Will Smith slaps Chris Rock on stage live at the OSCARS

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DNA Solves
These two are so, so gross. Even before the 'slap heard around the world', they were the most toxic couple in Hollywood. What with Jada droning on about Tupac being the one true love of her life, babbling about the journey of tremendous healing and growth and self-discovery she experienced from sleeping with her son's 20 year old friend, WS retaliating by sleeping with his co-stars. And then vomiting all the sordid details to the world via their own nauseating podcasts.

What's really sad is that they are both so obviously detached from the real world they honestly don't even realize they should be embarrassed. To the point thaes when WS loses all impulse control - in front of the entire world - and commits battery over a perceived slight.

They both need help. Along with the whole Motion Picture Academy and the event attendees. Allowing WS to openly batter an award presenter without consequence and then giving him a standing ovation afterwards is completely beyond the pale - even for Hollywood. Toxic people should be sharply and immediately rebuked rather than celebrated. The failure to rein them in early is what leads to the shocking escalation of the kind of toxic behavior both of them displayed on Oscar night. To applause.

At the least, WS should be banned from the Academy, for life. I'm not sure anything can be done about JPS. Even though she is the direct cause of WS's deteriorating mental state, she's not the one who violently acted out and battered a bystander. That's a whole new level of toxic for these two and makes me worry about what's coming next in the epic meltdown of this marriage and these two people.

I haven’t read all this thread, but I must ask, have you, as a young woman, lost all your hair? Had it fall out in handfuls, over a number of months? Did you weep, maybe every day? Did your husband hold you in his arms, consoling you, as he also wept? Or has a friend or a relative lost her/his hair?
No matter why, whether through chemo, or through an auto immune disease…it is traumatic and life-altering. Even if you can afford the world’s best wig, it’s not the same; it’s not your hair, and they can be hot, scratchy and generally uncomfortable. Jada is a beautiful woman, no matter what she has or doesn’t have on her head. But she lost …all …her …hair.

Here’s Will, on the greatest night of his career, awaiting his shining moment in the spotlight. And what did he hear? A cruel joke at his wife’s expense- his wife of 25 years. And it wasn’t even a funny joke. Would Chris have made a joke at Liza Minelli’s expense? Or at Bruce Willis’? I’m reasonably sure that most people in Hollywood knew of her DISEASE. And I’ll bet Chris Rock, whom I usually like, knew it, also.

My gentle and noble father would have punched out his wife’s (my mother’s) tormenter. And Will only slapped his crude ‘frenemy’. He could have knocked him out. Chris was the bully in this situation. And on the unlikely chance he’s ever up for an Oscar, I hope no unfunny comedian spoils his triumph.

Respectfully, could not disagree more! What Will Smith did was disgusting, childish, petulant, nasty, mean and vicious. He actually COMMITTED AN ACT OF ASSAULT! That is never okay-- in this particular case it was in the most public of venues seen by millions- There are different ways of dealing with anger and there is a time to deal with that level of anger. No, it was not okay my friend.
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The interview this morning on GMA with the producer was interesting and confirms a lot of what I thought. There was so much shock and confusion about what had just happened. The producer even thought it was bit and didn’t think WS had really hit CR until later backstage when CR told him yes, he was hit. Academy members were seated all around the theater—some wanted him removed and some weren’t sure. They weren’t able to gather all of them for a consensus. CR said no to arresting or removing him. They basically ran out of time before best actor award came up.

One thing that has baffled me is the standing ovation he received. Everyone had just witnessed what he did, and it was like he was being praised for it. But I think at least part of it is that people still weren’t exactly sure what had happened. I know it seems so clear now, but when people are half paying attention, thinking it must be a bit… I do think there was some confusion? Didn’t even hear the joke and thought there was more to it? I don’t really know, but I think a lot of those people now have clarity and probably regret applauding him. The fact that the producer was confused and not sure for quite a long time says a lot.

I think it’s all clear now, and most people are appalled at WS’s actions. I also think CR was a class act, whether you liked his joke or not, and kept it all from exploding into something worse. I wish WS had been taken out of the theater right then, but I do see how it all happened.
I also want to say I feel bad for the producer. He had a lot of pressure, and he was so happy with how well the show was going. FWIW I thought the hosts did a really good job. I’ve always loved Wanda Sykes!
Respectfully, could not disagree more! What Will Smith did was disgusting, childish, petulant, nasty, mean and vicious. He actually COMMITTED AN ACT OF ASSAULT! That is never okay-- in this particular case it was in the most public of venues seen by millions- There are different ways of dealing with anger and there is a time to deal with that level of anger. No, it was not okay my friend.
Agreed. Blaming the victim for the perpetrator's loss of control and violence is a slippery slope. "Well you see, officer, if my wife hadn't said xyz I wouldn't have had to smack her across the head." Classic blame-shifting.

