AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #18

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moo. there is a game that a relative child was first introduced to at school, I don't know much about it, but am under the understanding it is a educational game as the log in info came from school. I let this relative child use their laptop at my home on my ip and router. seemed harmless enough. all my devices began acting strange. when my phone left the house or simply was logged off my network nothing else worked or worked very very slowly. could turn the phone off and back on and all was fine again. started takeing note that the problem happened everytime I let this child log onto my network. after many hours and having a tech here more than a couple of times we found out that the game had some type of something that was opening a back door into all the mobile devices on the network, it was not a program but a person acting, whoever was hacking into it was able to bypass the router security and could tell who was here or not by what device was or wasn't here. there was also a chat option on that game, and it was school encouraged! threw that game and back dooring into my phone pics ended up on line. I don't know the name of the game at this point and relative child remembers incident but not name of game. something completely innocent on this familys part could have put them in the path of killer.
I expect that any one shooting that night would have contacted authorities and conveyed that to them.

Valid. But, I don't remember LE ever commenting on the Smrekar's 12:31 gunshots. The only thing even related being they asked about people on the road from 12:30-1:30. So while we were trying to fit 12:31 into our story, various ways, maybe LE had already determined those shots were not related. Just an idea.
I have been searching for an hour and cannot find anything where the sheriff talks about searching electronics (mentioned by other posters). I see this " We built a great team of investigators to work this case and they spent the last 18 days, around-the-clock, going over information from social media platforms, phone records, family, friends, coworkers and every other kind of tip that has come in." from the Sheriff's FB post on Nov 1st but no mention of electronics being searched. If anyone has a link other then the one below please share.
PS: I take the above comment about social media platforms to mean they are looking for leads on SM (such as a comment or post made by the general public) as opposed to the victims or family SM accounts. There must be thousands upon thousands they will go through.
As tips decline, search for missing Wisconsin teen enters new phase
Not hunting season - would be illegal. Also, it is at night and near homes. Hunters are very responsible and would not be in that area.

"Unprotected species (as well as coyote, fox and raccoon) may be hunted without shooting hour restrictions" (except deer season.) from page 10 of:

Page 3 explains what are unprotected species.

Page 20 also talks about landowners.
Thank you for your post. I have been trying to think of scenarios that would fit the idea that the dad came home to the crime in progress. Its just so difficult to say with certainty because of all the unknowns, but for some reason I have had the feeling this is what happened. Idk why, maybe the way the truck was parked. If this scenario did happen when and how are you thinking the 911 call was made?

Hm. Maybe mom not quite dead?
This is my collection of thoughts on this case after much research. Bear with me. To get there, I feel like I need to help explain the environment and the experience of rural living .

I grew up in a similar rural area. We had no neighbors to speak of, and 20 acres of farmland on all sides. My brother was abusive and sometimes I screamed. No one heard me. I don't mean that to sound cryptic, but it fascinated me later that sound becomes distorted and less people report. I was in total isolation on the outskirts of a town with approx 4000 residents . My point is the isolation of a community can also create a risk whereas in a city you just statistically have more witnesses. This is why these sorts of cases are so difficult to solve. Isolation unfortunately equals opportunity to people with bad intent.

The second thing is that door issue. My dad was in the military. He taught us to look out the upstairs window to see who is at the door. You never stand behind a door and say hello. You have given away your locale. I would never have thought of that had I not been trained. I could be wrong, but it sounds like the dad had a lifetime of factory work, not a military man. IMHO I would say Ambush is likely as well, and the man we are looking for has some sort of military background . He knew to look for an isolated house, he knew to knock to take out the biggest threat immediately. The second threat of Mom, I'm guessing was why she was found in another locale, possibly hearing the gunshot and running out. That is a trap, again IMO.

From reading over the threads, I believe our Unsub has committed crimes of this manner before. I believe he chooses his victims somewhat randomly. (If Jayme was his motivation, he had to know she was there.) But I do not think he knew her personally. If this was an internet stalking, I believe the info would have been released.

I looked at Google earth, most of the trucks on the routes around town are pictured as CDL class. I'm not saying he s a trucker, but just an observation. The fact that she hasn't been found even semi locally points towards him taking her out of locale, and again shows planning. Planned distance.

I also looked up all the local cases for the last decades or so for Barron County and Rice Lake. My town is similar in size and rural density. We have 56 sex offenders in our town. City data showed Barron and Rice lake area as having 37. I've seen this mentioned as a high number and I don't think it is a variable as far as number that is outlandish in comparison to many cities of its size. Not a bad place to look though . They just did a net nanny sting and arrested 7 men there. Another article I found was south of Barron by 1hr 6min.

