WI WI - LAKE GENEVA SUITCASE MURDERS, Laura Simonson & Jenny Gamez - #1

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AstroKitty, can I ask how in the world have you been able to get this info? If you can't tell us because it might hurt your case of trying to become a VI, then just say so. Man, surely he has been doing this for awhile. He was a cop! There are some twisted people out there.

I am in communication with Laura's sister. I'm trying to become a VI.
I hope some good, ruthless, investigative journalist gets to the bottom of the 2001 incident in West Allis when SZ had that "altercation" with the "prostitute." Where is she? Can she shed any light on it? Which officers responded to this call? How long were they there? Was SZ detained separately from the woman while police questioned her? Who made the final call on no charges? Was it the Chief at that time or the county DA?
All my dad could say was that the department (my dad was retired when this all happened, along with all of the decent cops he worked with) was told it was a he said she said situation and the union was involved. He said it didn't sit right with him.

I have not forgotten about her.
I hope some good, ruthless, investigative journalist gets to the bottom of the 2001 incident in West Allis when SZ had that "altercation" with the "prostitute." Where is she? Can she shed any light on it? Which officers responded to this call? How long were they there? Was SZ detained separately from the woman while police questioned her? Who made the final call on no charges? Was it the Chief at that time or the county DA?
All my dad could say was that the department (my dad was retired when this all happened, along with all of the decent cops he worked with) was told it was a he said she said situation and the union was involved. He said it didn't sit right with him.

Great questions, copsdaughter. It would be great if a strong investigative journalist would take interest in this case. As for a partial answer to one of your questions, it was reported that the 2001 case was not brought to the DA. It was handled within the police force. It is sick that he was let slide just because he was a police officer.
I found two women with ties to Kenosha missing and listed on Doenet: http://doenetwork.org/cases/1910dfin.html (Shannon Rayanne Turner) and http://doenetwork.org/cases/2042dfwi.html (Ruth Ellen Mazuchowski). Both disappeared in 1997. Neither fits the physical profile (both tall) and it seems likely that both were done in by their boyfriends, but I wanted to list them here because of the geographical tie.
I'm stunned he admitted causing their deaths.

Something seems very wrong about how he is so readily confessing to all of this and telling the cops "what he did". It seems to me that he is trying to mold his story the way he wants everyone to see it. Unfortunately, it appears to be working. Any half-wit criminal knows that when you are taken in for questioning the first thing you do is to ask for a lawyer so the interview is ended right then. This guy was an ex-cop, he of all people would have been the first one to request an attorney. But what does he do? He confesses and then tells the cops how he did everything. This would be according to him, of course.

It seems like he wants them to believe one version and one version only....HIS version. I don't believe his version. I think he is fabricating his story so he doesn't appear to be as much of a monster as he really is. He is just trying to make it look like everything happened quickly and cleanly from the victims standpoint. They were probably held and tortured for only God knows how long, but he doesn't want that part to come out. Hands tied, rope around the neck, ball gags, dog collars......?? Sound quick and clean to you ?

He's going to claim that this is what these women were into, and things got too rough. Involuntary Manslaughter. As long as everyone believes his version, it might actually work.
Great posts.

What is he ? The "suitcase killer ?

Where else has he lived ? I read Boca I think. Hmmm
Something seems very wrong about how he is so readily confessing to all of this and telling the cops "what he did". It seems to me that he is trying to mold his story the way he wants everyone to see it. Unfortunately, it appears to be working. Any half-wit criminal knows that when you are taken in for questioning the first thing you do is to ask for a lawyer so the interview is ended right then. This guy was an ex-cop, he of all people would have been the first one to request an attorney. But what does he do? He confesses and then tells the cops how he did everything. This would be according to him, of course.

It seems like he wants them to believe one version and one version only....HIS version. I don't believe his version. I think he is fabricating his story so he doesn't appear to be as much of a monster as he really is. He is just trying to make it look like everything happened quickly and cleanly from the victims standpoint. They were probably held and tortured for only God knows how long, but he doesn't want that part to come out. Hands tied, rope around the neck, ball gags, dog collars......?? Sound quick and clean to you ?

He's going to claim that this is what these women were into, and things got too rough. Involuntary Manslaughter. As long as everyone believes his version, it might actually work.

Forgot to add I agree Steelman. Especially the last paragraph.
Can anybody tell me where he was in 1988-89?
Oy, suitcase killer is not cute. Just curious if this is an MO. Moo
Sooner or later they all get monikers. Who knows what this one will be. There's already a "suitcase killer" from Lubbock, TX. A few others have been dubbed that way, also. :tsktsk:.
REMINDER: We have no verified insiders in this case, and even VI's are not allowed to post information and details related directly to a crime (i.e., "evidence") that LE has not released.

Farmington police detective sergeant Lee Hollatz wrote a letter to Zelich??!! Is this for real? At that point they had enough evidence to get a search warrant to pass on to WI or probably even have FBI do it. Who in the heck writes a stinkin letter to a kidnap/murder suspect?? He had the video showing SZ checking in hotel with Laura and checking out without her. Is this guy Barney Fife? Sorry, I'm very frustrated by the incompetence by police here.

