AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #20

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If meth is a big problem in the county... why haven't we heard of any of the labs getting raided? How many cooks have been picked up? What about the bosses? Community appears to be quiet on this issue...
Because it's a countrified area, where there is lots and lots of woods and plenty of places to hide those meth labs? Small towns don't have the amount of LE that bigger towns and cities do.
EXACTLY! I just addressed this very topic in a post I made a minute ago. The fear is real, the fear will never leave these people. A home invasion with perps unknown to the family (at this moment, we can assume this, but that could change to someone they know) makes you grow up fast, if you're a kid- I was in 6th grade. Adults become more strict with the kids and their whereabouts. Heck, we'd be out until dark playing fun games in our neighborhood- after those murders, at least one or two parents watched out for us kids every summer night.
Exactly. Murder and kidnapping are terrible, but they are far worse to the psyche of the community when you don’t know the why.

Something random is far scarier than something targeted, which pretty much goes without saying.

We had a particularly brutal crime happen in my area recently. A mother and her three young children were stabbed to death. The area was rural, and had a very low crime rate.

People weren’t overly frightened though, as it appeared that the perpetrator was probably someone they knew.

This case had a lower body count, but is far more terrifying in the grand scheme of things.
What if you had other family members that might be endangered if you told?

If that many people “know”...they better watch out that they are not considered accomplices. The first to talk gets the deal. And there is a child missing...if anyone know her whereabouts and isn’t saying, imo they ARE accomplices.
If that many people “know”...they better watch out that they are not considered accomplices. The first to talk gets the deal. And there is a child missing...if anyone know her whereabouts and isn’t saying, imo they ARE accomplices.
That's taking what I said a little further, but yes if anyone knows where she is they had better speak up.
You mention gangs? This crime reminds me of a brutal and cold hearted type of crime committed by a gang.
Are there any types of gangs in or around Barron. It was a very violent crime and I feel that Jayme was their prime target/interest. The violence committed by gangs is often brutal and for no purpose other then obtaining what they want. Has anyone read an article reported in a few large Minnesota papers awhile ago about a gang of 20-30 young men marching through a small neighborhood in MN threatening to rape and kidnap the women/girls in their homes. Some of the women were interviewed and said it was terrifying.
It was also reported from various news outlets that recently in September a similar group terrorized a fair in a Minnesota that was filled with young children and families. Could someone from this type of gang have met Jayme through SM/digital games and wanted to take her for some reason? Could they have worked at Jennie O and somehow met Jayme a few times and tried to communicate with her behind her parents and then killed them so he could be with her? JMO

I don’t think these are true. Is there a credible link to these stories?
Ive wondered about a neighbor who could have gotten home before the police even got there. It would explain an apparent 'no vehicle sighting'. Not necessarily this neighbor, but any of them. The only home I have heard they actually searched was the one right next door who spoke. I found it so ironic that the one you are referring to was busted so soon after, even with all of LE focusing on the Closs scene. I still think its highly possible that someone out there thought the Closs's knew about an operation, or reported something. Not saying they did know or report, but that someone thought they did.
I found it interesting when I was doing a search on Google maps, that on the next door neighbors property there are three separate dwellings. It appeared to me that family lived in the other two houses. I'm sure they searched those also, but I had not seen that mentioned. Wondering too, if they heard gunshots or a disturbance.
I don’t think these are true. Is there a credible link to these stories?
Yeah. I’m definitely not a fan of any “gang” theory here.

These people were low risk victims, with no known ties to gang activity.

I’ve lived in a couple cities with major drug and gang problems, and I’ve never heard of anything like this.
The worst part as far as the community is concerned, is the fact that nobody has any idea of why these people were targeted.

It’s one thing if you have a clear motive, but there isn’t one here.

Everyone could potentially be at risk.
I think there is more than likely a clear motive but the public hasn't been made aware and the not knowing is scary scary scary. If I lived there I would be on edge for sure.
I do have to say that I lived in rural MN and did report a drug dealer. I had an adopted relative who lived with me for awhile because the parents were fried. She has FAS.

