AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #5

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I've put my skills as a programmer to good use here, and defeated their rudimentary "paywall" for subscribers only.

I've attached a PDF of the article, since the contents of the article are all available, as others have cited through the HTML directly.

Here is the article from the Barron News Shield:
Search intensifies for girl; 13-year-old vanishes after parents killed

Attached is the PDF of the entire document..

I love WSers !
" According to Barron County dispatch logs, a 911 call was placed at 12:56 a.m. Oct. 15 from a phone with a voicemail that indicates it lists to Denise Closs. The dispatcher reported hearing “a lot of yelling.” The dispatcher called back but couldn’t leave a message. A computer trace indicated the phone was at the Closs home, 1268 13 1/2 Ave. (U.S. Hwy. 8). Three deputies were sent to the scene. About 10 minutes later, a deputy reported a man down and “multiple rounds spent.” "
OK, let's recap what we know so far. Obviously LE knows much more info (which could help us choose among theories) and isn't sharing all of it. It seems to me that the most likely scenario is the perp was after Jayme. So the possibilities are 1-stalking/pre-planned; 2- spur of the moment (followed home); and then either 3- broke in house around 12:30, or 4- was already in house when dad arrived home (would be good to know when that was). Without knowing more about the damaged door evidence, and where bodies were, it's hard to say which of #3 or #4 it was. Dad near the door could be from him coming in and being shot (door shot up from inside then), or answering the door in the middle of the night and immediately getting shot.

I am discounting the possibility of online catfishing because if that was the case, LE would have already checked social media, Jayme's friends, etc and have very good leads. And doesn't fit with description of Jayme's personality, as also noted by other commentators.

The news article said that the phone had a VOICEMAIL (when dispatch called back) stating it was Denise Closs' voicemail. So it's likely that it was Denise's phone, and Denise was still alive, and valiantly made the call. It could be the perp was busy with Jayme, heard something (such as 911 operator saying "what is the nature of your emergency?"), went to find phone, possibly destroyed it, even polished off Denise maybe (accounting for why live parent was dead 4 mins later), and realized he had about 2 minutes to get out of there---so grabbed Jayme and went. (Most kids that I know don't know how to work mom's phone if it is password protected.) Although a second possibility would be Jayme made the call (perhaps while claiming to go to bathroom or something) and then left the phone somewhere so perp wouldn't know---she obviously couldn't speak to them without warning him. Perp must somehow have figured it out (see above ref maybe hearing dispatcher) and ended the call. Maybe the perp intended to stay in the house, have his way, and eventually murder Jayme too but something happened (she went to bathroom and secured phone? Denise managed to make a call herself?) that suddenly required a change in his plans. If the latter, he wouldn't already have a place ready to take Jayme.

A curious thing is the "evidence" chair that looked like someone had been tied to it. Who was that person? Presumably Jamie --maybe to control her? Or could it have been Denise? Torture or what? Needed some kind of information? Just waiting for dad to get home? Didn't know dad was coming? Seems unlikely he wouldn't know dad's schedule, if it was pre-planned. If someone from dad's work, would surely know. (Lots of questions....) Agree with other commentators on the curiosity of perp remaining in the house for 20+ minutes. You'd think he would just grab Jayme and go. This makes me think that he might already have been in the house, with the two women, when dad arrived home. If the crime scene was horrific, seems there must have been more than just boom-boom two gunshots going on.

Another possibility is he was already in the house with the women, tied Jayme up, then raped Denise (planning to get to Jayme later). The evidence would show if this was the case. Reminds me of the BTK Killer, who killed the entire family primarily so he could have access to the women. Perhaps Dad coming home was a surprise, which then caused things to escalate and he lost control of the victims. Evidence at the house would rule this in or out, but LE isn't saying of course. He could have killed dad on arrival (heard the car coming?), continued with Denise and Jayme---one got the call made (Jayme possibly? Denise doing the yelling? or other way around?) so he quickly shot Denise (accounting for her being dead 4 mins later) and then absconded with Jayme? Less likely, but possible, especially if we discount that there were only 2 shots and they were at 12:31. Would be great if we knew actual timeline of dad's arrival---or was he already in bed and awakened.

