Will Cindy be prosecuted for perjury?

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Do you think the State [i]will[/i] decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony?

  • Yes, the State will decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 27 6.7%
  • No, the State will not decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 148 36.7%
  • Yes, I think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 214 53.1%
  • No, I do not think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 14 3.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I live on a shoestring budget but would personally donate to funding the prosecution of CA for perjury. Net/Net on the poll as to whether she'll be prosecuted - A RESOUNDING I HOPE SO
If she doesn't get prosecuted I totally do not get it! Lying under oath is against the law & punishable! No wonder this family lies so much, they get away with it! Disgusting!
I sincerely hope she will. If she isn't, what's the point of having a perjury charge?
Cindy definitely perjured herself in a capital case. She should be prosecuted. I don't really care if she does any jail time I simply want the blood money to stop. Perhaps the Son of Sam law would kick in and prevent her from making money. Caylee is nothing but a money making machine to them now. Sorry, but that's how I feel.

If she doesn't get prosecuted for perjury, in the future lawyers should be allowed to site this case if their clients lie under oath. Hmmmmm, sounds like they'll have to do away with the perjury law then:rolleyes:
If she doesn't get prosecuted for perjury, in the future lawyers should be allowed to site this case if their clients lie under oath. Hmmmmm, sounds like they'll have to do away with the perjury law then:rolleyes:

They should, but they won't.

The State will cut this Springer circus loose and will hope never to be bothered by another Anthony ever again.
Nooooo, she won't get charged for a minor miniscule thing like perjury when even murderers walk free!!
Well, now that it's all said and done, sure she should be charged for perjury. But, that's not going to happen IMO.

However, LE needs to look at her for her actions and lack of cooperation during the investigation of Caylee's disappearance and death.

I believe she tampered with evidence when she cleaned the car. And, I do also think she was not exactly truthful with LE.

I suspect both she and George knew Caylee was dead early on. But they went on asking for donations and gathering support to search for a live Caylee. This is totally wrong.

But, I doubt any of this will be done. The Anthony's need to vanish from the public's eye - the sooner the better. We all need to get on with life in a positive way. Anything having to do with all the Anthonys is negative.

Sadly, that means little Caylee will never receive justice. It's as if she never was here on earth. So unfair.



I feel eactly like you AZ, but Caylee was here, and she is still here, in the hearts of millions upon of millions of people who fell in love with her, and fought for justice for her. None of us will ever forget, so she will go on and on. :)
And let's not forget her providing the wrong hairbrush!
no they shouldnt. Everyone should listen to Richard Hornsby. It would cost too much money and they would have to find a venue to try her. No judge is gonna sentence her to jail.


Well, they could give her a huge fine, then give her probation, LOL!

As for me, I would love to see Cindy do at least 6 months in Orange County Jail, then be placed on probation after paying a huge fine.

Really, just what message is it going to send to anyone testifying in any trial in Orange County if Cindy is not charged? Purgery is fine? You will not be charged?

Well, now that it's all said and done, sure she should be charged for perjury. But, that's not going to happen IMO.

However, LE needs to look at her for her actions and lack of cooperation during the investigation of Caylee's disappearance and death.

I believe she tampered with evidence when she cleaned the car. And, I do also think she was not exactly truthful with LE.

I suspect both she and George knew Caylee was dead early on. But they went on asking for donations and gathering support to search for a live Caylee. This is totally wrong.

But, I doubt any of this will be done. The Anthony's need to vanish from the public's eye - the sooner the better. We all need to get on with life in a positive way. Anything having to do with all the Anthonys is negative.

Sadly, that means little Caylee will never receive justice. It's as if she never was here on earth. So unfair.

ETA : Did the title of this thread get changed? I thought it was SHOULD not WILL,or is there another thread?
In CA's State depo IIRC,she only admitted to Casey stealing a few hundred dollars from her and (I think) $5,000 on a credit card. In a sidebar transcript when LDB was advising HH about some testimony the DT wanted to bring in ,she said it would open the door to a lot of stuff. " there were hundreds and hundreds of checks" stolen from Cindy.
I guess I'll need to hunt that up and it ,but IMO yet another statement from Cindy that was perjury.
Yes, they most definitely should. What is the point of making a witness swear to tell the truth and the whole truth if it doesn't really matter. Cindy even added and stressed the "Yes, so help me God." This family has made a mockery of our justice system.

BTW, I am still bothered by that picture of Caylee at the sliding glass door. Not that I think it was pertinent in the acquittal but, I think it was a staged photo.
But according to the defense there really was not a "victim" per say, this was all an accident.

I hope they get her for perjury but Im not holding out hope.

Well,if their was no victim why did CA lie in the first place?
no they shouldnt. Everyone should listen to Richard Hornsby. It would cost too much money and they would have to find a venue to try her. No judge is gonna sentence her to jail.

I agree w/ you. And boy are we the minority! ;-)

Much time, energy and money would be expended pointlessly, IMO. As many attorneys (here and elsewhere) have mentioned, witnesses change their stories all the time and it's extremely difficult to prove the intent to lie.
Yes, they most definitely should. What is the point of making a witness swear to tell the truth and the whole truth if it doesn't really matter. Cindy even added and stressed the "Yes, so help me God." This family has made a mockery of our justice system.

BTW, I am still bothered by that picture of Caylee at the sliding glass door. Not that I think it was pertinent in the acquittal but, I think it was a staged photo.

I agree ANYONE who does not tell the truth under oath should be held accountable for their actions.

The jury is respected for their service. The witnesses should have to abide by the strict laws that the jury seemed to follow.

Lies by ICA is what started this entire circus.. to let her mother continue it under oath to me shows that the Anthony's are allowed to minipulate the system when and how they choose to.
I voted that they should prosecute. All this case has done is shown that its ok to lie to police, lie in depositions and lie in court with no consequences.
Why even bother with issuing an oath to declare honesty if there is no consequence for blatantly telling one lie after another under oath. Why not just say, "please raise your right hand and give us your most convenient version of the truth?"
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