Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #39

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Maybe JP's dad shouldn't try to bring her family a note in person. Just send them a letter. Or have a publicity person issue a family statement as to how they feel and their sorrow for Jayme and her family.

I would probably feel "triggered" if the dad of the person who killed my sister tried to approach me.

Yep.. I thought the whole note thing was a bad idea on his part. He probably would be better off making a public statement, and read the note before the media.
(Please excuse if this is redundant or a ridiculous question)
I’ve heard the saying “If you ask if you are crazy, then you are not crazy” and “Memory loss is not forgetting where you put your car keys, but forgetting you have a car.”

Along those lines, JP confessed to his horrific crimes as if he was confessing to something minor, like jaywalking or removing tags from a mattress. IMO

My question is: Do psychopaths KNOW they are psychopaths?
Trust me, plenty of people struggle during “swim week,” and even people who are referred to as “iron ducks” are given enough remedial training until they can pass.

Just because he was kicked out around that time, doesn’t mean he made it that far.

I developed a staff infection during boot camp, and after I got out of the hospital, I was sent to a medical holding platoon until the swelling subsided enough that I could go back to training.

While there, I encountered people who were being processed out for various reasons, some of them were mental.

So he could have lasted a month or so, but not spent it in training.

Iron ducks .... haha... love that...
Yep... that is actually quite common with some news medias. They want to look like they have the "jump" sorta speak. So they take a shot at a guess, and hope it's right.

Yes, this isn't quite my first introduction to a murder or abduction case. I've been around for a long time and am well aware of how the media, and the tabloids, work.
Look at link below... kinda gives rundown of marine stages..

If this has been posted : clarified: or explained further let me know...

Despite everyone saying he couldn’t last but 2/3 days on job ... he did last 30 Days in the marines....

If you follow stages week 4 is swim week for marines... your in the water.. regardless if u want to.. has it been confirmed he could actually swim ... or why he failed marines??

It would be bizarre.. or stunning if all this started because perp couldn’t swim ... please tell me that’s wrong and we know what reason was ??

The Recruit Training Matrix

As a swimmer from the age of 3 who might not understand at all, what is the significance of this one aspect - Swimming?

Is there reason to think he couldn't swim or couldn't learn to swim and get up to speed?
Why not another aspect of training such as running 20-3o miles at 4 AM or the like?
I also noted that he did not attempt to retrieve the shotgun (and three shells) when he realized that Jayme was missing. He did look around inside the property for her, could have grabbed the three shells and gone into the trunk of the White car to get the gun. Not arming himself doesn’t align with his cold blooded killer profile. IMO

But it certainly fits with the careless, not-forward-thinking behavior observed in many other aspects of this whole ordeal.
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I am a little concerned about the letter and I hope it was given to the DA and not mailed to Jayme's family so they can decide if they want to even see the envelope or not. Also, I do understand JP's dad's need to write the letter (I did the same thing after my cousin killed a beautiful sweet girl), but I will say I absolutely regret writing the letter today and I hope the DA never gave it to the family because I realized it I wrote it for me and nothing I had to say was going to make their life any better.
From what's been reported in MSM by friends of JP's siblings familiar with their living arrangement, the Patterson kids lived mainly with their father PP, who endured long commute to work from the Gordon home-- leaving at 4AM, before moving closer to his work after JP graduated HS, and entered Marine Corps.

We also know that PP allegedly visited JP -- including during period JP held Jayme captive. JP allegedly visited his grandparents on Christmas, and his Mother the day Jayme escaped. JP did not appear to be estranged from his family. Also, it was reported that JP used his Mother/Step-dad's residence as his legal address-- most recently for voter registration.


Thanks for the info @Seattle1 , I knew about the visits but was vague on the rest of those details.
As a swimmer from the age of 3 who might not understand at all, what is the significance of this one aspect - Swimming?

Is there reason to think he couldn't swim or couldn't learn to swim and get up to speed?
Why not another aspect of training such as running 20-3o miles at 4 AM or the like?

There is no reasoning at all ... I’m simply trying to figure out the why... after 30 days it ended...

Same here... swim since 3/4... always in water... swim training 6 am.. @ 9 yrs old.. loved it... but some people just can’t swim.. or there never around water... I’m thinking Gordon wi doesn’t have a ton of pools.. or YMCAs...

Y’all are probably right there was a mental misfit at marines.. but surely sibling/marines know with certainty what happened.... could be anything from flipping out... to asthma excuses got old...

From that point on ... evidently not much happened with him...
Great article, thank you for posting. From the above link:

“"Social media has become the modern version of pointing and staring," said Dykstra.

