Will Cindy attend the Motion Hearing Friday

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I think if she does not go, it was suggested by someone she not go. I think JB is trying to do serious damage control for kc's demeanor, and knowing this would be the first time she and kc have seen each other since Caylee's body was found...any interaction between the 2 of them will be highly criticized and givin kc's inability to show emotion (except for herself) JB probably thinks any interaction would only further "taint" his client. And he's right!
I'd tend to lean toward the idea that CA will NOT be in attendance at tomorrow's proceedings.

However, I would absolutely love it if she did and when her eyes would meet KC's...for CA to mouth to KC something like...I forgive you or...WHY???
I'd tend to lean toward the idea that CA will NOT be in attendance at tomorrow's proceedings.

However, I would absolutely love it if she did and when her eyes would meet KC's...for CA to mouth to KC something like...I forgive you or...WHY???

Well CA's attorney said that CA wanted to go to the last hearing that KC was forced to go to but didnt know that she would be in court. I truely believe that JB is keeping her away from anyone in order to keep KC in check.
I think CA REALLY wants to see her daughter and maybe show up to show JB who's the boss in that family. I hope she yells at her daughter finally. SHe needs to and then maybe just maybe KC will spill the beans right there on TV for all of us to see... hmmmmmm ya never know.
I pray CA does go, to face kc. To let kc know they know the turth. and to let kc see first hand how she has destroyed their family. Someone in that family has to stand up to her.
I personally don't think that CA will show up. If she is a no show it will be a sign to Casey that their support is waining for her.....she is on her own.....wake up, Casey. Since they found Caylee's bones they have been awfully quiet. When Caylee was "missing" they could just spin, spin, spin, and say incredibly mindless things to show support for Casey. Now that the baby was found in a Winnie the Pooh blanket, duct tape, stickers and trash bags that may be tied to the house, there has been no need to do their daily meet and greet with the press and show off their new shirts. With what they know or what they didn't do for Caylee, she should be up there with her daughter.

There is no reason for her to be there now. If she goes, it will be a media circus that will only play negatively for eternity on video tape loops around the newsrooms. Kinda like the jail house conversations they are trying to avoid now. I do hope she stays away.

As for George....he was utterly brillant in my opinion. The only way he could have gotten out of that house and into a place of solace where he could get his mind and spirit back together, was to prove he wanted to take his life. He is in a place where there is no reminders of Caylee's living spirit.....moments where he would catch himself looking down the hallway thinking she was there or sleeping in bed or on the couch remembering how she would "honk" his nose to wake him up or hear a sound and think it was her playing in the room as usual. The mundane but cute things kids do when they are that young. I am sure he wanted to take his own life living under the pressures of the confines of his own home and his own family...what is left of it. He IS the only sane person, imho. Cindy should just stay home and stay away from BOTH of them. Just send Lee in.
I don't think Cindy will go to the hearing.

Ever since Casey was indicted and arrested on October 14th, there's been no contact (to our knowledge) between Casey and her family. I believe that's due to Casey's refusal to see her parents. I don't think Cindy would risk going to the hearing and have Casey publicly ignore her presence.

I'm not convinced that George and Cindy have backed away from their position of "Casey is innocent." BC is trying to clean up the Anthony's public image, and as such suggested that the Anthonys no longer believe that Casey is 100% innocent. I will believe that when I see either of the Anthonys make some sort of statement indicating that their support has waivered.
I'm not sure. I get the sense that CA plans not to go in order to comply with the fact she knows KC doesn't want to see her there, and CA knows her own attorney is trying to keep the spotlight off of her in regard to supporting KC.

However, you know how you might plan not to answer a phone if someone you're mad at calls you, but once you hear the phone ring you second guess the idea and answer it anyway? I think CA will kind of freak out at the last minute and decide she can't NOT be there when the opportunity to finally be in the same room with KC presents itself. I won't be surprised to see her there regardless of how innocent she thinks KC is anymore.
Well CA's attorney said that CA wanted to go to the last hearing that KC was forced to go to but didnt know that she would be in court. I truely believe that JB is keeping her away from anyone in order to keep KC in check.
I think CA REALLY wants to see her daughter and maybe show up to show JB who's the boss in that family. I hope she yells at her daughter finally. SHe needs to and then maybe just maybe KC will spill the beans right there on TV for all of us to see... hmmmmmm ya never know.

We can only hope...
It seems to me that Cindy will have to choose between GA and KC today.

Does she go to court to see KC or does she stand by her husband's side when he is released/transferred from the hospital?
It's almost show time !! Will she or won't she ?? Soon we shall see. Will CA and KC kill each other or love each other ?? As the Anthony's Turn !! We shall see!!:blowkiss: :bang:
But, if she doesn't go people will say that was wrong too.

I'm no fan of the A's but it won't matter what she does or doesn't do. It will all be scrutinized. IMO

I agree, no matter what Cindy does, she will be scrutinized....

I really hope she stays home......it's past time to end the circus.
Yes, we will soon see if Cindy is at the hearing or not. I cannot decide whether she will be there or not. I guess I feel it is a toss up!

I get the feeling that George just may not be too keen on seeing Cindy. No particular reason other than just me thinking he may realize he is better off without her!
I think CA is devastated and will be medicated and watch it on TV like the rest of us crying her heart out.

If she does attend, wow -that will be a spectacle to an umpth degree.

*and I would want to know what they could possibly prescribe to endure that
Yes, we will soon see if Cindy is at the hearing or not. I cannot decide whether she will be there or not. I guess I feel it is a toss up!

I get the feeling that George just may not be too keen on seeing Cindy. No particular reason other than just me thinking he may realize he is better off without her!

Bolded by me: ITA
I kind of think Cindy may actually attend today.. IF she is truly starting to have her doubts about KCs innocence, I think she will want to "face" her. JMO.
I just heard on The Today Show that CA won't be there today.
I kind of think Cindy may actually attend today.. IF she is truly starting to have her doubts about KCs innocence, I think she will want to "face" her. JMO.

IMO: I think if Cindy does go it will give Casey satisfaction to see that she has destroyed her mother....probably will smirk

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