WI - Audrey Seiler for faking abduction, Madison, 2004

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Hi again- seems to me that even if its an attention seeking thing- she is crying out for help in a very expensive way- (police force costs)..but she needs the same kind of help a victim would-she could have a mental illness that noone wants to see and this is her way of making sure she is found out- split personality type thing- but she wont get a lot of sympathy if she keeps it up when it costs a lot of money to make these searches..she could be charged with mischeif- the woman in canada was and also a woman in vancouver used to make the same claims until one day she was found dead - but even her death had been staged by herself- this went on for a few years and it turned out she was a very ill woman hurting herself-there will always be someone to say its true - but usually the story either adds up or it doesnt..I just think there is something suspect about the 2 incidents and no sexual assault or robbery..its kinda back luck at its worst or an illness-some people even have multiple personalities and do stuff the rest of us dont follow from our own single person minds - but its a tough thing to defend at times so the person gets into a lot of trouble-nite
There was information about the person who called 911. They saw Audrey in the marsh Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; the day they ultimately called. They are some sort of tax/revenue employee and frankly I give them more credibility than Audrey. It was said this person made contact with Audrey and Audrey stated she frequently goes to this arboretum type place to relax.

Also lots of comments that Audrey is upset so much attention has been given her situation, her thinking nothing about this alledged perp needing to be caught so this doesn't happen to anyone else. This shows an immature and self-centered personality.

At the press conference LE refused to take questions. Earlier it was reported a sketch would not be issued and within an hour there was one.

UWM is a big time party school and having a 4.0 GPA doesn't eliminate her from partcipation. Perhaps this is an issue. This did happen on a Saturday night. In any event I think she needs some sort of psychiatric assistance. I have compassion for her in that regard but as a WI taxpayer I am pissed LE is giving her the time of day. People donated time, energy, and money it appears under false pretenses. Yesterday major thoroughfares were shut down at rush hour and thousands were affected.

It's time Audrey comes clean before this snowballs out of control.
febedallas said:
i thought this whole story sounded odd from the beginning. my feeling was that she had some sort of mental breakdown.

i think le is trying to be very careful about how they word things. on good morning america, charlie made some mention that this sounded "fishy" to some people (or something like that). of course, the le guy had to be purposefully vague.

regardless, i feel badly for her because it seems clearer all the time that something weird has happened here and it didn't happen privately - it happened very publicly, breaking news on cnn and every news show there is.
A dormant mental problem possibly triggered by the stress of college life was the first thing I thought of.
I thought it odd what her mother said at a conference after she was safe with them..something to the effect that one day Audrey would know all about what happened ..this was during the time that the mom was talking about all of them hugging and knowing they were there for each other. Anybody else catch that? Kathleen
I was just listening to the Today Show and they just announced this...Cliff VanZandt again was on discussing the case too. It sure sounds like they have something to tell us this time.
Jovin I love your Tiny Elvis, love the big E too.


"We have no reason to believe Audrey's story is made up," Kamholz said. "Until we have something that proves otherwise, we're still in the line of treating this as an abduction." <

About 24 hours earlier and about two hours before Seiler was found, Kamholz said a lack of evidence in an abduction is highly unusual. <

"There's always some evidence that we can cling onto almost instantaneously that'll help us in the investigation," Kamholz said. "We don't have any of that evidence which makes this case very unique. There's always something for us to dig into. But there is absolutely nothing."


Police say they will talk about "significant developments" in the Audrey Seiler investigation at 10 a.m. today at the Monona Terrace Convention Center.
News bulletin says there will be a press conf today at 11...New information...think they will come clean???
smellsarat said:
News bulletin says there will be a press conf today at 11...New information...think they will come clean???

Do you know if it's 11 eastern, central, mountain?
It is only 10:15 central time right now. So by that, the conference isn't suppose to start for another 45 minutes. But usually when they give times you can assume they mean eastern time zone and adjust your viewing accordingly. If they meant eastern, the conference should already be well under way.
My hinky meter went off on this too when she was found. After viewing the tape of her leaving and all, I thought it was strange. I agree with the possibility of schizophrenia. Only because I have a friend who's brother had the same disease. Paranoria (am I using the right term?) schizophernia, anyway, he was an intelligent guy, but for some reason, he decided to walk down one of the busiest highways in his county and was struck by a motorist and killed. He just kind of wandered off and no one knew where he was for awhile. His brother actually came upon the scene before police contacted his family.

I think if she has a problem, she does need to come clean too. I also thought of the possibility of the fact that she could be a sleepwalker, after I heard about the first incident, but with her having been gone after 4 days in the second incident, I thought better.

Who knows? Hopefully, it will all be straightened out soon.
Am anxiously awaiting the news conference. Clint Van Zandt is discussing the developments on MSNBC right now. He seems to think there might be some social, emotional and psychological issues that she needs to address. Said he has been very skeptical due to the two incidents against her which is like "lightnening striking twice" but she has not been robbed, raped or worse. Clint stated the fact that the composite sketch would have been released sooner if the police thought there was a "significant risk to other college students" if this guy was still at large. Really hope we don't have to wait all day for the announcement!
Three stories from Audrey:

1. I was abducted at knifepoint from my apartment.
2. I wasn't abducted at all. I just wanted to be alone.
3. I was abducted at knifepoint somewhere else in the city.

Read: Emotional/mental problems.
THIS IS OUR WORD OF THE DAY... MARSH..Audrey needs to come clean now! What a waste of time,money and effort. I am sure the police had lots of other things they could have been doing! :liar:
That news conference really cleared up things, didn't it? She needs to stop lying now and end this.
No they were late, just like yesterday, the MDP appears very unorganized and incompetent. Their spokeperson minces words and can't read well.

'The big news is Audrey now admitts she wasn't abducted from her apartment, she wanted to be alone and was abducted from elsewhere in the city'

The police confronted her with inconsistancies in her story to get this out.

It was just on the news that she made the whole thing up, which is what I thought when they had a video of her leaving at 2:30 am with no coat or anything. She obviously needs some help, hope she gets it. That sure was a waste of policemans time and the good citizens. She may get in some legal trouble. She does need to be reminded that what she did was wrong, in my opinion.
Rachael said:
I am confused. She lied about the whole thing?

MADISON, Wis. -- Police in Madison on Friday said University of Wisconsin student Audrey Seiler made up her original abduction story and now says she was abducted from a different location in the city.

Wray said that when questioned about inconsistencies, Seiler admitted making up the story, saying she left her apartment early Saturday because she "wanted to be alone." Originally, she said she was kidnapped from her residence.


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