Allowing people to resort to physical violence when they run out of personal coping skills, and excusing them for doing so, is not helpful or appropriate. Violence is not okay. Not on an award stage, not at home, not at school. It shouldn't be tolerated, much less given a standing ovation. IMO
The interview this morning on GMA with the producer was interesting and confirms a lot of what I thought. There was so much shock and confusion about what had just happened. The producer even thought it was bit and didn’t think WS had really hit CR until later backstage when CR told him yes, he was hit. Academy members were seated all around the theater—some wanted him removed and some weren’t sure. They weren’t able to gather all of them for a consensus. CR said no to arresting or removing him. They basically ran out of time before best actor award came up.

One thing that has baffled me is the standing ovation he received. Everyone had just witnessed what he did, and it was like he was being praised for it. But I think at least part of it is that people still weren’t exactly sure what had happened. I know it seems so clear now, but when people are half paying attention, thinking it must be a bit… I do think there was some confusion? Didn’t even hear the joke and thought there was more to it? I don’t really know, but I think a lot of those people now have clarity and probably regret applauding him. The fact that the producer was confused and not sure for quite a long time says a lot.

I think it’s all clear now, and most people are appalled at WS’s actions. I also think CR was a class act, whether you liked his joke or not, and kept it all from exploding into something worse. I wish WS had been taken out of the theater right then, but I do see how it all happened.

I agree, but I think if it were a planned bit, the producers would have known about it in advance. If they thought Will was ad-libbing, I could see that UNTIL he ACTUALLY slapped Chris. And if they were still not sure what they were seeing, Will's bellowing, "KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT YOUR ****** MOUTH!" (twice) on a live TV show would have immediately shown that this was real, not a bit.

I do feel for any woman who is devastated and suffering over the loss of her hair, as a poster above described. IMO this is not Jada, though.

Yes, she's an actress, able to disguise her feelings. But Will and Jada are old hands in the entertainment world. They know that the Oscars hire hosts who will make teasing jokes about the stars in the audience. She not only chose to sit front row with no intention of disguising her head, but she had posed proudly on the red carpet in that green gown. And Will's first reaction to the joke was laughter. Also of course Jada had previously said she loves her look and doesn't care what anyone else thought.

I, like you, am stunned that the audience gave him a standing ovation after what they witnessed before their own eyes. They validated his behavior, while Chris was standing bewildered alone on stage, no one coming to his aid, while he got himself together to present the next award.

It is possible that some in the audience weren't quite certain about what happened, but when Will was shouting profanities at Chris, it seemed silent in that auditorium. I don't know how they couldn't have realized that there was real hostility there.

I agree, but I think if it were a planned bit, the producers would have known about it in advance. If they thought Will was ad-libbing, I could see that UNTIL he ACTUALLY slapped Chris. And if they were still not sure what they were seeing, Will's bellowing, "KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT YOUR ****** MOUTH!" (twice) on a live TV show would have immediately shown that this was real, not a bit.

I do feel for any woman who is devastated and suffering over the loss of her hair, as a poster above described. IMO this is not Jada, though.

Yes, she's an actress, able to disguise her feelings. But Will and Jada are old hands in the entertainment world. They know that the Oscars hire hosts who will make teasing jokes about the stars in the audience. She not only chose to sit front row with no intention of disguising her head, but she had posed proudly on the red carpet in that green gown. And Will's first reaction to the joke was laughter. Also of course Jada had previously said she loves her look and doesn't care what anyone else thought.

I, like you, am stunned that the audience gave him a standing ovation after what they witnessed before their own eyes. They validated his behavior, while Chris was standing bewildered alone on stage, no one coming to his aid, while he got himself together to present the next award.

It is possible that some in the audience weren't quite certain about what happened, but when Will was shouting profanities at Chris, it seemed silent in that auditorium. I don't know how they couldn't have realized that there was real hostility there.

