Will Smith slaps Chris Rock on stage live at the OSCARS

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DNA Solves
These two are so, so gross. Even before the 'slap heard around the world', they were the most toxic couple in Hollywood. What with Jada droning on about Tupac being the one true love of her life, babbling about the journey of tremendous healing and growth and self-discovery she experienced from sleeping with her son's 20 year old friend, WS retaliating by sleeping with his co-stars. And then vomiting all the sordid details to the world via their own nauseating podcasts.

What's really sad is that they are both so obviously detached from the real world they honestly don't even realize they should be embarrassed. To the point that Jada even giggles when WS loses all impulse control - in front of the entire world - and commits battery over a perceived slight.

They both need help. Along with the whole Motion Picture Academy and the event attendees. Allowing WS to openly batter an award presenter without consequence and then giving him a standing ovation afterwards is completely beyond the pale - even for Hollywood. Toxic people should be sharply and immediately rebuked rather than celebrated. The failure to rein them in early is what leads to the shocking escalation of the kind of toxic behavior both of them displayed on Oscar night. To applause.

At the least, WS should be banned from the Academy, for life. I'm not sure anything can be done about JPS. Even though she is the direct cause of WS's deteriorating mental state, she's not the one who violently acted out and battered a bystander. That's a whole new level of toxic for these two and makes me worry about what's coming next in the epic meltdown of this marriage and these two people.

These two are so, so gross. Even before the 'slap heard around the world', they were the most toxic couple in Hollywood. What with Jada droning on about Tupac being the one true love of her life, babbling about the journey of tremendous healing and growth and self-discovery she experienced from sleeping with her son's 20 year old friend, WS retaliating by sleeping with his co-stars. And then vomiting all the sordid details to the world via their own nauseating podcasts.

What's really sad is that they are both so obviously detached from the real world they honestly don't even realize they should be embarrassed. To the point that Jada even giggles when WS loses all impulse control - in front of the entire world - and commits battery over a perceived slight.

They both need help. Along with the whole Motion Picture Academy and the event attendees. Allowing WS to openly batter an award presenter without consequence and then giving him a standing ovation afterwards is completely beyond the pale - even for Hollywood. Toxic people should be sharply and immediately rebuked rather than celebrated. The failure to rein them in early is what leads to the shocking escalation of the kind of toxic behavior both of them displayed on Oscar night. To applause.

At the least, WS should be banned from the Academy, for life. I'm not sure anything can be done about JPS. Even though she is the direct cause of WS's deteriorating mental state, she's not the one who violently acted out and battered a bystander. That's a whole new level of toxic for these two and makes me worry about what's coming next in the epic meltdown of this marriage and these two people.

These two are so, so gross. Even before the 'slap heard around the world', they were the most toxic couple in Hollywood. What with Jada droning on about Tupac being the one true love of her life, babbling about the journey of tremendous healing and growth and self-discovery she experienced from sleeping with her son's 20 year old friend, WS retaliating by sleeping with his co-stars. And then vomiting all the sordid details to the world via their own nauseating podcasts.

What's really sad is that they are both so obviously detached from the real world they honestly don't even realize they should be embarrassed. To the point that Jada even giggles when WS loses all impulse control - in front of the entire world - and commits battery over a perceived slight.

They both need help. Along with the whole Motion Picture Academy and the event attendees. Allowing WS to openly batter an award presenter without consequence and then giving him a standing ovation afterwards is completely beyond the pale - even for Hollywood. Toxic people should be sharply and immediately rebuked rather than celebrated. The failure to rein them in early is what leads to the shocking escalation of the kind of toxic behavior both of them displayed on Oscar night. To applause.

At the least, WS should be banned from the Academy, for life. I'm not sure anything can be done about JPS. Even though she is the direct cause of WS's deteriorating mental state, she's not the one who violently acted out and battered a bystander. That's a whole new level of toxic for these two and makes me worry about what's coming next in the epic meltdown of this marriage and these two people.


So good to see you here!!!! missed you- love your post: these two are so nauseating I would need a bucket close by to listen to their self entitled , narcissistic drivel. Happened to see WS being interviewed a couple weeks ago: I don't follow him or hollywood much but listened to the interview: I was struck by his arrogance!
Take care!!!!
I haven’t read all this thread, but I must ask, have you, as a young woman, lost all your hair? Had it fall out in handfuls, over a number of months? Did you weep, maybe every day? Did your husband hold you in his arms, consoling you, as he also wept? Or has a friend or a relative lost her/his hair?
No matter why, whether through chemo, or through an auto immune disease…it is traumatic and life-altering. Even if you can afford the world’s best wig, it’s not the same; it’s not your hair, and they can be hot, scratchy and generally uncomfortable. Jada is a beautiful woman, no matter what she has or doesn’t have on her head. But she lost …all …her …hair.