This area sounds like meth is the least of the issues happening. And I don't say that lightly. But most meth users dont generally feel powerful. (I worked as a clinical researcher collecting stats, first hand. ) The trailer park sex offenders dont generally step out of their own view/trailer court for their victims .

We are looking for a man who feels powerful, finds a rush in the ambush, not impulsive in his actions, and has kidnapped before. He likes the whole process. The closest M.O. I see to this is Israel Keyes, obviously dead now and not a suspect. But his ante kept upping and the game was to keep the risk high as a narcissist reward.

That's all I have put together. Also, after being an internet researcher on crimes against children the last few weeks I realize I know nothing about the world and my stomach hurts. And I know why I am here . I grew up in fear and abuse, and the only power I have now is to help the victims .

Thank you Rainyday.
What a great informative post, from someone living in a similar rural area.
It helps us 'city folk' understand better.
You have brought up so many valid points, and being a clinical researcher collecting stats, adds here to your experience and wisdom.

Your last sentences are very moving, and I feel compassion for you.
Thank you in trying to help victims, after what you experienced.
I have been searching for an hour and cannot find anything where the sheriff talks about searching electronics (mentioned by other posters). I see this " We built a great team of investigators to work this case and they spent the last 18 days, around-the-clock, going over information from social media platforms, phone records, family, friends, coworkers and every other kind of tip that has come in." from the Sheriff's FB post on Nov 1st but no mention of electronics being searched. If anyone has a link other then the one below please share.
PS: I take the above comment about social media platforms to mean they are looking for leads on SM (such as a comment or post made by the general public) as opposed to the victims or family SM accounts. There must be thousands upon thousands they will go through.
As tips decline, search for missing Wisconsin teen enters new phase

“Kozak was trained by the Jordan Detection K9 company in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jordan Detection K9 has been training electronic detection canines since 2014. Their first dog to undergo the training, Bear, has been used to help in several notorious cases, including the arrest of Jared Fogle (former Subway spokesman) in July 2015 and the raids on the home and gymnastic academy of Marvin Sharp (former U.S. gymnastics coach).

K9 Kozak and Special Agent Tami Pawlak, Kozak’s handler, completed a comprehensive training in August. Since then Pawlak and K9 Kozak have completed additional trainings and seven deployments, including the investigation into the disappearance of Jayme Closs.”

New electronics K9 team trained; worked on Jayme Closs case
"K9 Kozak and handler, Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation Special Agent Tami Pawlak, have assisted in the investigation into the disappearance of Barron teenager Jayme Closs."

Source: Wisconsin gets electronics-sniffing dog to help in child predator investigations
Thanks so much for trying! You are a gem but this was more in reference to LE searching electronic information. I'm thinking it may have been the wrong wording used and am just going to move on from it. Thank you for taking the time to try to help!
Yes you are correct
I’ve recently referred a case to the cyber crime unit
To try and keep it brief :

A single 30 yr old gay man is home alone and puts gay *advertiser censored* into laptop to watch, and whilst doing so, commits a Sex act .

Three days later he gets an email from
Location unknown with a link .

Email content is basically a blackmail threat that they have his email and password details ( they did and they correctly quoted his password in the email ).
And that they knew what sites he had visited and listed them.
And they had video of him committing sex act whilst viewing these sites . ( They sent a snapshot of said video attached to the email).
They threatened that unless they received £16,000 within 24 hours to the account details contained within the link , that failure to do so would result in his gay secret lifestyle being revealed to all the contacts contained within his address book online with said video attached.

I cannot give more details as to what LE actions then took place but suffice to say it was a real not perceived threat and we all need to cover the pinpoint cameras on our devices with a little bit of paper over it when not in use to prevent this kind of cyber spying.

I find this so informative.
Thanks Angelterre.:):)
With my new phone, as not too experienced, sometimes when I check, I see things: it is just my surroundings, and sometimes, pointing at me.
I figured, I must not have turned my camera OFF, after taking snaps.
But great to know.
“Kozak was trained by the Jordan Detection K9 company in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jordan Detection K9 has been training electronic detection canines since 2014. Their first dog to undergo the training, Bear, has been used to help in several notorious cases, including the arrest of Jared Fogle (former Subway spokesman) in July 2015 and the raids on the home and gymnastic academy of Marvin Sharp (former U.S. gymnastics coach).

K9 Kozak and Special Agent Tami Pawlak, Kozak’s handler, completed a comprehensive training in August. Since then Pawlak and K9 Kozak have completed additional trainings and seven deployments, including the investigation into the disappearance of Jayme Closs.”

