Will Casey Testify?

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Will KC testify at trial?

  • She will testify.

    Votes: 312 27.4%
  • She will not testify.

    Votes: 826 72.6%

  • Total voters
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Oh gosh, IF she does testify, I seriously want Jeff Ashton to do cross!!!! He will be SO FIRED UP that his feet will be dancing!!!! Jeff has WAY too much fun when he corners a witness so I think that Jeff and Linda both deserve this as their BIG FINALE!!!!! :great: :great: :great:
I was in court when Ted Bundy cracked. It was horrifying -became an animal in front of my eyes. Went from lawyeresque to terrifying twos in seconds flat.

Wow, that is fascinating. Mind if I ask what caused him to break?
Trapshooter, the top ten was hilarious and true at the same time. #1 is why I hope that she is fool enough and testifies! With her present attitude:loser: she might just let her chance to be in the spotlight bring her to the stand!
She shouldn't but I don't see her passing up the opportunity to be the star and have all eyes focused on her. She wants to be the victim and will tell tall tales to no end. She is foaming at the mouth today over George and I'm sure not pleased her mother said she no nothing of Lee in Casey's bedroom. She wants them to pay because Princess Casey isn't being worshipped and her puppets have come to life and have voices she can't control. I also think part of why she was so ticked today was because so much soft and heartfelt love was shown to Caylee. How dare they love the baby more?
Truer words were never spoken. Let's all hope that the ending we wish for comes tomorrow! And justice is finally served for Caylee!
I didn't read all the responses here, but while I would LOVE for her to take the stand, I do not think she will. I think if she is convicted she will try to appeal on ineffective counsel and if she testifies, it's unlikely she would win that battle. If she doesn't testify, her new DT can come up with an entirely different theory of what happened which she could testify to.

P.S. I only watched bits and pieces today. What was it that the judge asked her today? And what was her response? Thanks.
I missed that part of todays trial too and would like the answer to that as well. I will probably try and find it and watch it on the orlando channel 9 web site! will post as soon as I find out, if noone else answers it!
She shouldn't but I don't see her passing up the opportunity to be the star and have all eyes focused on her. She wants to be the victim and will tell tall tales to no end. She is foaming at the mouth today over George and I'm sure not pleased her mother said she no nothing of Lee in Casey's bedroom. She wants them to pay because Princess Casey isn't being worshipped and her puppets have come to life and have voices she can't control. I also think part of why she was so ticked today was because so much soft and heartfelt love was shown to Caylee. How dare they love the baby more?

unfortunantly, i believe JB will agree/want her to take the stand also. so ITA

i have really felt that no way a responsible DT would allow that.

but tonight, i am feeling like this will actually happen.

and for all the reasons that you have stated. ICA will have to have her say after all the other have had their chance, and all she has been able to do is cry or nod her head yes or no. jmo
I will be shocked if Casey Anthony doesn't take the stand. I think she has just been waiting to get on that stand and straighten everyone out concerning what really happened. She loves to be in the limelight and thinks that she is smarter than everyone else. I think that is why she has been doing all of the writing...getting ready. Her ego won't let her pass up the chance to be the big cheese on the stand. I hope Jeff is the person that questions her. He will rip her a new one. Her mental illness won't let her pass the chance up to be in charge/control.

I don't think that she can try for a new trial using the "bad counsel" reason. I've heard the judge ask her several times if she is satisfied with her counsel and she always says, 'YES."

I also want to say that I will never believe that Biaz wrote that opening statement. It doesn't sound like him and he has done such a bad job during this trial that he couldn't have written the opening. I think one of the women wrote it. CM isn't any better than Biaz when it comes to questioning people so I doubt that he wrote the opening but I know Biaz didn't write it. He is such a smirky person...not what I want to call him but I'd get the boot if I said what I really think of him! I hope and pray that Casey gets LWOP and nothing less. I hope and pray that the jurors have a lot of common sense and remember the important things they have heard throughout the trial.
I didn't read all the responses here, but while I would LOVE for her to take the stand, I do not think she will. I think if she is convicted she will try to appeal on ineffective counsel and if she testifies, it's unlikely she would win that battle. If she doesn't testify, her new DT can come up with an entirely different theory of what happened which she could testify to.

P.S. I only watched bits and pieces today. What was it that the judge asked her today? And what was her response? Thanks.

aah, good point. i forgot that the new DT could start all over with a new story to testify to.

as far as what the HHJP asked her, it came after the motion by Ms. Finnell by phone this am for a mistrial based on a new ruling in FLA by their supreme court in a death penalty case(making the DP unconstitutional). ICA's team knew this phone-motion was to happen at 8:30 am, but none of them showed. Ms. Finell did her thing for the Judge, and at the end, ICA was to say if she agreed with the motion for mistrial or not. No lawyers were there (hmmm on purpose? no idea), so the Judge asked if ICA could answer if she agreed or not without her attorneys being present. She was ready and popped right up and said she agreed with Ms. Finnell about the mistrial.
dr. phil was just on cnn's anderson 360, and he said casey would 'absolutely not' take the stand in his opinion. and that it would be 'tantamount to malpractice' if her lawyers were to let her.

That shows how much he knows about the legal system then. It is NOT about them 'letting her.' They have no say or power over that decision. It is entirely up to her. So I have no idea how he could even allude to it being 'malpractice.'
I will be shocked if Casey Anthony doesn't take the stand. I think she has just been waiting to get on that stand and straighten everyone out concerning what really happened. She loves to be in the limelight and thinks that she is smarter than everyone else. I think that is why she has been doing all of the writing...getting ready. Her ego won't let her pass up the chance to be the big cheese on the stand. I hope Jeff is the person that questions her. He will rip her a new one. Her mental illness won't let her pass the chance up to be in charge/control.

