Why has the family not made a public plea?

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She also enlisted her friends and mother to speak on her behalf. Remember Carol Moulton's interview...and Jamie Finster's?

Terri has had every opportunity to speak. The media offers to let her speak every time she's been seen in public. But she ain't talking.

Let's not forget her leaving comments on the news website in Oregon defending herself.
Not to belabor the point, but when given an opportunity to talk about Kyron, if people have to keep weeding through their hatred of Terri, people are going to start tuning out Kaine and Desiree. It is simply a fact of life. A sad one, to be sure, but one that will inevitably happen. It seems their time on camera can be better utilized going forward from here on out. That is all. There is no bashing of these parents in anything I have said regarding this manner, and it's becoming tiresome to be met with comments suggesting such.

I've been reading this case since day one and some people have been against them since jump, especially against Kaine. He can do no right, and never could. It's their opinion, but it started before Kaine and Desiree started doing pressers.
Let's not forget her leaving comments on the news website in Oregon defending herself.

She was told not to speak, by Kaine, prior to her being a POI. Then, she became the POI.
The in between from not suspect to could be suspect was so short, but in that meantime the public had already placed their finger on her.

Honestly, I would keep my mouth shut too. Not because of guilt or innocence, but simply because NOTHING I would say or do would convince the masses otherwise.

IMO, her defending herself online was the only outlet she had to convey her innocence.

I can't say if she is or she isn't, and I am not here to defend her.

Just my view on this situation.
She was told not to speak, by Kaine, prior to her being a POI. Then, she became the POI.
The in between from not suspect to could be suspect was so short, but in that meantime the public had already placed their finger on her.

Honestly, I would keep my mouth shut too. Not because of guilt or innocence, but simply because NOTHING I would say or do would convince the masses otherwise.

IMO, her defending herself online was the only outlet she had to convey her innocence.

I can't say if she is or she isn't, and I am not here to defend her.

Just my view on this situation.

Is there a source for this?
Is there a source for this?

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5548619"]Why did Kaine and Terri avoid the media.? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

I had to google this info, and it brought me back to WS. The info is contained within WS, but since there is many, many, many pages here on the Kyron forum it might be hard to find.
I am sure that someone here might be able to give a better link, MSM wise.
Sorry that I can't, I try to limit myself in this frustration (and snark.)
I don't think we are off-topic discussing why Terri has not spoken out. I think it is one of the reasons Kaine and Desiree suspect her and keep appealing to her. Honestly, how much trouble would it be for her lawyer to issue a statement on her behalf--carefully vetted?

It has to be because Houze knows that when we find out the truth, he will look like a fool if he issues such a statement. He will look like a shyster. And that's not the image he wants. He works in Portland, not L.A.
I've been reading this case since day one and some people have been against them since jump, especially against Kaine. He can do no right, and never could. It's their opinion, but it started before Kaine and Desiree started doing pressers.

Well, I guess that's their right, yes? We none of us have to like it, but none of us should bear the brunt of someone else's ire because it happens. The fact of the matter is, the family has to be discussed at some point with respect, but not with such blind deference that things which seem off aren't discussed. To discuss them is not to throw Kaine and Desiree under the bus. But there are things that can be discussed with that respect in place, and it is to that end that I have seen posters here work toward. That is all.
I'm so glad you created this thread. I am flabbergasted also. I just posted my frustration about this in the Oprah thread. I want them, Desiree preferably, to look into the camera and plead, begggggggggg, to let Kyron come home.

What they have been doing is NOT working. Try a personal plea. One without mention of repercussions or LE or the investigation. How can it hurt?

It's not a matter of whether what they're doing is working -- they don't hold the key or have any magic words to say; they have no power to release Kyron if he's still with us.

IF he is still alive, that means someone has been holding him all this time. I don't think they're suddenly going to grow a conscience and have sympathy for the parents or Kyron because of a televised plea (especially since Kyron is old enough to give specific identifying information to incriminate any persons holding him).

IMO, we can't put the onus on the parents and say what they're doing isn't working. They have done everything they possibly could.