He said constant speculation about what happened to the 13-year-old can be another form of victimization.

"These are real people, and we're not entitled to know all the answers," said Dykstra.“

Some of the social media comments on this case from day one have been awful. It's like are some people even human? So much ignorance abounds.
No, but they have a prosecution side(which would be Closs family) and a defense side (which would be Patterson family). It's highly unusual to not sit on the side you are there for.
Maybe he sat on the side he is for. Maybe he feels since his son confessed that he is guilty and should serve his time.
Not necessarily. He’d still have a forum during sentencing, and he could stand up and walk the court through his crime.

BTK and Gary Ridgeway (Green River Killer) did this. I’m not saying that JP is a serial killer, but his psychology may be similar.

He’d still get his moment in the spotlight.

The Happy Face Killer also desperately craved "credit" and attention. It seems a fairly common trait of "monsters." I believe he may have initially even claimed responsibility for murders LE later concluded he did not commit. So, I believe it's in keeping with the psychology for JTP to try to aggrandize his "accomplishments" in the Closs attack and abduction.
How could JP know there was no blood spatter if he was wearing a black mask, black colored jacket ? OK, he could potentially see blood spatter on his jeans and brown boots, but on black apparel?

I also noted that he did not attempt to retrieve the shotgun (and three shells) when he realized that Jayme was missing. He did look around inside the property for her, could have grabbed the three shells and gone into the trunk of the White car to get the gun. Not arming himself doesn’t align with his cold blooded killer profile. IMO

I think that JP was really into the initial crime of killing her parents and abducting her. While his target was Jayme, I think it was the planning and carrying out of THAT crime that excited him. And, IMO, that's why it doesn't appear that he had solid plans thereafter. Look at everything he did to prepare for the abduction/murder in comparison to what he did after he actually had Jayme (ie stuffing her under his bed). He may have had a vague idea of what it would be like to have an abducted child in his house, but it feels like he didn't have an actual long-term plan for her imprisonment. Like someone who robs a bank and puts tons of thought into the actual robbery but then, once they have the money, doesn't know what to do when they get outside.
There is no reasoning at all ... I’m simply trying to figure out the why... after 30 days it ended...

Same here... swim since 3/4... always in water... swim training 6 am.. @ 9 yrs old.. loved it... but some people just can’t swim.. or there never around water... I’m thinking Gordon wi doesn’t have a ton of pools.. or YMCAs...

Y’all are probably right there was a mental misfit at marines.. but surely sibling/marines know with certainty what happened.... could be anything from flipping out... to asthma excuses got old...

From that point on ... evidently not much happened with him...

Tons of lakes. He grew up near lake superior. A lot of inner city kids join the Marines and have no idea how to swim. It's not an excuse. You have to learn. You swim or you sink. I'd imagine he was kicked out for character - or lack of. I can't see this guy agreeing to work together with other recruits to accomplish anything or actually listening to the directions of a drill instructor. I can also see him blankly admitting that he's looking forward to combat and killing people, not knowing it's wrong to think that way.
Yes, this isn't quite my first introduction to a murder or abduction case. I've been around for a long time and am well aware of how the media, and the tabloids, work.

Thank you for telling me.... I will take a mental note of it.
No details have been made public, other than that the Marines kicked him out (as opposed to him "failing") for lack of character.

That he lasted 30 days doesn't mean anything . He could have "failed" a physical test the first week and have been booted back to week one boot camp 3 times. Or he could have been insubordinate enough in week one to have been sent to disciplinary, failed to shape up, been sent to mandatory "counselling," have had that person determine he was unfit to serve, and have been tasked with cleaning toilets until the paperwork kicking him out was processed. Etc.
Wasn't he dismissed because his behavior was incompatible with being a Marine? I'm thinking (guessing) he was let go because of attitude, insubordination, laziness. Maybe lack of physical fitness in general.

Total speculation. imo
This is bugging me. Why would JP go to such great lengths to cover his tracks before and during the crime, and then be stupid enough to keep all the clothing and boots he wore that night? In the CC, he said he had JC remove her clothes when they got to his house so he could burn them and have no evidence. Why didn't he do the same with his own clothes?? Also, he said he told JC to put on his sister's pajamas - only "human" piece of him I've heard so far. However, we don't really have any way of knowing if that is the truth.
I thought I read where he wasn't close enough so he wasn't worried about blow back. But he also said he almost slipped in the blood so there would have to be blood on his shoes. Not sure what to believe about why he kept his clothes. I believe he took her clothes so she would be less likely to run. Or he planned to kill her eventually. JMO
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