WI - Audrey Seiler for faking abduction, Madison, 2004

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I read on Yahoo news that police supposedly have located someone in the perimeter of the marsh area and have located also by helicopter using body heat sensor. Hope they can catch him if he's real.
Should have held her at the hospital for a psych evaluation. After two incidents (and they sound like something else might be going on?) I would think she would need the support. I know I would be a basket case.
I hate to be cynical but I agree there are a lot of things that don't add up. The first incident where she was conked on the head for no reason (no robbery or sexual assault) and dragged a block away where she woke up was so strange. Then this....either way I am happy this girl is okay. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds.
CARLA said:
:eek: I think there is something else going on here.. :eek:

Her story doesn't add up..!! :waitasec: She was waiting Saturday night to be picked up.. My guess she was either buying drugs, or drinking or something along those lines..!! :eek: Just a guess..!! Got in over her head...!!

I have felt there is something wrong with these events from day one..!! :eek:

I think you are right something just isn't adding up in this case! She may be either on drugs or she made the whole thing up for attention! Maybe there is noone who abducted her! We will wait and see! :croc:
Praise God! This is so awesome, great news. The Dad of this abducted woman is contacting Ed Smart to get advice on dealing with this.
I'm wondering if she met another guy and didn't know how to break it off with her boyfriend- so made this up to get away with spending some time together? Sounds a bit far-fetched I know but remember the councilwoman from out west here in Canada...she did just that....who knows:waitasec: . Thankfully she is alive and well though!
I am going to say something kinda weird here:
I hope that if it turns out that she really wasn't abducted that it isn't told, Here's why: If it is known that she was not really abducted and just went off on her own or something else then the next time a young woman or man who is missing legitimately might not get the attention they deserve. It is already hard enought to get LE to react to these cases for these and other reasons. (I also think that is what SP was hoping for, that it wouldn't be taken so serioulsy and they wouldn't start looking so soon) I am afraid that we will become numb to these abductions and people will not take them seriously. Does that make any sense?
I agree that something "just doesn't add up" here. The situation last month of being hit over the head and rendered unconscious but no robbery or assault. Then now she just disappears a month later and then is spotted 5 days later apparently unharmed--but stating she was abducted at knifepoint. She is a very lucky girl that she wasn't beaten, raped or murdered! I hope I am wrong in my thinking, but I agree with others that she has psychiatric problems. She appears to be the "perfect daughter" who has a 4.0 gpa and doesn't drink or do drugs. Perhaps there is "another side" to her that is rebellious and wants to seek attention in a different way. Should be interesting to see how this plays out!
I think we should wait to see what comes out. It's a shame that most people are jumping to the 'she's a liar' conclusion. If, in fact, this DID happen to her, speculation of her not being truthful could be damaging to her recovery.
Sounds hinky to me. Maybe she has Munchausen's Syndrome. Usually we hear about Munchausen's by proxy, but in true Munchausen's, people harm themselves, or pretend to be harmed, for attention.
Our first and foremost thoughts are all THANK GOD SHE IS ALIVE AND WELL! We are all just surmising that things don't seem to fall in place and therefore we are "sleuthing", which is the purpose of this forum- of course this can be for a number of factors, including not having all the relevant information- but certainly does not have any foreboding nature towards her recovery.

We all make mistakes and if Audrey did make one (which no one knows for sure!)- we are not here to condemn her- support her we will- but stop sleuthing and investigating...probably not!

JMO of course!
There still isn't much info being released. "Big nose" is the only addition to the description so far.


"Audrey Seiler is at an undisclosed location with her parents this morning. Police plan to interview her today to get more information about the man she says held her hostage since Saturday.

Police said they may release a composite sketch later today and they are still searching for the alleged abductor. Department officials are being very tight-lipped. "


"Incredibly, Audrey Seiler was found - cold, dehydrated and sore, but alive - across John Nolen Drive in a wetland conservancy not 500 yards from the hotel that had served as search headquarters. <

It's not yet known how the UW-Madison sophomore spent the last four days and how she got away. But police confirmed she had been held against her will by an armed man she did not know. <

Seiler's abductor is described as white with a big nose, in his late 20s to early 30s, about 6 feet tall and last seen wearing a black sweatshirt, blue jeans and a black cap. <


"Asked if authorities were still searching for the alleged abductor, Blackamore would only say, "We are actively investigating this case."

Police suspended their search overnight, but it was expected to resume Thursday morning.

"We are still containing an area we're designating as a crime scene," said police Sgt. Steve Beavers.

