Why take "rocks" into evidence??

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This isn't a circus, more like a soap-opera. You have to keep watching so you don't miss what happens next. :)

yeah sort of, except more like the kind of soap opera that is half recap and half 'big revealing moment' that you know won't be revealed for months, but you still watch everyday, thinking...this will be the day.
I just saw the diver on NG and this is what I gathered from what he said. The bag with toys in it ALSO had some chunks of concrete. The thing they thought was a clover was imbedded in the concrete. When the FBI got there they broke it open and it was actually Gumby IN the concrete. This would make sense, any part of Gumby (a limb or top of his head) could look like part of a clover if it was isolated and that's all you saw.

Maybe the "rocks" that were taken in were actually the concrete.
I'm not sure what to think anymore but I don't think this was planted by padilla.. and this is why, it's the shamrock.. why would he be all freaked out about the shamrock only to make himself look stupid when it turned out to be gumby.. if he really wanted people to believe it was caylee and he put the toys in there then why didn't he put in a real shamrock object.. if he planted this he would no that the shamrock was gumby.. and also le might be upset because they don't want it made public that soon..maybe they are hoping they can find more body parts close to the bag they found.. they don't want to mess up anything with this case..they have worked to hard and too long to let anything screw it up now.. they are smarter then we think..

See my post above, I'll try and get transcripts of what the diver said verbatim so I'm not paraphrasing.
I agree. They would have had the FBI, OCSD, and heaps of divers and CSI there within minutes.

:( I wish it had been something though...

not if they had already pulled her from there......and this is just a bit more *rocks*
"BOSINSKI: I was actually the initial diver who found the garbage bag, which was underneath the piece of concrete that had that little what we assumed to be a clover, a four-leafed clover. Come to find out once the FBI got here and forensics teams got here, they broke it apart and it came to be a small Gumby, Gumby magnet.

GRACE: But it was a child`s toy, but you`re saying it was in a garbage bag weighted down with a cement block?

BOSINSKI: Yes, ma`am. The garbage bag was ripped -- when I found it down underneath the silt, from what I could tell and by what I could feel, the garbage bag was partially closed. And as I pulled it up, I didn`t realize there was concrete in it. And as I got it up to the surface, I realized that there was actually something weighing in it, and I tried to do the best I could to preserve it. But in these type of conditions it`s extremely -- extremely hard to be able to control everything..."
Ok so to add a little more confusion to this mess here we go...
Murt just said live that yes they did take the toys, yes there was a shamrock,yes one thing they took was a bone. Man this day has given me such a headache! Murt was right there with LP and the divers when this all started so he saw everything happening. I would really like to know which it is, nothing/rocks/bones, and the toys took/left them gessh which is it?
If somebody here in Florida wants rocks or stones they will need to pay to purchase them from either out of State or else from a garden center. Rocks/stones, and may I also mention hills, are a rarity and almost nonexistent here in Central Florida. We have a flat, sandy terrain here.
Did I read that LE said that the "toys" did not belong to Caylee because they have been in her house and seen her toys?
If that is what they said I would think that toys found in the water today would not be toys that anyone would see at the A's home for the simple fact that the toys found were already removed from the house before LE searched the house. If KC buried/hid toys of Caylee's with her body in July then LE would never have seen these toys - so how could they state so quickly that these are not part of the case?
Could these "ROCKS" that were found be "man-made" for example using whatever the Anthony's had to make pavers in their back yard??? :eek::eek:

That was my first thought when I heard it...and they don't have to be complete pavers...they could be broken pieces.

This case is making me crazy...I KNOW LE is playing to quiet and careful and god bless them for that...but do they know what its doing to MMMEEE??? :)

I just have this fantasy that when the LE spokesperson on for his next media event, he will turn slightly and give all us Websleuthers a tiny wink...PLEASE!
Did I read that LE said that the "toys" did not belong to Caylee because they have been in her house and seen her toys?
If that is what they said I would think that toys found in the water today would not be toys that anyone would see at the A's home for the simple fact that the toys found were already removed from the house before LE searched the house. If KC buried/hid toys of Caylee's with her body in July then LE would never have seen these toys - so how could they state so quickly that these are not part of the case?

Exactly...ruled out too quickly...and they were size that a small child would have in her backback IMO.

The A's will never tell LE if they were Caylees IMO.

I was raking leaves tonight before more snow hits here...found a small plastic dinosaur my great nephews (6 and 4) left at Halloween...just hit me how easy it is to miss things when you walk right over them every day.
I posted this in the other thread, but they really don't have a choice but to take them and prove they are rocks with everyone saying they saw them and it was definitely fingers and toes.

BTW fingers and toes of a two year old would be so small, how would anyone know that is what they were? We aren't talking about an intact hand...

But what is LE's other option, to toss them on the ground and then when she is never found everyone says they didn't even take the time to verify they weren't bones. They just walked away from the rest of Caylee's remains.

If they thought there was a 1 in a 100 chance those were bone fragments, Caylees or any other humans the site would have been shut down. What are they going to do come back in a week and say hey can you guys bring back all of the stuff you left here with? We need our crime scene back.

They are rocks, and now someone gets to do the paperwork and spend the money to get a report back that says they are rocks.

hmmm, good point
Did I read that LE said that the "toys" did not belong to Caylee because they have been in her house and seen her toys?
If that is what they said I would think that toys found in the water today would not be toys that anyone would see at the A's home for the simple fact that the toys found were already removed from the house before LE searched the house. If KC buried/hid toys of Caylee's with her body in July then LE would never have seen these toys - so how could they state so quickly that these are not part of the case?

