Found Alive WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *Arrest* #40

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Holy smokes...:oops:

"Knoxville's Truckster" brings Christmas to Jayme Closs
View attachment 164817

The Wisconsin teenager, Jayme Closs, whose parents had been killed and was missing for nearly three months, did not celebrate Christmas last year.

A Knoxville staple made the 1,400-mile trip to bring Christmas to her and her whole community. David Moore had driven his car that he calls "Knoxville's Truckster," a tribute to the film Christmas Vacation, to Closs's home town Barron, Wisconsin.

Moore brought gifts for Closs, her family, school and rescue crews. He brought with him things such as handmade quilts, crosses, stuffed animals and University of Tennessee sweatshirts and hats.

Moore says he felt called by God to make the trip and he's there to represent East Tennessee. He said he plans to stay for a few days.

He’s not going anywhere for a while, there’s a snowstorm coming through (most of it hitting South).

As @Gitana said (sorry, I haven’t worked out how to quote multiple posts), we’re here in part because we want to understand the why.

So I get that we are discussing how he could have become this ‘monster’.

I, too, don’t believe his parents have said they “never saw anything amiss with their kid”.

It’s possible some poor parenting was involved. It’s equally possible they were decent human beings doing their best. It’s likely, IMO, they saw traits that worried them (not that he would kill or kidnap, but worrying nonetheless). It’s also likely IMO they sought help for him along the way.

It can be a difficult, expensive and sometimes futile pathway trying to get the right help for an odd child. It puts strain on marriages, on finances, on parents’ own health and ability to cope (even with, for example, brushing the yard or clearing out the junk).

As another poster said, nobody wants their kid to turn out this way.
Its hard to clear out other people's stuff, even left behind items. They even get mad if you get rid of things. (Example:Where IS the ____ so and so gave me on my 15th birthday? It's the last thing I have from him/her.) you can't chunk other people's stuff easily sometimes.
He lived all alone with constant reminders of other maybe better or maybe tortuous times. I've wondered if he subconsciously tried to rebuild a family, especially reading he gave Jayme his sister's old clothing.
Who knows, this is IMO, but I'd feel haunted by all the reminders. He went over the edge for some reason growing in his soul that no one saw.
I'm not that surprised no one "saw" his conflicts stepping into the unbelievable.
A few seem to have sensed things, but those closest are often blinded by denial. Most of us aren't gifted with ESP.
Yes, different types of therapy available and there has been so much attention and sharing of resources today in part due to the mass school shootings, the mass shooting in Las Vegas, effects of terroristic acts, etc. The public including schools, employers, first responder agencies, LE in general have really stepped up their game in providing resources for this.
Holy smokes...:oops:

"Knoxville's Truckster" brings Christmas to Jayme Closs
View attachment 164817

The Wisconsin teenager, Jayme Closs, whose parents had been killed and was missing for nearly three months, did not celebrate Christmas last year.

A Knoxville staple made the 1,400-mile trip to bring Christmas to her and her whole community. David Moore had driven his car that he calls "Knoxville's Truckster," a tribute to the film Christmas Vacation, to Closs's home town Barron, Wisconsin.

Moore brought gifts for Closs, her family, school and rescue crews. He brought with him things such as handmade quilts, crosses, stuffed animals and University of Tennessee sweatshirts and hats.

Moore says he felt called by God to make the trip and he's there to represent East Tennessee. He said he plans to stay for a few days.

With so many horrible news stories it’s great to read about someone doing something good. :)
Curiosity may cause her to google herself, someday, but odds are that she would not read through all 40+ threads. Some young people choose to be in the spotlight, with YouTube videos, etc. They are comfortable being a topic of discussion. Jayme did not choose to be a topic of discussion, and even if she does not read anything here, people she knows might read here.

JP, on the other hand, probably wants to be famous. If he could google himself, it would feed his ego. He was a nobody before this.

One could only hope she would read here IF she one day decides to google herself and this horrific case. For the most part posters on here are kind and compassionate and probably more so when it is a young victim being discussed.

I am proud to be able to post with very good people who are here to seek justice for Jayme as well as her parents. The Mods, and Tricia run a fair and tight ship and we should all appreciate them giving us the opportunity to be a part of their little corner of the web. We are guests of theirs and sometimes bad guests get thrown overboard.

IMO Jayme, her family and even her friends would be very touched to read her forum. All MOO.
I have a question. Your answers will be purely speculative, but given what we know about JP - the crime details, and his profile - how likely would you say this is his first crime? Would you be surprised to find out he'd either planned or carried out other crimes?

My feeling is he has not, given the murders of DC and JC, even though they were meticulously planned to eliminate evidence, it was still arrogant and risky.

Whereas someone who was only interested in the abduction of another, IMO, may not have taken such a risk. So many layers of violence.

I guess I am also wondering how others think the violent and reckless murders of the C's, along with the obsessive/compulsive nature of the abduction, fit into the ASPD framework and/or the sadism framework that has been talked about in this thread.
I would not be a bit surprised when his DNA results are returned that he isn't a match to more than a few crimes.
I don't believe for one second that this was his first crime.
He (had) no criminal record, because he was never caught and entered into the system.
You don't go from slashing tires at 14 years old to midnight home invasion/double homicide at 21 without committing similar crimes in my opinion.
We've all heard how they ramp up.
Slashing tires was the start, the Closs' was the end.
We've got 7 years in between.
I'll be shocked if he isn't proven to have committed more crimes!
Do you believe her home (where the murders occurred) has been cleaned by professionals and she (or relatives) have been able to return to it? I would think there are items she would love to have. Or is the house still marked as a crime scene?
This is a great article on the correlation between burglary and sex crimes.

