some contact with a member of the group, etc. I think (would hope) that's the only tone of this thread -- genuine sleuthing and not critique.

(My spellcheck isn't working so forgive the mis-types!)
I'll agree what that. Silence is way better than talking down to and about the person you think took your kid. Plenty of time for that AFTER Kyron is home safe. And then I say let it rip!

Well...that's not why I hope they don't speak to the media any more...
Yeah! Why isnt she in the face of the media trying to prove her innocence? Where are her pleas? Where is her concern?

Maybe because she wants it to be about Kyron and not about her.
Early on in Kyron's disappearance, someone here mentioned that they used to be involved with an underground group that took abused children and hid them with other families for their own safety. I wish I could remember which thread it was in. We were talking about what TH could have done with Kyron and this possibility came up. This person mentioned that these groups would not even tell LE where or if these children were taken. This is exactly what I'm afraid has happened with Kyron and TH could not get him back right now no matter how much she wanted to. Does anyone else remember this poster? It had to be here because I don't read on any other boards.
I think that Kaine and Desiree have handled all of the press conferences, appearances, interviews just fine.

I don't have it in me to harshly critique parents who have lost their son and who are living this nightmare every waking hour.

This isn't a criticism, and it's not meant as a criticism. It's a question. Desiree and Kaine have been very vocal in the press about their belief that Terri had help abducting and hiding Kyron. I only wonder why they haven't appealed to the person holding their son against his will. If it's on the advice of LE, then okay, I understand. If it's because they don't know to whom they are speaking, okay, I understand. There's no ulterior motive here.

I think sometimes this case is viewed as one faction being on Terri's side and the other faction being on Desiree and Kaine's side. That's not true for me, though. I'm on Kyron's side. And whatever the truth is, whatever it is and however we can peaceably, reasonably, constructively ascertain the truth is where you'll find me.
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