Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #39

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Jayme Closs' kidnapper lived in weird 'time warp' without smart phone, social media or internet connection, as former neighbor says the 'loner' would spend his free time reading survival guides and books about the military

Jayme Closs' kidnapper lived in 'time warp' without smart phone, former neighbor says | Daily Mail Online
My favorite line:

“Cops say that when Patterson family members arrived from time to time to visit, the balding weirdo forced his prisoner to hide under his bed.”

I’m pretty sure the Daily Mail is stealing my insults!
Look at link below... kinda gives rundown of marine stages..

If this has been posted : clarified: or explained further let me know...

Despite everyone saying he couldn’t last but 2/3 days on job ... he did last 30 Days in the marines....

If you follow stages week 4 is swim week for marines... your in the water.. regardless if u want to.. has it been confirmed he could actually swim ... or why he failed marines??

It would be bizarre.. or stunning if all this started because perp couldn’t swim ... please tell me that’s wrong and we know what reason was ??

The Recruit Training Matrix
I think PP wrote a letter to JC's family, not directly to JC. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I do think he feels just awful for what his son did and he did not see any signs, even whilst visiting many Saturdays with her being in the house. I feel sorry for him. This is the beginning of his shock and he doesn't know how to deal with it yet. He's grieving. His life too is changed forever and he saw no indicators of any of this happening.
I know what you're saying about the escalation of criminal behavior but it is argued among the experts dealing with Behavioral analysis that psychopaths are born, not made.
Most of us who have had to debate this issue of nurture vs. nature definitely see disorganization of family structure in childhood, see a child who either kills animals, sets fires, or soils their clothing years after they should have stopped in the absence of a physical problem.

I'm definitely thinking the handling of either live or freshly dead wild animals and at least one dog fits the first known abnormal behavior we associate with the development of psychopathy. We really do not know if the animals were " found dead" or tortured and killed..
He was only 21 years old when he was apprehended for crimes against the Closs family.
IF his first crimes were the double murders of the Closs parents, and the abduction of Jayme, and he'd gotten away, he'd have likely been in the news for another crime, or caught after commission of serial crimes against others for years.

I see him much like a bat in a dark cave right now. ( subject to change).
He's in his element in solitary, possibly darkened areas. He mostly hangs around the house and has food delivered. May have to make money on his own at some point if the Bank Of Dad dried up, but minimal income and minimal contact with a job involving close proximity to others. Maybe he'd try the work from home easy things.

When he isn't blending into the background like a bat does, and when the urges to act come, he strikes suddenly like the bat in the cave will do at night, catching the prey he can get.

We may think " Bats are fabulous"- Yes, they are generally beneficial to the ecosystem, but bats are one of the least controllable host animal vectors for Ebola transmission in The Congo. It's rare but it's deadly.
People all over the world die from rabies from an undetected bat bite. It's rare, but it's deadly.

This guy is a one- off, for sure, but he's deadly.
I think we all agree on his absolute oddness and the deadliness of his attack.
I believe his behavior, when known in more details, will be studied in depth due to what I see as unusual elements at this time ( subject to change) either during his lifetime or more likely, posthumously.

JMO as both a survivor of abduction and extreme violence, and a graduate in behavioral psychology.

"Bats in the Belfry"
This is bugging me. Why would JP go to such great lengths to cover his tracks before and during the crime, and then be stupid enough to keep all the clothing and boots he wore that night? In the CC, he said he had JC remove her clothes when they got to his house so he could burn them and have no evidence. Why didn't he do the same with his own clothes?? Also, he said he told JC to put on his sister's pajamas - only "human" piece of him I've heard so far. However, we don't really have any way of knowing if that is the truth.

How could JP know there was no blood spatter if he was wearing a black mask, black colored jacket ? OK, he could potentially see blood spatter on his jeans and brown boots, but on black apparel?