It describes different kinds of burglary. I will bet anything he was doing one or several of those. Watching people sleep ? Ugh.
That is interesting. Reminds me of Joshua Komisarjefsy who participated in the Petit family murders. He enjoyed residential burglary with the residents still there sleeping. He saw the youngest Petit daughter with her mother at a grocery store and became infatuated and followed them home. So I would agree, I bet many sexual offenders have started with burglary.
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One could only hope she would read here IF she one day decides to google herself and this horrific case. For the most part posters on here are kind and compassionate and probably more so when it is a young victim being discussed.

I am proud to be able to post with very good people who are here to seek justice for Jayme as well as her parents. The Mods, and Tricia run a fair and tight ship and we should all appreciate them giving us the opportunity to be a part of their little corner of the web. We are guests of theirs and sometimes bad guests get thrown overboard.

IMO Jayme, her family and even her friends would be very touched to read her forum. All MOO.

Everyone is very respectful here. It would be better if she did not google herself, since even the most respectful posts could inadvertently trigger memories for her. Her family is most likely shielding her from media right now.
How Jayme Closs' School District Is Preparing for Her Return: ‘There’s No Manual For This’

Diane Tremblay plans to talk to every student in the school district before Jayme Closs returns to school.

I have a feeling kids aren’t going to know what to say,” Tremblay, superintendent of the Barron Area School District tells PEOPLE. “Kids are kids. There are things that probably shouldn’t be said. We probably need to tell them that.”

Thanks for that!

As for the kids saying the wrong thing, it totally depends on the person. At my workplace, we had two people whose teenaged sons were killed in freak accidents. (My co-workers' grief and emotions are not at all the same thing as Jayme's but it's the closest tragedy to my real life I can think of.) No one knew what to say, and I suspect most people didn't say much out of respect or fear of saying the wrong thing. One of them sent an email around to the entire firm, thanking everyone for their good wishes, and letting people know that he'd like to talk about it, and to please ask him questions, offer to talk, etc. if people wanted to.

All of which is to say that I hope the kids aren't scared off by adults from broaching it at all. Jayme may want to talk about it some, not feel like everyone is avoiding it, and try to integrate it into her life somehow. I don't know, it's a difficult call and everyone is different. The social workers and trauma experts know best, of course (better than me :)).
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Do you believe her home (where the murders occurred) has been cleaned by professionals and she (or relatives) have been able to return to it? I would think there are items she would love to have. Or is the house still marked as a crime scene?
That house was turned over to the family some time ago.

A professional cleaning crew was spotted at the house at the end of October, IIRC.

If she wanted anything, her family would be able to get it for her.
Do you believe her home (where the murders occurred) has been cleaned by professionals and she (or relatives) have been able to return to it? I would think there are items she would love to have. Or is the house still marked as a crime scene?
I don't know for sure, but I would assume its been cleaned and repaired. I don't see any reason why it would still be a crime scene. I assume it will be sold and any equity will go to a trust for Jayme.
Holy smokes...:oops:

"Knoxville's Truckster" brings Christmas to Jayme Closs
View attachment 164817

The Wisconsin teenager, Jayme Closs, whose parents had been killed and was missing for nearly three months, did not celebrate Christmas last year.

A Knoxville staple made the 1,400-mile trip to bring Christmas to her and her whole community. David Moore had driven his car that he calls "Knoxville's Truckster," a tribute to the film Christmas Vacation, to Closs's home town Barron, Wisconsin.

Moore brought gifts for Closs, her family, school and rescue crews. He brought with him things such as handmade quilts, crosses, stuffed animals and University of Tennessee sweatshirts and hats.

Moore says he felt called by God to make the trip and he's there to represent East Tennessee. He said he plans to stay for a few days.

I don't think I would have liked this if he had only done this for Jayme. It's nice to see he thought of her family, the school, LE, etc. I would love to see something similar to this done for all the Douglas Co. respondents and the hospital staff who took such good care of Jayme that 1st night.
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Does anyone else think that Elizabeth Smart's abdu

I wonder what the plan for returning is. I kinda hope she doesn't go back until the Fall, that maybe she can be tutored at home for the rest of 8th? grade. But maybe that's not the best thing for her, I dunno. She might feel isolated then.

My sense is having her return to the normalcy of school is the best that can happen to her as long as fellow students aren't allowed to harass or bully her.

At the least maybe she can resume dance practice. Those kids tend to be super supportive and kind to one another.
This is a great article on the correlation between burglary and sex crimes.

It describes different kinds of burglary. I will bet anything he was doing one or several of those. Watching people sleep ? Ugh.

Very interesting piece. For those interested in profiling and forensic psychology, there are a number of publications by Laurence Allison and David Canter which explore these correlations in more detail.
My sense is having her return to the normalcy of school is the best that can happen to her as long as fellow students aren't allowed to harass or bully her.

At the least maybe she can resume dance practice. Those kids tend to be super supportive and kind to one another.

Oops, it looks like I accidently left half-formed thought about Elizabeth Smart in my earlier post. Thank you for ignoring it!

I'm assuming that her class is small and close, and kids won't bully her. Oy, I never even thought of that :( Parents will need to get involved and counsel their kids as well. It's going to take the whole village.
I don't think I would have liked this is he had only done this for Jayme. It's nice to see he thought of her family, the school, LE, etc. I would love to see something similar to this done for all the Douglas Co. respondents and the hospital staff who took such good care of Jayme that 1st night.

Maybe something's wrong with me but it's a tiny bit odd to me. I would feel super protective of Jayme if I was her family. I hope he doesn't expect to meet her.

Why not just send the items with a nice, encouraging note?

Sorry for being cynical, guys. He's probably a sweetheart with the best of intentions.
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