Why isn't the house from video being searched?

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I would be very surprised if LE hasn't already been all over the inside and outside of the house, talked to neighbors and the owners themselves. Remember, they've had this for a lot longer than we plus direct contact with Hoover.

It reminds me of the bag that was removed from KC's trunk when GA picked up the car from the towing company. The man that worked for the towing company tossed it into the dumpster. Within a couple of days, when the case started to hit the airwaves, he went all through the dumpster to look for the bag, couldn't find it, called the police, and they said they already had the bag.

Yep, LE picked that trash up the first night/early AM.

Is that confirmed?

To clarify, the trash bag tx_Dot and I were talking about is the one from the trunk of KC's car. The police confirmed they had that bag with one of the people that works for the tow company.
Yes, she did say ZFG had "alot" if money.imo we do not know what "alot" of money means to KC. For someone that made their appearent living off of steeling, maybe, it seemed like alot to her. From the photo's of the back yard it appears they may have owned some sort of vending machine business. Does this type of business make alot of $$$? It would seem mostly cash. IIRC neighbor said they left @ 1year ago for PR. Remember, when Nick S.(FBI) said they have been out of the country investigating Caylee's case. fingers crossed, they already have this family in the witness protection program from the A's. I have a feeling they may need it.

No - I do not remember the Feds saying that had been out of the country. Do you remember where you got that? That would be interesting?
piratemom and darcedarce:

Several of us have thought the same thing and repeated on the thread: Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming .

Now, here's something maybe you didn't know. There were a few people (not me) but I read the posts, who had dreams involving a house in the Psychic/dreams thread. This was months ago, before the body was found. It was speculated, based on these dreams, that KC might have used a vacated house to leave a sleeping Caylee while she went partying. Weird, huh?

WOW! I can't keep up with all of this, that is awesome though!
Yes, last night (I think it was on NG) the psyhic said she told him it was double bagged. I'm not sure that I'm buying the whole psyhic thing but that is what she said.

Just to clarify...the psychic said "THEY MAILED ME A TEDDY BEAR"...which I am interpreting as Hoover/Casey (?) investigators mailed it to her...not the Anthony's.

Also, she said the body is in a bag. (singular) but that two bags may be there.

Also, she does not have the verizon records as it is goes to her dad's office. So that is why she didn't get ahold of it right away. Or so she says

Read below:

Here is the transcript:

GINNETTE LUCAS, PSYCHIC: Thank you for having me.

GRACE: Now, did -- how did you get hooked up with Dominic Casey to start with?

LUCAS: Well, I have a big reputation in the northern Virginia- D.C. area, and another fellow dowser -- do you know what dowsing is?

GRACE: I`m sorry. I couldn`t hear you. Repeat?

LUCAS: Can you hear me? Another fellow dowser called me and asked me to do some location work for the Anthony case.


LUCAS: And I said, Sure, what the heck, go ahead, let`s try it. So he called down there. And I guess he had spoken with Sergeant Allen and Allen wasn`t interested. And then I guess he spoke with Dominic Casey and Dominic Casey said he was interested.
And every time I worked on it, I couldn`t get the information. So eventually, one day, I picked up the information and I called Dominic right away about 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning on the 15th. And I said, I have what I call "the fast and final." I had some training from a former retired -- now retired D.C. detective, Detective Mike Helwig (ph) of the forensics department of D.C. police, and he would always give me pointers of how to, you know, attempt to go into a crime scene and so forth. And I`m also a former private investigator...

GRACE: What you were telling him on the phone, Ms. Lucas?

LUCAS: I told him to go over to the area where an abandoned house was. I told him, When you leave the Anthony house, come out the front -- pretend you`re coming out the front door, take a right and go to the end of the street, and go to where the abandoned house is and...

GRACE: Right. And were you -- were you giving him specific directions while you were on the phone with him?

LUCAS: Oh, absolutely. We were on the phone off and on for a while.

GRACE: Have you ever seen the location?


GRACE: So this was all from your psychic feelings about the location?

LUCAS: Right. But that`s what I do. I do it all the time.

GRACE: And is it true that you had at some point a teddy bear that once belonged to little Caylee and you presumably channeled information through that?

LUCAS: No, I didn`t channel. I`m not a channeler. I`m a...

GRACE: OK, did you have a teddy bear that belonged to Caylee?

LUCAS: Yes. Oh, yes. They mailed it to me.

GRACE: Did you use it in any way?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, I touched the teddy bear and...

GRACE: Right. And what happened when you touched the teddy bear?

LUCAS: I didn`t get much. And I didn`t proceed much. And then I put down the teddy bear, put out a picture, a map, touched it, went to bed. And I had a dream about the information, got the final location, got up at 3:00 in the morning and called him and left him a message. And I said, Call me right away. I`ve got it and I want you to go check it out immediately.

GRACE: What was the dream, Ms. Lucas?

LUCAS: That she was in a plastic bag. I said there might be two plastic bags, a white one and a dark brown -- not a brown but a black one, and then a dark green one. And I said, Don`t -- I said, You`re not looking for a little person sitting on the curb, you`re looking for garbage, what looks like garbage.

GRACE: Did you turn over your cell phone records to police?

LUCAS: No, I`m trying to get ahold of it through Verizon. I`m not having an easy time with Verizon.

GRACE: Do you get a monthly bill?

LUCAS: Well, it goes to my dad`s office. So he...

GRACE: Well, wouldn`t that be a monthly bill that shows all of the phone calls?

LUCAS: My dad says it`s not on there. So I`ve called Verizon and they said they couldn`t get it.

