AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #12

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I am a little late in joining this discussion. What a bizarre, tragic nught of events and I am constantly checking the news, hoping there is good news on the discovery and well being of Jayme. Where I am from, theories of, and the search for, the LISK still goes on, nearly 8 years after the initial discovery. Not trying to jump any guns, but 10-ish days must feel like 8+ years for the Closs family.
The problem we have and the most scariest is none of us know who is cruising the highways and backroads at any given moment.

We have no way of knowing who they are or if they have a long violent rap sheet a mile long or if they are from a different part of the state or country.

How can anyone really feel safe when we dont even know if these horrible individuals may be close by staking out unsuspecting good families going about our lives totally unaware??

That is what alarms me the most in recent years.

These people have always been around, nothing has changed in that regard.

The world is no more dangerous than it was in the past, we are simply more in tune with its realities.

“When I was a kid, we used to play outside and we didn’t have to worry about predators.”


You just weren’t aware of them.
I think maybe it's helpful to discuss the mistakes of a victim to act as a warning for other innocents.

But I don't think the victims made any mistakes. Their door was locked (we know this because it was kicked in). Jayme did nothing to bring this on herself. Speculation that she was approached online is simply that, speculation. I think it is human nature for some people to blame the victim so that they can say this won't happen to me because I would never make that mistake.

Please stop blaming the victims.
I'm not sure if this has been thrown out there, but what about the possibility that James was home before the party ended and someone broke in and killed him. Then Denise and Jayme come home. They park and come in a different door in the back and walk in on the scene? Do you all think this is a possibility with what little is known to us?

Huh. So dad is dead, they come in through back. Perp(s) hiding. Jayme and mom try to reason with perp. Mom says she needs the bathroom and calls 911. Gets caught with phone, and is killed.

but Jayme likely wouldn’t be out with her mom at 12:30 at night after being at a family party all afternoon.

Mom and Jayme were home.
Perp arrives and is holding them hostage.
Dad comes home at 12:36, sees a car he doesn’t like. Knows something is amiss. Kicks in door. Is killed immediately. 12:38.
Perp gets mad at mom for refusing to give the ATM number and for calling 911, shoots mom in bathroom (maybe w a different gun or harder to hear with door shut).
Takes Jayme as that was the initial plan (to use the ATM) but they have no passwords now and have a witness on their hands.
I kinda think this could be a male and female perp in early to mid twenties. Knew the area (where cops would arrive from) and headed outta town. Without the ATM numbers, they had nothing. Without a plan, they are just on the run. Unless they are in custody and she is in fear of her life bec they told her what they would do if she went anywhere.
we don't know what kind of gun was used, but if it was a shot gun I think the shooter could easily have pellets in themselves too. the pellets could have bounced around in many directions. a long gun also isn't easily used in tight places.
If they were both shot in the doorway, are you thinking mom crawled off somewhere else in the house for some reason after she was wounded? Maybe to try to get her phone? Otherwise, police would have found her there in the doorway at the same time they found James....

Yes, I think she was wounded and almost gone, but she managed to crawl away. Maybe trying to get to her phone or to her child. If she was barricaded in the bathroom, I'm sure she had Jayme with her. No mother would intentionally try to save themselves and not their children.
Per the presser yesterday, this is what I just noticed:

A reporter asks if there is "...any specific evidence....that Jayme is alive, any shred of evidence that has proven that in the last ten days... (loosely paraphrased by me).

Sherriff won't comment on that except to say that they believe she is out there she is endangered and they need to bring a 13yr old girl home." (again, loosely paraphrased by me).
The Sheriff nods his head when the reporter indicates this was an emotional plea directed towards Jayme, and again nods when he is asked if there is any evidence over the past ten days that she is alive. It's a super slight head nod in the affirmative both times. What do you suppose that is about? Do you think its possible that Jayme may have tried to reach out since this went down to her aunt (the one who made the public address?). Or do you think its just the officer being hopeful that Jayme is out there and alive still?
I’m actually thinking about grabbing my GoPro and documenting mythbuster style what gunshots sound like from the neighbor’s house. My neighbor’s cool with it but I’m having trouble getting wife’s permission to fire my 12 gauge inside. Not a safety concern, I have plenty of backstop... maybe I can bribe her.
We had a drive by shooting a few days ago and I watched the video (Mom happened to be filming kids in backyard and you could hear the shots - no one injured, just the mailbox and car) - amazing how loud gunshots can be in the open air - I never knew.
I'm pretty sure we're all wondering the same thing in terms of how exactly a certain crime could possibly happen without another crime being committed. You go to Grandma's funeral and swipe the ring off her finger ? But aside from that...long rap sheet including drugs, theft and armed robbery.

Makes me rethink my theory that this wasn't an armed home invasion after all.

