AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #7

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Indeed I do realize this, but gangs do migrate into the suburbs to commit their crimes sometimes. I know because I was a victim of burglary by gang members who came in from the city. Thank goodness I wasn’t there at the time.

Just throwing out some different possibilities. Especially after reading in some of these invasions these monsters have no problem harming women and children, as linked above.

Gosh you are making be remember the pastor's wife down in Indianapolis that was murdered in her residential, nice neighborhood by three gangbangers. Amanda Blackwell. I had forgotten about that one.
Was Jayme home alone? Is it possible that the perpetrator(s) were in the house before the parents came home?
Does Jayme have an Instagram account? I guess not, huh? I haven't seen it mentioned. I'm sure it would have been by now if she did.
Someone said she did but that there wasnt many posts. I am inclined to believe she has a spam account like most teens, meaning its private and only for friends.
Neither do I but then why take herfu? Lots of risk there for quick sex with the murders and all.

Several young children have been abducted to be raped and then wind up being murdered by the sexual pedophile predator.

Imo these evil people think only of themselves. Once they abduct and rape the child they then murder the child discarding the bodies thinking they won't be caught if they have rid themselves of the victim. To them they see an alive abducted child as a liability afterwards. Imo

Once they repeatedly rape the child then they are killed shortly after the abduction the majority of the time.

There have been some cases where they held the child/children for quite awhile and continued the daily sexual assault and then murdered them later on.

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But Tricia says that radaronline is now considered as mainstream media....
Dear Everyone,
I've decided to allow to be used as a mainstream media source. Yes there are times when is gossipy and wrong. However, they do have great interviews when it comes to true crime. They can find out things that no other source can find. I believe they pay people for their stories so that's probably why. is now considered a usable media source.
If I didn't know that, I would not have posted the article. If you have another point, please explain. TIA.
Let's for a moment rule out child abduction since you really don't need to bust down a door and shoot parents to abduct a child. So what are we left with? Robbery? If I was going to rob a house I think I would scope it out for people NOT at home and I wouldn't bust down a door (too loud) and carry a shotgun (an additional crime). So let's for a moment rule that out as well.

IMO somebody wanted the parent or parents dead. So why not kill the child as well....rather than risk leaving a witness alive?

<modsnip - not victim friendly> Maybe hangs around with not nice friends (perhaps older teens?) the parents don't approve of ? A troubled teen? (so she must attend the religious classes mentioned?). THIS could be why the radar online reports a source who thinks she is alive? There's just SO MUCH we do NOT know!
The neighbor to the west heard shots and was awake at least enough to note the exact time. Police arrived in four minutes but seemingly didn’t pass the killer. It would seem likely the killer drove west past the people who heard the shots. I’d imagine they left at high speed, too. Did the neighbors hear the car? If a car flies past my house I notice the sound. If they didn’t hear it then perhaps it drive east, past police, and to town. Otherwise they had to turn off pretty quickly. First road they came to, perhaps? This would be just east of the house.
If I didn't know that, I would not have posted the article. If you have another point, please explain. TIA.
Point was that if Tricia has declared it to be usable mainstream media we cannot have it both ways and post the info from this site and at the same time (on the same post) say but consider the source as it isn't mainstream.
The neighbor to the west heard shots and was awake at least enough to note the exact time. Police arrived in four minutes but seemingly didn’t pass the killer. It would seem likely the killer drove west past the people who heard the shots. I’d imagine they left at high speed, too. Did the neighbors hear the car? If a car flies past my house I notice the sound. If they didn’t hear it then perhaps it drive east, past police, and to town. Otherwise they had to turn off pretty quickly. First road they came to, perhaps? This would be just east of the house.
The police arrived after the call was made to 911 from the Closs's house. The neighbor did not call 911. It could have happened this way. Neighbor heard shots...Mr. Closs is dead...Mrs. Closs is wounded but isn't dead yet...suspect leaves with Jayme...Mrs. Closs recovers enough to call 911.
Point was that if Tricia has declared it to be usable mainstream media we cannot have it both ways and post the info from this site and at the same time say but consider the source as it isn't mainstream.

