AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #16

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I think people forget how big some of these Corporations are, as well. I'm sure the plant wanted to do the right thing from Day 1, but they are a small cog in a much bigger (financially) machine. It takes some time, but they have to get payouts like that approved for a variety of reasons. Glad to see it all got worked out.

The thing that really got to me was just what you've said. The corporate approval and legal dept. signing off on something of this nature.
I worked for a hospital corporation for over 25 years and was married to a high profile member of management for some of those years. ( The best years!) The things he did for employees that were never known except to me, that we both did for our fellow employees privately, that's what I kept thinking about.

He passed away last Sept. from early onset Parkinson's.. He taught me so much about life, and in our professional careers, about doing the kind things that made differences to our fellow employees, whether we were their supervisors or they were in a whole other sector of the company, who were having a world of hurt to get through.

We eat out on holidays (because the last time I cooked a turkey dinner with all the fixings for the two of us, it was over $240 for the groceries), but I am going to suggest to my friends that they buy Jennie- O and Hormel ( parent company) products for the holidays and beyond.
My explanation for this would be that the parents were killed in a dispute/grudge type of revenge killing. They intended to shoot Jayme too, but maybe it was Jayme that made the 911 call and the perp(s) realized they had to get out of there asap. This would point to it being a local as they knew LE would respond quickly (4 mins i believe) so had to take Jayme as she was a witness to the murders. OR maybe they ran out of bullets (reports say multiple rounds spent) and again had to take Jayme as she was a witness. This could also explain why neither Jayme or the dog were shot. MOO of course!

I've heard those ones before, and sure they are possible, but both aren't very good explanations IMO.

The "had to get out of there quick so they just grabbed her" is one I've heard before that makes zero sense to me. I don't see how killing her with a gun takes more time than kidnapping her.

I suppose it's possible they ran out of bullets, but it's not very likely. Quite a coincidence if they did. There would have been other ways to do the deed if they ran out of bullets. Surely there were knives in the kitchen. And a perp can still do quite a bit of damage with the butt end of a gun. It's possible, but takes some pretty crazy coincidences.
Quoting myself to add that from the beginning I've felt in the pit of my stomach that Jayme was the intended target.
at first I thought it was just one guy fixated on Jayme. But now. It could be.
Maybe a pedo/ kiddie *advertiser censored* ring, going for the prize. Birds of a feather.
If they methed out they sure as heck could be just crazy enough to do this.

Of course this is MOO.
The thing that really got to me was just what you've said. The corporate approval and legal dept. signing off on something of this nature.
I worked for a hospital corporation for over 25 years and was married to a high profile member of management for some of those years. ( The best years!) The things he did for employees that were never known except to me, that we both did for our fellow employees privately, that's what I kept thinking about.

He passed away last Sept. from early onset Parkinson's.. He taught me so much about life, and in our professional careers, about doing the kind things that made differences to our fellow employees, whether we were their supervisors or they were in a whole other sector of the company, who were having a world of hurt to get through.

We eat out on holidays (because the last time I cooked a turkey dinner with all the fixings for the two of us, it was over $240 for the groceries), but I am going to suggest to my friends that they buy Jennie- O and Hormel ( parent company) products for the holidays and beyond.

Sorry for your loss, sounds like you have had quite the life.
I never said I fall on the side of undecided. I said it COULD be almost anything. My opinion right now, however, is that Jayme was NOT targeted. But there's just too much we don't know.
Thanks. I will move your response to No, if you don't mind.
Now that posting has slowed down, I would be very interested in internal polling here. I am not the best poster to setup that sort of thing, but I would like to see condensed opinions as percentages. For example:

YES: You think abduction of Jayme was the primary purpose of this crime.


NO: You do NOT think the abduction of Jayme was the primary purpose of this crime.

I know most of you have considered all the great ideas and multiple scenarios, but what is your strongest gut feeling or thought process on just that Yes or No.

Thank you.
I go back and forth. I keep thinking of the Groene family and think that it could be a similar case, where he watched her somewhere, decided he wanted her, and knew in his sick mind that the only way to get her would be by force (murder of the parents), because it appears that Jayme's parents didn't leave her alone for much. For instance, she had a caretaker after school.

Then I think of perhaps it is some vendetta against one or both of the parents, to which many scenarios could be possible. Perhaps an older boy was attracted to her, but they said no to dating her. Family issues, acquaintance or co-worker angry about something. I just don't know.

It's really hard to get a decent grip on this case. Lack of evidence, tips not panning out- it just makes me think that this was well planned, not done on a whim. Even to the point that the cops came from one direction while they possibly escaped on a different road.
at first I thought it was just one guy fixated on Jayme. But now. It could be.
Maybe a pedo/ kiddie *advertiser censored* ring, going for the prize. Birds of a feather.
If they methed out they sure as heck could be just crazy enough to do this.

Of course this is MOO.

