Will Casey make a deal if told they are going for death penalty?

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Deal or no Deal ? that's the question! Poll here...

  • Yes I feel strongly about it!

    Votes: 13 5.2%
  • Yes I feel perhaps she may do this.

    Votes: 22 8.7%
  • Yes I feel it is slightly probably.

    Votes: 8 3.2%
  • Maybe, but they may want to see what other evidence is there first.

    Votes: 38 15.1%
  • Maybe, but I'm not too sure.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
  • Maybe, just maybe.

    Votes: 10 4.0%
  • I don't think so, unless there is stonger evidence than what we've seen so far.

    Votes: 19 7.5%
  • I don't think, but I just can't get her.

    Votes: 9 3.6%
  • I Don't think so.

    Votes: 26 10.3%
  • HE!! NO! She thinks she is innocent!

    Votes: 20 7.9%
  • He!! NO! She really believes her own lies!

    Votes: 41 16.3%
  • He!! NO!

    Votes: 22 8.7%
  • He!! No! She is innocent because Caylee is still alive so why deal?

    Votes: 5 2.0%
  • He!! No! They have the wrong Casey!

    Votes: 12 4.8%

  • Total voters
I, for one, do not want the DP for her. If there is the offer for her to accept a "deal", she should take it. It's the right thing to do for Caylee, for herself and her family. She needs to spend a lot of time away to think about what she's done. The baby needs her right to a proper and respectful burial and her parents need to come back to reality so they can stop running themselves into the ground over a hope that was fed from KC's lies. The pretense of what their daughter created in their minds will eventually destroy them if the truth doesn't emerge somehow. Two weeks and Equusearch will be back with more searchers than ever before. I really think she will be found this time - (PRAY THAT IT DOESN'T RAIN ANYMORE) so maybe there will be no more need for a "deal".
I don't want the death penalty for her. It would serve no purpose other than cruel justice for Caylee who if available to speak would not want her mother to suffer that punishment. I am certain she loved her mother. Caylee is in a better place, her mother is ill and the family will posthumously suffer the consequences and the full story needs to be told. We need to understand why this happened; we have invested a lot of emotions and a full and open trial would help many people cope and understand imo.

I don't want to see her get the death penalty either. I don't believe in the death penalty but that's for it's own entire forum. lol..

Death is an easy way out and will only leave more heartache for her family. They didn't ask for this.

As much as I know Caylee loved her mother, she would never understand why she could kill. If Caylee had been allowed to live to a rusty old age, I think she would understand our justice system.

Everything looks different through the eyes of a child. Some are not so good.
I don't want the death penalty for her. It would serve no purpose other than cruel justice for Caylee who if available to speak would not want her mother to suffer that punishment. I am certain she loved her mother. Caylee is in a better place, her mother is ill and the family will posthumously suffer the consequences and the full story needs to be told. We need to understand why this happened; we have invested a lot of emotions and a full and open trial would help many people cope and understand imo.

I totally understand you in thinking that way. However, Caylee doesn't have the chance to say what she would want for her mother. At least that's fair to assume at this juncture. I'm sure no 3 year old child would want their parents to be put to death, no matter what harm they may have caused the child. That happens sometimes around 13. LOL (insert joke on teenage angst here).... But the courts have to decide what is best for the rest of the population. The justice system does not love KC. It grants her certain rights, but this is not based on emotion. It's based on facts. And the judgement will come down based on those facts.

She may be ill, this is also true, but again, what good will she provide the public being alive vs in prison the rest of her life? To save the health of her parents? Not sure I can go with that... No matter how this goes, I hope the family can come to terms with whatever the jury decides and also with the notion/evidence of their grandbaby is in this better place.

I'm all for closure and healing, but I'm equally all for justice to be served for those who no longer have a voice... I'm no so sure Ms. KC should have rights to much in life (air, meals, working out, etc.) that she didn't extend to her own child. Caylee will not be able to walk, to see the sun, to eat a warm meal, to learn to read, etc... while someone sitting in jail for a crime such as murder can do all of the above.

That's just my thoughts.... not worth much, but I thought I'd share anyway. :)

I think if she is facing the dp, she may talk but since nothing has gotten her to spill it to this point I am not really sure.
4,) She would have to work at Target for the rest of her life as a checker.

Bahahahaha!!! But can I clarify that condition a bit? She has to work for Target as a checker, forced to take bad checks and then having to repeatedly have her Supervisor write her up for not following procedure on check taking, then she'd have to go to the police station and make a written statement about the bad checks. Every day, same thing, kind of like 'Groundhog Day'.

