Found Deceased WI - Kodie Dutcher, 10, may be suicidal, Baraboo, 6 July 2020

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I’m deeply saddened for Kodie. I will wait until autopsy to confirm her suicide.

Yesterday was another 90° day with high humidity and no rain. A cornfield without shoes would be very uncomfortable to navigate. Maybe depression has no bounds, but I’d definitely prefer a death elsewhere (as morbid as that sounds).

does anyone know how “close” to home this was? Maybe I’m just being a cynic.... either way, I’m so sorry sweet girl :(
Less than a mile
In my experience the vast majority of "suicide attempts" especially by young people are calls for help. For a ten year old to take an overdose and then go hide in a cornfield is quite exceptional. Yes we need better mental health service in this country and for it to be destigmatized but this specific case is pretty unusual and the circumstances should be examined.
I dunno. I had suicidal ideation at a very young age. Like 5? Right around kidergarden or so. This could of easily have been me. At age 10 (this would have been 1990) I definitely knew you could take pills to kill yourself. My family wasn't physically abusive, no neglect, and in all respects "normal."

But yes, an autopsy or other evidence will be needed to change my mind.
I dunno. I had suicidal ideation at a very young age. Like 5? Right around kidergarden or so. This could of easily have been me. At age 10 (this would have been 1990) I definitely knew you could take pills to kill yourself. My family wasn't physically abusive, no neglect, and in all respects "normal."

But yes, an autopsy or other evidence will be needed to change my mind.
I’m in the same boat but we lost a family friend to suicide when I was very young so I knew what it was and how (theoretically) to do it by the age of 10/11. I don’t think 10 is too young to be having those kinds of thoughts at all tbh.
Oh no! Signed on tonight to check on this thread specifically and am very sad to see the found deceased title.

My hinky meter wasnt going off at all earlier but after reading other posts, her not leaving with shoes does seem a bit odd. Does it mean anything? I have no idea. But it IS odd for any person to leave their home without shoes. Was she in an extreme hurry when she left? Just didnt care about comfort at that point considering what her plan was?

This was out of the ordinary for her? Never attempted anything like this before?

What percentage of very young kids (say 8-12?) who commit suicide are successful on the very first attempt? Anyone know the stats on this?
I'm not saying its beyond the realm of possibility. I worked in mental health for a long time, so the young age isn't uncommon for thoughts, necessarily, but it is unusual for this type of extreme action.

I think because we all are used to looking at these cases, we see puzzle pieces and how they fit. This puzzle has some pieces that don't seem typical for the puzzle we have in front of us. Thats it. It doesn't make it impossible, just gives many of us pause.

Here are the few pieces that mean nothing, honestly, but are the ones that immediately in my mind gave questions. Again, not specific to this sweet girl, just any similar situation.
1. My son is over 10 and has never swallowed a pill. He only takes liquid medicine, still. It seems unusual that a young, small stature child would choose many pills. Did she bring water to take the pills, but no shoes to the cornfield? I wpuld think you have to take a whole lot in a short time to actually die instead of just pass out.
2. Was anyone home with her and didn't realize she left? Or was she home alone at 10?
3. Was this known memtal health issues that she was currently struggling with? And if so, was anyone with her?
4. Was she caught on any video surveillance on front doors or anything? When did someone last actually see her.
5. It was reported it was unusual for her to leave on her own. She would have to know well enoigh how to walk a mile away to her prechosen? Spot in a corn field where no one stopped to ask her if she needed help along the way.

I really hated even writing these things because its not questions I actually need answers to. I will trust the police, when they release the manner and cause of death. But, I just wanted to kind of clarify that people aren't necessarily questioning the depth of real thoughts and emotions of a 10 year old. Its other supporting facts that combined with it just dont allow us to not leave other options open. Until there is official word. I think many of us feel it would not be doing her and her memory justice to make sure that we look at all the possibilities. Once the facts are clear, we will be better able to help.people with similar problems, in the future.
I have so many questions. So many searched for hours yesterday to no avail, yet Kodie was found within a mile. My heart hurts so much for Kodie. I wish so much that I could have given her my attention for as long as she needed. I really don’t have words and can’t begin to imagine what her mother is going through.
In response to better health care: I wholeheartedly agree. It’s a tough thing though in today’s world. Tough to find an authentic therapist, and when one legitimately needs medication, many times they have to go through so many hurdles just because there are so many that abuse the system and medications.
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I’m trying to tread lightly knowing what a sensitive subject this is and the fact that we know so little at the moment...If anyone feels anything below is insensitive or overstepping any bounds please let me know and I’ll edit or delete since that is not my intention at all.

Yes, 10 is quite young although not unheard of as many have stated. I look forward (for lack of a better term) for a confirmation re: suicide vs. foul play.

Suicide attempts are very often a cry for help, I’d think particularly in the case of children who may not feel they have a voice or don’t know how to articulate their struggles. This is not really here nor there, but if it is eventually determined to be a suicide, I think it’s a possibility that it was a cry for help and she didn’t fully grasp the finality of her actions. Maybe on some level she thought she’d be found before it was too late and would get the help she deserved.

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