What isn't working are the black hearts of those who are holding him and/or those who know what happened to him.
I've seen nothing BUT Kaine and Desiree pleading for information. They have humanized Kyron by openly sharing family pictures that show a smiling, innocent, well-loved little boy surrounded by family. They have shown his favorite toys and his room. They have begged for information from anyone who might know anything leading to his return. They have pleaded for whoever has him to put Kyron in a neutral location with access to communication. They have stood in front of his wall of hope, shed public tears, shared their theories, answered even probing personal questions from the public about their private lives. There's information they've wanted to share that they have been told not to share - so clearly they've gone against their own desires in an effort to help find Kyron.

If pleading directly to someone holding Kyron (in a way other than the ways they already have, repeatedly) had any chance to work, had any history of working in child kidnap cases, my guess is they would have done it ten times over by now. IMO they've demonstrated a willingness to do even personal uncomfortable/excruciating things on Kyron's behalf, ignoring their own needs, accepting embarrassment, privacy violation and indignity - so from that evidence I would say that they're not making the specific TYPE of pleas mentioned here, it's because they haven't been advised to or have been advised not to.
Nag, nag, nag?? FGS, they are desperate to find their son! I'm sorry...I do not understand this. I do not understand how things can get so twisted. Is it because they blame Terri?? Really?? If this was turned around, and it was Kaine that was last seen with Kyron and it was Kaine that failed 2 polys(yes, I do believe Terri flunked), and it was Kaine who purportedly put a hit out on Terri and it was Kaine who was sexting and sending sexy pics to an old HS friend of Terri's......well, I think I know the answer. I'll leave it to others to "nag" Kaine and Desiree. I just can't. And won't.

Have a nice evening


I completely agree that if it were Kaine accused of the many questionable circumstances that you mention, he would have to be in a barricaded house fearing for his life every day. His house would have to be located somewhere other than Planet Earth. His life and career would be over as he knows it. And if found innocent, we would all know that we had contributed to his demise as a human being. At least I would. moo hoo

As for how ideas get twisted - An inordinate amount of media time has been given to Kaine and Desiree. High profile media time such as People's magazine, Oprah, GMA, and press conferences when ever they have called for one. moo

IMO There is a responsibility that comes with using high profile media times and that responsibility is to use it wisely. Of course, all loved ones with missing children are frantic, desperate, and exhausted. Judgmental America understands and accepts that. Give America a message, tell them how they can help, what to do. Use the time wisely to find your child. moo

One of the most effective uses of media time I have seen comes from the Somer Thompson case, with mom Diena. She stood in front of the camera, looking exhausted and frantic...made a tight fist with her hand and holding her fist out in front of her said - 'we are going to get you'!!! 'We will find you'. How dare you throw my baby in the garbage like a piece of trash! Didn't matter who or where that perp was - she was going to 'get' him. I consider that an effective and excellent use of high profile media time. hoo

Diena was hated by many who never stopped seeing her as the murderous perp of her daughter. However, there is no question that she made an unforgettable statement. Those of us who sided with her felt we had a mission - and that was to 'get' that perp! And we did! That, IMO is using media time wisely. moo hoo
This isn't a criticism, and it's not meant as a criticism. It's a question. Desiree and Kaine have been very vocal in the press about their belief that Terri had help abducting and hiding Kyron. I only wonder why they haven't appealed to the person holding their son against his will. If it's on the advice of LE, then okay, I understand. If it's because they don't know to whom they are speaking, okay, I understand. There's no ulterior motive here.

I think sometimes this case is viewed as one faction being on Terri's side and the other faction being on Desiree and Kaine's side. That's not true for me, though. I'm on Kyron's side. And whatever the truth is, whatever it is and however we can peaceably, reasonably, constructively ascertain the truth is where you'll find me.

Great post. I'm also on Kyron's side, and also on the side of truth. No matter where it takes us.

Because, if TH took him, it seems that family dynamics and problems were part of the environment, it's important to look at everyone and everything involved--if we want to find even a small thread that will help lead to Kyron.

I really, really wish that being questioning about everything, or waiting for solid evidence, wasn't viewed as being among Terri's defenders. I also wish that looking at the case that way also wasn't viewed as "hating" or attacking KH or DY. As others have pointed out, this case is being widely discussed on the internet, and the cacaphony of "hate TH" vs. "if you don't hate TH you hate KH & DY" shouts all too often drowns out the small voice of one little boy who's lost. JMO

In the end, there will be no "I'm right, you're wrong" or "winning side". There will only be Kyron and his fate.
I've seen nothing BUT Kaine and Desiree pleading for information. They have humanized Kyron by openly sharing family pictures that show a smiling, innocent, well-loved little boy surrounded by family. They have shown his favorite toys and his room. They have begged for information from anyone who might know anything leading to his return. They have pleaded for whoever has him to put Kyron in a neutral location with access to communication. They have stood in front of his wall of hope, shed public tears, shared their theories, answered even probing personal questions from the public about their private lives. There's information they've wanted to share that they have been told not to share - so clearly they've gone against their own desires in an effort to help find Kyron.