I also noted that he did not attempt to retrieve the shotgun (and three shells) when he realized that Jayme was missing. He did look around inside the property for her, could have grabbed the three shells and gone into the trunk of the White car to get the gun. Not arming himself doesn’t align with his cold blooded killer profile. IMO
Speaking exclusively to Jayme's aunt Jennifer Smith responded to the wish allegedly expressed by Patrick Patterson when he attended his son's first court appearance at Barron County Circuit Court.

She said: 'I have no desire to have any contact with that family at the moment. I don't really know how to respond to that or how to react.

'I'm not looking at social media or anything like that and I haven't heard anything about a note.

'Right now all I'm focusing on is looking after Jayme. That's all that matters, just having her home and looking after her.

Jayme Closs' family has 'no desire for any contact' with kidnapper's father | Daily Mail Online
Good for her. I wouldn’t want to hear anything from JP’s parents either. I know they are to be considered victims, but IMO.....too bad. Keep your damn letter.
Interesting thought. Hasn't it been quite a few years since the whole family has lived there, thought? Mom supposedly left when JP was around 11. Am I correct about that? When did Dad officially move his residence from that house and how close was he living?
From what's been reported in MSM by friends of JP's siblings familiar with their living arrangement, the Patterson kids lived mainly with their father PP, who endured long commute to work from the Gordon home-- leaving at 4AM, before moving closer to his work after JP graduated HS, and entered Marine Corps.

We also know that PP allegedly visited JP -- including during period JP held Jayme captive. JP allegedly visited his grandparents on Christmas, and his Mother the day Jayme escaped. JP did not appear to be estranged from his family. Also, it was reported that JP used his Mother/Step-dad's residence as his legal address-- most recently for voter registration.

I think PP wrote a letter to JC's family, not directly to JC. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I do think he feels just awful for what his son did and he did not see any signs, even whilst visiting many Saturdays with her being in the house. I feel sorry for him. This is the beginning of his shock and he doesn't know how to deal with it yet. He's grieving. His life too is changed forever and he saw no indicators of any of this happening.

Yes I believe it was reported that it was a note to the victims family. I do think PP feels awful and had no idea what JTP had done.
Jayme Closs' kidnapper lived in 'time warp' without smart phone, former neighbor says | Daily Mail Online

Interesting from a classmate:

Roberts said his former neighbor was highly intelligent and passionate about animals to the point that he seethed with anger at seeing a video of a dog being tormented.
There was a time in the computer lab when Jake watched a viral video of a dog being harassed by someone and it triggered him,' Roberts said.

'He really freaked out. He said something like "I would kill anybody who did that".

Maybe why he didn't kill Jayme's dog as well??

I'm inclined to think his parents' divorce did affect him significantly, and his mother's planned remarriage might have been a trigger for the crime.
If the trial is moved to a different state, does that mean new public defender? Or do the WI public defenders have to go to that location?
I guess I wouldn't be shocked if an underpaid attorney were trying to get out of this train wreck of a case.
They'll not be moving to another state. The most they can hope for is a change of county within the state of Wisconsin. Though JTP has given an incriminating statement that amounts to a confession, he still needs to receive "due process" under the criminal law of Wisconsin.
Look at link below... kinda gives rundown of marine stages..

If this has been posted : clarified: or explained further let me know...

Despite everyone saying he couldn’t last but 2/3 days on job ... he did last 30 Days in the marines....

If you follow stages week 4 is swim week for marines... your in the water.. regardless if u want to.. has it been confirmed he could actually swim ... or why he failed marines??

It would be bizarre.. or stunning if all this started because perp couldn’t swim ... please tell me that’s wrong and we know what reason was ??

The Recruit Training Matrix

Trust me, plenty of people struggle during “swim week,” and even people who are referred to as “iron ducks” are given enough remedial training until they can pass.

Just because he was kicked out around that time, doesn’t mean he made it that far.

I developed a staff infection during boot camp, and after I got out of the hospital, I was sent to a medical holding platoon until the swelling subsided enough that I could go back to training.

While there, I encountered people who were being processed out for various reasons, some of them were mental.

