Found Deceased WI - Kodie Dutcher, 10, may be suicidal, Baraboo, 6 July 2020

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My kids had trouble even swallowing one pill at that age. We had to use chewables or liquid when they were sick.
Corn fields are full of snakes and insects and stickers on the ground. Not a pleasant place to walk barefooted even if you’re a kid with very tough feet. MOO
Just because “we” or “our kids” may not be capable of something like this (swallowing a pill, walking barefoot, using punctuation, etc), does not mean that no 10 year old is capable. I know plenty of girls that age that are capable of all of that and way more.

As sad and horrific as this is, I feel it is as reported and not something more nefarious. Time will tell. I am heartbroken for her and her family.
@kay74 i am right there with you.. for some reason the detail of the location being a corn field triggered my brain immediately to ask so whoooo wrote that note?

but in all fairness we need to tread extremely lightly because there is zero evidence to foul play and this family is likely so miserable and suffering. until there’s any evidence or indications from LE, anything we say just feels purely like victim blaming. Moo
When I was 9, my parents and us kids moved to a new town.

The first day we went to a new primary school (ages 4-11), all the kids and the teachers were in mourning.

A 10 year old kid had hung himself from his bunk bed after he got in trouble for hitting/throwing a ball through a window.

Such a titchy, tiny thing at such a young age. Such a minor blip.

Maybe he was screamed at about it or even smacked, maybe he felt really guilty, maybe he felt hard-done by. There was likely more behind it than just this one event.

And maybe it was a cry for help but he lost his footing before there was a chance he would be found. He didn't leave a note, like most suicides don't.

This was 1999, way, way before the technology boom that means kids have the resources to Google or watch videos on how to do harm to themselves (I learnt about 'chicken scratches', a form of self-harm, when I was 10 from classmates who had no reason at all to be inflicting such harm upon themselves).

And, at that age, even before this, I knew what suicide was and what could kill you without there being any dark reason behind my knowledge -- you just know. You may not remember when, the age, you learnt something you did to yourself could kill you, but you would have learnt at some point.

Little kids go through phrases where they're curious about or obsessed with death; combine that with parental warnings ('never take any medication without asking me first' 'Why?' 'Because it may hurt you') and it doesn't take a lot to put that together to what you could do to hurt yourself, purposeful or otherwise.

My point is, I understand some people's concern and them looking around at people who were around this lovely girl. I'm sure further news and the autopsy will prove beyond a doubt that this poor girl harmed herself without the knowledge that things do get better, 'cos she's a kid. Kids don't know that. (I don't know what I hope for more in terms of COD/MOD; obviously, my wish is that she wasn't dead. It's hard to 'hope' for a particular cause of death for any person, let alone a child.)

But I think there is the potential to accidentally do harm by saying it's odd that a girl her age had these thoughts. This is why future attempts by kids won't be taking seriously -- why we could be seeing more of this in the future. We need to admit young people may have these thoughts so us, as adults, can help intervene and fight for more appropriate mental health help for kids.

Covering our ears because this is horrific -- and it is horrific, it made my heart hurt to read her age, as an adult with a bunch of mental health problems; hard enough at my age now, harder still barely in double digits -- will mean that mental health amongst kids continues to be a problem.

We need to admit kids know from a young age what self-harm and suicide is (they may not have words for it, but they know) and protect them if those thoughts present themselves, instead of denying them as they are 'too young'.

I don't feel this'll turn up being suspicious. However, even if it does, we need to remember our thoughts on kids and mental health, kids and suicide, to challenge the world around us and our outlook on what we think kids can or can't do.
Amber Alerts often require evidence of an abduction, but I am grateful that WI guidelines are (to me) a bit ambiguous as to when an AA can be activated. This is a prime example of LE not needing to locate a suspect, but desperately needing to locate a child.

I remember well teenage angst. This is much deeper than that it seems. Praying for her safety tonight.
She was only 10 years old -- this is a mere child. :(
BREAKING: Police find body of missing 10-year-old Kodie Dutcher amid AMBER Alert search

July 7, 2020

Police have reportedly found the body of missing Kodie B. Dutcher, the 10-year-old girl who went missing from her home in Barbaroo, Wisconsin, Monday afternoon.

According to WFRV, authorities in Sauk County confirmed the girl’s body had been found on Tuesday. Police have not released any further information, including a suspected cause of death.

CrimeOnline will provide further updates when more information is available.


Authorities in Wisconsin are searching for a 10-year-old girl who vanished from her home on Monday, leaving behind an ominous note.

As WKBT reports, 10-year-old Kodie B. Dutcher went missing from her home on Barbaroo late Monday afternoon.

According to the report, Kodie is suspected of having taken pills — thought the quantity and type of pills are not known — and left behind a note for her mother that read, “Mom, I love you but I can’t do it. Bye.”

The girl reportedly left her shoes and cell phone behind.
Missing Baraboo, Wis., girl found dead

July 7, 2020


BREAKING UPDATE: Kodie Dutcher, 10, was found dead late Tuesday morning less than a day after she went missing from her Baraboo home.

Police say her body was found near County Hwy. T and 12th Street. They did not release any other information.

