AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #18

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Anyone local to Barron or nearby?
I read there was an F-3 tornado that hit in May 2017.
Are tornado bunkers common in basements or built near houses underground- true storm cellar-in the area? Is the common knowledge who has a bunker and who doesn’t have one?

Are basements common in Barron?


I've lived in WI my whole life and now live 40 minutes from Barron. I have never known anyone who has a tornado bunker. Many/most houses just have a regular basement.
Anyone local to Barron or nearby?
I read there was an F-3 tornado that hit in May 2017.
Are tornado bunkers common in basements or built near houses underground- true storm cellar-in the area? Is the common knowledge who has a bunker and who doesn’t have one?

Are basements common in Barron?


Most homes in Wisconsin have basements.
Indeed-just throwing in the human element here....our industry cannot get young folk to become plumbers...and they cannot get anyone to become "drain cleaners" imagine trying to talk anyone into becoming a septic tank pumper.....its a well paying dirty why not apply those facts to the guys and gals in LE. If it even was suggested could have been shot down due to " who the f.. wants to look in there?" screw that...just like the rest of society looks on the job. IMO

I have read, here, in Australia, Plumbers are the highest paid tradesmen: so very encouraging for others to follow the same field.
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    • Has it ever been reported at all if any of Jayme's clothes were missing on the night she disappeared? LE would have checked her room and if the wardrobe was only half-full (for example lots of empty coat hangers) then would they presume that Jayme had prepared to leave that night? Or maybe the perp had given her a few seconds to grab some clothes before they left? Which would suggest that she was the target that night and it was planned in advance to take her. Or maybe she knew about this plan and was willing to go?
I am leaning towards the perp was known to the parents and Jayme.
The perp gained her trust and groomed her.
The perp knew the layout of the home and the working schedule of both parents either through Jayme or through where the parents worked, possibly even through the caretaker. (I'm not implying that the caretaker had any knowledge of the perp or his intent.)
The perp may still have her in the area and she may have left with him willingly.
-This scenario is the best that I can come up with to explain how she could still be alive.
Why else was there a need to eliminate the parents?
They had to be in the way of this perp and they had to know exactly who he was in the event Jayme just came up missing. He knew the only way to have Jayme, was to silence them!
Meth arrests are up 538% since 2011. I posted the link on this (arrest data) in a previous thread.
Woman across the street from Closs' home was arrested for meth the next day.
I think Jim Closs had a gun and that the perp took it with him.
I would like to know whether Jim and Denise were shot by the caliber bullet.
That would tell a story. But LE has been curiously tight lipped.

Regarding the arrest, of the woman across the street from the Closs home, the day after the murders, in the Delphi Case there were many locals arrested at that time for unrelated crimes.
Perhaps a violent incidence, as in Closs home,has LE checking more deeply, in case there are incidents that can help the particular investigation.
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Killer/abductor needs food, maybe clothes for Jayme, probably gas. Strange that no one has seen anything. Could it be that where he purchases these items, he is well-known, and no one would suspect him?

For food, purchasing them at Supermarkets, Petrol Stations, while travelling to his destination, would not cause suspicion, if needed to travel a great distance.
If as you suggest he may be well known, at his final destination, he would not be suspected.
I use the chain-lock in my theories because it makes it easier for the door to be broken to get inside. I keep thinking of my own front door. I just don’t think a guy could break open my door without a gun or something else to break the locks/door/frame.

I think the chain (if there was one) would break away first and you would not see the split wood of the door in that case. The chain is the "weaker link" iow.
Regarding the arrest, of the woman across the street from the Closs home, the day after the murders, in the Delphi Case there were many locals arrested at that time for unrelated crimes.
Perhaps a violent incidence, has LE checking more deeply, in case there are incidents that can help the particular investigation.

Probably unrelated. I doubt any of the Closs' were users. May have drawn a sketchy crowd to the neighborhood.
Thank you for choosing to take on a vocation that is obviously needed, yet underappreciated. My son is a junior in high school and I swear I wish he would choose to go into some sort of trade as opposed to college. I know many will think I'm a terrible parent for saying that but I don't really care. I think college is overpriced, overrated, and definitely not for everyone.
I think your a smarter mom then I was. One of my sons insisted he wanted to work with his hands and get in a trade. I fought him but he won. Free apprenticeship training then free journeyman school. He has made much more money then his college grad friends and continues to do so almost 20 years later (no student loan to pay back, less stress, good benefits, 40 hours a week with a set schedule). But whatever your son chooses, the important thing is that is happy with it. Sorry OT. Delete if not ok.
moo. there is a game that a relative child was first introduced to at school, I don't know much about it, but am under the understanding it is a educational game as the log in info came from school. I let this relative child use their laptop at my home on my ip and router. seemed harmless enough. all my devices began acting strange. when my phone left the house or simply was logged off my network nothing else worked or worked very very slowly. could turn the phone off and back on and all was fine again. started takeing note that the problem happened everytime I let this child log onto my network. after many hours and having a tech here more than a couple of times we found out that the game had some type of something that was opening a back door into all the mobile devices on the network, it was not a program but a person acting, whoever was hacking into it was able to bypass the router security and could tell who was here or not by what device was or wasn't here. there was also a chat option on that game, and it was school encouraged! threw that game and back dooring into my phone pics ended up on line. I don't know the name of the game at this point and relative child remembers incident but not name of game. something completely innocent on this familys part could have put them in the path of killer.

That is so distressing: kids playing games, and hackers are at work.:eek:
Back to the old days, where we played 'hop scotch', 'skippy', 'cards' and 'hide and seek'.
Those days are gone with IT now.
However, it is great to see kids playing outside, in groups as we did, many years ago!!!
Is it possible that the phone call contains some graphic details that LE don't want the public to hear?? It could possibly make for harrowing listening (MOO)

I think the 911 call contains nothing but horrible, graphic sounds. The sounds of a violent death taking place such as a chair being smashed or a bathroom door being broken down while a person is screaming in terror for their life while it's ending. Gun shots being heard? Maybe that, too, before the call ended. I think the sheriff is sparing everyone the details while maintaining the dignity of the victims because LE knows who was being murdered. Allowing the public to hear the sounds will not change anything or solve the crimes. Even if we could hear Jayme crying for "help," it changes nothing. We already know she was alive at the time.

Thank you. To the best of my recollection I think I only said I didn't know how to send one. I will refrain from asking in the future.

To send a private message, go to the top of the page and click on your screen name (in gold). Then click on conversations. Another screen will come on, click on start a new conversation. Then just follow the instructions. You will need a subject line, the other members screen name, etc. Ok?[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Thanks so much for the clarification. I started to do that and then paused because it said conversation and not message LOL
Regarding the arrest, of the woman across the street from the Closs home, the day after the murders, in the Delphi Case there were many locals arrested at that time for unrelated crimes.
Perhaps a violent incidence, has LE checking more deeply, in case there are incidents that can help the particular investigation.
Hi Tmar, I'm not clear on what you are saying as far as a violent incidence? Are you talking about the woman who arrested the day after?
I swear I’m not sleuthing the caregiver. But I’m curious about this person only because of who they might know. For example, could the caregiver have a male friend who had been to the house/knew the layout/knew the family?
Thank you, @jalbitz .
Are most homes on wells and septic?
Looking at the homes (and acreage) for sale on realtor.

JMO and wondering

Can go either way. Cities people usually don't have well or septic. Country is almost always wells and septic, but depends on how far from town you live. I live in a weird area not far outside of town. I have city water (no well) but a septic.
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