AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #24

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It did say in the police dispatch that the voicemail indicated the phone lists to Denise at that address. Don't know what her voicemail said so don't know how they came to that.
Ahhhh..that makes sense! I now see the benefit of setting up a message for voicemail. Thank you, this resolves the question that I had!
Just to be clear i can't say I know for sure how the Tribal LE and local LE interact. BUT everyone is a human being and we are looking at a missing little girl and a double homicide. Even if there was some friction in day to day between the to groups I can't imagine that they would be anything less than cooperative in this matter. They don't want this individual living on their land either.

I don’t agree.
Do a google search on Indian reservation crime and your perspective may change. Many have very high crime rates (2-7x higher than national averages) and despairingly low prosecution. Reservations are often viewed as good places to hide, especially in areas where trial leaders have a history of conflict with area LE.

I’m not saying this is true of the theee reservations surrounding Barron county but I am asking if anyone has more information on them specifically and how they deal with local LE.
It did say in the police dispatch that the voicemail indicated the phone lists to Denise at that address. Don't know what her voicemail said so don't know how they came to that.
The most common these days is the wireless or “cell” phone. These are the worst for “911” to track. Modern cell phones will attempt to communicate their location to the “911 center” where the call is coming from. It rarely gives an accurate location immediately. In fact sometimes it takes oh, maybe a minute to show a decent location. On our “911” computer screen it will actually show a cell phone tower “address” you are calling from, but what we are really looking at is a map where the system tries to “plot” where the caller is. It’s of course rarely next to a cell tower. It also gives a percentage of how accurate it thinks the plotted location is, and a distance from the center of that location. So it might say it’s 90 percent sure the caller is within 5 meters of the location plotted on the map. It might say its only 70 percent sure that the location is within 1600 meters of the location plotted (not too much use if you expect us to know what house you’re in in an urban environment). We can ask the “system” to retry the mapping, and often after a few seconds we can narrow down the location, often to just a car length or so. Since people call from near jurisdictional boundaries (and are sometimes driving thru different jurisdictions) the wrong PSAP (public safety answering point, proper name for place that receives 911 calls) often gets the call. It is usually an easy matter to directly transfer these calls to the proper PSAP if its adjacent to the one is was misrouted to. This happens many times. Maybe you exit the freeway and call “911” about a traffic accident on the freeway. Likely the local police dept will get the call and have to transfer the call to the highway patrol or state police who police the freeway. Maybe you are calling from a business that is right next to a major freeway..The highway patrol may get the call and have to transfer the call to the correct PD. You get the idea. Anyway, technology has improved but don’t assume a 911 call taker will instantly know where you are calling from if you are using a wireless phone.
I have to ask. Who in the heck eats raw turkey? I suppose people dom’t use proper cleaning techniques in the home.

The outbreak was initially traced to raw turkey used in pet food, manufactured out of MN. The speculation at the time is that the pets were carriers, making their humans sick (as well as those working at the pet food plants). Pet owners feed their pets raw food, it’s a new trend to get away from bad gluten in food. FDA Investigates Outbreak of Salmonella Infections Linked to Raws for Paws Ground Turkey Food for Pets
The most common these days is the wireless or “cell” phone. These are the worst for “911” to track. Modern cell phones will attempt to communicate their location to the “911 center” where the call is coming from. It rarely gives an accurate location immediately. In fact sometimes it takes oh, maybe a minute to show a decent location. On our “911” computer screen it will actually show a cell phone tower “address” you are calling from, but what we are really looking at is a map where the system tries to “plot” where the caller is. It’s of course rarely next to a cell tower. It also gives a percentage of how accurate it thinks the plotted location is, and a distance from the center of that location. So it might say it’s 90 percent sure the caller is within 5 meters of the location plotted on the map. It might say its only 70 percent sure that the location is within 1600 meters of the location plotted (not too much use if you expect us to know what house you’re in in an urban environment). We can ask the “system” to retry the mapping, and often after a few seconds we can narrow down the location, often to just a car length or so. Since people call from near jurisdictional boundaries (and are sometimes driving thru different jurisdictions) the wrong PSAP (public safety answering point, proper name for place that receives 911 calls) often gets the call. It is usually an easy matter to directly transfer these calls to the proper PSAP if its adjacent to the one is was misrouted to. This happens many times. Maybe you exit the freeway and call “911” about a traffic accident on the freeway. Likely the local police dept will get the call and have to transfer the call to the highway patrol or state police who police the freeway. Maybe you are calling from a business that is right next to a major freeway..The highway patrol may get the call and have to transfer the call to the correct PD. You get the idea. Anyway, technology has improved but don’t assume a 911 call taker will instantly know where you are calling from if you are using a wireless phone.