So he could have lasted a month or so, but not spent it in training.
"Bats in the Belfry"
Hadn't thought of that old saying! :cool: Cool! It's kind of like how earlier yesterday, people were talking about " Norman Bates". But, what was never mentioned was that the original movie, the one with Janet Leigh and Anthony Perkins, was a fantastic sensational hit movie ( they had " orderlies' in the movie theatres because women were fainting and the " orderlies' carried them out on stretchers to the outside of the theatre) was named " Psycho!" at a time when the term was not that well known or popular.

Now, it's become trivialized in many cases to the point that one almost has to alienate about half of WS posters by using the correct term, Antisocial personality disordered.

I do believe Jake Patterson is antisocial personality disordered, and that his pathology ' road" of development progression is going to look different from most for several reasons already made public.
Last edited:
Look at link below... kinda gives rundown of marine stages..

If this has been posted : clarified: or explained further let me know...

Despite everyone saying he couldn’t last but 2/3 days on job ... he did last 30 Days in the marines....

If you follow stages week 4 is swim week for marines... your in the water.. regardless if u want to.. has it been confirmed he could actually swim ... or why he failed marines??

It would be bizarre.. or stunning if all this started because perp couldn’t swim ... please tell me that’s wrong and we know what reason was ??

The Recruit Training Matrix

No details have been made public, other than that the Marines kicked him out (as opposed to him "failing") for lack of character.

That he lasted 30 days doesn't mean anything . He could have "failed" a physical test the first week and have been booted back to week one boot camp 3 times. Or he could have been insubordinate enough in week one to have been sent to disciplinary, failed to shape up, been sent to mandatory "counselling," have had that person determine he was unfit to serve, and have been tasked with cleaning toilets until the paperwork kicking him out was processed. Etc.
It would be interesting to be able to read the letter that Patterson Sr. gave the family. I have been assuming it is a letter that expresses some type of condolence and "well wishes" for Jayme and the family. But in actuality it may contain much more... perhaps information about Jake and/or their family that may shed light on Jake or their struggles with him etc. I would think that a copy of the letter the Closs family received has been shared with the officials investigating the case. MOO
Personally, I think the letter was the right approach. It's private. Each member of the family can choose whether or not and when to read it without hearing about it as they would if it was public. I've always hated these public communications through the media. This is what I would prefer because it gives each family member a choice and control.
It's weird. In family annihilator type cases I tend to see tons of family dysfunction in their families of origin and a lot of enmeshment. I find them to be super defensive and victim-blaming and excusing or denying that their offspring/sibling did what they were accused of.

But in the case of the weird loner who commits a bizarre atrocity like mass murder, kidnapping (mass shooters and people like Matthew Hoffman, etc.), not so much.

It's variable. Some have family dysfunction. Many have divorces (but so does half the nation). Often there are cognitive, neurological or mental health issues in the offspring. I can see enabling in some, denial in others (and giving access to weapons to their strange kids) but often a lot of attempts to get treatement or diagnoses. Or simply not seeing anything wrong and having no reason to be concerned.

It seems to be much more varied with the murderous loner types.

So until we know more I'm not able to form an opinion as to probabilities about the families of origin like I do in the family annihilator cases.

It will be interesting to see what created this monster. But probably not satisfying. I think we will be left without answers as usual.
Maybe not. What struck me about this case is not only the degree of rage displayed by this monster but also that the targeted victim at the bus stop is the only child in a loving, two-parent household and the killer has divorced parents, his mother apparently moved out of the household and she drives a school bus. I think family dysfunction and dynamics will be the center of the defense if PF decides to go to trial.
I took it as he was trying to show that he was there to support the prosecution, and he was maybe ashamed of his son's crime. I dont see how a baluth can tell you where to sit though.

A heart-broken parent of a perp like this one could, feasibly, be there as a supporter to both ‘sides’.

In his shoes, I would feel overwhelming sympathy with the victim and family, and support the prosecution. But as well as shame for what my son did, and not trying to defend him at all, I would still want him to know I loved him.
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