WI WI - LAKE GENEVA SUITCASE MURDERS, Laura Simonson & Jenny Gamez - #1

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thinking of the words used 'remains' and the weight.........mostly skeleton???
What does a skeleton weigh? I keep wondering about children also. We have big suitcases on wheels and I am 5 ft 160 pounds and I think my body would not fit in it. Soft sides would probably show bumps of a body??? I keep remembering little Sandra Cantu was found in a lake in a suitcase.......

If the bodies were dismembered, how do we know all of the body parts were in the suitcases? Maybe that's why it was easy for the mower guy to move them and not be suspicious.
If the bodies were dismembered, how do we know all of the body parts were in the suitcases? Maybe that's why it was easy for the mower guy to move them and not be suspicious.

I think it would have said, *partial* remains.
If the bodies were dismembered, how do we know all of the body parts were in the suitcases? Maybe that's why it was easy for the mower guy to move them and not be suspicious.
Good point. A recent case of dismemberment was the woman who used various garbage bags to dispose of her son. It would change the weight if certain parts were not there, but the man who moved them could certainly still tell the suitcases were not empty.
If the bodies were dismembered, how do we know all of the body parts were in the suitcases? Maybe that's why it was easy for the mower guy to move them and not be suspicious.

Maybe there are more suitcases out there. :dunno:

From the news reports I kind of wondered if the bodies were somehow not intact fully-making identification more difficult as well. Also reports stated that LE believed they were not killed there. Something like dismemberment would be quite messy and lead them to believe this was a secondary crime scene. So with what we know I am going with partial/dismembered remains in the suitcases. JMO

Hurley said there appeared to be one body in each suitcase, but he wouldn’t comment on the condition of the remains or describe the size of the suitcases.

Now that we've mentioned it, Hurley's comment seems a little odd. "Appears" to be one body in each suitcase?

Uh. Yeah.
Another interesting/odd comment from Hurley regarding the reaction of the officer who opened the suitcases.

He said the suitcases were opened by Officer Eric Anderson, a 10-year veteran of the department. "I talked to him, and he said he had to step back a minute and take a deep breath and collect his thoughts, but he handled it very professionally and continued to do his job," Hurley said.

A full-grown adult has 20 to 25 pounds of their total weight from their bones. If these were traveler-style suitcases, I'm going to go on a limb and guess these are smaller people. I'm 5'8 and sturdy and can fit in my largest suitcase, but there is no way in heck I'd get into the next size down. Yes, I did hop into my suitcase. Because, SCIENCE! And also because I haven't mortified my teenager yet today.

I find it kind of odd that they reported the name of the officer who investigated the location where the bodies were discovered. Wouldn't you want to keep that information quiet? Or am I overthinking this?

OT-I smiled a bit that Hurley said the officer took a deep breath and continued the task. As a registered nurse who is well-versed in wound care, I can guarantee that's taking a deep breath is the last thing he did. The smell of rotting flesh is vile and stays in your nose for a long time. If anything, he said "Holy *****!", then threw up from the double lung full of yuck he got initially when he opened the suitcase.
Maybe the suitcases were wet from rain and the maintenance worker just figured they were waterlogged, so he didn't think much about how heavy they were. Also, I've rolled my suitcases through the woods to campsites before, so it wouldn't be that hard to just roll them to the street and not be suspicious of their weight. If they were black and pink like that statement above, maybe the mower assumed they contained "lady garments" and was too much of a gentleman to take a peek inside for fear of embarrassing some poor lady for exposing her unmentionables to male eyes.

But I'm sure in hindsight, he's very glad he didn't take a peek!

Maybe the suitcases were wet from rain and the maintenance worker just figured they were waterlogged, so he didn't think much about how heavy they were. Also, I've rolled my suitcases through the woods to campsites before, so it wouldn't be that hard to just roll them to the street and not be suspicious of their weight.