Respectfully, I disagree.
While this source can be an approved link by the administrators here, I believe Tricia herself would fully endorse each of us using our own judgement to decide if we find their reporting to be credible or not.
Indeed I do realize this, but gangs do migrate into the suburbs to commit their crimes sometimes. I know because I was a victim of burglary by gang members who came in from the city. Thank goodness I wasn’t there at the time.

Just throwing out some different possibilities. Especially after reading in some of these invasions these monsters have no problem harming women and children, as linked above.

I think it’s important to acknowledge that this isn’t the suburbs, but the country. My folks live in a similar area and, even though 15 minutes away in the city proper robberies are common, there hasn’t been a robbery near them in years. There are many reasons why: their homes are farther from major roadways, making it easier to stopped; many folks in the country have guns for protection of livestock; and many people aren’t familiar enough with country roads to navigate them quickly, especially in the dark. (There’s city dark then country dark. Country dark is pitch black where I grew up.)

Also addicts or “druggies” (a term that I don’t endorse as a person who knows many people in recovery) don’t commit crimes like this. For those in active addiction who do steal, they do quick smash and grab jobs in the suburbs or, more typically, urban centers. Someone killing for drug money isn’t going to kidnap a 13-year-old, because could you imagine being high and having to keep control over a 13-year-old? This isn’t an infant or a child, but a teenager. Frankly, an addict wouldn’t know how to manage a kidnapping.

Regarding the Jennie-O connection, I’d say that’s not it. How many of us here had fathers who worked in factory or manufacturing settings? How many of those who did knew who their father worked with? I know I certainly didn’t, even though we’d attend company picnics.

These cases do typically involve an adult or older teenager who the kidnapped child or teenager has met, whether online or in the real world. My bet in this case would lean to online. You have a teenager who’s been described by her own family as introverted and quiet. The Internet is a haven for quiet teens and has been since the 1990s. Jayme could have totally believed she was speaking to another teenager, or possibly she was aware the person was older and didn’t anticipate what would happen. However, Jayme was clearly the target and I’d say she had spoken to this person before.

This wasn’t a random crime, as police have said. They believe Jayme was targeted.
The police arrived after the call was made to 911 from the Closs's house. The neighbor did not call 911. It could have happened this way. Neighbor heard shots...Mr. Closs is dead...Mrs. Closs is wounded but isn't dead yet...suspect leaves with Jayme...Mrs. Closs recovers enough to call 911.
I wasn’t saying the neighbors called. I’m saying if they heard shots and then a car flew past their house then they would have heard it, too. There’s no indication they did which means the car may have left in the opposite direction. Police must not have passed it so it may have turned. If police did pass it then their car cameras should have recorded it.
IMO, the only reasn for JC to be taken out alive is that someone felt that they were saving/protecting her. If so I sure hope she is able to play on that till she is safe.
What bugs me is if the goal was to take the child, why do it when both of the parents are there - having to kill them to get her?
That is where having a better understanding of the family dynamics would be helpful. Could Jayme have confided to someone about troubles within the home, and this person decided to be some kind of hero to her ? Was Jayme in contact with a stranger online, not ever imagining anything like this could be the result ? Were their issues with other family members ?

I realize that, because of the TOS here, we can't discuss any of that in depth, but they are all valid questions, imo.
Something different . . . JC didn’t have much activity / content on his FB page. What did jump out at me was that he described himself as Former TopDog Moto Reinhard. His email ID is listed as /james.closs.3. I did a search for that ID and found that same ID on a German enthusiast (moto) site he was registered to (but now I can’t find it again, dammitall!). I did note that the registration was within the last five years so I’m going with he was still a BIG enthusiast. Moto Reinhard is hybrid vs the majority Harley prevalent in WI. Who knows what Former TopDog means? Does he speak German? When / how did he ever associate / work for/with Moto Reinhard? Any biker folks want to take a run at that?
"Closs" is a German surname. Also, Germans make up 43% of the population of Wisconsin. (Between the 1840s and early 1900s, many Germans settled inWisconsin -- they liked the land and the climate). It's possible that JC spoke German. MOO
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