Maybe in that particular arrest or a charge like that someone possibly OD’d. Then the person there could have stolen something from the deceased... sorry if someone answered this .
we don't know what kind of gun was used, but if it was a shot gun I think the shooter could easily have pellets in themselves too. the pellets could have bounced around in many directions. a long gun also isn't easily used in tight places.
Naw. It would have to strike something really hard and even then, the risk to the shooter is minimal.
we don't know what kind of gun was used, but if it was a shot gun I think the shooter could easily have pellets in themselves too. the pellets could have bounced around in many directions. a long gun also isn't easily used in tight places.

I really don’t think it was a shotgun. There wouldn’t be a need for multiple rounds. That sounds most like a semi auto handgun IMO
I considered this as a possibility only because at some point I read in some MSM that it was unclear how long the parents had been dead for. That made me wonder, just how cold were the bodies when police found them? Maybe Rigor had come and gone already? We're all working off the timeline from when the neighbor heard the shots ring out - but that doesn't mean this is when this all began. For all we know, someone could've shown up anytime after mom and Jayme left the house to attend the party....

I mean it makes sense, but that is really, really late for a school night?

I suck at quoting. This was meant in response to @Cj707
Police know Jayme was home during the 911 call right? They know mom's phone made the call and mom's phone was found inside the home.?

We don't actually know if LE knows whether Jayme was in the home during the call. What they said was that they believe she was there during the shooting, and that something on the call was part of why they thought that. It does seem likely but it's still speculation at this point.

Likewise, yes they said they have DC's phone but they haven't said where it was found.

Pretty sure mom was in the bathroom. If they were both at door, it would not have taken 6 min to call in the second victim.

As I recall early in the threads, it was only reported that DC was found farther back of the house. We don't know which room. As far as I know, bathroom was just someone's speculation of where a person might try to barricade themselves.
If Denise followed James to the door and the first shot hit James, she may have turned and ran as the second shot was fired. The second shot may not have hit anybody, which explains her being found further inside the home.
I've thought about this and if I was home with my daughter, and heard a loud noise followed by gunshots, I would go for my daughter and run to a back exit. I don't believe I would run to where the sound of gunshots came from. That's why I believe she was found later according to the 911 transcript in the back of the house or possibly downstairs. 911 call traced to phone of missing Wisconsin girl's mother, authorities say - CNN
Naw. It would have to strike something really hard and even then, the risk to the shooter is minimal.
have you ever shot a shot gun in the house? unfortunately I have. I quickly considered the risk and done it anyway thinking just that, that what I was shooting would absorb the shot and if not not enough speed left to do much to me. I have pellets in me and they will always be there. to be clear it was not a human I shot at and it was stupid.
It's not unusual to appeal to the person who was abducted. When Abby was abducted her mother appealed directly to her, even to the point of making videos of the town, videos of making christmas cookies, and appealed to her to come home. Her mother didn't appeal to her abductor, they appealed to Abby. In Mollie's case it was different, her father pleaded with her captors for her return. Each case is different.
As for the mattress, it makes me wonder if there was an original attack on the mother in her bedroom. We don't know where the mother was attacked or died. We've read rumors that she was barricaded in the bathroom, but that may not be true.

Just jumping off your post because the BBM caused me a new thought in regards the bathroom rumor from Radar Online. Many of us have been assuming if she was really found in the bathroom that Denise barricaded herself in there. What if the perp "barricaded" her in there for some reason? Is that even possible? My bathroom doors all open inward with the lock on the inside but I have a large dresser right next to my bathroom door and if someone wanted to keep me from coming out they could slide that in front of the door (although I also have a window, but assuming for moment Denise's bathroom did not have one). I'm also thinking about the possible mattress removed on a new pass of the house. Many people are thinking mattress=sexual assault. My mind went there for a moment too, but I don't think the FBI would miss fluids on a mattress
on their first inspection, would they? It would have lit up. But what else can a mattress be used for? Maybe for barricading someone into a room? If it was used in that way, I can see the FBI going back to get the mattress on another pass of the house hoping to find DNA (hair with a root or skin cells) from the person who moved it into place. IDK, I'm maybe I'm grasping at straws here. Are there any videos of this mattress being removed?
After reading other posters questions, it’s got me thinking that the perp was not at the residence prior to DC & Jayme returning from the birthday party. Why? Because I am 100% certain that the perp would have had time to confiscate any cell phones they may have had if he had been in the home when DC & Jayme arrived.
We know one of the three victims were able to call 911 at some point during this crime. So one of them still had DC’s cell phone.
I think this crime began just before the neighbors heard gun shots.
I believe other posters thought maybe JC was followed home from work (something to that affect) or the perp was waiting for JC (parked somewhere out of the way) to return from work.

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