Here’s Will, on the greatest night of his career, awaiting his shining moment in the spotlight. And what did he hear? A cruel joke at his wife’s expense- his wife of 25 years. And it wasn’t even a funny joke. Would Chris have made a joke at Liza Minelli’s expense? Or at Bruce Willis’? I’m reasonably sure that most people in Hollywood knew of her DISEASE. And I’ll bet Chris Rock, whom I usually like, knew it, also.

My gentle and noble father would have punched out his wife’s (my mother’s) tormenter. And Will only slapped his crude ‘frenemy’. He could have knocked him out. Chris was the bully in this situation. And on the unlikely chance he’s ever up for an Oscar, I hope no unfunny comedian spoils his triumph.
These two are so, so gross. Even before the 'slap heard around the world', they were the most toxic couple in Hollywood. What with Jada droning on about Tupac being the one true love of her life, babbling about the journey of tremendous healing and growth and self-discovery she experienced from sleeping with her son's 20 year old friend, WS retaliating by sleeping with his co-stars. And then vomiting all the sordid details to the world via their own nauseating podcasts.

What's really sad is that they are both so obviously detached from the real world they honestly don't even realize they should be embarrassed. To the point that Jada even giggles when WS loses all impulse control - in front of the entire world - and commits battery over a perceived slight.

They both need help. Along with the whole Motion Picture Academy and the event attendees. Allowing WS to openly batter an award presenter without consequence and then giving him a standing ovation afterwards is completely beyond the pale - even for Hollywood. Toxic people should be sharply and immediately rebuked rather than celebrated. The failure to rein them in early is what leads to the shocking escalation of the kind of toxic behavior both of them displayed on Oscar night. To applause.

At the least, WS should be banned from the Academy, for life. I'm not sure anything can be done about JPS. Even though she is the direct cause of WS's deteriorating mental state, she's not the one who violently acted out and battered a bystander. That's a whole new level of toxic for these two and makes me worry about what's coming next in the epic meltdown of this marriage and these two people.


I agreed with you for the most part until the part about Jada being the cause of his declining mental state. I think they’re made for one another. I also don’t think he’s mentally ill.
I haven’t read all this thread, but I must ask, have you, as a young woman, lost all your hair? Had it fall out in handfuls, over a number of months? Did you weep, maybe every day? Did your husband hold you in his arms, consoling you, as he also wept? Or has a friend or a relative lost her/his hair?
No matter why, whether through chemo, or through an auto immune disease…it is traumatic and life-altering. Even if you can afford the world’s best wig, it’s not the same; it’s not your hair, and they can be hot, scratchy and generally uncomfortable. Jada is a beautiful woman, no matter what she has or doesn’t have on her head. But she lost …all …her …hair.

Here’s Will, on the greatest night of his career, awaiting his shining moment in the spotlight. And what did he hear? A cruel joke at his wife’s expense- his wife of 25 years. And it wasn’t even a funny joke. Would Chris have made a joke at Liza Minelli’s expense? Or at Bruce Willis’? I’m reasonably sure that most people in Hollywood knew of her DISEASE. And I’ll bet Chris Rock, whom I usually like, knew it, also.

My gentle and noble father would have punched out his wife’s (my mother’s) tormenter. And Will only slapped his crude ‘frenemy’. He could have knocked him out. Chris was the bully in this situation. And on the unlikely chance he’s ever up for an Oscar, I hope no unfunny comedian spoils his triumph.

Then why was Will laughing and clapping after the joke?

A few things. First, there is zero information to indicate Chris knew about her medical condition. Most people did not. Celebrities have stated they didn’t know. He seemed confused by the assault and said he had no idea about her alopecia. Not everyone listens to her podcast.

Second, she has had shorn hair before as has her daughter. As a fashion statement. So she’s not like a woman who would feel horrified at having a shaved head. She’s already done it.

Third, she just made a statement about how she is beautiful and doesn’t give an F what anyone thinks of her hair, or lack thereof, in the days before the awards ceremony.