When the LE said they have "100% expectation that Jayme is still alive", wonder what that was based on? Another commentator noted number repetition (100 pounds, 100% expectation, only 100 volunteers needed) and I noticed it also with "200 LE on this case", "200 tips" etc. Wondering if this is somehow messaging, and if LE has received unknown comms from the perp.

Another curiosity is neighbor heard 2 shots, yet the deputy reported several spent rounds---not just 2. Anyone have any thoughts on that? Maybe there were earlier shots too and the neighbor just didn't hear them. 300 feet is a long way away---the neighbor didn't, for example, hear the yelling that the dispatcher reported.

It doesn't seem random, and it seems like acquiring Jayme was the primary motive, accounting for why she wasn't killed. it was a small house, so spiriting her out might have seemed impossible, whereas killing both parents seemed "surefire" to the perp? I'm voting for either "caught someone's eye who followed them home from party" (like the Petit case) or, seeming to me much more likely, Jayme had a stalker that planned this out---and so is likely to be local. Maybe even thought about it for a long while. Could be pretty much anyone in town, starting with the painters from 2 years ago but anyone that she had caught his eye. I agree that if they ask for DNA the perp won't show, but that would also be telling. And as others have pointed out, if he left ANY DNA behind, familial matching is possible these days.

And to respond to an earlier question---news sources stated that these two were both Jayme's biological parents. There can always be deep dark secrets lurking in anyone's life though. I'm sure the LE are looking at financial records, phone records, etc to identify if the parents were targets for some reason. But sure looks to me like the target was Jayme.

So that's my recap. Comments, additions, thoughts?
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I love WSers !
" According to Barron County dispatch logs, a 911 call was placed at 12:56 a.m. Oct. 15 from a phone with a voicemail that indicates it lists to Denise Closs. The dispatcher reported hearing “a lot of yelling.” The dispatcher called back but couldn’t leave a message. A computer trace indicated the phone was at the Closs home, 1268 13 1/2 Ave. (U.S. Hwy. 8). Three deputies were sent to the scene. About 10 minutes later, a deputy reported a man down and “multiple rounds spent.” "

This seriously makes me question if there was multiple people involved in killing the parents and not just one random person. From what we know both parents were found deceased within approximately 10 minutes of the call so who was doing all the yelling? And why did the neighbours not hear any of this going on?....
I've put my skills as a programmer to good use here, and defeated their rudimentary "paywall" for subscribers only.

I've attached a PDF of the article, since the contents of the article are all available, as others have cited through the HTML directly.

Here is the article from the Barron News Shield:
Search intensifies for girl; 13-year-old vanishes after parents killed

Attached is the PDF of the entire document..

Dear bc_in_ec,

Thank you so much for doing this.. The generosity of your time and effort is greatly appreciated!
I have been looking at all of the photos of Jayme and she seems to be so naive.

She doesnt appear to want to look older than she is like many girls her age.

Now I am doubting she would chat online with anyone she didnt personally know.

I think she lived a life where her parents instilled in her to enjoy whatever age she is and not grow up too fast but enjoy being a young child for as long as possible.

Now I am even doubting she would have a boyfriend.

I know you cant judge everything by photos but I get the feeling she may have even been very shy around boys.

Just a feeling...nothing more.
I have that same feeling also. I have 2 daughters and they are so different. My oldest (15) is more naive, not very active on her SM. My youngest is 12 and she is a more mature 12 yr old. Her SM (i stalk her) is very active. She posts about everything. Jayme reminds me of my oldest when she was 13, very shy and kind of kept to herself. My feeling is Jayme is a young 13 year old and I dont think boys (boyfriends) are a factor with her yet. Doesn't mean that she there isn't someone who is obsessed with Jayme though. JMO
Idk if it's been said, but if James was at work until 1200a then he very well may have been shot coming INTO the house, rather than having answered the door. Perhaps the perp was already in the house with Denise and Jayme.
This is what I think- that he came home and got shot while trying to come into the home. I'm also wondering if the family's comments to the press about the door being shot at was him trying to get into the house because the door was locked or bolted, or maybe something was placed against the door and he couldn't open it. JMO
I've put my skills as a programmer to good use here, and defeated their rudimentary "paywall" for subscribers only.

I've attached a PDF of the article, since the contents of the article are all available, as others have cited through the HTML directly.

Here is the article from the Barron News Shield:
Search intensifies for girl; 13-year-old vanishes after parents killed

Attached is the PDF of the entire document..

