AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #24

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Wondering what one piece of info do people think would make a difference if LE were to release it, as far as the public helping find perp and/or motive?

I can’t come up with anything that I am aching to know for reasons other than my own curiosity.
Type of gun used.

Bc then people can connect dots: X had that gun. He claims it was stolen out of his car before the crime but he’s been acting shady.....

Or X bought a gun like that and hasn’t been to work consistently.....
If you read way down on DC’s fb you’ll discover that Jayme spent one birthday at a community pool / water park. You’ll know this because the establishment commented on the post mom made. I don’t remember which birthday it was. But... could someone from there have noticed Jayme then and become infatuated? Could something so simple have lead to this awful attack? Have police considered this?
Even as just a room mother at my son’s elementary school you had to go through a basic background check. Not finger printed, but they required your name, address, and DL#. Anyone volunteering with contact with kids. Even if you’d never have unsupervised contact. All schools should do this and I’d personally be happy if they fingerprinted volunteers too. They were serious about it too. I’ve seen volunteers turned away for not having their firm on file. Hopefully if something like this isn’t in place at Jayme’s school it will be started cause it seems to me, if nothing else, it’s a deterrent to pedofiles trying to work with kids at school. I’m actually a little shocked that anyone actually payed by a school system wouldn’t have been background checked in this day and age.

Not to take this too far O/T, but I coach competitive youth soccer -- the background checks are taken very seriously. We are also required to take SafeSport training every year and pass a test at the end, which is aimed at teaching us to identify the signs of an inappropriate adult-child relationship. I've seen a coach fired for allowing a parent who didn't take a background check to be an assistant coach. Every school district/youth sports association requires a background check of anyone who will be around kids, paid or not. Most require the SafeSport training too. Even a DUI can cause you to fail the background check.

I suppose it's possible, but if it were someone who was coaching/teaching Jayme then this person would have had to somehow slip through the cracks. The school districts/youth sports associations take it very seriously.
Not to take this too far O/T, but I coach competitive youth soccer -- the background checks are taken very seriously. We are also required to take SafeSport training every year and pass a test at the end, which is aimed at teaching us to identify the signs of an inappropriate adult-child relationship. I've seen a coach fired for allowing a parent who didn't take a background check to be an assistant coach. Every school district/youth sports association requires a background check of anyone who will be around kids, paid or not. Most require the SafeSport training too. Even a DUI can cause you to fail the background check.

I suppose it's possible, but if it were someone who was coaching/teaching Jayme then this person would have had to somehow slip through the cracks. The school districts/youth sports associations take it very seriously.
I don’t know how seriously some of these small school districts take these background checks. Case in point, my old school, the size of Barron, has a high school coach who was charged with domestic violence using a deadly weapon. Ended up convicted of DV minus the deadly weapon (although everyone knows he used the knife to intimidate her during the ordeal). He kept his job for another 15 years until retirement. It bugs the heck out of me that despite that conviction he kept his job. I think he has been lucky not to get nailed with DUIs on top of all this, as he is a known drinker. Adding fuel to what I would consider is a fire with this coach, he has also spouted racist and sexist remarks on the bus to and from “games” in front of dozens of witnesses. My point is that in a small town you can have really problematic coaches keep their jobs as long as they are winning for the school.
I know schools take security very seriously and teachers, coaches, etc go through extensive background checks. But, that doesn't necessarily prevent bad things from happening. All of these teachers/coaches you hear about having inappropriate sexual relationships with their students have previously gone through background checks. There still can be bad people in schools, sports programs, etc - they maybe haven't acted before or haven't gotten caught.
I don’t know how seriously some of these small school districts take these background checks. Case in point, my old school, the size of Barron, has a high school coach who was charged with domestic violence using a deadly weapon. Ended up convicted of DV minus the deadly weapon (although everyone knows he used the knife to intimidate her during the ordeal). He kept his job for another 15 years until retirement. It bugs the heck out of me that despite that conviction he kept his job. I think he has been lucky not to get nailed with DUIs on top of all this, as he is a known drinker. Adding fuel to what I would consider is a fire with this coach, he has also spouted racist and sexist remarks on the bus to and from “games” in front of dozens of witnesses. My point is that in a small town you can have really problematic coaches keep their jobs as long as they are winning for the school.

My entire county has only 3,000 people in it. We have one elementary school, one middle, and one high.

State legislation requires that anyone who volunteers at the school or in a coaching capacity must undergo a criminal background check, as well as confidentiality training. In addition, you have to get re-certified every year.