She got involved with a drug dealer. He thought she would make a great mule. Lol. He had no clue about FAS.

I listened in to a phone conversation where they were going to bring drugs from Mpls, I called LE and they told me they would do nothing as the guy would get a lawyer and get out of it. Who knows.

I told my relative that she could never bring the guy near our house. He had to drop her off down the road. This was in 2001.

At that time you could not block cell phone numbers.

When the cousin of the dealer called her on a cell phone, my husband took the landline phones out of our house and hid one for our use.

How stupid and dangerous was all of this. When I talked to LE I told them I was not worried about anyone stealing from us as we had nothing anyone would want.

LE told me if we had a spoon and someone thought they could get some money for it, a druggie would steal it.

Knowing what I know now, I feel lucky to have had no issues.
Dear Members,

In no way will we allow ANYONE to suggest that a minority group, a gang, the Nazi's or a coven of witches are the ones who killed Jayme's parents and kidnapped her.

If anyone hints, talks around or in anyway suggests a group is responsible for this horrible crime that person will be gone from the discussion. Same thing if you mention anyone as a suspect without evidence.

If any reliable information comes out about the suspect or suspects then, of course, we can discuss the new information.

Until then, please stay on topic, do not start discussing any other cases, and remember while Websleuths is first a true crime discussion forum a very close second is we are a victim friendly forum. 99.9% of the time we can easily be both. In Jayme's case, there is no reason to disparage the parents or Jayme. There is no evidence of any issues with Jayme's parents or with Jayme herself.

PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC. We know teenagers can be very difficult, however, there is no evidence to suggest Jayme is anything but a victim.

If your post starts with "Me", "My", "I" it very well could be off topic.

We have the best sleuths in the world on Websleuths. We need to keep on topic to make sure the topics are easy to read. When a post is made about anything that is not directly related to the topics it makes the thread harder to read and way off topic.

The work the mods are having to do on this thread alone is overwhelming.

The rules are easy to follow on Websleuths. Thousands of people follow the rules every day with no problem.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Bumping Tricia’s post
We have no evidence here that anything like that is happening.

Even in crime-ridden communities, we don’t see acts like this perpetrated upon victims like this.

These people we middle aged, middle class, hardworking members of the community. The victimology is odd.

Yes. I've only known of four similar cases. Two involved psychopathic serial killer types who killed the family for fun but their targets were the children they kidnapped for sexual abuse purposes.

The third was a deluded psycho in love with family friends' daughter. He savagely murdered the mom, little brother and dog just so he could escape but also probably because he was a sick you know what.

The fourth was either mom's boyfriend or a boarder who killed her and took the 12 or 13 year old daughter because he became obsessed with her. They were found outside a supermarket in CA, panhandling after a passerby saw the girl, their eyes locked and she felt something was wrong and called police. Another similar case was that of Terry Miles this year. And there might be more cases that are similar to those two (single mom dead and kid taken by predator).

One thing they all have in common? White males. None involved in gangs, cartels, sex trafficking (except of the kid they took across state lines to sexual assault themselves), or meth cooking.
Yes. I've only known of four similar cases. Two involved psychopathic serial killer types who killed the family for fun but their targets were the children they kidnapped for sexual abuse purposes.

The third was a deluded psycho in love with family friends' daughter. He savagely murdered the mom, little brother and dog just so he could escape but also probably because he was a sick you know what.

The fourth was either mom's boyfriend or a boarder who killed her and took the 12 or 13 year old daughter because he became obsessed with her. They were found outside a supermarket in CA, panhandling after a passerby saw the girl, their eyes locked and she felt something was wrong and called police. Another similar case was that of Terry Miles this year. And there might be more cases that are similar to those two (single mom dead and kid taken by predator).

One thing they all have in common? White males. None involved in gangs, cartels, sex trafficking (except of the kid they took across state lines to sexual assault themselves), or meth cooking.
Exactly. I referenced a crime earlier that involved the murder of a mother and her three children. They were from El Salvador so everyone kept saying MS-13.

