AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #16

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I am on my phone now and don't know how to link but other posters have linked several cases where the parents or others in the home were murdered and then young children kidnapped by the perp.

Of course Joseph Duncan murdered three...mother..boyfriend and teen son before kidnapping Shasta and Dylan. After torturing and raping Dylan for 6 weeks he murdered him as well.

The Short parents were murdered inside of their home and their little girl kidnapped and later found murdered.

In one case a pedophile tried to burn down the home hoping to murder the little girl's family then he kidnapped the child and she is presumed dead at the hands of the pedophile.

There are more cases than these though. Perhaps you could search in the prior threads to find some of them or do a Google search.

I would do it but as I said i just started posting on my phone and haven't learned how to do links yet.


The Short murders have yet to be solved and it was years ago but it sure is similar to this case. JMO
This is my first post here, but I am going to respectfully disagree about the difficulty of spectating an XC event. I say this as an XC coach who is sitting here thinking how sore I am from running around so much at our last XC meet.
1.) Middle school athletes are likely not running 5K as a distance (not sure what it is in WI, but in my Midwestern state, they run a little over about a mile and 1/4, usually).
2.) Course layouts vary greatly. Some are loops around parks or athletic fields allowing for great spectating.
3.) The XC courses that do go out into the woods or on trails still see a large degree of spectating. Course maps are usually available prior to a race and spectators, coaches and athletes often scout the (usually multiple) points they will watch a race from. It may involve walking across a soccer field, jumping a creek, running through brush/trees, etc. Spectators will often try to space themselves out from each other as well so their athletes can hear them cheering and be cheered on from multiple spots. As a former cross country runner, it wasn't unusual to be running a race through a wooded area and to see someone (sometimes a lone man or woman) pop out of the trees to watch a race (which seems fairly creepy in this context).
4.) No idea what Jayme's XC uniform might look like, but by and large female athletes in my area are wearing 3in compression shorts and tank tops. Usually no makeup or sparkles, like in dance, but certainly form fitting.

Take that as you will.

Welcome duckduck.:):):)
Your first post with info about Cross Country Running, for kids, what I was not aware of.
Hope we have more posts from you.
I named some as well in the past 15 threads.
Most of us who are long term WS members have, or can.

I'm sorry. In the post I quoted, I was replying to the comment that

I think the victimology suggests that to murder 2 adults while 13 year old Jayme was in the house ( per Sheriff press releases) the involvement of more than one perp.

and offering examples in which multiple adults have been in the house and murdered by only one perp.

(I've been an active member for almost 5 years.)
Anyone care to venture a guess as to what we are seeing in this first pic ? It almost appears to me to be an interior door, but my eyes are terrible, so I'll bow to better eyes on this.

Not sure, but I noticed on the 3rd picture, by James' truck, the tree seems to have a chunk of bark taken out as if something hit it. I'm wondering if they are expecting 1 of the BOLO vehicles to have some sort of damage?
I can't get past bulldozing through the front door, guns blazing! That's where I get stuck, since there were so many other options to get to her. So I'm wondering if perhaps a plan to sneak out to meet/runaway was agreed upon? But as the plan was getting closer, she had a change of heart, making this predator spiral out of control and into a white hot rage. I just am not sure I see this horrific act as planned. Sorry if I am repeating what someone else may have already posted. Also sending a sincere thank you to the admins on this thread, y'all are amazing!

You are a newbie here.
Hope we hear more from you.
Welcome :):):)
I agree: Why bulldoze through front door, if other, easier, safer options are possible?
I think everyone needs to let it go with the guy burglarizing the house. That's certainly a horrible thing to do and the dude has some serious issues, but LE said he has been cleared in Jayme's disappearance. It's quite a leap from petty burglary to double murder/kidnapping, and for them to clear him so quickly means he probably has an airtight alibi. Leave the guy alone. He's in enough trouble already.

Imagine all the problems this thief has in life.
Now this.
If he wanted clothes, simply thinking this was a good way, and has been cleared, hope he isn't continually hassled, by the public.
His life is probably a mess.
bizzle, I agree, leave this guy alone.
It could be police asked the family to stay clear of the house so they could keep an eye on it. They possibly wanted it to look deserted and accessible.

With so much that LE has kept "secret" and unavailable to the public, how is it that it was "okay" for there to be a news story about the house being turned over to the family? I suspect that was a set up by LE and a good idea. That makes me more hopeful that LE really does think Jayme is alive and they probably tried to see if anyone would show up to take some clothing items, toiletries, etc. to give to her; wherever she might be being kept. Although it looks like they snared the wrong bear... and it would be very hard to re-set the trap.
This is my first post here, but I am going to respectfully disagree about the difficulty of spectating an XC event. I say this as an XC coach who is sitting here thinking how sore I am from running around so much at our last XC meet.
1.) Middle school athletes are likely not running 5K as a distance (not sure what it is in WI, but in my Midwestern state, they run a little over about a mile and 1/4, usually).
2.) Course layouts vary greatly. Some are loops around parks or athletic fields allowing for great spectating.
3.) The XC courses that do go out into the woods or on trails still see a large degree of spectating. Course maps are usually available prior to a race and spectators, coaches and athletes often scout the (usually multiple) points they will watch a race from. It may involve walking across a soccer field, jumping a creek, running through brush/trees, etc. Spectators will often try to space themselves out from each other as well so their athletes can hear them cheering and be cheered on from multiple spots. As a former cross country runner, it wasn't unusual to be running a race through a wooded area and to see someone (sometimes a lone man or woman) pop out of the trees to watch a race (which seems fairly creepy in this context).
4.) No idea what Jayme's XC uniform might look like, but by and large female athletes in my area are wearing 3in compression shorts and tank tops. Usually no makeup or sparkles, like in dance, but certainly form fitting.