Yes, totally. The producer did say when he heard WS shouting from his seat, his heart sunk. He knew then it wasn’t a bit, but he still wasn’t sure if he was actually hit. I really do understand that it SLOWLY sunk in over the night what actually happened and the seriousness of it. Everyone was so focused on doing their jobs and it was a show with performers. They do crazy things, silly stunts etc. Apparently CR’s whole set was off script. None of it was actually what was rehearsed, but the producer wasn’t worried because it was CR! He’s good at that kind of thing. I think all of that is what made it hard to process that what they witnessed was a real assault. I bet even CR’s take on it now is different than at the moment.
But now there needs to be consequences, because assault cannot be tolerated much less rewarded.
I, like you, am stunned that the audience gave him a standing ovation after what they witnessed before their own eyes. They validated his behavior, while Chris was standing bewildered alone on stage, no one coming to his aid, while he got himself together to present the next award.

It is possible that some in the audience weren't quite certain about what happened, but when Will was shouting profanities at Chris, it seemed silent in that auditorium. I don't know how they couldn't have realized that there was real hostility there.
With regard to the audience, it occurs to me that everyone there was hyped for a black actor to receive a best actor award. Charges of racism in Hollywood go back years. There was the tribute to Sidney Poitier that same night.

I think they were primed to give him a standing ovation for that reason, and a large group of people can't pivot their opinions on a dime, just because of a confusing event that interrupted the show.

IMO, they all knew it was being broadcast live, and they were acting the role they believed they were expected to act, for the sake of the audience of moviegoers. If they expressed disapproval, or lukewarm approval, maybe the public reaction would be even more criticism...

We've heard several times that various people spoke to WS after the slap (Denzel Washington, Tyler Perry, Bradley Cooper, etc.) in a way that appeared that perhaps they were comforting him. What I've never seen is--did anyone comfort the victim, even if off-camera?
I think they were primed to give him a standing ovation for that reason, and a large group of people can't pivot their opinions on a dime, just because of a confusing event that interrupted the show.

Additionally, I think people feel compelled to join in a standing ovation when they see others standing.
It is possible that some in the audience weren't quite certain about what happened, but when Will was shouting profanities at Chris, it seemed silent in that auditorium.

That's certainly the impression I got. A lot of people laughed when it happened, including Jada. It wasn't until he started shouting profanities, like you said, that the place went silent.

Could this mean that maybe Jada thought he was just joking around too? I have my doubts.

Although I would love to see the footage of Jada from start to finish during this whole incident, I hope they don't release anything, as some WS fans seem to be deflecting it onto her already.

Regardless of her expression or any comment she may have made, this was all on him.
With regard to the audience, it occurs to me that everyone there was hyped for a black actor to receive a best actor award. Charges of racism in Hollywood go back years. There was the tribute to Sidney Poitier that same night.

I think they were primed to give him a standing ovation for that reason, and a large group of people can't pivot their opinions on a dime, just because of a confusing event that interrupted the show.

IMO, they all knew it was being broadcast live, and they were acting the role they believed they were expected to act, for the sake of the audience of moviegoers. If they expressed disapproval, or lukewarm approval, maybe the public reaction would be even more criticism...

This is such a good point! I think you’re right.
Respectfully, could not disagree more! What Will Smith did was disgusting, childish, petulant, nasty, mean and vicious. He actually COMMITTED AN ACT OF ASSAULT! That is never okay-- in this particular case it was in the most public of venues seen by millions- There are different ways of dealing with anger and there is a time to deal with that level of anger. No, it was not okay my friend.
Some people perhaps don't realize that, in the modern world, acting out your emotions in that way will make yourself unemployed and unemployable. They are not taught it by parents, or in school. Then they're confused about why they have 'bad luck", and are unpopular. They blame the world.

I wonder whether WS has been disagreeable in the past, but tolerated for his talent? I know nothing about him.

These two are so, so gross. Even before the 'slap heard around the world', they were the most toxic couple in Hollywood. What with Jada droning on about Tupac being the one true love of her life, babbling about the journey of tremendous healing and growth and self-discovery she experienced from sleeping with her son's 20 year old friend, WS retaliating by sleeping with his co-stars. And then vomiting all the sordid details to the world via their own nauseating podcasts.

What's really sad is that they are both so obviously detached from the real world they honestly don't even realize they should be embarrassed. To the point thaes when WS loses all impulse control - in front of the entire world - and commits battery over a perceived slight.

They both need help. Along with the whole Motion Picture Academy and the event attendees. Allowing WS to openly batter an award presenter without consequence and then giving him a standing ovation afterwards is completely beyond the pale - even for Hollywood. Toxic people should be sharply and immediately rebuked rather than celebrated. The failure to rein them in early is what leads to the shocking escalation of the kind of toxic behavior both of them displayed on Oscar night. To applause.