I don’t think she was upset about being compared to beautiful, badass Demi Moore in GIJane. I don’t think her husband was either. I think she doesn’t like CR because he mocked her for her boycott of the Oscars in 2016, and I think she’s sanctimonious and intolerant of anyone jesting about her no matter the subject. And no matter how tame.
I wish they hadn’t given him a choice, and simply escorted him out. SMH

They should have. A choice isn’t given to most offenders. They are cuffed and escorted out, as it should be. Why are they waiting to take action when the assault was seen by many witnesses?! When an officer witnesses a crime as it is happening it’s their job to intervene. I didn’t see anyone go up to Chris to see if he was bleeding or shaking.
Then why was Will laughing and clapping after the joke?

A few things. First, there is zero information to indicate Chris knew about her medical condition. Most people did not. Celebrities have stated they didn’t know. He seemed confused by the assault and said he had no idea about her alopecia. Not everyone listens to her podcast.

Second, she has had shorn hair before as has her daughter. As a fashion statement. So she’s not like a woman who would feel horrified at having a shaved head. She’s already done it.

Third, she just made a statement about how she is beautiful and doesn’t give an F what anyone thinks of her hair, or lack thereof, in the days before the awards ceremony.

I don’t think she was upset about being compared to beautiful, badass Demi Moore in GIJane. I don’t think her husband was either. I think she doesn’t like CR because he mocked her for her boycott of the Oscars in 2016, and I think she’s sanctimonious and intolerant of anyone jesting about her no matter the subject. And no matter how tame.

I think she has relished in being bald because she feels she is perceived as bold and powerful. She’s made it into a whole thing so she is quite comfortable in branding it. Her entire show is about her ‘feeling free to be me’. Her actions reflect it.
Hmm. Maybe this is why he did it after seeing Jada's disapproval:

"When I was nine years old, I watched my father punch my mother in the side of the head so hard that she collapsed. I saw her spit blood. That moment in that bedroom, probably more than any other moment in my life, has defined who I am."

He explains, "Within everything that I have done since then — the awards and accolades, the spotlights and attention, the characters and the laughs — there has been a subtle string of apologies to my mother for my inaction that day. For failing her in the moment. For failing to stand up to my father. For being a coward."

He continues, "What you have come to understand as "Will Smith," the alien-annihilating MC, the bigger-than-life movie star, is largely a construction – a carefully crafted and honed character – designed to protect myself. To hide myself from the world. To hide the coward."

Will Smith Once Contemplated Killing His Father to 'Avenge' His Mother: Read Excerpt from His Memoir

Much more at link.
Hmm. Maybe this is why he did it after seeing Jada's disapproval:

"When I was nine years old, I watched my father punch my mother in the side of the head so hard that she collapsed. I saw her spit blood. That moment in that bedroom, probably more than any other moment in my life, has defined who I am."

He explains, "Within everything that I have done since then — the awards and accolades, the spotlights and attention, the characters and the laughs — there has been a subtle string of apologies to my mother for my inaction that day. For failing her in the moment. For failing to stand up to my father. For being a coward."

He continues, "What you have come to understand as "Will Smith," the alien-annihilating MC, the bigger-than-life movie star, is largely a construction – a carefully crafted and honed character – designed to protect
myself. To hide myself from the

world. To hide the coward."

Will Smith Once Contemplated Killing His Father to 'Avenge' His Mother: Read Excerpt from His Memoir

Much more at link.

I can appreciate that firsthand but he’s an adult. Old enough to know that assaulting someone for his own wounds isn’t right. He has every resource available to him to seek therapy, constructive and healthy ways for dealing with trauma.
I can appreciate that firsthand but he’s an adult. Old enough to know that assaulting someone for his own wounds isn’t right. He has every resource available to him to seek therapy, constructive and healthy ways for dealing with trauma.

Yes. But it does make much more sense now. He has a chip on his shoulder due to feeling like a coward when it came to not defending his mom. He was a kid. It wasn't his fault. But what he does as an adult is different.
I haven’t read all this thread, but I must ask, have you, as a young woman, lost all your hair? Had it fall out in handfuls, over a number of months? Did you weep, maybe every day? Did your husband hold you in his arms, consoling you, as he also wept? Or has a friend or a relative lost her/his hair?
No matter why, whether through chemo, or through an auto immune disease…it is traumatic and life-altering. Even if you can afford the world’s best wig, it’s not the same; it’s not your hair, and they can be hot, scratchy and generally uncomfortable. Jada is a beautiful woman, no matter what she has or doesn’t have on her head. But she lost …all …her …hair.