Take that as you will.
Welcome, duckduck. She runs the 3000 meter.
Jayme Closs
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i'm guessing you won't find any b/c it's such an illogical thing to do if you are not interested in the child.

There have been some very high profile kidnappings for ransom. There was the Getty heir, the Patty Hearst kidnapping, Frank Sinatra's son, probably many more in history which definitely had drug components to them. This is one true crime topic I'm actually a bit too young to respond fully to, but it has happened... kids were drug users by their family statements, and the people who abducted them from an apt. or college campus like setting were also drug addicts who wanted money.

I'm not sure if this fits, but it seems to come the closest to what you're saying. :) Plus, each case is extremely interesting historically! ( Severed ear sent to elderly grandfather J. Paul Getty- uggh).
This is my first post here, but I am going to respectfully disagree about the difficulty of spectating an XC event. I say this as an XC coach who is sitting here thinking how sore I am from running around so much at our last XC meet.
1.) Middle school athletes are likely not running 5K as a distance (not sure what it is in WI, but in my Midwestern state, they run a little over about a mile and 1/4, usually).
2.) Course layouts vary greatly. Some are loops around parks or athletic fields allowing for great spectating.
3.) The XC courses that do go out into the woods or on trails still see a large degree of spectating. Course maps are usually available prior to a race and spectators, coaches and athletes often scout the (usually multiple) points they will watch a race from. It may involve walking across a soccer field, jumping a creek, running through brush/trees, etc. Spectators will often try to space themselves out from each other as well so their athletes can hear them cheering and be cheered on from multiple spots. As a former cross country runner, it wasn't unusual to be running a race through a wooded area and to see someone (sometimes a lone man or woman) pop out of the trees to watch a race (which seems fairly creepy in this context).
4.) No idea what Jayme's XC uniform might look like, but by and large female athletes in my area are wearing 3in compression shorts and tank tops. Usually no makeup or sparkles, like in dance, but certainly form fitting.

Take that as you will.
Excellent post, and 1000% accurate. My kids also did XC, one of my daughters had to get used to the running clothes, as she is very modest to this day and felt awkward in the skin tight short and tank tops. You are so right, there are spectators every where on the course, even in the woods, cheering the kids on.
I am sure LE are doing all they can and leaving no stone unturned in this case, but 15 days in and no sign of Jayme is deeply worrying. I wonder if there will be another press conference this week?

At this point, there probably won't be another PC until there is something definitive to report. At least that's my guess.
With so much that LE has kept "secret" and unavailable to the public, how is it that it was "okay" for there to be a news story about the house being turned over to the family? I suspect that was a set up by LE and a good idea. That makes me more hopeful that LE really does think Jayme is alive and they probably tried to see if anyone would show up to take some clothing items, toiletries, etc. to give to her; wherever she might be being kept. Although it looks like they snared the wrong bear... maybe and probably but who knows.
It’s pretty standard to release that information. It’s something I always pay attention to in cases like this.

I don’t think they expected the kidnapper to return, as that simply doesn’t happen.

I also don’t believe that they believe, that she is alive. Or atleast have any information that indicates that.
I posted a link to the August case that told quite a bit. A family was in the process of moving from a trailer but hadn't taken all their possessions, yet. He broke in once and took some. The found out and even used screws to secure the door. He returned again, removed the screws, put on the daughter's dress and was caught. So, it appears nobody was actually home at the time of either burglary but he was caught in the act by the resident. In the first burglary he'd taken a bike but then returned it at some point.

The fact this guy returned the bike, speaks volumes.
He needed clothes, not the bike: the bike possibly a way for transport, at the time.
This thief, is possibly not looking for valuables to sell, but clothes for himself.
I hope, he finds help soon.
Not sure, but I noticed on the 3rd picture, by James' truck, the tree seems to have a chunk of bark taken out as if something hit it. I'm wondering if they are expecting 1 of the BOLO vehicles to have some sort of damage?
I have always wondered if their initial report on the vehicles of interest were partly based on paint transfer evidence or tire track evidence. Could the missing tree bark be due to vehicle paint being transferred if a vehicle scraped or hit the tree at some point. Seems a bit high up on the tree, idk. Just speculation.
It’s pretty standard to release that information. It’s something I always pay attention to in cases like this.

I don’t think they expected the kidnapper to return, as that simply doesn’t happen.

I also don’t believe that they believe, that she is alive. Or atleast have any information that indicates that.
It’s pretty standard to release that information. It’s something I always pay attention to in cases like this.

I don’t think they expected the kidnapper to return, as that simply doesn’t happen.

I also don’t believe that they believe, that she is alive. Or atleast have any information that indicates that.

Do you think the house/crime scene has been cleaned?
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