AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #27

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This is the direction I am leaning as well.
You don't go from continually saying "We have absolutely nothing" to claiming very specific things (4 minutes, 5 feet in the house) that would require some sort of evidence to support if you have nothing to base this information on. Either you have supporting evidence of those things (which means, you have something) or you don't and you're making false claims to lull the perpetrator into thinking they are off the hook so that they will mess up.

LE has never said that they have no evidence to figure out how, when, and where.

LE has said they are stuck/have basically nothing when it comes to who and why.

Problem is, the second two are what they really want.
This is the direction I am leaning as well.
You don't go from continually saying "We have absolutely nothing" to claiming very specific things (4 minutes, 5 feet in the house) that would require some sort of evidence to support if you have nothing to base this information on. Either you have supporting evidence of those things (which means, you have something) or you don't and you're making false claims to lull the perpetrator into thinking they are off the hook so that they will mess up.

belly, Yes, Yes, 1,000 times YES! The only thing that makes sense is that LE is trying to keep the evil creep in a total state of disequilibrium by putting out contradictory statements about the investigation.
LE has never said that they have no evidence to figure out how, when, and where.
LE has said they are stuck/have basically nothing when it comes to who and why.
Problem is, the second two are what they really want.

They’ve said and eluded that there is no forensic, physical evidence or DNA. I’d have to go back for exact words used but their repeated assertion has been that they have no (or very little) evidence aside bullet casings.

Based on the definition of forensic evenidence they can’t possibly know that the perp only took 5 steps in the house and was there for 4 minutes without some degree of evidence.
(What is Forensic Science | What is a Forensic Scientist)

Their statements in that article are completely contradictory. Which is good. Because they better have something or they’re never going to find Jayme.
But than the perp would have left evidence, but LE keeps telling us the perp left nothing.

Everyone leaves cells hairs and a trace of themselves. It’s there. Perhaps difficult to find, but it’s there.

Also casings and in particular the firing pin leaves a very unique imprint on each casing. There are databases to identify as they appear under an electron microscope. I think they will track the gun and find who did this.

In 1973 my dear friend Dawn Swan Magyar was kidnapped and murdered. Found a couple months later, there was also scant evidence. It took a lot of very diligent work and tracking a gun across the country and back to finally locate the ______ that raped and killed her. The gun was located in the river 35 miles away. At a different time her wallet was found.

That investigation was done manually. The technology has advanced by lightyears. Dawn didn’t know what a computer was in 1973.

I’ll find a link.

But just after her killer was convicted a group of us took some of the men and women involved to dinner. Dawn was truly an angel. Married 3 years she had a one year old son who is about 46 now. He never knew his lovely kind warm loving mom. I did and helped search for her. Her family farmed less than a mile from ours. If not for a strong belief in God, that family would have fallen apart.

It may take time. But they will find the person who did this. I’m pretty confident if it.
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Everyone leaves cells hairs and a trace of themselves. It’s there. Perhaps difficult to find, but it’s there.

Also casings and in particular the firing pin leaves a very unique imprint on each casing. There are databases to identify as they appear under an electron microscope. I think they will track the gun and find who did this.

In 1973 my dear friend Dawn Swan Magyar was kidnapped and murdered. Found a couple months later, there was also scant evidence. It took a lot of very diligent work and tracking a gun across the country and back to finally locate the ______ that raped and killed her. I’ll find a link.

But just after her killer was convicted a group of us took some of the men and women involved to dinner. Dawn was truly an angel. Married 3 years she had a one year old son who is about 46 now. He never knew his lovely kind warm loving mom. I did and helped search for her.

Charliegiz, I'm so very, very sorry for your loss of your dear friend Dawn. I'm sad her son cannot enjoy warm memories of his loving mommy due to the evil actions of the animal that took her from him at such a young age. I'm sure it is cold comfort, but I am glad to hear the *TOSVIOLATION* that brutally murdered her was caught and hopefully, punished to the fullest extent of the law.
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If they want the public to know why is this in the Daily Mail?

After reading pages of comments, that’s still my question. Perhaps the Sheriff feels he can plant false information with them easily (being foreigners and all :)). Actually, it kills me what they are able to learn on cases in this country that our own media doesn’t publish.

That aside, we still don’t know the hours James worked that day. I’ve read until 11PM, other reports state they were all home by 10PM. Maybe he was scheduled to work until 11PM shift but got home early. So if that’s the case, he’s probably hungry and it’s dinner time. Did he grill a steak (as article stated was his habit on Sundays?). If so, he was relaxing after his dinner, probably watching TV. When you work late shifts you don’t EDIT: go to bed early, you need to unwind. So chances are great that he was in the living room when the intruder arrived. In the darkness, you would see and hear lights of a vehicle in the driveway, turn on the lights.

Whoever it was, he didn’t open the door. If it wasn’t locked, he locked it. If it was someone that was known to have an issue with him, there could have been shouting through the door Denise, whether she was with him (or not) in the living room would probably go for the phone but before connecting, the intruder was through the door and firing. Where was Jayme?