At the least, WS should be banned from the Academy, for life. I'm not sure anything can be done about JPS. Even though she is the direct cause of WS's deteriorating mental state, she's not the one who violently acted out and battered a bystander. That's a whole new level of toxic for these two and makes me worry about what's coming next in the epic meltdown of this marriage and these two people.

I haven’t read all this thread, but I must ask, have you, as a young woman, lost all your hair? Had it fall out in handfuls, over a number of months? Did you weep, maybe every day? Did your husband hold you in his arms, consoling you, as he also wept? Or has a friend or a relative lost her/his hair?
No matter why, whether through chemo, or through an auto immune disease…it is traumatic and life-altering. Even if you can afford the world’s best wig, it’s not the same; it’s not your hair, and they can be hot, scratchy and generally uncomfortable. Jada is a beautiful woman, no matter what she has or doesn’t have on her head. But she lost …all …her …hair.

Here’s Will, on the greatest night of his career, awaiting his shining moment in the spotlight. And what did he hear? A cruel joke at his wife’s expense- his wife of 25 years. And it wasn’t even a funny joke. Would Chris have made a joke at Liza Minelli’s expense? Or at Bruce Willis’? I’m reasonably sure that most people in Hollywood knew of her DISEASE. And I’ll bet Chris Rock, whom I usually like, knew it, also.

My gentle and noble father would have punched out his wife’s (my mother’s) tormenter. And Will only slapped his crude ‘frenemy’. He could have knocked him out. Chris was the bully in this situation. And on the unlikely chance he’s ever up for an Oscar, I hope no unfunny comedian spoils his triumph.

Respectfully, could not disagree more! What Will Smith did was disgusting, childish, petulant, nasty, mean and vicious. He actually COMMITTED AND ACT OF ASSAULT! That is never okay-- in this particular case it was in the most public of venues seen by millions- There are different ways of dealing with anger and there is a time to deal with that level of anger. No, it was not okay my friend.
Some people perhaps don't realize that, in the modern world, acting out your emotions in that way will make yourself unemployed and unemployable. They are not taught it by parents, or in school. Then they're confused about why they have 'bad luck", and are unpopular. They blame the world.

I wonder whether WS has been disagreeable in the past, but tolerated for his talent? I know nothing about him.


I know nothing about him, but to my way of thinking Hollywood is a subculture, whose beliefs and and attitudes are at variance with the larger culture which most of us inhabit. Therefore, it is clear to me that many of the actors and actresses pretty much live their lives to the beat of a different drummer. I would guess that Will Smith believes that what we in the larger culture value, does not necessarily apply to him, because he is special, so that when he went up and slapped Chris Rock, to his way of thinking it was perfectly okay to do so, because he (WS) is a special person who was very angry and it was ok to express his anger the way he did.
Those in the audience who applauded (at least some of them) probably did not think that what Smith did was so bad----they live in a different universe. IMO
I know nothing about him, but to my way of thinking Hollywood is a subculture, whose beliefs and and attitudes are at variance with the larger culture which most of us inhabit. Therefore, it is clear to me that many of the actors and actresses pretty much live their lives to the beat of a different drummer. I would guess that Will Smith believes that what we in the larger culture value, does not necessarily apply to him, because he is special, so that when he went up and slapped Chris Rock, to his way of thinking it was perfectly okay to do so, because he (WS) is a special person who was very angry and it was ok to express his anger the way he did.
Those in the audience who applauded (at least some of them) probably did not think that what Smith did was so bad----they live in a different universe. IMO
In that moment, yes indeed.

What I meant was, having worked in theatre and I believe it's the same on a movie set, everyone has to work closely and cooperatively, and people who disrupt the show or filming get a bad reputation, and aren't hired back to high quality productions. I think, especially when trying to start out in Hollywood, if you have no self control, you won't make it.

But, some super stars do get inflated egos and start behaving badly after they've achieved their peak: Marlon Brando, Johnny Depp, Charlie Sheen, they all became out of control and so lost many opportunities for future roles. I wonder whether this will happen to Smith.

IMO, most truly great actors and directors don't get caught up in 'Hollywood': think of Meryl Streep, Dustin Hoffman, Tom Hanks...too many to name.

ONLY slapped? In front of 1000's of people there and millions of people watching? It was no big deal because he didn't punch him? WOW

Comedians make jokes about celebrities all the time at these types of events and have never been assaulted. Smith should have been arrested on the spot and booed loudly by everyone there.