If pleading directly to someone holding Kyron (in a way other than the ways they already have, repeatedly) had any chance to work, had any history of working in child kidnap cases, my guess is they would have done it ten times over by now. IMO they've demonstrated a willingness to do even personal uncomfortable/excruciating things on Kyron's behalf, ignoring their own needs, accepting embarrassment, privacy violation and indignity - so from that evidence I would say that they're not making the specific TYPE of pleas mentioned here, it's because they haven't been advised to or have been advised not to.

ITA! The thanks button wasn't enough.

I'm starting to wish their was a guidebook for parents of missing children. Maybe then they wouldn't get so scrutinized by not following a logical order to getting their children back. A child going missing is not logical, so how in the heck and why in the heck do some expect them to be logical in all of their decisions and everything they do? We can sit here and armchair judge when our kids our safe, and it's not us having to face any second away from them because they haven't been taken away from us.

I think they've done all they can, based on advice from LE and probably even Tony. I think there's not much more that they can do. They don't think Terri is innocent. They don't think some random perp has Kyron, so why plead to someone they don't think exists?

There is no imaginanny here. These are not parents in denial, trying to obstruct LE every step of the way, even to the point of saying their child can't possibly be dead even though the necklaces with ashes around their neck say different. This is not people covering up or altering evidence, blaming every person around their monster daughter but her, acting like it's them against the world. They're not going on every talk show they can and sounding so in denial and crazy that's it beyond pathetic and just hurting their daughter's case even more. These are not people that hired a wanna be detective and his friend to go scout a place where the dead child just might be so they can find her and destroy her before LE has a chance to find her first (and ironically it wasn't LE, it was a regular citizen who found her). These are not people that set up a fraudulent foundation and have tried to get money any way they can, even selling out their dead grandchild to do so to fund their daughter's defense, go on cruises and get tattoos and plastic surgery, and eat crabpuffs while their grandchild is found.

Oh, and they've NEVER pleaded to the what they consider the REAL perpetrator to release their grandchild or ever tried to find the REAL perpertrator they keep saying there must be because there's no way their mother of the year perfect daughter could have murdered her own child.

You want parents NOT doing the right thing for a murdered child? Look at the Casey Anthony case. I mean really look at it all the wrong things those grandparents have done and then ask yourself if Kaine and Desiree aren't so bad after that.

After following that case, it just gets me so mad to see Kaine and Desiree constantly under some kind of scrutiny for what they've done, haven't done, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans in my eyes when after all they've done KYRON IS STILL MISSING. I highly doubt pleaing to someone mysterious who might have Kyron is going to do any good. There's no magic word or phrase to that's just going to make someone release a child after all of this time. And honestly, he's probably dead, so what's the point of appealing to a nonexistent kidnapper?

They can't bring themselves to accept that he's dead, but I think they know it deep down inside. And I think they've been doing the dang best they can considering the circumstances. Geez, after following the escapades of George and Cindy Anthony for two years, it's refreshing to me to see parents like Kaine and Desiree. I don't find any fault in them not appealing to some minutely possible random perp out there akin to zanny the nanny for Kyron's safe return.

If it does turn out he's dead, but they had plead to a person to let him go, then I'm sure they'll get criticized for pleading to captor that didn't exist and why weren't they looking for Kyron's body sooner. They just can't do anything right to some people and it's sickening. To second guess all of their hard efforts is just cold and cruel. It's like blaming THEM if he does turn up dead because if THEY had only done this one logical thing, then he wouldn't be. That's just INSANE.

LOGIC cannot be applied to a child gone missing. It just can't. If it could be, more kids wouldn't be missing. There is no time for LOGIC when your child, your world, is gone and it's all you have in you to be able to get up each day and function, hoping this is the day your child comes home. There is no mathematical formula for this, no logical and straightforward answers when this happens. Why, then, are these grieving parents expect to act logical and rational all the time? That's just impossible for them to be able to do, and it's ludicrous to expect them to be able to do that.