Things have changed a lot in the past 5-6 years. There are many things that our tiny school system kind of lets slide, but these background checks and security measures are not one of them.
PA made it mandatory for any adult over the age of 18 who worked around children to have their clearances. Gov. Wolf made it law in 2015. So that includes schools, churches, scouts, sports etc. Not just the supervisor but anyone who may be left alone at any time. So all of our chaperones on trips, booster parents who work in the concession stands and even if you come in once to read to the class in elementary school. In our school district I was in charge of the volunteers and processed hundreds when the law changed. Clearances require a background check with PA State Police, PA Child Abuse Registry and if you didn't live in PA for 10 years, finger prints through the FBI. My understanding is that many many states have similar laws. PA was instigated by the whole Penn State scandal with Paterno and his cronies. Of course, if you never get caught, this system of hoop jumping doesn't do a damn thing but create extra paper work.
Trying to look at this case with a fresh set of eyes, starting with the known physical evidence removed from the house by LE . Here's what I have so far:

1. Glass storm door (intact)
2. Main front door (extensive damage)
3. Wooden dining room or kitchen chair (extensive damage)
4. 3 cell phones belonging to the victims
5. 1 mattress (possibly 2 ? )
6. a nightstand
7. several boxes
8. bullet casings

Did I miss anything, or state anything that isn't correct ?
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The bad thing is that even with proper background checks, people can still slip through the cracks. Background checks only look at criminal records; if you don't have a record, they're not going to find anything. Some victims never go to the police, some are able to have their juvenile records expunged, and some have legitimately never done anything to warrant an arrest in the past.
My son made a birdhouse while he was in the children's hospital. It took paint, wood glue, and brushes. It's not like he was sitting up in bed with a hand saw. :) A lot of these hospitals DO have special programs for kids and it's rather nice. Because of everything they did with him there, he had a fabulous time being admitted for a week. He's probably the only person I know who actually wants to be readmitted for care.
Many hospitals have a child life specialist who works with kids that are hospitalized doing things like crafts. “Making” a bird house while in hospital probably consisted of just painting it or doing a craft type birdhouse project not one that required tools, etc. my son is hospitalized every two months and often they have a craft project for the kids that are feeling up to it.
I’m sorry about your son and hope he is doing okay.
What about her social media history? Has anybody here looked into that?

Yes. Extensively. The only unusual thing I have been able to find came from her pinterest account, where she only had 1 follower. That 1 follower is a real creep, imo. But with nothing more to go on, it's sort of a dead end. I do believe that information has been called in as a tip. LE was likely already well aware of it, though.
Yes. Extensively. The only unusual thing I have been able to find came from her pinterest account, where she only had 1 follower. That 1 follower is a real creep, imo. But with nothing more to go on, it's sort of a dead end. I do believe that information has been called in as a tip. LE was likely already well aware of it, though.
I have no clue why but this whole case seems strange. Maybe human trafficking? I mean she's in that age range that they like to target.
If you read way down on DC’s fb you’ll discover that Jayme spent one birthday at a community pool / water park. You’ll know this because the establishment commented on the post mom made. I don’t remember which birthday it was. But... could someone from there have noticed Jayme then and become infatuated? Could something so simple have lead to this awful attack? Have police considered this?
Think about it, why the pool? Why not the grocery store, Macdonalds, dance studio, school or Starbucks? Without some kind of evidence, police cannot just investigate every place Jayme has ever been.
Has anyone here considered the idea that perhaps one of the Closses was having an affair ? I ask because I had never once even entertained the idea until a few days ago when Fitzgerald mentioned that he thought this crime occured in a very short space of time. So then, why did LE go back almost a week later and take the mattresses from the home ? Surely there wouldn't have been enough time for a sexual assault to have occurred, along with 2 violent murders , if this all went down as quickly as Fitzgerald seems to believe that it did.
My entire county has only 3,000 people in it. We have one elementary school, one middle, and one high.

State legislation requires that anyone who volunteers at the school or in a coaching capacity must undergo a criminal background check, as well as confidentiality training. In addition, you have to get re-certified every year.

Things have changed a lot in the past 5-6 years. There are many things that our tiny school system kind of lets slide, but these background checks and security measures are not one of them.
He was still teaching and coaching a year ago!
Has anyone here considered the idea that perhaps one of the Closses was having an affair ? I ask because I had never once even entertained the idea until a few days ago when Fitzgerald mentioned that he thought this crime occured in a very short space of time. So then, why did LE go back almost a week later and take the mattresses from the home ? Surely there wouldn't have been enough time for a sexual assault to have occurred, along with 2 violent murders , if this all went down as quickly as Fitzgerald seems to believe that it did.
Not sure if they took more than one mattress or just one? I've always assumed that they took Jayme's because there is the possibility that she was grabbed out of her bed and the perps DNA may be on it. Either that or checking for the possibility of a boyfriend being there?
Not sure if they took more than one mattress or just one? I've always assumed that they took Jayme's because there is the possibility that she was grabbed out of her bed and the perps DNA may be on it. Either that or checking for the possibility of a boyfriend being there?

I'm pretty sure I saw 2 different mattresses being removed. I'll try to find that video and post the link, just to be sure I'm not simply confused. Give me a bit.

ETA: Here it states " a mattress, a nightstand and several boxes ".
Missing Wisconsin teen's family in emotional plea for her safe return
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