VERY good question! I had been wondering the same thing, as I was reading through and got to your post!!!! Someone have an answer for this one?!!
VERY good question! I had been wondering the same thing, as I was reading through and got to your post!!!! Someone have an answer for this one?!!

No, but I guess I would wonder why she would have "buried" caylee with what looked like a bunch of cheap, plastic looking toys ( from what I saw of the bag on tv, though admittedly I have no idea...it was just a glimpse) and not her favorite baby doll which was still in the car.

I mean, if she were going to pick a toy to "bury" caylee with, the doll seems logical, if she were being even the tiniest bit remorseful or sentimental.
No, but I guess I would wonder why she would have "buried" caylee with what looked like a bunch of cheap, plastic looking toys ( from what I saw of the bag on tv, though admittedly I have no idea...it was just a glimpse) and not her favorite baby doll which was still in the car.

I mean, if she were going to pick a toy to "bury" caylee with, the doll seems logical, if she were being even the tiniest bit remorseful or sentimental.

The small toys may have had the smell of decomp? Been in the trunk where the doll wasn't?
"BOSINSKI: I was actually the initial diver who found the garbage bag, which was underneath the piece of concrete that had that little what we assumed to be a clover, a four-leafed clover. Come to find out once the FBI got here and forensics teams got here, they broke it apart and it came to be a small Gumby, Gumby magnet.

GRACE: But it was a child`s toy, but you`re saying it was in a garbage bag weighted down with a cement block?

BOSINSKI: Yes, ma`am. The garbage bag was ripped -- when I found it down underneath the silt, from what I could tell and by what I could feel, the garbage bag was partially closed. And as I pulled it up, I didn`t realize there was concrete in it. And as I got it up to the surface, I realized that there was actually something weighing in it, and I tried to do the best I could to preserve it. But in these type of conditions it`s extremely -- extremely hard to be able to control everything..."

Thank you! I love reading actual facts about what happened. Sometimes I feel as if I have to read for an hour to get a teaspoon full of facts, because there are so many rumors that swirl around for days.

If the gumby was "embedded," then it was stuck in some mixed concrete, and not rocks. Someone may have filled up the bag with objects or whatever, then put the dry mix in it with a little water. Eventually it would harden and stay on the bottom of the river.

There could be alot of evidence embedded in the concrete, if that's what it was.

What bothers me is that the diver pulled up the bag instead of leaving it where it was and calling the police at that point. I don't know what the protocol is in these situations, but in pulling it up, if it was torn things would have floated out of it. And did they put a flag at the exact spot where they found it?
I heard one of the media say that Lee Anthony actually put in an appearance at the site, going back and forth a couple of times. Huh?

I also heard the interview with one of the divers. He seems a little upset that their find was being played off as nothing.

At any rate, I get so excited when I think there is anything found. I always think that well if it isn't connected to Caylee, maybe it is to Trenton.

I was very surprised at how quickly they dismissed everything, even the toys. How could they have known they weren't her toys so quickly?

First of all-I've heard conflicting reports about Lee being there. I heard he was, but someone else posted that it was not him, only a car that looked like his. Anyone know anything about this?

And I do think they found something today, for various reasons, many already stated. And the only reason I could think of for them dismissing it so quickly is to downplay everything because of the media presence. Nothing else would make sense to me. B/C like you said, there's no way the police alone would have know whose toys those were. And I really don't think they'd ask LP to take a polygraph unless he found something meaningful--that's just my gut instinct
Thank you! I love reading actual facts about what happened. Sometimes I feel as if I have to read for an hour to get a teaspoon full of facts, because there are so many rumors that swirl around for days.

If the gumby was "embedded," then it was stuck in some mixed concrete, and not rocks. Someone may have filled up the bag with objects or whatever, then put the dry mix in it with a little water. Eventually it would harden and stay on the bottom of the river.

There could be alot of evidence embedded in the concrete, if that's what it was.

What bothers me is that the diver pulled up the bag instead of leaving it where it was and calling the police at that point. I don't know what the protocol is in these situations, but in pulling it up, if it was torn things would have floated out of it. And did they put a flag at the exact spot where they found it?
You did make a good point about gumby.As for the pulling up the bag, well i would think they did this because if they left it and called LE and it was nothing but obvious trash they would have been wasting LE time. They did mark the spot with a blue buoy
First of all-I've heard conflicting reports about Lee being there. I heard he was, but someone else posted that it was not him, only a car that looked like his. Anyone know anything about this?

And I do think they found something today, for various reasons, many already stated. And the only reason I could think of for them dismissing it so quickly is to downplay everything because of the media presence. Nothing else would make sense to me. B/C like you said, there's no way the police alone would have know whose toys those were. And I really don't think they'd ask LP to take a polygraph unless he found something meaningful--that's just my gut instinct
I can say about LA that I did not see him there while i was watching Murt feed as well as fox feed. You could very well be right about the down-play to the media. I remeber watching the reports huddled around Det. Allen as he walked away and they said he was leaving. A bit later while they were all in a frenzy over LP filling out a report they said Det Allen was there. I was confused because they showed hi leaving.One thing that would make sense is ok calm the media make them think its nothing and while they were ll freaking out over something else slip the eveidence out and go. I only think this because witness are saying yes they did take this and I cant see why they would just leave it and take some "rocks". So yes I could see how a downplay would be possible.
If they did indeed take rocks into evidence, perhaps it was for comparison purposes to other evidence.

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