True, but unfortunately it wouldn't have helped Laura or Jane Doe--both were already dead. :(
Here is a list of potential victims aged 15 - 40 who disappeared from the Northern Midwest between 2001 and 2013. I chose 2001 because that's when the first incident (the woman trying to escape from Zelich's home) occurred. All are below 5'6 in height and the majority are under 130 pounds.

The cases in this list include more vulnerable women (particularly those with a history of drugs and/or prostitution) and cases where there is too little information to judge. Many cases have been ruled out by me for various reasons - the woman didn't fit the physical stats, it was a MWAB case, or the circumstances make it extremely unlikely that Zelich was involved. I didn't limit the search to women who went missing after going to meet someone online, because we don't know how long this has been going on or whether he met all his victims that way.



Caucasian female. 31 years old. 5'4 or 5'5, 90 - 128 pounds. Has a history of drug use and prostitution.

Jeannie Hernandez
Caucasian female. 20 years old. 5'4, 127 pounds.

Adalia Alvarez
Caucasian female. 25 years old. 5'3, 120 pounds.


Carina Karras
Caucasian female. 20 years old. 5'0, 107 pounds. Last seen boarding a Metro Train and was supposed to meet a friend to move to Las Vegas.

Jamie Harper
Caucasian female. 20 years old. 5'0, 130 pounds. Last seen leaving a party.

Yashajara Angelino
White Hispanic female. 21 years old. 5'4, 110 pounds.

Amanda Simon
Hispanic female. 17 years old. 5'1, 125 pounds. May be in the company of an adult male.


Ronel Alsup
Caucasian female. 25 years old. 5'4, 130 pounds.

Jessica Masker
Caucasian female. 24 years old. 5'2, 95 pounds. History of drug use.


Sara Yilmaz
Caucasian female. 17 years old. 5'5, 119 pounds. May be in the company of an adult male and may have traveled to Florida (important because Zelich had ties to Boca Raton)

Sarah Vitt
Caucasian female. 5'2, 90 pounds. History of drug abuse.

Kimberly Stoner
Caucasian female. 5'3, 103 pounds. Drove away from home on her own accord; neither she or her car have been found.

Elizabeth Land
Caucasian female. 24 years old. 6'3, 130 pounds. Last seen leaving home to meet a friend at a bar.

Eva Potka
Caucasian female. 24 years old. 5'0, 100 pounds. Told employer and friends she was going to Ohio for a family reunion, but no reunion existed and she doesn't even have family in Ohio.

Alexis Duff
Caucasian female. 17 years old. 5'6, 125 pounds. It says she may be with a female companion, but I don't know.

Sylvia Galvan
Hispanic female. 20 years old. 6'1, it says she's 150 but she does not look it. Foul play suspected.

Linda McAllister
Caucasian female. 33 - 36 years old. 5'4 - 5'6, 100 - 110 pounds.

Ariel Fields
Caucasian female. 17 years old. 5'3, 130 pounds.

Michelle Lokker
Caucasian female. 29 years old. 5'4, 115 pounds. Her car was discovered abandoned and some of her clothing floating in the Kalamazoo River.


Kateri Mishow
Native American female. 22 years old. 5'2 - 5'3, 100 pounds.

April Pease
Caucasian female. 30 years old. 5'3, 120 pounds.

Areli Pacheco
Hispanic female. 23 years old. 5'3, 125 pounds.


Melinda Jacobs
Caucasian female. 16 years old. 5'3, 140 pounds.

Yanel Herera-Flores
Hispanic female. 16 years old. 5'1, 130 pounds.

Dinora Garcia
Hispanic female. 18 years old. 5'0, 100 pounds.

Alina McFarland
Caucasian female. 17 years old. 5'4, 140 pounds. Last seen carrying a red bag; depending on the size, it could fit with being told to ''pack lightly'', like AstroKitty mentioned.

Samantha Nelson
Caucasian female. 18 years old. 5'2, 110 pounds.

Rachelle Williams
Caucasian female. 18 years old. 5'1, 115 pounds. Neither her or her car have been found.


Rachel Cyriaks
Caucasian female. 30 years old. 5'5, 135 pounds.


Rose Bly
Caucasian female. 21 years old. 5'0, 110 pounds.

Stephanie Low
Caucasian female. 22 years old. 5'3, 130 pounds.

Heather Szekeres
Caucasian female. 5'4 - 5'5, 110 pounds.

Susan Nunez
Hispanic, 4'11, 90 pounds. Had a history of drug/alcohol abuse and would often accept rides from strangers. Went missing only 7 miles from West Allis.
I'm the ex-girlfriend of SZ. I didn't know about any of this until I was emailed by a reporter yesterday. I then did a google search for him and it came up with a bunch of stuff. You can't even imagine how I feel. I have children that lived with us. I still am in shock over all of this.
I'm the ex-girlfriend of SZ. I didn't know about any of this until I was emailed by a reporter yesterday. I then did a google search for him and it came up with a bunch of stuff. You can't even imagine how I feel. I have children that lived with us. I still am in shock over all of this.

Hi JSR. Glad to see you here. :seeya:

I'm sure you will get lots of questions:)
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