Will Casey Testify?

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Will KC testify at trial?

  • She will testify.

    Votes: 312 27.4%
  • She will not testify.

    Votes: 826 72.6%

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I read in the lawyer's thread that Casey testifying would open up A LOT of doors. I think that after the DT talks to her about howshe would probably spend hours being cross-examined, and all her videos and calls would be introduced as evidence, she will probably decide not to testify. If she does, she's insane.
Without a doubt JA would rip her apart, but ICA loathes JA & LDB. The looks of disdain she has when she looks at them are enough to make my skin crawl. ICA has sociapathic tendencies and she believes that she is smarter than both of them combined and can get on the stand and lie, lie, lie and make their case fall apart and make the jury believe her. I believe she'll take the stand. JMOO

I hope you're right. I would love nothing more than to see her on the stand.
Up until today, I though ICA would never take the stand. But JP's statement about it being her decision to testify changed my mind a little bit. Not as much his statement, but the way in which he delivered it. After stating that it was the defendants decision only, he kinda pursed his lips together and raised his eyebrows, and I think shrugged a couple of times. It just gave the me the impression, he knew the DT didn't want her to testify. That's just the way I read him.
I read in the lawyer's thread that Casey testifying would open up A LOT of doors. I think that after the DT talks to her about howshe would probably spend hours being cross-examined, and all her videos and calls would be introduced as evidence, she will probably decide not to testify. If she does, she's insane.

Right. Which is what triggered that competency evaluation, imo. CM was probably trying to convince her, for the millionth time, that she could not testify. And I think that she freaked out finally and began to demand that they allow her to do so on Saturday. So CM tried to shut that down. But I think she was all smiles because in Casey-land, she was proven correct by the 3 shrinks. So I think she will take the stand.
I really don't know if the DT knows if she'll take the stand at this moment, however IF she DOES, I've no doubt they will attempt to spin her decision as a way to emotionally sway the jury. I think the DT WOULD try to tell her to stay within pre-set parameters regardless of what she is asked, as I think she's more than capable of going off on tangents and making-up answers on the fly...

I DO think she very much wants to "explain" her party behavior after Caylee was killed; regardless if this was a drowning accident or a murder- NO NORMAL mother would behave the way that ICA did, and THAT is the one aspect she would want to clarify for the jury. ICA most likely feels SHE, and she alone is crafty enough to convince that jury that she is just as much a victim as poor little Caylee.

I pray she does take the stand, but at this point I just don't know. I do think if she does, the DT will call her last and attempt to make it into a huge dramatic, "made for TV movie" moment and that thought disgusts me to no end.


Yes, it has to be asked, but they all know that. HHJP did not need to make that announcement today. The fact that he did, his tone when doing so and casey's reaction make me think something is up.

I definitely felt that HHJP was putting all of the attorneys on notice that if Ms. Anthony chooses to tesify, she will do so.
Right. Which is what triggered that competency evaluation, imo. CM was probably trying to convince her, for the millionth time, that she could not testify. And I think that she freaked out finally and began to demand that they allow her to do so on Saturday. So CM tried to shut that down. But I think she was all smiles because in Casey-land, she was proven correct by the 3 shrinks. So I think she will take the stand.

That's a good point. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
I believe she will take the stand if ...she feels the jury isn't convinced she is innocent....I believe she feels she can outwit everyone including the prosecution...talk her way out of it...I believe she has been behaving this way her entire life...why stop now? JMHO
I can honestly say I'm not sure.....

I do think if I were a juror (even after stating I wouldn't hold it against her if she didn't testify when AF was questioning me before i was picked, lol) I would probably wonder why she isn't testifying.... I would probably see it as guilt because IMO if she were innocent she would be screaming it on the rooftop not hiding behind sweaters in court....

I almost believe she has to testfy because I haven't heard anything that makes me believe JB's opening.... They are saying GA (and even LA to a lessor extent) molested her yet I haven't even heard them being questioned about it.... Nothing JB said in his opening has been shown IMO....

if i were a betting person I would say no, she wont testify... i think the SA would rip her to shreds and I also believe it has been proven over and over that she is a liar so why would anyone believe what she said anyway...

but, omgosh, i would love it if she did testify!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guess Im just going to have to hold my excitement until i hear GUILTY, LWOP!!!! yippie!
From observing her behavior these past almost-three years, and definitely from watching her during trial, I think ICA would like nothing more than to get on the stand and perform. To her, "all the world's a stage," and the witness stand in this trial is this summer's blockbuster. How can she resist? In her warped little mind, this is her "reality" show and she's the star!

So what that she has been shown to be a pathological liar and that nothing that comes out of her mouth can be believed. So if she wants to pilot her private Titanic right down to the depths, who are we to say no? Have at it.

I hope that if ICA does testify, Linda does the cross. ICA won't budge an inch from her story (if Yuri can't break her, who can?), but Linda will drive the Mack Truck of Truth right through every hole in her story.

From observing her behavior these past almost-three years, and definitely from watching her during trial, I think ICA would like nothing more than to get on the stand and perform. To her, "all the world's a stage," and the witness stand in this trial is this summer's blockbuster. How can she resist? In her warped little mind, this is her "reality" show and she's the star!

So what that she has been shown to be a pathological liar and that nothing that comes out of her mouth can be believed. So if she wants to pilot her private Titanic right down to the depths, who are we to say no? Have at it.

I hope that if ICA does testify, Linda does the cross. ICA won't budge an inch from her story (if Yuri can't break her, who can?), but Linda will drive the Mack Truck of Truth right through every hole in her story.


But........which story will be it? :waitasec:
Back when I voted I said no. Today, I'm torn about it. If she's half as smart as she thinks she is, she wont. But she's in the same league as Diane Downs and Darlie Routier. Her nodding her head today said to me ~Yeah it is my decision CM and JB~ so maybe she will. It would be my absolute pleasure to see her on the stand to get ripped apart so I don't think she will.
Have I confused you people enough for one day? LOL.
initially i didn't think there was much chance she'd take the stand. after saturday's competency request and JP's statement today (and the manner in which he said it) i have a much stronger feeling she *may* take the stand.

so before i thought there was a less than 1% chance she'd take the stand... now i think it's about 50/50.
As her team told her not to I'm sure she will just because she likes to control and have her way. Her team did their job in having her evaluated so she can't whine about it afterwards. Smart that judge will ask her and get it on the record.
From observing her behavior these past almost-three years, and definitely from watching her during trial, I think ICA would like nothing more than to get on the stand and perform. To her, "all the world's a stage," and the witness stand in this trial is this summer's blockbuster. How can she resist? In her warped little mind, this is her "reality" show and she's the star!

So what that she has been shown to be a pathological liar and that nothing that comes out of her mouth can be believed. So if she wants to pilot her private Titanic right down to the depths, who are we to say no? Have at it.

I hope that if ICA does testify, Linda does the cross. ICA won't budge an inch from her story (if Yuri can't break her, who can?), but Linda will drive the Mack Truck of Truth right through every hole in her story.


Most defense attorneys will say that their "presumed innocent" clients want "their day in court". In most cases, we never hear from the defendant because they are advised to not testify by their legal representation. Casey Anthony is a whole 'nother species. When Jose Baez proclaimed that "his client wanted her day in court", he meant it - and so did Ms. Anthony. Methinks that Baez will soon eat his words for displaying typical defense attorney bravado for his client whom he probably knows is guilty of the charges against her. jmo
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