She could have been on the couch dozing, wanting to stay awake to visit w/Dad or awakened in the chaos and out of her room.

It all happened fast, and she was gone . . . One scenario. Speculation.
According to article, Sheriff also states that he could have already interviewed Jayme’s abductor and the killer of her parents. Family members believe it’s someone nearby.

Doesn’t it sound as though they have a person of interest?
EXCLUSIVE: Sheriff chillingly reveals Wisconsin couple's killer took only FOUR minutes to enter house, shoot them dead and abduct their daughter Jayme Closs as police search for gun as key piece of evidence

Police say kidnapped Wisconsin teen and her parents' killer was in house for FOUR minutes | Daily Mail Online

Daily Mail Exclusive.
I just want to throw something into the mix. The Daily Mail is notoriously click bait hungry, let’s remember that they interpreted the call log as saying James was definitely alive and answered the door to LE then died. They knew that’s not what it meant but they reported it as fact.

So, this four minute five feet thing. If you watch the video, I’m not entirely sure that the Sheriff says that’s definitely the case. He could be using those numbers as rough figures, as illustrative estimates based only on the fact that there’s no DNA or things out of place further in the house.
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belly, Yes, Yes, 1,000 times YES! The only thing that makes sense is that LE is trying to keep the evil creep in a total state of disequilibrium by putting out contradictory statements about the investigation.

Right? I was thinking that as well. Maybe he says Jayme didn't seem to resist going with someone in order to give someone an "easy out" - call / come in and blame the entire mess on her? It was all Jayme's fault - she set it all up, she pulled the trigger.... this was all just to help her!.... That kinda thing (SPECULATIVE / EXAMPLE ONLY).
Humph. This Daily Mail article leaves me confused. My takeaway is that the sheriff wants to have the suspect confused, as well.

I would still like more info on why Jayme had a “caregiver.”
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People, please remember that the Daily Mail is the equivalent of the National Inquirer in the UK. My UK based pals Lucy and Symes both call it "the Daily Fail". It's chock full of sensationalist claptrap and celebrity news and lots of lurid "details" that you can't really trust as legit information. It's interesting to see another "viewpoint" but when it's basically posted to sell papers just take it with a grain of salt.

Getting back to our topic at hand - someone elsewhere had an interesting viewpoint on this: could either James or Denise had been an informer for the police on a past drug bust and the word leaked out? Might explain why police are being so cagey about the entire business.
Maybe Jayme was grabbed as a hostage? So maybe mom is yelling at perp on the 911? But again how if she died instantly? How instantly?

To die instantly, she would have to have been shot through the heart or in the head. So would James (think forehead). There is too much we do not know and are not entitled to know while there is an active investigation. These are not 'lucky shots' if there are two victims who died instantly. This was done by someone very experienced with firearms, imo.

I believe there were two people. IF the front door was kicked in, then why was the glass door still intact? Wasn't there a glass door in front of the wooden door? Approximately 10 years ago we had a spate of home invasions where the door was kicked in by the door knob. It didn't matter to them if people were home because they came ready to do what they were going to do. One person would have to hold the glass door open (if there was one) so that the other could lean back and put his body into the kick.

I tend to think that the first person in rushed on into the house and the other person maybe went the 5 feet in causing the footprints. The first one in could have exited the house through the sliding doors to the deck with Jayme in tow. Seems to me that Jayme was the target. The parents were shot purposefully, quickly, and with skill.

I think Jayme was caught making the 911 call, there was a scuffle with her, and the loud voices saying maybe something like "What the hell are you doing?" and sliding the phone away from her. I think she was far enough away from the phone at that point and was heard yelling the word "help" having said her parents had to have help. Even if she knew the murderers, she was in full panic mode and horrified. They hurriedly left taking Jayme with them. IMO, she is either locked away somewhere or sold. And yes, someone knows something. I would love to hear the 911 tape but we are not going to any time soon.

Sorry for the long post, folks. I've gotten to where I don't usually comment but do always read. I want this resolved for Jayme's sake. She needs to be found!

I'm still confused as to why the neighbors only report 2 gun shots but the police reports aludes to possibly more... In my head could shots have been made inside the house with the door closed and very muffled(the the neighbors didn't hear, possibly killing or wounding Denise) ... a shot made with the door open ( possibly shooting James from inside the house as he opened the door maybe trying to escape causing a slightly louder shot) then the third shot from outside the house maybe killing James as the perp is leaving causing the second shot the neighbors heard to be louder. Again only my opinion but this scenereo keeps going over in my head. I don't fully support everything the neighbors are saying to the press but I do believe they heard gunshots and i feel like there is something to one of the shots being louder... it has to be the location of the shots or 2 different guns
There likely were only two shots, probably with a shotgun. James shot through the door, and Denise shortly after.
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