I'd also like to see part of her punishment including locking her in a room with only Amy H for a couple of hours and telling Amy that she can do whatever she wants to KC with no repercussions and bring whatever she wants to with her. I'd beat her to within an inch of her life with a pair of oversized white sunglasses and a bra hanger.
what makes you believe it's her nature? she hasn't done anything like that as of yet.

i stand by my original opinion, she would go to her death and feel like it's a glorious one, taking her knowledge with her and leaving everyone else to try to pick up the pieces.

because its always about her...

she is so selfish, she will do anything to save herself from death

she has NEVER been in a sitaution before that she could not LIE herself out of

until now..
That's the funny thing though, she's told so many lies, no matter what she says no one will believe her. The books will be written with the fact that she was implicated for these charges, should it go that way. And some day she will be forgotten... Even when we talk of other that committed crimes ( S. Peterson) they aren't remembered for their insistence on being innocent. They are remembered for being murderous individuals and the heinous crimes committed. Yes, remembered but with the next generation that will fade.

Furthermore, even in her world perception rules. Perfect girlfriend, pretty, over achiever, dedicated worker, good friend, good mom, adorable child... it's all about what she wanted people to see... but now, it's backfired and folks (especially the jury) will see through the smoke.
If she's isolated in prison this will do more damage to her mind, cause again, it's all about the roll she wants to play and folks to buy into. Having no audience is bad for her.

JMO and random thoughts....

oh, i completely agree with you. my take on what she will or will not do does not mean it matches my opinion on what is right.

i'm with you on all this. i just don't think she'll talk and i'll think she'll eat up the attention death row would get her, rather than spending her last days as a roach in a roach motel.
I feel that may be the only thing that will make her talk.
I think she will lie till the bitter end just like Scott Peterson...sitting still in denial on death row, waiting on his appeal.
IMO she will take her chances with a jury, get convicted and hope that the body will not be found. I don't think that a jury will give her the needle without a body, not wanting to put someone to death without that diffinitive.
OR if a body is found and she gets the needle, wait for appeals.
because its always about her...

she is so selfish, she will do anything to save herself from death

she has NEVER been in a sitaution before that she could not LIE herself out of

until now..

i don't know, i see what you're saying, but for the same reasons you state, i see her doing the exact opposite. weird, isn't it? lol.
I do not think she will get the death penalty to begin with.
But if they tell her that, yes she may talk, because if she is a Sociopath, she will want to save herself.
i hope they try whatever works.
in the end i dont think she will ever tell. well the exact truth on what happened to caylee.
TRUST NO ONE, ONLY YOURSELF.............her words, she will never tell.
Unfourtunately, I think that she will take this to the grave.
She has been offered a deal one time before. She didnt accept.
As much as I want her to take us to Caylee, Casey is a sociopath. She is manipulative & she thinks she has the control. When reality sinks in she will tell, but my friends, I belive when it finally does, it will be too late. Casey will be sentenced to death.
sooo...do you or do you not think casey will talk if faced with the death penalty?

I believe she WILL recieve the death penalty, others have been sentenced for WAY less & the indictment doesnt look promising. Murder 1 is punishable by death. With manslaughter, I believe she is a good candidate.
I believe she WILL recieve the death penalty, others have been sentenced for WAY less & the indictment doesnt look promising. Murder 1 is punishable by death. With manslaughter, I believe she is a good candidate.

sorry if you thought that meant toward you, i was asking another poster who posted but didn't answer the question. oops. :)

just wanted to know what they thought. i know where you stand, and i think we agree.
I feel that may be the only thing that will make her talk.

I agree with this. She has a self-preservation that goes well into "selfish". I can see her doing anything to avoid the death penalty.

Unless she calls their bluff since there is no body and she'll be hoping for reasonable doubt. But that would be a crazy move on her part, IMO. I'm sure LE has way more evidence against her than they have let the public know.
I am still undecided on this one.

Every pathological liar I have personally know was all tough-guy blustery brave in outward appearances but on the inside, a complete pathetic cowardly excuse for humanity.
That being said, I cannot say for sure she would wheel and deal her way out of the DP. :deal:

The other factor is that I picture her as being very tempted by the whole Joan of Arc:burn: martyrdom scenario and a sense that dying while maintaining her innocence will assure her a place in female-martyr-history books.
The other factor is that I picture her as being very tempted by the whole Joan of Arc:burn: martyrdom scenario and a sense that dying while maintaining her innocence will assure her a place is female-martyr-history books.

finally someone who agrees with me on this aspect! lol. miracles do happen! :woohoo:

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