Here’s Will, on the greatest night of his career, awaiting his shining moment in the spotlight. And what did he hear? A cruel joke at his wife’s expense- his wife of 25 years. And it wasn’t even a funny joke. Would Chris have made a joke at Liza Minelli’s expense? Or at Bruce Willis’? I’m reasonably sure that most people in Hollywood knew of her DISEASE. And I’ll bet Chris Rock, whom I usually like, knew it, also.

My gentle and noble father would have punched out his wife’s (my mother’s) tormenter. And Will only slapped his crude ‘frenemy’. He could have knocked him out. Chris was the bully in this situation. And on the unlikely chance he’s ever up for an Oscar, I hope no unfunny comedian spoils his triumph.

ONLY slapped? In front of 1000's of people there and millions of people watching? It was no big deal because he didn't punch him? WOW

Comedians make jokes about celebrities all the time at these types of events and have never been assaulted. Smith should have been arrested on the spot and booed loudly by everyone there.

She would have worn a wig if she was sensitive about her alleged alopecia. I doubt she would have found it any more uncomfortable than the dress she was wearing that she couldn't walk in.
ONLY slapped? In front of 1000's of people there and millions of people watching? It was no big deal because he didn't punch him? WOW

Comedians make jokes about celebrities all the time at these types of events and have never been assaulted. Smith should have been arrested on the spot and booed loudly by everyone there.

She would have worn a wig if she was sensitive about her alleged alopecia. I doubt she would have found it any more uncomfortable than the dress she was wearing that she couldn't walk in.
I agree. I find it hard to imagine how he could've forgotten that he was attending a live telecast of the Oscar's, the most elite event in Hollywood, waiting to see if he'd win the biggest award of his life. How could he have lost awareness of that and regressed to some childish state of mind? I'd be so preoccupied with nerves, my speech, etc, I wouldn't be paying any attention to to the jokes, or my spouse's reaction.

If it had happened after a private party, a few drinks, that would be more understandable. But to do it on live television, on the biggest night of your life, wearing probably the most expensive suit money can buy...?

Perhaps it's some kind of breakdown, but I think it may also reflect arrogance, rather than fear or vulnerability. IMO he was saying 'I own this show, this stage and this night, how dare you not properly worship me and my wife!"

I haven’t read all this thread, but I must ask, have you, as a young woman, lost all your hair? Had it fall out in handfuls, over a number of months? Did you weep, maybe every day? Did your husband hold you in his arms, consoling you, as he also wept? Or has a friend or a relative lost her/his hair?
No matter why, whether through chemo, or through an auto immune disease…it is traumatic and life-altering. Even if you can afford the world’s best wig, it’s not the same; it’s not your hair, and they can be hot, scratchy and generally uncomfortable. Jada is a beautiful woman, no matter what she has or doesn’t have on her head. But she lost …all …her …hair.

Here’s Will, on the greatest night of his career, awaiting his shining moment in the spotlight. And what did he hear? A cruel joke at his wife’s expense- his wife of 25 years. And it wasn’t even a funny joke. Would Chris have made a joke at Liza Minelli’s expense? Or at Bruce Willis’? I’m reasonably sure that most people in Hollywood knew of her DISEASE. And I’ll bet Chris Rock, whom I usually like, knew it, also.

My gentle and noble father would have punched out his wife’s (my mother’s) tormenter. And Will only slapped his crude ‘frenemy’. He could have knocked him out. Chris was the bully in this situation. And on the unlikely chance he’s ever up for an Oscar, I hope no unfunny comedian spoils his triumph.
I am not a doctor, but this fellow is a plastic surgeon:

You should watch this very informative video. The doctor addresses the various forms of alopecia as well as what he thinks may be going on with JPS's hair loss.

And yes, I have first hand experience. I have traction alopecia at my temples from years and years (since early childhood) of wearing my hair pulled back in a ponytail. My hair is one of my best features and at first it was difficult to deal with the hair loss. I've worked with two fantastic hair stylists who have helped me feel less self-conscious about it. I've also successfully found some topical treatments that stimulate the nerve endings below the follicles to regrow the hair. I've wanted to shave my head for much longer, just for the sense of freedom. One day I probably will.

I also had a friend who at 13 lost all her hair when her parents suddenly divorced. I knew her when she was in her 30s and she had developed all kinds of ways to cope. She had some very cute wigs. Her hair eventually did grow back but was very sparse. Sometimes she would bleach it blonde and wear it very closely cropped. She managed it so well that only those of us closest to her even knew about her hair history. She was also very self deprecating and often joked about having a better buzzcut than her husband.

