AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #9

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Much gratitude for this account Gngr-snp;
It gives one an idea of we are dealing with in today's world.
So sorry you & your family/community had to experience this.
I also want to say that no living quarters in the neighborhood broken into.
The whole story is too long to tell.
When he got the girl to the deck, her mother was standing there. He asked her "where are they"?
She said who?
He said the cops!
She said what are you talking about ? She was oblivious to what was going on at the time.

When called to by police he let the girl go and lept over a 6 ft privacy fence.
LITERALLY jumped over it. Not even using his hands.
She said it was like super man. Poof! Gone.

He never hurt anyone in our neighborhood that I know of, but I KNOW he was very capable if backed into a corner.
I think he had an outstanding warrant and felt he could hide from them back there.
He had a cot and a pile of empty canned food about 3 feet high behind his tent.
Beanie weenies, Vienna sausages, peanut butter, rice and beans.
I believe he got his food at the Dollar General about a mile away. He could use the cover of the woods and darkness to get there.

In Jameys case,
I'm praying he does have a cot and a camp and is just keeping her because he doesn't know what else to do with her.

Any dollar general type stores near woods in this search area?
I'll bet he is no more than a mile from them if so.
This is MOO:
I don’t think this is meth related.
I think the perp is known to James & Denise. I think they don’t like him because he & Jayme may have been in a relationship.

I also don’t think the perp came there with a gun. I think the perp came to the door to see Jayme and/or to take her away. She may have told him to come after 12:30a when parents would be asleep.

Dad woke/got up & saw perp at the door, opened it slightly with chain locked. Tried to close it, but perp forced door open and off jamb.

Mom may have gone to get dad’s hunting gun and threatened perp to leave. Perp was able to get gun, dad bolted to the door and was shot by perp. Mom ran to bathroom, was also shot, tried calling 911.

Jayme yelling help in background. Perp left, taking Jayme & the gun with him.
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I see this as a viable scenario also. With this meth lab arrest it has me thinking: Perhaps the perps picked the wrong house. Mistakenly kills the couple thinking it was the meth makers. Realizes a kid is there takes kid in a panic. And my imagination takes me to a sad ending. JMO

Or it could be meth heads like in Holly Bobos case. They are capable of everything that is sadistic and horrific.

It's like they get together one day and decide they are going to do horrific acts on totally unsuspecting targets.

Like I said yesterday out of all of the possibilities of who did this I pray it wasn't done by meth heads.

I cant stand the thought of Jayme being taken by them because they are known to do the most awful inhumane things to their victims.

I do believe whether LE says it or not they know they are in a search and recovery mode now. Breaks my heart to even post this.

Do meth heads do a lot of home invasions in this state? Tia

I'd take one step further -- I think it means they don't know much. To me, a search that needs 2k volunteers says "we don't have much to go on so we need to gather everything we possibly can." Obviously, LE knows facts of the case that they aren't sharing, but it doesn't seem like they are zeroing in on anyone.

If they had anything specific I don't think we'd see such a large search. If they think they know who did it and they think she's alive then they aren't going to mess around. In following other cases, I've found that you can usually take everything LE does/says at face value. I'm sure some could cite situations where that was not the case, but those would be exceptions and not the norm.

I sadly agree. I don't think LE have the slightest idea of what went down. I think the 2K search is them just hoping to strike lucky and find something.

As previously mentioned by others I'm also baffled at the lack of a proper detailed timeline for the day of the shooting. People are more likely to remember seeing them if you say what they were up to and where they went. However I do appreciate with the parents being dead it could be a case of it's very difficult to put one together as there's nobody to ask after they left the family event.

In my heart I'm hoping that maybe she's still alive and being held by a delusional predator who thinks they're in a relationship so won't kill her. My head says she's dead and has been for days.
Or it could be meth heads like in Holly Bobos case. They are capable of everything that is sadistic and horrific.

It's like they get together one day and decide they are going to do horrific acts on totally unsuspecting targets.

Like I said yesterday out of all of the possibilities of who did this I pray it wasn't done by meth heads.

I cant stand the thought of Jayme being taken by them because they are known to do the most awful inhumane things to their victims.

I do believe whether LE says it or not they know they are in a search and recovery mode now. Breaks my heart to even post this.

Do meth heads do a lot of home invasions in this state? Tia

I can't figure out what happened and why. I tend if anything to be reminded of the Groene case.

I too feel that LE is in a search and recovery mode, sadly.
This is MOO:
I don’t think this is meth related.
I think the perp is known to James & Denise. I think they don’t like him because he & Jayme may have been in a relationship.

I also don’t think the perp came there with a gun. I think the perp came to the door to see Jayme and/or to take her away. She may have told him to come after 12:30a when parents would be asleep.

Dad woke/got up & saw perp at the door, opened it slightly with chain locked. Tried to close it, but perp forced door open and off jamb.

Mom may have gone to get dad’s hunting gun and threatened perp to leave. Perp was able to get gun, dad bolted to the door and was shot by perp. Mom ran to bathroom, was also shot, tried calling 911.

Jayme yelling help in background.
Perp left & took Jayme with him.
I think it’s far more likely that the perpetrator brought his own weapon, as opposed to disarming one of the parents.

If there was some sort of relationship between Jayme and another individual, and it relates to this crime, I think it would have been discovered by now.

I also initially thought that this was some sort of online relationship gone awry. The lack of visible progress thus far, makes me feel that this is exceedingly unlikely.
This remains so baffling to me- the Closs family thru my eyes seem like ordinary people- they work, have a home, a daughter they love very much- and Jayme seems a young 13 to me- not the one to be online chatting with people- the neighbor woman still gets to me- her reclusive comment- listen there is nearly a forest between them and the Closs family had work and a young girl and their own interests- Neighbors here are not friendly- are we all reclusive? Or do we just tend to keep to ourselves because we have our own lives and have nothing to discuss with neighbors? At any rate how this completely horrific and out of the ordinary crime happened just can't get my head around any of it
Sadly whether we want to admit it or not, society is changing and the cell phone usage is way up. The online presences are way up for adults and kids. The addiction to technology is real and has negative effects. One being we are slowly becoming more insular and distant from our neighbors in general. Sadly, society plays a role in providing a better environment for the commission of some crimes.
Just as help for maps and such, the counties in WI that surround Barron are Burnett, Washburn, Polk, Sawyer, Rusk, Chippewa, Dunn and St. Croix. Burnett, Polk and St. Croix are the three on the MN border. I don't know how helpful that is for everyone but it might be useful to know if anyone is looking up bookings or locations.
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