I appreciate your response. I have honestly wondered , if I were in this situation, God forbid... or even lost out on a hiking trail (it happens a lot out here) would the police, EMT, etc. find me/us if we were unable to speak or give an address. This helps me understand how the process might work.
The most common these days is the wireless or “cell” phone. These are the worst for “911” to track. Modern cell phones will attempt to communicate their location to the “911 center” where the call is coming from. It rarely gives an accurate location immediately. In fact sometimes it takes oh, maybe a minute to show a decent location. On our “911” computer screen it will actually show a cell phone tower “address” you are calling from, but what we are really looking at is a map where the system tries to “plot” where the caller is. It’s of course rarely next to a cell tower. It also gives a percentage of how accurate it thinks the plotted location is, and a distance from the center of that location. So it might say it’s 90 percent sure the caller is within 5 meters of the location plotted on the map. It might say its only 70 percent sure that the location is within 1600 meters of the location plotted (not too much use if you expect us to know what house you’re in in an urban environment). We can ask the “system” to retry the mapping, and often after a few seconds we can narrow down the location, often to just a car length or so. Since people call from near jurisdictional boundaries (and are sometimes driving thru different jurisdictions) the wrong PSAP (public safety answering point, proper name for place that receives 911 calls) often gets the call. It is usually an easy matter to directly transfer these calls to the proper PSAP if its adjacent to the one is was misrouted to. This happens many times. Maybe you exit the freeway and call “911” about a traffic accident on the freeway. Likely the local police dept will get the call and have to transfer the call to the highway patrol or state police who police the freeway. Maybe you are calling from a business that is right next to a major freeway..The highway patrol may get the call and have to transfer the call to the correct PD. You get the idea. Anyway, technology has improved but don’t assume a 911 call taker will instantly know where you are calling from if you are using a wireless phone.
I think it may also have to do with the 911 system being used. I know our county upgraded a few years ago and gained more abilities.
Respectfully snipped for focus
Fitzgerald said the commotion heard on the call seem to come from another room from where the phone was located. It was the room Jayme was in. Imo

Imo this is when the suspect turned to Jayme after killing both parents and that is what is being overheard on Denise's phone located in the area she and Jim were in.

I dont think Jayme even knew her mom had tried to call 911 nor knew it did connect to the dispatcher.

I think this poor frightened traumatized child was just screaming for someone. ....anyone to help her hoping she could be heard outside.


I completely agree with you on this, and I got choked up envisioning it.

A Mother's last dying action... trying to save her daughter.

I think that phone call will be deemed pivotal once this goes to trial.

MOO is five weeks later. Not smart maybe but quite lucky.

Have been thinking about all of the murders I am aware of committed by teens or youngish males of adults, and one thing they have in common is that it was immediately apparent who the perp(s) was. So that holds me back from my initial theory of some wild-eyed youth with a violent temper charging in to claim Jayme. The more time that has passed, the less likely to me that this was a crime by a young person (i.e under 21, say.) They are just not good at covering their tracks. All jmo

Smart / Lucky or both.

He/they knew who was in house. Perp was smart enough to not bring a phone. Smart enough to likely wear gloves.

I can’t believe there wasn’t a prior interaction... and the perp didn’t know that home... go back 5 years... of ac repair men / tv installers / roof workers / landscapers.
Has to be some prior connection.

