WI WI - Kelly Nolan, 22, Madison, 23 Jun 2007 #2

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PS-Thanks also TW...I knew I had read somewhere that the search area for evidence was large. I'm of the mindset that she wasn't immediately killed...that she may have been kept alive for some time...any idea of TOD- or how long they assumed she was dead?

PPS- I really need to go dig through all the info...I feel silly asking questions that may have also been asked/answered. I apologize for my lack of knowledge.

"Madison police were assisted in Monday's search with agents from the FBI, Dane County Sheriff's Department, K-9 units and horse search teams. Police agencies from Wisconsin and Illinois as well as numerous volunteers also were helping."

Yes, especially since there were out of state agencies involved.

Also, in rereading the part about the discovery of a body uncovering an unsolved homicide; was this a reference to the same body since at the time they said they weren't sure it was Nolan? That would be weird, though, because it would be like saying the discovery of the body led to the discovery of the same unsolved homicide.
Also, in rereading the part about the discovery of a body uncovering an unsolved homicide; was this a reference to the same body since at the time they said they weren't sure it was Nolan? That would be weird, though, because it would be like saying the discovery of the body led to the discovery of the same unsolved homicide.

Ok...you got me there...not sure what you mean. It could mean they also found something else that "links" other crimes...why wouldn't they have revealed something? Same thing with Zimmerman...it took awhile to find out any info. I heard that it was "brutal" as well...as I believe Nolan's was. I know any murder is "brutal", but something tells me this goes beyond the norm...so perhaps there are tell-tale signs here...like LE has "seen" this before (?)

I guess it could be taken both ways; the discovery of the Nolan body (yet unidentified), uncovered an unsolved homicide, this same body.


It's a reference to this body uncovering another unrelated homicide which would stand to reason since FBI and out of state law enforcement was on the scene.

I'll go with the latter..

Gotcha...me, too.

I have yet to see any updates on autopsy "findings". Because it was reported early on that we wouldn't anytime "soon" (it's been a year!), leads me to believe poor Kelly is part of a bigger, albeit gruesome, picture here.

I also just read that there was someone else missing from Dane County at about the same time Kelly was...was that person ever identified or found?
Tangled~ I hate to say it, but DeSpain is terribly misleading in his public information and was all during the case of Kelly Nolan. The statement you emphasized in red is a prime example. He knew it was her. He was trying to insinuate it may not be which was to deflect John Q. Public and the family at the time. Sounds nuts, doesn't it?! Only DeSpain can answer to why he said half the things he did...but he quickly began to sound like a broken record that couldn't tell his head from his @ss. This hasn't changed. Misinformation or trying to lead the public down a specific path away from the actual reality from MPD is a constant on even the most recent cases.

Look how they hauled in all the homeless people and how they touted that one to the press! Like they could find their murderer within the group yada yada yada. Blowing smoke is what I call it and it is exactly what happened.

I think they darn well know that Kelly's murder was part of a larger picture. They would not admit it in a million years! However, they would NOT have called in other agencies to participate in a 3 day scour of the area if it wasn't neccessary. The 3 mile radius was only because of the cell tower ping. They did have a large area to cover. The other agencies were not brought in until they found Kelly's body tho.

They have not released COD or TOD on Kelly Nolan to my knowledge. As a matter of fact, they have released almost nothing on her case. It has been one of our major complaints all along. Kelly didn't stand a chance the way the case was handled from the beginning. They painted her as a lush and not credible etc. It was such a travesty!!
I might have to go back to refresh my memory, but I don't recall a second person missing unless you are talking about the woman who took off and they found hiding out by a creek. She had left her husband and aged parents to create a new life. They brought her home to face them. She should have been charged instead of coddled.

SS- concerning Brittany- there had been a strange incident earlier in the day IIRC...a homeless guy who entered a house of students...and some homeless guy who entered a radio station (or tv station...can't remember which one)...I think they had reason to pursue that lead...and obviously the pressure of unsolved crimes warranted them to do something! Did it help? Well, now they have banned certain homeless from State Street...and they have an area set off near the Capitol where they'll be able to panhandle without worry (in July IIRC!). But still no justice for Joel, Kelly, or Brittany.

Note: In my reading today, I came across a request from Joel's girlfriend for the community to stop blaming the PD and begin to work together to solve the murder.
SS, I watched his video press conference at (also, in one of his press conferences on that page he states that there were several other current missing persons at the time of Kelly's disappearance):


Watch the 7/9 press conference at 2 p.m. from Madison PD spokesman Joel DeSpain

On the same page is a link:

Watch raw Chopper footage of the search scene

In the beginning of that film you'll notice the twin triangular roads. Compare them with this Googlemap (satellite mode) shot:


If you type in 4724 Schneider Dr., Town of Dunn, you'll see those same twin roads adjoining Schneider Dr.