This story is still developing. NBC15 will provide an update as more information becomes available.


Officers, joined by members of the Baraboo Fire Dept. and the Wisconsin Dells K-9 force, immediately began searching the area around the apartment complex and were later aided by drone teams from the Sauck Co. Sheriff’s Office and Middleton Fire Dept.
Unanswered concerns:

Was 10-year-old KD experiencing suicide ideation at home alone?

Appears she lived in an apartment complex -- did she sneak outside unnoticed?

KD had a Snapchat account -- but reportedly, nothing out of the ordinary posted.

Why did a 10-year-old have Snapchat where one of the principal features of Snapchat is that pictures and messages are usually only available for a short time before they become inaccessible to their recipients.

Her Aunt reportedly thought KD was hiding or went to a friend's house.

Did KD disappear (hide) often? What was different this time -- she left a note?

Was KD taking prescribed meds?

Did see OD on her own meds?

It seems this child was carrying a very large burden that appears to have been going on unnoticed by the adults in her life.
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Age 10 now is not the same as when we were 10. The issues and media Kodie had access to are so much more vast and varied than those of us over 25. The news article stated she had a snapchat account, but nothing was found (of course not, that is what the app is good for). But it also quotes LE saying Kodie and her family moved to Wisconsin in April and she was only in school for about two weeks before the coronavirus pandemic forced classes to be canceled. Her mom told police that, “Kodie was happy here,” and even mentioned she was looking forward to a camping trip. If you look at mom's Facebook, it is really clear she presents herself as a great single mom that really loves her daughter, she has several posts of thm doing things together etc and her new boyfriend is praised as a great guy that Kodie loves.

Of course, you only know someone so well after 4 months, but they didn't live together.

What pills has she managed to get her hands on at this age?

regarding her note saying it can’t do this’..... do what?

Kodie's mom is a nurse. They could be anything from tylenol to oxy. She apparently knew enough to know which ones could do the job.

Everyone questioning a 10 year old being suicidal -
I wrote my first suicide note at age 9. My home life was hard, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness, my parents were getting a divorce.
Depression knows no age, no gender, no income level. It can be beyond brutal. It does not discriminate.

Aw Kelsie *hugs*.

This is the thing. Clinical depression and suicidal ideation forms in the brain, its not a fleting emotional response. No one thing tends to determine suicide. It is often a long term decline without treatment mixed with feeling rejected, isolated, worthless or ashamed. At the risk of sounding like I'm blaming mom (I'm not), Kodie seems to have been in a very lonely period of her life. She couldn't hang out with friends, she was home alone a lot thanks to Coronavirus (those of you nurses can attest to what that is like as a single mom) her family lives in another state, its been hot a hell, etc etc and if she was already struggling with biological problems leading to depression (it could be thyroid imbalance, for example, also contributing to her weight) I believe something happened to tip her over, anything from a disagreement with mom or a snapchat with someone that is long gone, or some other interaction only Kodie and that person know about - and she grabbed some pills and left to go take them and lay in a field until she passed out and died. Not having shoes on isn't unusual to me - when your intent is to die or you're escaping something (do we even know if she was alone in the house? Maybe she had a babysitter that was abusive) you just leave, you dont care about shoes or phone or whatever, you're intent is to walk into the woods or a field and that's it. I am sad she chose the field, especially because the crop is so shallow, it just supports the bullying/verbal abuse angle to me (e.g. the thought being something like I'll go die in a field where the birds can just eat me because no one cares.)

Murder is always a possibility, especially when you have a young mom with a new boyfriend. I just don't see this mom as having any red flags or other indications like we see in most cases and why would anyone choose an open field when there are ample wooded areas where the chances of discovery are so low not to mention the river if you're already going to us a car. Its not like someone carried her almost a mile into a field with no one on the road noticing.
Wisconsin girl, 10, killed herself after coronavirus school worries | Daily Mail Online

July 7, 2020

A 10-year-old girl in Wisconsin has been found dead in a farm field a day after vanishing from her mother's apartment after leaving what appeared to be a suicide note and taking prescription pills.

Kodie B. Dutcher had not been seen since 4pm on Monday, when she had a video-chat with her mother, before her body was found on Tuesday morning.

It is unclear who was looking after Kodie or if she was alone at home during that conversation.

They spoke about an upcoming camping trip that her mother said she was excited about.

But at 4.30pm, her mother claims she returned home and found she'd left the house.

The mother, who has not been named, called police and told them the girl had left a note which read: 'Mom, I love you, but I can’t do it. Bye.'

It was also reported that Kodie may have taken prescription pills but police could not confirm what the drugs were. ^^bbm

On Tuesday, after dozens of local residents turned out to look for the girl, she was found in a farm field.

From the DM article referencing KD left her mother's apartment, I'm wondering if KD did not live with her mom full-time. Wouldn't that be their apartment or their home?

It also appears that KD was probably home alone at least for 30 minutes if her mom had video-chat at 4 pm and got home 30 mins later to find her daughter gone.

Leaving shoes and phone behind also makes me wonder if KD was carried to the field.

She was found the following day -- was the field searched on Monday night?

Could KD have been abducted and left in the field?

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