IMO, they have already plead to the person they believe knows where he is. And she STILL isn't talking. Terri is the key here. She knows what she did with him and she knows, if she did hand him off, who has him and where he is. I don't believe for second that she doesn't. And all the pleaing in the world has done NOTHING to move her to reveal Kyron and probably never will.

And if he is being held by some random perp, they're probably the same as Terri and pleaing with them will do no good either. Or even worse, they might return him in pieces just to make a point. Pleaing might actually make Kyron's situation worse.
Is the $50K reward still available?
If it is I wish they would mention it in every interview by both the parents and LE.

If Kryon is still alive somewhere maybe it would help persuade someone to come forward that might know something. It doesn't have to be the other person involved just someone that noticed something unusual like a person with no children that started buying Lucky charms or boy's clothing.

Also after this much time I am afraid as a parent that (whether or not LE liked it) I would be tempted to give out something more if I had it than the same old stuff about how they feel about TH. I think some new info on how, why or where would perk up the media and everyone else to the case. Just look at how the numbers of posters on these threads have fallen since the beginning.
I thought Kaine had hired a media consultant, as well. Perhaps under her advice they are sticking with what we hear repeatedly in their media appearances.
ITA! The thanks button wasn't enough.

I'm starting to wish their was a guidebook for parents of missing children. Maybe then they wouldn't get so scrutinized by not following a logical order to getting their children back. A child going missing is not logical, so how in the heck and why in the heck do some expect them to be logical in all of their decisions and everything they do? We can sit here and armchair judge when our kids our safe, and it's not us having to face any second away from them because they haven't been taken away from us.

I think they've done all they can, based on advice from LE and probably even Tony. I think there's not much more that they can do. They don't think Terri is innocent. They don't think some random perp has Kyron, so why plead to someone they don't think exists?

There is no imaginanny here. These are not parents in denial, trying to obstruct LE every step of the way, even to the point of saying their child can't possibly be dead even though the necklaces with ashes around their neck say different. This is not people covering up or altering evidence, blaming every person around their monster daughter but her, acting like it's them against the world. They're not going on every talk show they can and sounding so in denial and crazy that's it beyond pathetic and just hurting their daughter's case even more. These are not people that hired a wanna be detective and his friend to go scout a place where the dead child just might be so they can find her and destroy her before LE has a chance to find her first (and ironically it wasn't LE, it was a regular citizen who found her). These are not people that set up a fraudulent foundation and have tried to get money any way they can, even selling out their dead grandchild to do so to fund their daughter's defense, go on cruises and get tattoos and plastic surgery, and eat crabpuffs while their grandchild is found.

Oh, and they've NEVER pleaded to the what they consider the REAL perpetrator to release their grandchild or ever tried to find the REAL perpertrator they keep saying there must be because there's no way their mother of the year perfect daughter could have murdered her own child.

You want parents NOT doing the right thing for a murdered child? Look at the Casey Anthony case. I mean really look at it all the wrong things those grandparents have done and then ask yourself if Kaine and Desiree aren't so bad after that.

After following that case, it just gets me so mad to see Kaine and Desiree constantly under some kind of scrutiny for what they've done, haven't done, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans in my eyes when after all they've done KYRON IS STILL MISSING. I highly doubt pleaing to someone mysterious who might have Kyron is going to do any good. There's no magic word or phrase to that's just going to make someone release a child after all of this time. And honestly, he's probably dead, so what's the point of appealing to a nonexistent kidnapper?

They can't bring themselves to accept that he's dead, but I think they know it deep down inside. And I think they've been doing the dang best they can considering the circumstances. Geez, after following the escapades of George and Cindy Anthony for two years, it's refreshing to me to see parents like Kaine and Desiree. I don't find any fault in them not appealing to some minutely possible random perp out there akin to zanny the nanny for Kyron's safe return.

If it does turn out he's dead, but they had plead to a person to let him go, then I'm sure they'll get criticized for pleading to captor that didn't exist and why weren't they looking for Kyron's body sooner. They just can't do anything right to some people and it's sickening. To second guess all of their hard efforts is just cold and cruel. It's like blaming THEM if he does turn up dead because if THEY had only done this one logical thing, then he wouldn't be. That's just INSANE.

