Will Casey Testify?

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Will KC testify at trial?

  • She will testify.

    Votes: 312 27.4%
  • She will not testify.

    Votes: 826 72.6%

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I can't see it happening now. Not that I have a great deal of faith in the DT, mind you, but they did say they were going to finish tomorrow. If she goes on that stand, she would be up there for a long time under the grueling cross LDB would level. I can't see it being a minor event.
I wonder if saying they were ending tomorrow was another red herring so they could shock when ICA gets on the stand. I would think she's still pushing to go up there because she looks to be foaming at the mouth when CA and GA take the stand. She could tell all her lies and get so much attention that it might be too much for her to pass up.

I can't imagine they would end with River but maybe they would. I just hope we don't have to see CA, GA, LA, YM, RK, BS, etc. again.

Another prob for Casey if she gets on stand is JB isn't a great lawyer and could help screw it up even more.
I voted no because I think she would be even crazier than many of us think she is to do so. But I REALLY!!!! hope she does.
With prosecution having the next round of questioning, and the last word in the trial, I believe ICA MUST take the stand if she wants to get out of 1st degree murder. I know that it would be hard for her to create "reasonable doubt", but without her limited testimony, she can't weaken the prosecutions next round, or last word.

With this defense strategy ineffectively adding doubt, the jurors are likely sitting at 2nd degree murder as a guarantee. The prosecution will be able to take the jury up to the next notch with their clear and concise explanation.

If ICA takes the stand, and Baez effectively limiting the scope, she can add doubts. JB can ask, "Did you murder your daughter?" and "Did you place the duct tape on her mouth?" and sit down. ASA can then ask a limited number of questions that ICA can answer for herself. If JB leaves out all timelines (which he is really good at forgetting), then ICA can do what she used to do best. Convince people (I'm careful to not say LIE). Even Hitler and Dahlmer were at one time convincing speakers.

So, JB limits the scope, JA asks when the tape was placed, and her self defense becomes her best chance of all. No other questions about the kidnapping lies, or the mode of death will come out than ICA can handle on her own.

With her testimony, she gets the best chance she has ever had. Now, someone please explain to JB how to not open the door for a Mack Truck.


I do not think that Baez CAN really limit the scope. The state has the option to try and impeach her and they can bring in any LIES she has already told to try and do so. That gives them a lot of topics to discuss. And if Baez asks anything about the tape and the 'tragic incident' then the door is opened for the state to discuss their theory of the tragedy. I hope she takes the stand but if so it will be a long and bumpy ride.
If KC can be as convincing as GA was today, she'd better take her chances and testify in defense of herself. I'd love to hear what she has to say that counters everything GA said today.
In the beginning of the trial I would have said no way will JB put Casey on the stand, Now at this point, I wonder if it even matters if Casey goes on the stand. It's not like she will help or hurt the defense at all. I think the jury already has made up their minds.

Of course this is my opinion and it seems to change often!
If ICA takes the stand, I believe almost everything she says will be a lie. I also believe the jurors will never, and I mean never, believe a word that she says. Because of this, I am voting for a new category: "Whether Casey takes the stand or not makes absolutely no difference to the first phase of the trial." She will be found guilty of first degree murder.

However, if ICA takes the stand and the jurors experience her bald-faced lying to their faces ... this very well may push some of them off the fence and into voting for the death penalty, no matter what happens during the penalty phase of the trial. I believe this because the jurors have seen her response to her grieving father, her lack of any grieving (mind you I did not say proper or improper, I mean any grieving) over her daughter's death, the hold she has over her family, and the evidence against her. The jury does not love her; they are not being paid to hold her hand, pat her back and believe her story; and they have not been bullied by her for years, as I believe her own family has, into denial and lying to stave off her rages. They will be properly impartial.

I believe the defense team has done nothing but underestimate the intelligence of the jurors throughout this entire trial. I believe the DT, like ICA, believe they are smarter than the average person. So NOT true.
I think CM got the competency evaluate done because she has insisted that she wants to take the stand. Now the docs say she is competent so in her mind she can successfully take the stand!
Two years ago, I posted that I wondered if she would take the stand primarily because she is such a narcissist, and also if she would try to represent herself like Ted Bundy did.

I noticed her intense note-taking today, too. Why is she so intent on all the scribbling and scrutiny if the defense is ready to rest? She probably is playing lawyer by now, thinking she knows the system and can beat it. She thinks she can play the prosecution and the jury like she thought she did Melich. She probably figures they wouldn't be as hard on her as he was. My heart will skip a beat if they call her to the stand. I think it will be the best theatrical performance any of us will see this entire year. I hope that Ashton et al have some incredible zingers to sling her way.
I think they will put her on the stand tomorrow. I think JB knew today that he would (of course, I could be wrong).
She has a lot to lose. If she testifies, anything she says on the stand stands in the record. If she were to be convicted without testifying and there was some kind of overturn on appeal, she could possibly get a whole new trial and come up with a whole new story. Otherwise, she'll have to continue to stick to what 'she said on the record. The way this trial has gone ineffective council seems a like a real possibility.

ICA has also has 3 years to perfect her lying - okay so the defense opening statement was a bust - but she's had the last 31 days to hear all the evidence, to hear all the witnesses and I don't believe all the busy note taking the last few days has been ICA practicing her penmanship.

I honestly think she'll do it and I don't think I'm going to believe anything else until the State put on their rebuttal.

Baez has lied to the court on many occasions and today was another of his lies to keep everyone guessing to the last moment - Baez wants her to testify and she wants to. IMO
so if KC insists on taking the stand against her attys wishes, do they HAVE to let her anyway? Also, if she does take the stand does she have to answer the SA cross examination questions or can she just plead the 5th?

so if KC insists on taking the stand against her attys wishes, do they HAVE to let her anyway? Also, if she does take the stand does she have to answer the SA cross examination questions or can she just plead the 5th?


And does the state get to depose ahead of time, as with regular witnesses, or just cross-examine when the defense is done with direct?
so if KC insists on taking the stand against her attys wishes, do they HAVE to let her anyway? Also, if she does take the stand does she have to answer the SA cross examination questions or can she just plead the 5th?


She has to undergo the cross.
And does the state get to depose ahead of time, as with regular witnesses, or just cross-examine when the defense is done with direct?

No depo but I'm sure they've had this list of questions ready for sometime now! She's confident enough to think she'll be able to pull it off.
I heard one of the TH's on TV say that ICA should not take the stand because on appeal she can go with an entirely new theory of defense. If she testifies now, she will be locked into the current theory which hasn't worked very well.
I was in court when Ted Bundy cracked. It was horrifying -became an animal in front of my eyes. Went from lawyeresque to terrifying twos in seconds flat.
No depo but I'm sure they've had this list of questions ready for sometime now! She's confident enough to think she'll be able to pull it off.

BS said LDB has been working on her cross for over two years. She will be ready, for sure.
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