New electronics K9 team trained; worked on Jayme Closs case
Thank you! Not it though. But I truly appreciated your taking time to help. I am thinking the incorrect wording was used so going to move on.
Anyone local to Barron or nearby?
I read there was an F-3 tornado that hit in May 2017.
Are tornado bunkers common in basements or built near houses underground- true storm cellar-in the area? Is it common knowledge who has a bunker and who doesn’t have one?

Are basements common in Barron?

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I think a 2nd perp posing as help is a possibility that can't be dismissed. Honestly at this point I don't think any possibilities can be dismissed.

But, what if, like Pretty Go Pale suggested, it was someone known to the father... in fact someone seen as an authority figure. A teacher, a family member, a member of law enforcement or someone posing as law enforcement. Would that be a situation where a friendly stranger might have picked her up, but be afraid to return her?

Wishful thinking I know, but anyone other than the killer picking her up, gives her the best chance of being alive now.
no i don't think so
If it was not near one of her parents' bodies, that may indicate she made the call. It could have been found in a place that also had evidence of Jayme hiding-- like under the bed or in her closet in her bedroom. Also, since it was her mom's cell phone and it seems Jayme had her own cell phone (going by photos) she may not have had any reason to touch her mom's cell everyday or to make calls with it. They could tell if her fingerprints were specifically on the screen in the locations where the number 9 - 1 - 1 come up when you dial a smart phone. So they might know from all that info. JMO.

ETA: If they know Jayme made the 911 call but the phone was somewhat hidden, I think LE might be trying to avoid releasing that info in order to protect her. If she is alive and if the perp for some reason was not aware of the call made he may react in anger towards Jayme. I think they know who made the call based on forensics on the phone but are wise to not release that info. JMO.

I recently read, in a Crime Novel, how LE were able to determine finger prints, on top of finger prints: ie. they determined the last lot of finger prints.
I wonder, if this is just fantasy, or if these techniques could be possible.o_Oo_Oo_O
I have a question and I am not trying to be a smart *** in any way, shape, or form, but has it been confirmed that the door was in fact kicked in?

Thank you!
Most recent reports state door "kicked in" but no confirmation from Investigators. However, the first reports citing the family as the source cited that the door was "shot in." Family stopped talking after that comment, until they participated in the last PC. (Links citing family comments on door previously posted).
Meth arrests are up 538% since 2011. I posted the link on this (arrest data) in a previous thread.
Woman across the street from Closs' home was arrested for meth the next day.
I think Jim Closs had a gun and that the perp took it with him.
I would like to know whether Jim and Denise were shot by the caliber bullet.
That would tell a story. But LE has been curiously tight lipped.
True on 1st two. Possibility on 3rd. Wish we knew on the 4th. Based on the 1st two I can think of a few reasons someone might be angry, or in a meth rage and get the wrong house.
Just checking in today to see if any news. I read an article where they said that they were changing this from a 24/7 search to a more "investigative" approach. I don't know how to link the article here, but they really didn't say anything else. We still don't know the family timeline.....what time Jayme and her mother left the party, who was the last person to see them, etc. The only thing I read was that the grandfather said they were at the party and everything seemed normal. LE is just not releasing this. Probably because we would all read more into this than we should and they want to keep that from the public for now. I can't wrap my head around this case. Maybe a Psychic would help at this point? I don't know.
Just checking in today to see if any news. I read an article where they said that they were changing this from a 24/7 search to a more "investigative" approach. I don't know how to link the article here, but they really didn't say anything else. We still don't know the family timeline.....what time Jayme and her mother left the party, who was the last person to see them, etc. The only thing I read was that the grandfather said they were at the party and everything seemed normal. LE is just not releasing this. Probably because we would all read more into this than we should and they want to keep that from the public for now. I can't wrap my head around this case. Maybe a Psychic would help at this point? I don't know.
Yes. As the tips have dwindled, there simply isn’t a need to keep that many investigators on board.

They still have digital records to delve into, as well as any lab results that will be forthcoming.

Hope isn’t lost, but the fact that there hasn’t been any discernible movement in this case, is obviously discouraging.
I recently read, in a Crime Novel, how LE were able to determine finger prints, on top of finger prints: ie. they determined the last lot of finger prints.
I wonder, if this is just fantasy, or if these techniques could be possible.o_Oo_Oo_O
Wow, if true that would be a neat trick! :) Speaking of fingerprints, I wonder if the forensic team came up with any 'unknown' fingerprints in the house or DNA evidence and similar. We really haven't heard much about that aspect, but of course gloves could've been used. As to fibres, etc. I am sure they have that well under the spotlight.
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