One of the best articles I've read regarding this crime so far, IMHO. Thanks so very much for posting this and for adding the "attachment" which allows us to read it. Welcome to the site! Good sleuthing!
I also am thinking the target may have been James. I would assume Denise and Jayme were both in bed after midnight and wouldn’t have be an easy target. Let’s say it was a pedophile after Jayme. Why go about it this way?

I know why we don’t know the time Dad got home for sure but it would make sense IF he did get home around 12 that he was targeted which is why this didn’t happen earlier. Maybe the perpetrator waited outside the home until he arrived and accosted him as he was walking up to and through the front door. All JMO
OK, let's recap what we know so far. Obviously LE knows much more info (which could help us choose among theories) and isn't sharing all of it. It seems to me that the most likely scenario is the perp was after Jayme. So the possibilities are 1-stalking/pre-planned; 2- spur of the moment (followed home); and then either 3- broke in house around 12:30, or 4- was already in house when dad arrived home (would be good to know when that was). Without knowing more about the damaged door evidence, and where bodies were, it's hard to say which of #3 or #4 it was. Dad near the door could be from him coming in and being shot (door shot up from inside then), or answering the door in the middle of the night and immediately getting shot.

I am discounting the possibility of online catfishing because if that was the case, LE would have already checked social media, Jayme's friends, etc and have very good leads. And doesn't fit with description of Jayme's personality, as also noted by other commentators.

The news article said that the phone had a VOICEMAIL (when dispatch called back) stating it was Denise Closs' voicemail. So it's likely that it was Denise's phone, and Denise was still alive, and valiantly made the call. It could be the perp was busy with Jayme, heard something (such as 911 operator saying "what is the nature of your emergency?"), went to find phone, possibly destroyed it, even polished off Denise maybe (accounting for why live parent was dead 4 mins later), and realized he had about 2 minutes to get out of there---so grabbed Jayme and went. (Most kids that I know don't know how to work mom's phone if it is password protected.) Although a second possibility would be Jayme made the call (perhaps while claiming to go to bathroom or something) and then left the phone somewhere so perp wouldn't know---she obviously couldn't speak to them without warning him. Perp must somehow have figured it out (see above ref maybe hearing dispatcher) and ended the call. Maybe the perp intended to stay in the house, have his way, and eventually murder Jayme too but something happened (she went to bathroom and secured phone? Denise managed to make a call herself?) that suddenly required a change in his plans. If the latter, he wouldn't already have a place ready to take Jayme.

A curious thing is the "evidence" chair that looked like someone had been tied to it. Who was that person? Presumably Jamie --maybe to control her? Or could it have been Denise? Torture or what? Needed some kind of information? Just waiting for dad to get home? Didn't know dad was coming? Seems unlikely he wouldn't know dad's schedule, if it was pre-planned. If someone from dad's work, would surely know. (Lots of questions....) Agree with other commentators on the curiosity of perp remaining in the house for 20+ minutes. You'd think he would just grab Jayme and go. This makes me think that he might already have been in the house, with the two women, when dad arrived home. If the crime scene was horrific, seems there must have been more than just boom-boom two gunshots going on.

When the LE said they have "100% expectation that Jayme is still alive", wonder what that was based on? Another commentator noted number repetition (100 pounds, 100% expectation, only 100 volunteers needed) and I noticed it also with "200 LE on this case", "200 tips" etc. Wondering if this is somehow messaging, and if LE has received unknown comms from the perp.

Another curiosity is neighbor heard 2 shots, yet the deputy reported several spent rounds---not just 2. Anyone have any thoughts on that? Maybe there were earlier shots too and the neighbor just didn't hear them. 300 feet is a long way away---the neighbor didn't, for example, hear the yelling that the dispatcher reported.

It doesn't seem random, and it seems like acquiring Jayme was the primary motive, accounting for why she wasn't killed. it was a small house, so spiriting her out might have seemed impossible, whereas killing both parents seemed "surefire" to the perp? I'm voting for either "caught someone's eye who followed them home from party" (like the Petit case) or, seeming to me much more likely, Jayme had a stalker that planned this out---and so is likely to be local. Maybe even thought about it for a long while. Could be pretty much anyone in town, starting with the painters from 2 years ago but anyone that she had caught his eye. I agree that if they ask for DNA the perp won't show, but that would also be telling. And as others have pointed out, if he left ANY DNA behind, familial matching is possible these days.