To me, a kiddie *advertiser censored* ring would operate in a similar manner as sex trafficking of a minor. My mom sits on the board of our state's human trafficking coalition and children who are trafficked are high risk kids: those who have gotten lost in the system, runaways, homeless, etc. They want children who will not be missed right away. This kind of media attention would be a nightmare to a trafficking ring, and I imagine the same would be for a kiddie *advertiser censored* ring. In our state, too, the majority of children who are involved in child *advertiser censored* or trafficked are actually "sold" by their own family members-they are not abducted. This crime does not fit into any of the information I know, both from listening to my mother give talks and as my time as a crisis intervention specialist.
It don't know how he could be a cashier, there aren't any retail locations here despite the name "Turkey Store"

Are we sure there is no retail there? Some of the reviews talk about prices there. I thought it was a plant that also had a small retail area for visitors to purchase from. I know we have some similar facilities nearby that have a "company store" attached.
Lotsa sexual predators in the vicinity. Did he know whose house he was at? Why steal a missing thirteen yr olds underpants?

My guess is because he has a fetish for women's undergarments, maybe specifically teen undergarments, and he knew that house was empty and a teen had lived there. He probably figured he could get in there, take whatever he wanted, and nobody would know or care since the residents were no longer dwelling within it. And he may have enjoyed the "rush" of taking something from a crime scene on top of it. He may not have known the Closses, but I believe he knew about the case.

Ok, thanks. I'll go and look for it.
A disturbance , and the word "Help", are two different scenarios entirely.
"Help" means someone's in danger or being dragged away... while a disturbance could indicate some sort of a fight.
Everything I have read has assumed it was one of the family members yelling for help. Just playing devil's advocate, could it have been an intruder yelling for help from another intruder? ... I.E. to help grab Jayme if she was escaping or to help knock down a door? etc..... Just trying to look out of the box at new angles?
That says Jennie-O paid for the funeral expenses. It is good to know they took care of their long term employees like that and they didn't feel the need to broadcast it (they only shared it in response to a reporter's question). Some criticized Jennie-O previously for not offering a reward sooner but they have since offered $25,000 and IMO their quiet contribution to pay for the funeral shows that as a company they are not interested in using this tragedy for gain. I don't especially like turkey, but they get an A in my book for doing the right thing for their employees and the community they operate in. JMO.
I eat a lot of Jenny O products, and I am proud to say so. I will definitely buy a Jenny O turkey for Thanksgiving this year (I usually get another brand) as a sincere thanks for what they have done for Jayme and her family.
Still here reading.
Not that I have any clue. At all.
I still think there may be further people in or out of that community who might be endangered.
I guess LE is still saying they don't presume any danger to the public at large.
If they've said differently I've missed it.
Where is Jayme?
I saw she ran XC but haven't seen track. It would be difficult/disinteresting to a pedo to be a spectator at XC, as you see the runners at the start and basically not again until the finish line (they run the rest of the 5k through a wooded trail).

This is my first post here, but I am going to respectfully disagree about the difficulty of spectating an XC event. I say this as an XC coach who is sitting here thinking how sore I am from running around so much at our last XC meet.
1.) Middle school athletes are likely not running 5K as a distance (not sure what it is in WI, but in my Midwestern state, they run a little over about a mile and 1/4, usually).
2.) Course layouts vary greatly. Some are loops around parks or athletic fields allowing for great spectating.
3.) The XC courses that do go out into the woods or on trails still see a large degree of spectating. Course maps are usually available prior to a race and spectators, coaches and athletes often scout the (usually multiple) points they will watch a race from. It may involve walking across a soccer field, jumping a creek, running through brush/trees, etc. Spectators will often try to space themselves out from each other as well so their athletes can hear them cheering and be cheered on from multiple spots. As a former cross country runner, it wasn't unusual to be running a race through a wooded area and to see someone (sometimes a lone man or woman) pop out of the trees to watch a race (which seems fairly creepy in this context).
4.) No idea what Jayme's XC uniform might look like, but by and large female athletes in my area are wearing 3in compression shorts and tank tops. Usually no makeup or sparkles, like in dance, but certainly form fitting.

Take that as you will.
I am on my phone now and don't know how to link but other posters have linked several cases where the parents or others in the home were murdered and then young children kidnapped by the perp.

Of course Joseph Duncan murdered three...mother..boyfriend and teen son before kidnapping Shasta and Dylan. After torturing and raping Dylan for 6 weeks he murdered him as well.

The Short parents were murdered inside of their home and their little girl kidnapped and later found murdered.

In one case a pedophile tried to burn down the home hoping to murder the little girl's family then he kidnapped the child and she is presumed dead at the hands of the pedophile.

There are more cases than these though. Perhaps you could search in the prior threads to find some of them or do a Google search.

I would do it but as I said i just started posting on my phone and haven't learned how to do links yet.


Sorry -- I might have been unclear, but I thought you were initially talking about cases in which it was NOT a targeted attack on a child, but just a simple robbery turned kidnapping -- and the Shasta Groene and Jennifer Short cases (as well as the other one you mentioned here) were definitely perpetrated by sexual offenders whose intended targets were the children. I'm googling here and on other sites, but I haven't found any cases in which a burglar or drug offender intending to rob a place just decided to opportunistically kidnap a child. I'll share if I find any!
Now that posting has slowed down, I would be very interested in internal polling here. I am not the best poster to setup that sort of thing, but I would like to see condensed opinions as percentages. For example:

YES: You think abduction of Jayme was the primary purpose of this crime.


NO: You do NOT think the abduction of Jayme was the primary purpose of this crime.

I know most of you have considered all the great ideas and multiple scenarios, but what is your strongest gut feeling or thought process on just that Yes or No.

Thank you.

Going with just my gut...YES.
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