She would have worn a wig if she was sensitive about her alleged alopecia. I doubt she would have found it any more uncomfortable than the dress she was wearing that she couldn't walk in.

I will say that I don’t think someone needs to change their appearance to hide a medical condition in order to avoid scrutiny. But she’s worn her hair super short, shaved, etc., many times. This is not a woman who feels sensitive about being bald.

I agree, but I think if it were a planned bit, the producers would have known about it in advance. If they thought Will was ad-libbing, I could see that UNTIL he ACTUALLY slapped Chris. And if they were still not sure what they were seeing, Will's bellowing, "KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME OUT YOUR ****** MOUTH!" (twice) on a live TV show would have immediately shown that this was real, not a bit.

I do feel for any woman who is devastated and suffering over the loss of her hair, as a poster above described. IMO this is not Jada, though.

Yes, she's an actress, able to disguise her feelings. But Will and Jada are old hands in the entertainment world. They know that the Oscars hire hosts who will make teasing jokes about the stars in the audience. She not only chose to sit front row with no intention of disguising her head, but she had posed proudly on the red carpet in that green gown. And Will's first reaction to the joke was laughter. Also of course Jada had previously said she loves her look and doesn't care what anyone else thought.

I, like you, am stunned that the audience gave him a standing ovation after what they witnessed before their own eyes. They validated his behavior, while Chris was standing bewildered alone on stage, no one coming to his aid, while he got himself together to present the next award.

It is possible that some in the audience weren't quite certain about what happened, but when Will was shouting profanities at Chris, it seemed silent in that auditorium. I don't know how they couldn't have realized that there was real hostility there.


Agreed. I feel sorry for CR. I think WS was coddled and praised by Hollywood. They supported him and excused his actions. They acted like he was the victim.
With regard to the audience, it occurs to me that everyone there was hyped for a black actor to receive a best actor award. Charges of racism in Hollywood go back years. There was the tribute to Sidney Poitier that same night.

I think they were primed to give him a standing ovation for that reason, and a large group of people can't pivot their opinions on a dime, just because of a confusing event that interrupted the show.

IMO, they all knew it was being broadcast live, and they were acting the role they believed they were expected to act, for the sake of the audience of moviegoers. If they expressed disapproval, or lukewarm approval, maybe the public reaction would be even more criticism...


IMO it may or may not be true that the audience gave Will a standing ovation as a black man receiving an Oscar. If that is indeed true, then they simultaneously gave a standing ovation to a black man who humiliated and assaulted another black man in full view of them and millions watching on TV.

This black man who received an Oscar also eclipsed another black man who was about to receive an Oscar presented by Chris Rock--Questlove's Oscar for Music Documentary received much more notice for immediately following the assault than for Questlove's achievement as a non-actor receiving an Oscar.

So, IMO, this is not progress. I personally think Will received the Oscar as so many others do----sheer longevity of acting without previously receiving the Oscar. I think that's the reason for the standing ovation, which IMO doesn't make that any less terrible.

I think you're right that the audience there was unsure of how to proceed, and did have one eye on how their actions would be received by the millions at home. To me this is pathetic. An auditorium full of actors who don't know how to act without a script. As human beings who just witnessed an assault , they should have acted much less enthusiastically for Will's award.

All moo
In that moment, yes indeed.

What I meant was, having worked in theatre and I believe it's the same on a movie set, everyone has to work closely and cooperatively, and people who disrupt the show or filming get a bad reputation, and aren't hired back to high quality productions. I think, especially when trying to start out in Hollywood, if you have no self control, you won't make it.

But, some super stars do get inflated egos and start behaving badly after they've achieved their peak: Marlon Brando, Johnny Depp, Charlie Sheen, they all became out of control and so lost many opportunities for future roles. I wonder whether this will happen to Smith.

IMO, most truly great actors and directors don't get caught up in 'Hollywood': think of Meryl Streep, Dustin Hoffman, Tom Hanks...too many to name.


Yes, there are those truly great actors that seem based in reality and not caught up in the Hollywood culture- but they are few and far between
So I’m the only one who thinks that CR was bullying a woman with a traumatizing condition? Hey, Liza, I hear you’re going to be on Dancing With the Stars! So, Bruce, you’re doing Hamlet at Shakespeare in the Park?

I thought that the anti-bullying campaign was still going strong in Hollywood and elsewhere.

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