Of course the killer was a white male.

Gangs don’t behave this way.

This is going to be some psycho, sexual deviant, or something personal. Highly unlikely to be organized crime.
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It's sad but true for many families I would think.

A friend of ours mother suddenly past away a few years back. Her mom had no life insurance so she had no choice but to put the funeral and burial cost on a credit card. Once the estate settled she paid off the balance.

The amount was too large for her to get an unsecured loan through her bank. She at first did try to workout some kind of payment plan with the funeral home but they wanted all of it paid within 30 days. She told us the total amount exceeded 10K iirc.

At one time funeral homes would work with families but many times many were never paid. So most have changed their policies.


Yes, we've had personal experience with this. Our son died 8 years ago and we are still dealing with the financial repercussions: funeral expenses, final medical expenses, etc. It took everything we had at the time and then some. I know lots of middle class families who have been hit hard by unexpected charges and many are only an expected event away from finding themselves in a hole. Lots of people live paycheck to paycheck. The Closses seem like an ordinary working family (from what little we know of them anyway).

My gut says that this crime was not financially motivated at all.
You mention gangs? This crime reminds me of a brutal and cold hearted type of crime committed by a gang.
Are there any types of gangs in or around Barron. It was a very violent crime and I feel that Jayme was their prime target/interest. The violence committed by gangs is often brutal and for no purpose other then obtaining what they want. Has anyone read an article reported in a few large Minnesota papers awhile ago about a gang of 20-30 young men marching through a small neighborhood in MN threatening to rape and kidnap the women/girls in their homes. Some of the women were interviewed and said it was terrifying.
It was also reported from various news outlets that recently in September a similar group terrorized a fair in a Minnesota that was filled with young children and families. Could someone from this type of gang have met Jayme through SM/digital games and wanted to take her for some reason? Could they have worked at Jennie O and somehow met Jayme a few times and tried to communicate with her behind her parents and then killed them so he could be with her? JMO

Cite your source, please.

All I can tell is these stories are nonsense. The only mention I could find of huge gangs roaming neighborhoods in Minnesota and threatening sexual assault is from a "news" source called WND, described as a fringe, far right site that promotes conspiracy theories and false stories.

It was supposedly a large gang of Somalis who threatened to assault a woman in their neighborhood but I have found zero credible news source reporting it. Sounds like xenophobic garbage to me.

I didn't bother looking up the other, frankly.

And even if true it would have absolutely zero to do with a crime like this. Immigrant gangs initmidating other immigrant members of their ethnic community has zero to do with what we have here.
Exactly. I referenced a crime earlier that involved the murder of a mother and her three children. They were from El Salvador so everyone kept saying MS-13.

Of course the killer was a white male.

Gangs don’t behave this way.

This is going to be some psycho, sexual deviant, or something personal. Unlikely to be organized crime.

I guess it makes for intriguing fantasy. Every darn case. Cartels. Sex trafficking. The only cases I've seen where it's true have met the profile for that kind of thing. Although frankly I've never seen an actual cartel hit of white American citizens inside the country except the one where they set it up themselves. (Cole Puffinberger). And especially not white midddle class folks with no criminal activity history.
Yeah. I’m definitely not a fan of any “gang” theory here.

These people were low risk victims, with no known ties to gang activity.

I’ve lived in a couple cities with major drug and gang problems, and I’ve never heard of anything like this.

I agree. Gangs generally don't attack random homes for the heck of it. When they target, it's for a specific reason. From the outside, the Closses don't seem to fit any kind of criteria that would make me think that they'd be targeted like that.

People are perfectly capable of being psychopathic and depraved on their own without having any particular affiliation.
I wonder if there is anyone who has not been touched by drugs somehow.

Barron has so much meth and so many child sex offenders. It is hard to imagine that everyone in the community has not been touched by drugs somehow.

In the Closs neighborhood, apparently there are two arrested for meth? I imagine they have friends that have issues.

Rape has been correlated with burglary. Often a rapist has been arrested for burglary in the past. I wonder what some precursors might be to this type of crime?
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