I don't think that she can try for a new trial using the "bad counsel" reason. I've heard the judge ask her several times if she is satisfied with her counsel and she always says, 'YES."

I also want to say that I will never believe that Biaz wrote that opening statement. It doesn't sound like him and he has done such a bad job during this trial that he couldn't have written the opening. I think one of the women wrote it. CM isn't any better than Biaz when it comes to questioning people so I doubt that he wrote the opening but I know Biaz didn't write it. He is such a smirky person...not what I want to call him but I'd get the boot if I said what I really think of him! I hope and pray that Casey gets LWOP and nothing less. I hope and pray that the jurors have a lot of common sense and remember the important things they have heard throughout the trial.


Yup, one of the women, named CASEY. I think she came up with that waqcky
opening fairy tale. She wanted to blame it on everyone but her. Her mom left the ladder up, George did the duct taping and disposal, and Kronk, he is the scapegoat. Casey is a real piece of work. And after reading more about Ted Bundy recently, I see the similarity between him and ICA.
I read about his competency testing done by the court and the shrink described him exactly how I see ICA. [The link is in another thread so I will go try and find it.]
Anyway, I think she is dying to take the stand and tell us all why we are wrong and she is right. imoo
I just don't believe a thing JB says.
Therefore, there is no way I believe the defense will rest tomorrow.

My #1 prediction:
There will be a sidebar immediately tomorrow morning and the DT will tell HHJP that ICA has insisted that she testify. (JB probably already knows this tonight, however, why stop with all the bells and whistles in the 3-Ring circus now? After all, who really cares if this is his first rodeo, right? He might as well keep his face on TV another day or so since he is being scouted by Telemundo, right?)

Plus, I believe ICA has gotten such a super surge of trapeze artist energy from proving her competency over the weekend -- and then again Wednesday morning when she reigned alone at the defense table and actually got to turn on the microphone and speak!)

Baez will plead with the judge for a day (at least) to prepare his client -- I mean newly appointed co-counsel -- to testify.

If, for some reason (and it would take reason, little of which has been shown by the DT in this trial) my #1 prediction does not come to pass, here's my...

#2 prediction: JB will find some way to manage to delay, postpone, etc. coming to a close tomorrow, because, well, you know, just because something might happen given a few more rotations of the earth on its' axis, that might produce something new to throw against the wall.

In fact, JB is probably somewhere out in the leaf litter right now, eating 25 pounds of raw hamburger meat with a paper bag over his head, and wondering if it's really too late to decide to become a chemist -- an analytical chemist -- and uh, you know, analyze some chemicals. That's the ticket!
Since Judge Perry has tightened up all of the loopholes so that Baez' original plan of a "Smoking Gun" finish wasn't going to happen on JBP's watch, I feel pretty sure that he will opt for the shocking finale of the "Defendant Taking the Stand" approach.

The way ICA jumped up to the mic to speak this morning, I think she is dying to take the stage *cough* I mean stand.

If she does take the stand I think it will be bizarre and awkward and the only way that I can imagine it playing out is for ICA to just continue to stick to a piece of this story and a piece of that story and answer the questions that she is asked one at a time. If she handles it just like she handled herself with all of the detectives, LE, her parents and her friends and everyone else she has spoken to in the past 6 years at least. It's always worked for her before. It almost seems that ICA decides on her entire scenario before the questions start for each interview or discussion and answers each question as if the story that she is now telling is the *absolute* truth.

The thing that is so fascinating about how she is able to do that and get away with it is because she is fairly well-spoken and sounds so sincere when she is speaking. When she says something...anything... it is very hard to wrap our minds around the fact that this normal looking, normal sounding young woman and the things that she is charged with doing just don't match up. The best comparison for her that I've heard so far is Ted Bundy.

The attorneys ask those backwards questions that only need a Yes or No answer. If a tiny and pale faced ICA just answers Yes or No in a simple way, similar to the way Yuri testifies, although of course, ICA would be bold faced lying on the stand. But seriously she is up for life or death and has nothing to lose.

If she doesn't take the stand, she loses her last chance to be the "star", the "president of the company". She won't have another chance to be "everyone's biggest resource".

Unless she waits until the do-over.
If she testifies, she will be toast! It will be UGLY when JA hands her the needle and she pokes her own arm. Figuratively, of course... JA is magnitudes smarter than ICA and he will turn her into a State's Witness, too. No. She will not be using the actual needle, but it will be suicidal, none the less.
dr. phil was just on cnn's anderson 360, and he said casey would 'absolutely not' take the stand in his opinion. and that it would be 'tantamount to malpractice' if her lawyers were to let her.

WRONG! That is exactly what the competency hearing was all about. Her lawyers requested it to try to stop her, and to cover themselves. That way, if she is determined to be incompetent, they can keep her off the stand. And, if she is competent and takes the stand, her lawyers are not responsible for what happens.

Some of the THs really amaze me, that they talk sooooooooooo much and think sooooooooooo little.
Well, time to get ready for another day of "magical thinkling" and "magical testimony"! We finally get to see if ca will take the stand in her defense! Everyone have a blessed day!
I just logged on! Any word if she might or might not testify?
I just logged on! Any word if she might or might not testify?
They are on break until 1:30 p.m. Eastern. That's the big question -- whether or not ICA is the next witness. Better stay logged on or you might not be able to get back on WS at 1:30 p.m.
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