That's 4773 Schneider Dr. Now, if you typed in 4724 Schneider Dr. and scroll right on the Google map you'll come to the green "A" marker that Google put in to mark the location of 4724 Schneider Dr.

You'll note at: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1863556/posts

"Wray would not say exactly where the body was discovered, but Patricia Wardell, who lives at 4724 Schneider Road, said it was on the property of her neighbor, whom she identified as Eleanor Killerlain.
Wardell said Killerlain, who did not respond to a call for comment, is in her 80s and has owned the more than 20 acres of property for decades."

Using the DCImap at: http://lio-mapping.co.dane.wi.us/dcimap/index.htm you'll find that the search scene on the helicopter footage is not on the Killerlain property.

The statement by Wardell is misleading and Wardell's address isn't 4724 Schneider, but 4710 Schneider. The Killerlain property is actually 4724 Schneider Dr. and as you can see on the Googlemap there are no visible densely wooded areas on her property where the body was found. I don't think Wardell made that erroneous statement, I think she was misquoted.

So, yes, SS, I agree with you, there's a lot of disinformation in all these reports. Either someone is obfuscating the truth purposely or the news media is not verifying what they're being told, which in turn misleads us, the public.

You'll notice on the Google map that the border between Fitchburg and the Town of Dunn is about 200 feet from Killerlain's property, which ends at the woodline where the property of 4754 Schneider Dr. starts.

Triple K Stables (4721) is right across the road. You can see the ponds where all the LE vehicles had parked. This was on one of the news websites online. The owner even states he could see the site from his property. You'll notice on the helicopter video that they never did take a camera shot of the actual scene. In fact, the footage looks like it was edited. The closest it got was the intersection at the road on the townline and Schneider Dr.

Aside from this, does anyone know the business where Nolan went for that last job interview?
I looked at the video and the google maps, Tangle. Maybe I am confused at what you are trying to get at here with the exact location etc. I saw a photo of the actual site somewhere during the first few days (will have to find the link) and it certainly was a wooded area where her body was found.

I will have to go back into our threads to find it, but I believe we do know where she had applied for the job. It was at an upscale restaurant and they interviewed the owner.
April Nolan (Wisconsin) wrote
at 10:00pm on June 28th, 2007

April Nolan (Wisconsin) wrote
at 9:53pm on June 28th, 2007

April Nolan had posted these on Facebook last year. Can one assume that this information is no longer applicable?

The anniversary of Kelly Nolan's disappearance is coming up in 15 days. Do you think that the media will even have a story on it?
I would hope that the family has realized by now that getting their story out to the public is the better idea than listening any longer to MPD's request to remain silent. If they are under the impression they legally have to abide by the request...they are mistaken. As far as I know, there has been no gag order since there has been nothing done in the courts at all. The family can say whatever they want to the media or anyone that will listen.

I would recommend they hold some type of gathering to remember Kelly and to drum up more interest in her case. I believe the media would respond especially if they are willing to grant interviews detailing the investigation! They would come by the droves and the pressure would fall back to MPD to DO SOMETHING!
I would hope that the family has realized by now that getting their story out to the public is the better idea than listening any longer to MPD's request to remain silent. If they are under the impression they legally have to abide by the request...they are mistaken. As far as I know, there has been no gag order since there has been nothing done in the courts at all. The family can say whatever they want to the media or anyone that will listen.

I would recommend they hold some type of gathering to remember Kelly and to drum up more interest in her case. I believe the media would respond especially if they are willing to grant interviews detailing the investigation! They would come by the droves and the pressure would fall back to MPD to DO SOMETHING!
Thanks, SS for bringing over Kelly's thread and keeping her case in the forefront.
As to the autopsy, can the family ask that no info be released? I'm assuming they can because I can't understand for the life of me why the press out in Madison hasn't tried to get that information. I can't even remember a reporter remarking "the autopsy will not be made public"! (maybe someone on the board has ?)You would think they would have at least followed through on that. People out in Madison want answers as well.
The Nolan family has not seen the body, said DeSpain, adding that the discovery of a body has uncovered an unsolved homicide case that is not necessarily linked to Kelly Nolan

I remembered reading this when this article came about. Did they ever identify this other victim? Why is it that this victim hasn't been mentioned in further articles when addressing the murders in Madison, WI.?

Zimmerman and Marino have different MO's. Tangled Web brings up some crucial facts in regards to Kelly Nolan. I certainly hope they investigate anyone in the Oregon, WI areas for more information possibly leading to these homicides.
The Nolan family has not seen the body, said DeSpain, adding that the discovery of a body has uncovered an unsolved homicide case that is not necessarily linked to Kelly Nolan

I remembered reading this when this article came about. Did they ever identify this other victim? Why is it that this victim hasn't been mentioned in further articles when addressing the murders in Madison, WI.?