Both very good points, Trish. Rolling a suitcase on wheels is far easier than lifting and carrying it when it is heavy. One thing about this is bothering me, though. If memory serves correctly, one of the men who was interviewed said it was "bulgy". I've never stuffed a body (well besides my own living one) in a suitcase before. I have, however, overpacked on numerous occasions. Wouldn't a suitcase overstuffed with dead human being look different than a suitcase overstuffed with clothes, shoes and electrical accoutrements? It just seems like something that would make someone say "Oh, hey. This really doesn't look right."

Regardless of the shape of these cases, they probably were quite waterlogged. It's been incredibly rainy here since mid May or so, with flood conditions in some areas. I'm not near enough to Lake Geneva to speak from experience, but I don't think that they had enough rainfall to cause the cases to wash from another area to the one they were discovered in.
A full-grown adult has 20 to 25 pounds of their total weight from their bones. If these were traveler-style suitcases, I'm going to go on a limb and guess these are smaller people. I'm 5'8 and sturdy and can fit in my largest suitcase, but there is no way in heck I'd get into the next size down. Yes, I did hop into my suitcase. Because, SCIENCE! And also because I haven't mortified my teenager yet today.

I find it kind of odd that they reported the name of the officer who investigated the location where the bodies were discovered. Wouldn't you want to keep that information quiet? Or am I overthinking this?

OT-I smiled a bit that Hurley said the officer took a deep breath and continued the task. As a registered nurse who is well-versed in wound care, I can guarantee that's taking a deep breath is the last thing he did. The smell of rotting flesh is vile and stays in your nose for a long time. If anything, he said "Holy *****!", then threw up from the double lung full of yuck he got initially when he opened the suitcase.

I love that you climbed into your suitcase!!! Even if your teenager doesn't!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Good sleuthing work!!:seeya:
2 bodies found stuffed inside suitcases near Lake Geneva were female


According to the link one was determined to be an adult. The other appears to be an adult.

Just saw this too. Unless it is some combo of wife/mom/daughter/gf I think the likelihood of this being domestic has significantly decreased.

ETA because I would think at least one of the above familial females would have family or friends who would have reported them missing. And because they are both probably adults, not an adult female and child female.
Just saw this too. Unless it is some combo of wife/mom/daughter/gf I think the likelihood of this being domestic has significantly decreased.

ETA because I would think at least one of the above familial females would have family or friends who would have reported them missing. And because they are both probably adults, not an adult female and child female.

I'm thinking along the lines of an OD. A lot of heroin od's lately, and if a group were using and two od' the others would fear being held responsible. In a lot of area's the supplier can be charged if they sold or gave to someone who od'd.

Since we haven't seen anyone reported missing, I'm thinking someone who may be known not to report in for periods of time and no one worries.

I wonder who might recognize the black and pink suitcases.. A motel clerk? Someone camping?

ETA: If these weren't newly purchased suitcases it's possible they belong to one of the victims. LE has not commented on the condition of the suitcases, if they were new/er, old.
I am definitely thinking no to DV at this point.

The drugs are now screaming at me, those towns are unfortunately riddled with drugs and junkies, and so many are out to protect themselves, maybe they died at a party, and like most users - probably wouldn't want to call the cops when you have a house full of drugs and people on them.

Other thoughts.. Sugar Shack strip club. Anyone know if that is still open?! Bad scenario there?!

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I notice that they have not said if there were any clothes found on/with the bodies. If it were an OD, I would imagine there would be clothes and I don't think they would have bothered with suitcases. But that's just my opinion.

ETA: MrsSmith23^^ What do you mean by DV? I can't figure that one out.
I notice that they have not said if there were any clothes found on/with the bodies. If it were an OD, I would imagine there would be clothes and I don't think they would have bothered with suitcases. But that's just my opinion.

ETA: MrsSmith23^^ What do you mean by DV? I can't figure that one out.

Domestic violence.

Those are good point about the OD.. Suitcases would really only make sense if it was someone to weak to do it maybe?

Sugar Shack is in the back of my mind, it's right by there - strip club and in recent years has gone WAY downhill from what I understand.. However I am not positive it is still open.

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