Would really be interesting if u could get google searchers for James / Jayme Closs 5 years prior to the incident. Perp that planned this out had to leave some trail somewhere... hope it’s found.
Something kept nagging me about Jayme's dog, Molly being shaved. Others said it could be routine grooming and I get that. I guess what bothered me was why now? This families life has to be a 24/7 nightmare being pulled in a million directions, not to mention trying to reconcile the tragic deaths and missing niece. Yet they wanted he dog groomed in the midst of it? Possibly. I think it has more to do with evidence. Hair, saliva. urine, feces. Any of which could be on the perp/s, in their car, anywhere, without their knowledge.Not to mention Mollys' hair being tested. I started reading about animal DNA solving crimes and it is it's own science. The UK actually has it's own CODIS for it. I am truly hoping this is the case. Here is a link with a few examples for anyone interested. JMO
Pet CSI: How Dog And Cat DNA Nabs Bad Guys
How Animal DNA Puts Killers Behind Bars
The text is in the paragraph directly after the second video.

Thanks! I looked at the link last night. I looked at it again this morning and same thing. Nothing about bullets.

Now, there it is. My internet is beyond slow so I guess it simply did not load it.
You may still, 'because LE has not verified it', and no one has seen the actual door close enough to know if it was shot or not. But the aunt was quoted very early on saying that the door had been shot. So Ive always kind of believed her, and havent been very popular when I mention it either. :)
The neighbors would have heard more than two shots then right?
One thing that keeps hanging in my head that is bothering me. Although Jayme's cell phone was in the kitchen charging, I can't help but wonder if she had a burner phone or maybe friends old ipod or some way of accessing the internet that her parents didn't know about. A boyfriend could have given her a way to contact him so that her parents didn't find out. I took away my sons phone then found out his girlfriend while at school had given him an old phone so that he could get online and still talk to people. In my opinion this may be why the dogs were called in to look for additional cell phones or tablets etc... There could be an additional phone buried deep in a closet or anywhere. Again just my opinion.
Something kept nagging me about Jayme's dog, Molly being shaved. Others said it could be routine grooming and I get that. I guess what bothered me was why now? This families life has to be a 24/7 nightmare being pulled in a million directions, not to mention trying to reconcile the tragic deaths and missing niece. Yet they wanted he dog groomed in the midst of it? Possibly. I think it has more to do with evidence. Hair, saliva. urine, feces. Any of which could be on the perp/s, in their car, anywhere, without their knowledge.Not to mention Mollys' hair being tested. I started reading about animal DNA solving crimes and it is it's own science. The UK actually has it's own CODIS for it. I am truly hoping this is the case. Here is a link with a few examples for anyone interested. JMO
Pet CSI: How Dog And Cat DNA Nabs Bad Guys
How Animal DNA Puts Killers Behind Bars

LE would have taken Mollie from the scene if she showed evidence potential, and returned her after processing. I doubt they would return her a mess, but who knows.
Smart / Lucky or both.

He/they knew who was in house. Perp was smart enough to not bring a phone. Smart enough to likely wear gloves.

I can’t believe there wasn’t a prior interaction... and the perp didn’t know that home... go back 5 years... of ac repair men / tv installers / roof workers / landscapers.
Has to be some prior connection.

Would really be interesting if u could get google searchers for James / Jayme Closs 5 years prior to the incident. Perp that planned this out had to leave some trail somewhere... hope it’s found.
Who said they did not bring a phone? What would lead you to think that they wore gloves? Its quite possible that, if Jayme was the target, he never took his hands off the gun. If he had a phone, there would be no way to identify him. Once they catch him and identify his phone, they will be able to show if he was in the area, but thats about it.
The luck was that the car was caught on video.

A part of the car was on CCTV, police had to first sort out what type of car it was. Police were lucky in that they car they were looking for was not parked in a garage.

It seems like police have the same type of evidence here, where they have some idea about what car may have been used.
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