"We've covered the area well enough to know a suspect is not there. There may be items of evidentiary value so we're keeping officers posted to secure the area."
shdbepaintin, :clap:

I agree with you, I have said from the first incident with this young women, that something just isn't right..!! :eek: I hope I'm wrong, but I feel she isn't giving the whole story..!! have since day one..!! :eek:

I am going to say something kinda weird here:I hope that if it turns out that she really wasn't abducted that it isn't told, Here's why: If it is known that she was not really abducted and just went off on her own or something else then the next time a young woman or man who is missing legitimately might not get the attention they deserve. :confused:
I've got a novel idea... why don't they just freakin' ask her? I hear they're supposed to question her more today. Has anyone heard ANYTHING as to how she was found? Was she laying on the ground? I heard someone called 911 because they thought there was a dead body in the marsh. Can't wait to hear more... inquiring minds want to know!
tha IS a vague description of the abductor ...
dark hair, blonde, red?? What color eyes??
Any distinguishing marks? Teeth... straight, any missing??
tattoos or earrings?
I've got a novel idea... why don't they just freakin' ask her? I hear they're supposed to question her more today. Has anyone heard ANYTHING as to how she was found? Was she laying on the ground? I heard someone called 911 because they thought there was a dead body in the marsh. Can't wait to hear more... inquiring minds want to know!

Yes, for sure! Inquiring minds do want to know and no answers are being
given. Something is fishy here!

She left her apartment of her own free will at 2:30AM. That alone is questionable for an intelligent girl, especially one who has already been previously attacked! I couldn't help being reminded of Chandra Levy leaving her apartment without a cell phone or purse.

Now after four days, she's found only two miles away barely hurt at all and
not talking (at least not much). Her parents didn't seem that upset.
Why no sketch of the suspect yet?

LE is very vague when questioned. I don't think they believe her story!

That's just my humble opinion at this moment.
Maybe she is developing schizophrenia.

If she is, I am sad for her. :( But she fits the profile like a predictable Law and Order show. Schizophrenia runs in the gene line of many families. It is an inherited illness. The gene for schizophrenia, in the vast majority of cases, remains dormant until early adulthood. Something has to then "trigger" it for the illness to develop. Often that "something" is college.

College is a whole different world from the 13+ years the person has spent in schooling up to that point. Even high school, that encourages greater personal responsibility, is still very structured by nature. High schools would be held accountable for students who came and went as they pleased. But college is a "pay-to-play" experience. The teachers and professors cannot be bothered with hunting down wayward students who simply don't go to class or do not prepare adequately for tests etc. Sometimes the vast amount of personal choice and freedom alloted to still-very-young, and not entirely mature, students, becomes a inner battle of decision making they never had to face. And many make the wrong decisions. That's why promising, intelligent, students shock everyone by flunking out their freshman year.

But some students are so driven (and you can usually identify them easily by 7th grade) that they robotically assimilate to college life, and strive to make no bad decisions! This is nearly an impossible task and one that higher education works to actually discourage. One can't leave college believing that he/she will never make the wrong choice, or that only one choice could be the right one. These students do very well, grade wise, their first couple of years. But the stress level they experience is over the top. They are nearly guaranteed of being profound perfectionists... and the life style of a perfectionist is incredibly, dangerously stressful. Add to the mix a dormant gene for schizophrenia and you get the launch of a lifelong mental illness that only gets progressively worse, and is not always easily detected and identified at first.

Schizophrenia would explain the loss of time with no coherent memory. It explains the paranoia of becoming a victim often to the point where victimization is acted out intentionally to aleviate the intense fear. The logic is that "getting it over with" would relieve the constant distraction and obsessiveness in the person's mind. And yet it is subconscious to the point that the person may believe it really happened without his role in engineering it.

There is a staggering statistical difference in the percentage of geniuses inflicted with paranoid schizophrenia compared to the percentage of geniuses in the population as a whole. It isn't known if the dormant gene simply isn't triggered in many average to below average intelligence individuals, or if schizophrenia is a mental disease that runs in high intelligence bloodlines more readily.
I read that she was very content to be home and that she didn't understand why there was such a big deal about her disappearance. That is a little TOO humble for me and I think a little too humble for the police and her family. A young woman goes missing but she doesn't understand why people were out looking for her? This may be a sign of something.
debbie said:
I read that she was very content to be home and that she didn't understand why there was such a big deal about her disappearance. That is a little TOO humble for me and I think a little too humble for the police and her family. A young woman goes missing but she doesn't understand why people were out looking for her? This may be a sign of something.

Hooo boy... here we go. MAJOR BIG RED FLAGS, here. If she truely was abducted, then one would think she'd be overjoyed with the fact that everyone was making a "big deal" out of it in fear for her life. I see the writing on the wall if that's the case.

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