And to respond to an earlier question---news sources stated that these two were both Jayme's biological parents. There can always be deep dark secrets lurking in anyone's life though. I'm sure the LE are looking at financial records, phone records, etc to identify if the parents were targets for some reason. But sure looks to me like the target was Jayme.

So that's my recap. Comments, additions, thoughts?

Did deputies report "several" spent rounds? I read "multiple" spent rounds. Multiple would be more than one, but not necessarily several.
It would seem likely the killer knew the phone call had been made or they wouldn't have fled so fast. It seems likely they headed west or they would have passed police whose video cameras (if their cars are equipped) would have picked them up. And it would seem likely they drove off pretty darn fast. I mean, who wouldn't? That could have attracted attention of any other passing drivers. Or they may have even passed other cars which would likely be memorable. Unfortunately, going that direction appears to pass fewer businesses that might have had video cameras.
I've put my skills as a programmer to good use here, and defeated their rudimentary "paywall" for subscribers only.

I've attached a PDF of the article, since the contents of the article are all available, as others have cited through the HTML directly.

Here is the article from the Barron News Shield:
Search intensifies for girl; 13-year-old vanishes after parents killed

Attached is the PDF of the entire document..

This quick action to request assistance greatly impresses me:

"By 3 a.m., deputies had declared the home the scene of a double homicide, and requested the help of the Wisconsin State Patrol, the FBI and the Wisconsin Department of Criminal Investigation."
The more I think about it, the more I'm leaning towards the unsub already being in the house when James arrived home, and Denise and Jayme being the targets. Perhaps James was shot as he unlocked the door, or entered the house. That would explain his body being in the doorway, and that would explain why the neighborhoods heard two gun shots.

LE said early on that it was a grusome scene. Having time alone in the house while James was at work would give them time to create a grusome scene.

I also think that the police reaction time would have rattled the unsub. Without that 911 call, it could have been days, if not longer before the scene was discovered. The Closs' lived in a reasonably rural area off a highway. No one was going to report those gunshots, and I suspect the Unsub was banking on that. They're probably in a panic right now, and they're probably still in the area.

I read the FBI exectuted a search warrant on a property half a mile away from the Closs' today. Does anyone have any info on that?
Well, there is Jayme's caretaker who would have no doubt, discovered all of this when she went to pick her up the next day from school. So hopefully, I don't think it would have taken days before they were discovered.
I wonder if it's possible Jayme and her mum were targeted at some point during the afternoon, evening when they were returning from the family gathering. After returning home they were ambushed and the perpetrators had no idea that Mr Closs was going to be returning after he finished his shift. Dad arrives home and that's when the whole situation got out of control and Mr and Mrs Closs were killed and Jayme was taken....
If James was, in fact , a manager at Jennie-O, then that opens up more possibilities in my mind. Several years ago, I was a manager for a large company. I had an altercation with an employee and fired him as a result of the incident. A few days later, he stole a gun from a cop's house. He was arrested the next day outside of my office...gun in tow. Never in a million years would I have thought firing someone could have spawned all that. You just never know .

ETA: Didn't a local mention that Jennie-O was one of the few employers in this small town ?
I feel like this might be some whacko off-the-grid survivalist perp who targeted Jayme and has dragged her to his shack somewhere in the WI wilderness. It really reminds me of Elizabeth Smart. Thinking he wouldn’t go through all that just to kill her. She’s alive and being held by this deranged lunatic. MOO.
Search intensifies for girl; 13-year-old vanishes after parents killed

Dispatch logs describe incident. The phone call came from mom’s phone.

“According to Barron County dispatch logs, a 911 call was placed at 12:56 a.m. Oct. 15 from a phone with a voicemail that indicates it lists to Denise Closs.

The dispatcher reported hearing “a lot of yelling.” The dispatcher called back but couldn’t leave a message. A computer trace indicated the phone was at the Closs home, 1268 13 1/2 Ave. (U.S. Hwy. 8). Three deputies were sent to the scene.

About 10 minutes later, a deputy reported a man down and “multiple rounds spent.””
Just bring this post forward regarding the article about the multiple shots. From the Ladysmith (WI) News and written by someone from the Barron News Shield.
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