GRACE: They couldn`t get what?

LUCAS: They couldn`t get the detailed phone calls. So I`m going to go talk to a supervisor tomorrow.
Anyone heard if they have searched the house? It's driving me nuts not knowing. I feel the house is of some importance and I keep hearing from other's that it does not. I doubt that LE or the FBI would ignore this discovery.
I already checked that entire thread and looked at the times. I will go through it again. I saw trailers and updates on both CNN and Tru TV yesterday - before the WS times posted. If I find differently I will retract.
Anyone heard if they have searched the house? It's driving me nuts not knowing. I feel the house is of some importance and I keep hearing from other's that it does not. I doubt that LE or the FBI would ignore this discovery.

I have not found anywhere or in any other forums in which that house was searched. IT could be two reasons. One, they may have searched it privately before the videotapes were released...or two, they may not feel that house is/was a crime scene area and merely just a psychic's tip that led Dominic Casey to go there...when in fact it may not have anything to do with Caylee's actual murder or murder scene. Personally, I think they should do a check of that house...just in case...unless they know something we don't know about the Anthony house. So much of this case has been released that we need to remember that I'm sure the investigators have a lot more that we are not even aware of, as yet. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Frustrating!
I think LE probably has checked out the house after they initially interviewed JH. If they did, we don't know what they may have found there and exactly why the house is significant. They may have checked out the house without drawing the attention of the media or neighbors.

I think that at the present time, LE is concentrating on getting the phone records of the psychic, DC, and JH subpoenaed. They need to know who DC was talking to on the cell phone while searching, as that person was probably giving them directions.

I'm wondering if KB has been doing any follow-up to yesterday's discovery of the vacant house in the video? Will she be reporting on this further?
you guys... c'mon. psychics are full of crap. they don't exist. we all have intuition and suspicions, but like i've said in a previous post... there's a million dollar reward out there for anyone that can prove the existence of the paranormal and it's NEVER been collected.
you guys... c'mon. psychics are full of crap. they don't exist. we all have intuition and suspicions, but like i've said in a previous post... there's a million dollar reward out there for anyone that can prove the existence of the paranormal and it's NEVER been collected.

No kidding, and how much is the powerball up to this week?:confused:
pb6656 said:
That house was ID'd as a "G" house by the media before it was ID'd on WS.

I already checked that entire thread and looked at the times. I will go through it again. I saw trailers and updates on both CNN and Tru TV yesterday - before the WS times posted. If I find differently I will retract.

My post was specifically referring to your post. You said ID'd as a "G" house. I didn't see any of the WFTV, CNN or TruTV previews. Did any of them show or say the "G" name on a news preview before Websleuths did?
To me it looked like he was digging for something smaller than a body like phone, clothes or something else. Also the physic said she had told him the body was in two garbage bags so it would never fit into the small space he was digging in.

Curious to me is why the A's sent this physic a teddy bear of Caylee's when they would not give TES any toy or article of Caylee's to help search for her when they themselves invited TES to come to Orlando to search for Caylee?

They have maintained all along that they were only looking for an 'alive' Caylee, well it's obvious from the video and conversation from the physic that was a "half-truth"
In public they have maintained Caylee was alive and that they were receiving many sightings of her, YET in private they did entertain the theory she was deceased and did allow their PI to do a search for a 'body'.
Its possible this house was searched, we just don't know about it yet. REmember that they got this video last week. Hoover seemed to have been forthcoming, he would have told them where it was, and possibly showed them where DC was digging.
I personally do not think in light of these videos that the house was not looked over by LE.
LE isn't saying much. They are holding many things close to their vests..
I agree. There are lots of fish to fry these days.
Anyone heard if they have searched the house? It's driving me nuts not knowing. I feel the house is of some importance and I keep hearing from other's that it does not. I doubt that LE or the FBI would ignore this discovery.
Has anyone thought to just call OCSO and ask?
Curious to me is why the A's sent this physic a teddy bear of Caylee's when they would not give TES any toy or article of Caylee's to help search for her when they themselves invited TES to come to Orlando to search for Caylee?

I have no idea why they didn't give anything to TM and TES, but I just wanted to note that a psychic who wanted something of Caylee's to help determine her whereabouts would likely NOT say, "Can I have something of your grand-daughter's so I can find out where her dead body is?" In fact, in her story of allegedly talking to DC, she says she told him to sit down, because Caylee was deceased, like she herself was surprised. It doesn't seem out of line to me for the A's to send something to her (who, at least before she did her dowsing, was open to the possibility of a live Caylee) and not give anything to anyone who was obviously looking for remains.

Just a thought. Carry on.
you guys... c'mon. psychics are full of crap. they don't exist. we all have intuition and suspicions, but like i've said in a previous post... there's a million dollar reward out there for anyone that can prove the existence of the paranormal and it's NEVER been collected.

We know....:)

It's the 'defenders' that have to claim they got their info from anyone, OTHER THAN KC.
They would need to secure a search warrant before they could search the property. Does the Anthony's PI filming in the backyard meet the standard of probably cause to execute a search?

I find it interesting that they clearly said in September that Casey made a call from the abandoned military housing at some point and now we have the PI's at an abandoned house. I am not really buying into the defense staging this video theory. They were at that house looking for something specific.
They would need to secure a search warrant before they could search the property. Does the Anthony's PI filming in the backyard meet the standard of probably cause to execute a search?

I would say it does. Search Warrants have been granted for much less probable cause. I'm sure that if they wanted, they could have a SW in no time at all.

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