WI - ICE seeks help to ID youth in photos #2 - Identified

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I don't think its Taylor either, but the quality of the two photos released by ICE is so poor that its hard to say for sure. I haven't looked at the Imageshack photos, (and don't want to), but apparently you get a clearer view of him in some of them, so I'd be interested to know whether the people who have viewed them still think its Taylor.

Viewed them (sorry to say) and I do not believe it is Taylor. The ears stick out different, Taylor has a more pointy chin while the other boy has a rectangular chin, Taylor's eyes point down at the corners and the other boy's eyes point up at the corners, Taylor has a pointy tip on his nose, the other boy doesn't, etc.
If this video is a young boy abusing a child who is related/a neighbour, its very possible he isn't missing at all. Someone in the foster care system or a dysfunctional family would be my guess, or failing that maybe someone from outside the US entirely.
Just Google Taylor and you will see other images of him.. Better than the missing poster.
They used to be on the last thread.. These are regular safe to look at photos.
What if we all posted his picture on our FB pages and put up flyers and put them out at truck stops and all the other things one would do for a missing person? I mean if we went all out someone would recognize this boy.
Just Google Taylor and you will see other images of him.. Better than the missing poster.
They used to be on the last thread.. These are regular safe to look at photos.

Its not pics of Taylor that's the problem, I've seen a few good, clear ones of him. Its the pics of the unidentified boy which are lacking. Its a shame someone can't crop the stills and post them so we can see his face but its obvious why that isn't possible, (or legal!).
If this video is a young boy abusing a child who is related/a neighbour, its very possible he isn't missing at all. Someone in the foster care system or a dysfunctional family would be my guess, or failing that maybe someone from outside the US entirely.

Agreed. The ICE/HSI release didn't indicate he's a missing person. If they can find who he is, that might tell them where he is.

Your mention of foster care is a good one. On the other thread I brought up a Georgia state senator who was exposing the child trafficking and sex slave rings within the foster care system. She spoke around the world and was very high profile. A little over a year or two ago, she and her husband were both murdered. This is big business, not just for lowlife's but people in high places. Remember that family court proceedings are secret so that's something that HAS to be changed because it facilitates the racket of the criminals in the system.
I don't have solid confirmation (because I'm not going to try and look up the link again) but there's word on 4chan that the imageshack link has been deleted.

I hope that brings comfort to some of you. :)
I don't think its Taylor either, but the quality of the two photos released by ICE is so poor that its hard to say for sure. I haven't looked at the Imageshack photos, (and don't want to), but apparently you get a clearer view of him in some of them, so I'd be interested to know whether the people who have viewed them still think its Taylor.
not this person.
I agree with the previous posters who mentioned maybe we need a new focus. Navysubmom - I think it was you that basically said that we've looked, we found possible matches, they are now well known and submitted, so now what?

Because I truly don't believe in my heart that we'll find this boy is reported missing. He may be living at home or with relatives legitimately, or he might be part of something that many have speculated on - something where he's not "in the system" so to speak - human trafficking or otherwise. I feel that if there was another boy his age, with his characteristics, who missing during the rather short time frame we're working in... well, I feel like we'd have found it.

Short of going through every Facebook or Myspace profile picture of every boy his age range in the country and hoping to find a match, I don't know what can be done. Although I've mentioned it in jest, if people really were interested in doing something of that nature and wanted to divide the work amongst a good group of people willing to take a state or region, I'd be in.
We are trying to determine what can and can't be posted here, will let you all know as soon as possible. At this time the only pics are what LE has released.


Agreed. The ICE/HSI release didn't indicate he's a missing person. If they can find who he is, that might tell them where he is.

Your mention of foster care is a good one. On the other thread I brought up a Georgia state senator who was exposing the child trafficking and sex slave rings within the foster care system. She spoke around the world and was very high profile. A little over a year or two ago, she and her husband were both murdered. This is big business, not just for lowlife's but people in high places. Remember that family court proceedings are secret so that's something that HAS to be changed because it facilitates the racket of the criminals in the system.

Have you a link to a news story about this murdered senator? It might give us some idea of the cracks in the system.
Hello Websleuthers! I lurk a lot and rarely post here but I think you guys are great!

After I stumbled across the link this a.m. I reported it also. I am not sure why they gave us such crappy pictures if the video stills are better/clearer but they did. I only hope they are removed from the web now with so many of us reporting it, these sickos don't need more fuel for their fire. Anyway keep up the good work.
from CNN:FBI: 79 children rescued in prostitution net http://bit.ly/LMgeFh

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Have you a link to a news story about this murdered senator? It might give us some idea of the cracks in the system.

Here's the initial report that she published. It mostly addresses children being taken with financial incentive and the secrecy of corrupt family courts:


The longer she investigated this, the worse it got and the more people she threatened. She and her husband were both shot in the head, in their home, and local authorities immediately ruled it murder/suicide. It was one of the people sho had on her radar, another person in the Georgia state legislature, who announced their deaths on the floor of the Georgia house. He made up a completely fabricated story about her husband having cancer and being depressed, trying to create a scenario that fit the murder/suicide. In fact, Senator Schaefer and her husband were successful, committed Christians, and he did not have have cancer. Their adult children and everyone who knew of Nancy Schaefer's work know that they were murdered. You can find quite a bit more, including a Youtube of one of her speeches, given Europe, and articles about their deaths, on Google.
Since it's been established that the unknown teen who is the subject of the OP is an abuser, what do you guys think should happen with him if he's located?
Here's the initial report that she published. It mostly addresses children being taken with financial incentive and the secrecy of corrupt family courts:


The longer she investigated this, the worse it got and the more people she threatened. She and her husband were both shot in the head, in their home, and local authorities immediately ruled it murder/suicide. It was one of the people sho had on her radar, another person in the Georgia state legislature, who announced their deaths on the floor of the Georgia house. He made up a completely fabricated story about her husband having cancer and being depressed, trying to create a scenario that fit the murder/suicide. In fact, Senator Schaefer and her husband were successful, committed Christians, and he did not have have cancer. Their adult children and everyone who knew of Nancy Schaefer's work know that they were murdered. You can find quite a bit more, including a Youtube of one of her speeches, given Europe, and articles about their deaths, on Google.

Its odd, the text is all about corrupt CPS officials removing children from their families but the two exhibits are examples of CPS not removing children from families which are clearly abusive.

I'd prefer something from MSM rather than the website of a pressure group which clearly has an agenda of its own.
Since it's been established that the unknown teen who is the subject of the OP is an abuser, what do you guys think should happen with him if he's located?

This hasn't been established that I'm aware of.
We don't know whether the teen is an abuser or an unwilling participant, what age he is, whether he was previously abused himself, or what the circumstances are.

These are things we would need to know before saying what should be done with him.
I don't have solid confirmation (because I'm not going to try and look up the link again) but there's word on 4chan that the imageshack link has been deleted.

I hope that brings comfort to some of you. :)

Nope, pics are still there, I'm doing some off line comparisons of some photos, and I took one more last quick peek to check something, still there.

Not sure WHY, but those pics are all still there.

IMO, MOO, etc.
Nope, pics are still there, I'm doing some off line comparisons of some photos, and I took one more last quick peek to check something, still there.

Not sure WHY, but those pics are all still there.

IMO, MOO, etc.

Sorry, I meant that the link on that msnbc article has, supposedly, been removed (but I did not verify). I still believed the pics themselves to be up, since other posters had reported such on 4chan. I was just hoping that less people would be exposed to the link and, thus, have less access to the photos, if it is true that the link in the comments section was removed. No link, less viewers.
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