LOGIC cannot be applied to a child gone missing. It just can't. If it could be, more kids wouldn't be missing. There is no time for LOGIC when your child, your world, is gone and it's all you have in you to be able to get up each day and function, hoping this is the day your child comes home. There is no mathematical formula for this, no logical and straightforward answers when this happens. Why, then, are these grieving parents expect to act logical and rational all the time? That's just impossible for them to be able to do, and it's ludicrous to expect them to be able to do that.

IMO, they have already plead to the person they believe knows where he is. And she STILL isn't talking. Terri is the key here. She knows what she did with him and she knows, if she did hand him off, who has him and where he is. I don't believe for second that she doesn't. And all the pleaing in the world has done NOTHING to move her to reveal Kyron and probably never will.

And if he is being held by some random perp, they're probably the same as Terri and pleaing with them will do no good either. Or even worse, they might return him in pieces just to make a point. Pleaing might actually make Kyron's situation worse.

Just wanted to say very good post!

Also there is a manual for parents of missing children, a step-by-step guide on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's website that is available for downloading. It is a wonderful comprehensive guide on what to do and how to handle LE, media, etc. I haven't looked at it in awhile but I believe it is well over 50 pages. I hope, the CARD team is giving it out to each family of a missing child.
Is the $50K reward still available?
If it is I wish they would mention it in every interview by both the parents and LE.

If Kryon is still alive somewhere maybe it would help persuade someone to come forward that might know something. It doesn't have to be the other person involved just someone that noticed something unusual like a person with no children that started buying Lucky charms or boy's clothing.

Also after this much time I am afraid as a parent that (whether or not LE liked it) I would be tempted to give out something more if I had it than the same old stuff about how they feel about TH. I think some new info on how, why or where would perk up the media and everyone else to the case. Just look at how the numbers of posters on these threads have fallen since the beginning.

If LE was telling me that any extra info I gave out could harm the case and make them unable to distinguish real from fake evidence, or harm the eventual prosecution of the perpetrator of the crime, then I would forgo the satisfaction of giving the hungry public what they want in favor of helping the search and the eventual prosecution case.
ITA! The thanks button wasn't enough.

I'm starting to wish their was a guidebook for parents of missing children. Maybe then they wouldn't get so scrutinized by not following a logical order to getting their children back. A child going missing is not logical, so how in the heck and why in the heck do some expect them to be logical in all of their decisions and everything they do? We can sit here and armchair judge when our kids our safe, and it's not us having to face any second away from them because they haven't been taken away from us.

And I wish different aspects of this case could be discussed without it turning into "us versus them." If you're on Kyron's side, then we're on the same side. Our approach may be different, but we want, long for, and ache for the same thing and that is for Kyron to be returned to those who love him.

The armchair judging goes both ways -- so many assert we shouldn't judge how Desiree and Kaine are acting and reacting because of what's going on in their lives, but many have judged Terri based on personal experiences and/or biases, conflicting information, rumors, gossip, and have used that judgment to convict her. From the first press conference, she was judged -- she blinked too many times, she looked at Desiree, she was fake-crying, etc. You would think that you'd fall apart if your child went missing, but would you? Or would shock take over? You would think you'd lay it all on the table, but would you? It's easy for many to say they'd handle it better than Terri when their children are safe and they aren't under suspicion. And innocent people do come under suspicion. Jaycee Dugard's stepfather was under a cloud of suspicion for years.

I think they've done all they can, based on advice from LE and probably even Tony. I think there's not much more that they can do. They don't think Terri is innocent. They don't think some random perp has Kyron, so why plead to someone they don't think exists?


Desiree and Kaine believe Kyron is alive and being held somewhere. Terri's whereabouts are accounted for, and she doesn't have Kyron. Desiree and Kaine may believe Terri orchestrated Kyron's disappearance, but by continuing to assert he is alive somewhere they are, in fact, asserting that a random perp has Kyron.
I thought Kaine had hired a media consultant, as well. Perhaps under her advice they are sticking with what we hear repeatedly in their media appearances.

I hope he did hire a consultant - good for him. It's impossible to expect media-innocent grieving parents to know the best way to get their child's face and 'voice' out to the public, so I'd be glad to hear that Kaine was proactive enough to find this additional help for Kyron.
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