Just my experience on the topic.
These have been some of my random thoughts over the last 2 days. I am only speaking for me personally (no judgement of others’ interests) & I truly hope this doesn’t come across as pretentious. Apologies in advance for my verboseness.

There have definitely been highlights that have occurred at the Oscars over the last 5-10 years. Tributes to the departed, inspiring stories of amazingly talented people who defied all odds by making it in the industry, there have been politically/culturally significant films that have been honored, etc.

In the last few years (I’m including pre-COVID), the focus on the ostentatious, artificial, and seeming lack of overall social awareness has me no longer interested. These film industry nominees are hard workers...their efforts don’t need to be bowed down upon or their egos stroked. Their works stands on its own merit! Egos have no place in the process. Being a winner is ginormous, a nominee a reassurance that your vision is valued. Even being mentioned in the same group of some of the geniuses is an honor bestowed upon a select few.

On the subject at hand, I’ll simply say IMHO, WS was wrong/went about everything incorrectly & ultimately did a disservice to his wife who I believe is a fierce, self sufficient, vocal woman.

I will begrudgingly admit that I do enjoy the fashion in general. I am a high end shoe nerd & particularly enjoy certain fashion houses (many vintage in particular). I also appreciate the jokes, iconic moments, etc. The huge BUT for me is that in a short amount of time over the course of a week or so as time allows, I can satisfy my guilty pleasures. No need to watch much of the drivel in between which I view much on the same level as TV infomercials.
These two are so, so gross. Even before the 'slap heard around the world', they were the most toxic couple in Hollywood. What with Jada droning on about Tupac being the one true love of her life, babbling about the journey of tremendous healing and growth and self-discovery she experienced from sleeping with her son's 20 year old friend, WS retaliating by sleeping with his co-stars. And then vomiting all the sordid details to the world via their own nauseating podcasts.

What's really sad is that they are both so obviously detached from the real world they honestly don't even realize they should be embarrassed. To the point that Jada even giggles when WS loses all impulse control - in front of the entire world - and commits battery over a perceived slight.

They both need help. Along with the whole Motion Picture Academy and the event attendees. Allowing WS to openly batter an award presenter without consequence and then giving him a standing ovation afterwards is completely beyond the pale - even for Hollywood. Toxic people should be sharply and immediately rebuked rather than celebrated. The failure to rein them in early is what leads to the shocking escalation of the kind of toxic behavior both of them displayed on Oscar night. To applause.

At the least, WS should be banned from the Academy, for life. I'm not sure anything can be done about JPS. Even though she is the direct cause of WS's deteriorating mental state, she's not the one who violently acted out and battered a bystander. That's a whole new level of toxic for these two and makes me worry about what's coming next in the epic meltdown of this marriage and these two people.

Well said, my thoughts as well.
Packer went up to Rock after Rock came off stage. “I said did he really hit you?” the producer asked Rock. “And he looked at me and he goes, yeah, he goes, I just took a punch from Muhammad Ali as only Chris can. He was immediately in joke mode but you could tell that he was very much still in shock.”

“I knew it was clearly a confrontational moment because of what was happening from Will in the audience, but I still wasn’t sure that he actually struck him,” Packer said. “I made that clear, like, Rock, you tell me, whatever you want to do, brother, and he was telling me, I’m fine.”

Packer said he never had any conversation with Smith in the direct aftermath of the slap. Regarding the Academy’s claim they told Smith to leave, Packer said he was told they were going to “physically remove” Will Smith but he was not a part of those conversations.

“I immediately went to the Academy leadership that was on site and I said, Chris Rock doesn’t want that. I said, Rock has made it clear that he does not want to make a bad situation worse. That was Chris’ energy. His tone was not retaliatory, it was not angry, so I was advocating what Rock wanted in that time which was not to physically remove Will Smith at that time because as it has now been explained to me, that was the only option at that point.”

Oscars Producer Told Academy Not Remove Will Smith - Variety
That's a whole new level of toxic for these two and makes me worry about what's coming next in the epic meltdown of this marriage and these two people.


I could care less if these people, or their marriage melts down to a puddle in public.

I DO care that, if this assault before thousands, if not millions of people is left to stand unpunished, our entire country is in for a meltdown. We already see people assaulted on the streets, in public, every day. There was even a video of a high school runner assaulting another runner from behind.

America is circling the bowl, folks, and I believe this violent public display may just be the straw that yanked the chain.

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