Zimmerman and Marino have different MO's. Tangled Web brings up some crucial facts in regards to Kelly Nolan. I certainly hope they investigate anyone in the Oregon, WI areas for more information possibly leading to these homicides.
Weren't they both stabbed (Zimmerman and Marino)? How do you know the MO is different...have they described Brittany's attack anywhere? I've seen very little after the initial find...and then, of course, there was the mishap with 911.
I would hope that the family has realized by now that getting their story out to the public is the better idea than listening any longer to MPD's request to remain silent.[/QUOTE

I agree with you there, SS. If MPD will release nothing on the COD, TOD or any other detail of the crime, then how are they ever going to get any tips on the crime in order to solve it? It's a Catch22 situation, if you ask me. The family sure has fell silent.

[QUOTE]As to the autopsy, can the family ask that no info be released? I'm assuming they can because I can't understand for the life of me why the press out in Madison hasn't tried to get that information.[/QUOTE]

I doubt if they released the COD to the family. The MPD probably sold the media on a scenario as to why they (the media) should back off which is why the media isn't pursuing the case.

[QUOTE]The Nolan family has not seen the body, said DeSpain, adding that the discovery of a body has uncovered an unsolved homicide case that is not necessarily linked to Kelly Nolan

I remembered reading this when this article came about. Did they ever identify this other victim? Why is it that this victim hasn't been mentioned in further articles when addressing the murders in Madison, WI.?

That one's a linguistical stumper and probably should be clarified with the current police spokesman as to whether it's referencing the same body or a completely different one. He also may have misspoke or was misquoted by the reporter. If there was another unsolved homicide case uncovered they sure are keeping a good secret of it.
May 10, 2008
Wisconsin State Journal

Madison police say they do welcome tips from the public and have received many that have been worked diligently in the three slayings. By mid-April, the department 's Crime Stoppers line had received 200 tips in the Zimmermann case, for example, and 95 in the Marino investigation, police spokesman Joel DeSpain said...
...And Madison police maintain that a fair amount of information that can be released has been in the three cases. That 's most true in the Marino investigation, where police have developed a sketch and a DNA profile of the suspect and some details about the circumstances of the crime are known through police comments, search warrant results and interviews with Marino 's friends and family members.
Less is publicly known about the Zimmermann homicide, while virtually nothing new has been revealed about the Nolan case since her body was discovered.
In the first public accounting of progress to date in all three investigations, police told the State Journal last week that more than 800 people have been contacted in the Marino investigation, with 80 possible suspects developed and cleared for now and more than 2,000 pages of reports generated; for Nolan, 588 individuals contacted and 192 tips followed up, resulting in 1,200 pages of reports; and for Zimmermann, so far, there have been "hundreds of individuals contacted " -- police could not be more specific late last week -- and 36 possible suspects contacted and ruled out for now, producing 1,420 pages of investigative reports.

There's a whole lot more to this May 10, 2008 article which you'll have to read at the above link. At the bottom of the article are a whole list of questions being asked in the Nolan case, but which aren't being answered.

One of them is:
9. Police Chief Noble Wray said more than a month ago that he would have an update on the Nolan case in a week or two. Where is it?

Too bad Joel Marino's and Brittany Zimmerman's cases aren't featured on Websleuths. It doesn't appear there is a relevant forum for their cases.
Thanks, TW! Same old, same old. You would have thought they would have had at least dusted Brittany's apartment and come up with something. Sorry about there not being a thread for Brittany and Joel...we could call one the "Unsolved Madison Murders"...but I'd hate to invite trouble.

Well, RR, I did find a thread for Joel Marino and posted a modified sketch there. Unlike Nolan's family, his family is doing what everyone is clamoring for Nolan's family to do.

Instead of his grandmother keeping information about the case from the public, she's broadcasting it to the media.

It's pretty much the same scenario as the Nolan case, she was the last known person to talk to the victim by phone.

It'll be interesting to see which method pans out, withholding "crucial" information or releasing it.

Well, RR, I did find a thread for Joel Marino and posted a modified sketch there. Unlike Nolan's family, his family is doing what everyone is clamoring for Nolan's family to do.

Instead of his grandmother keeping information about the case from the public, she's broadcasting it to the media.

It's pretty much the same scenario as the Nolan case, she was the last known person to talk to the victim by phone.

It'll be interesting to see which method pans out, withholding "crucial" information or releasing it.
Thanks, again TW. I went and read through that thread. Interesting that Greta showed up during graduation weekend...if I'm following the time line correctly. Wish I had known being that I was also there. I would have loved to get her ear about a whole lot of what we're doing here on this thread.

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