Will Smith slaps Chris Rock on stage live at the OSCARS

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I'm sorry, but I don't buy that Jada Pinkett Smith is all that sensitive about her bald head. She still looks gorgeous and she looked fabulous at the Oscars. And Demi Moore with her bald head in GI Jane was a bada$$ that inspired young girls and women around the world.

To me that joke of Chris Rock's fell a bit flat but IMO it certainly wasn't insulting to Jada. If she's that sensitive while being an actress where you're judged as much on your looks as your talent, she's in the wrong line of work. She and her husband had to know the camera was there watching for their reaction. Better actors would've laughed it off and the next day pitched GI Jane 2 to every producer they know.
I've never watched GI Jane but always thought it was not a very successful movie. I don't think that unsuccessful movies get sequels very often.
It received mixed reviews, with Moore's performance receiving criticism and winning her the Razzie Award for Worst Actress. It also performed poorly at the box office, grossing $48 million on a $50 million budget.

G.I. Jane - Wikipedia
But Don apologized at the conclude of his shows n Vegas. . He usually picked on the first rows next to the stage…so he always made his way down to shake/hold their hands and talk to them after…
I saw a documentary on him.
All bark no bite. Sorry have no link.
Just my recall . Go Don.
I never saw his shows in Vegas. I only watched him on Johnny Carson show. Couldn’t stand the guy.
Questlove was a guest on The Tonight Show last night. He's normally the musical director and band leader of the house band, The Roots. His comments about what happened before he was announced as the winner come at about the 4 minute mark.
Oh, good! I’m glad he was able to avoid all those awkward feelings.
If true, how sad for WS not to be the "true love" of who he is married to. There are always (at least) two sides to every story, but the more I learn about JP-S, the less i like.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Me too. And not being able to take a joke and laugh at yourself is not attractive. As long as the joke isn’t nasty and mean (this wasn’t) it’s always better to laugh it off and take the high road. The more I learn about this whole situation, the more I think WS is scared of her and when he saw how she was taking the joke, he was more afraid of the consequences if he didn’t do something. He’s responsible for his own actions though. Comes down to their believing they are off limits unlike everyone else IMO.
And, many of the people who were ruthless comedians were not really that funny when their comedy just "ragged" on people. Mr. Smith was totally wrong for his behavior, I have no doubt. But, it is important to note that Mr. Rock has worked with both of them. He said some funky stuff about their boycott of the Oscars. And, truthfully, his stuff is not so funny-- it was sexist (Javier Bardem comment about his wife being angry if he gets an award) and demeaning (IMHO). When people like Ricky Gervais took on Hollywood elitism it was equally opportunity and approved by the producers. Rock's statement about Jada was not (Oscars network say Chris Rock's Jada Pinkett Smith joke was off-script) so then the question is why did he ad lib. I don't think his joke a few years ago was well received nor was his response to the tweet.

We can easily see that Smith's behavior is out of line. That said, it is important to note that Rock may not have been appropriate with his commentary which was the latest in a history of dissing the couple.
It does give context if they have history, but it just didn’t feel like a diss, and that’s why it was so bizarre. It makes total sense to me that the joke wasn’t scripted, because it seems like he saw her sitting there and the joke came to him on the spot. I personally don’t feel it was out of bounds, although not really funny either. But the reaction was so uncalled for, and assaulting and verbally attacking the host when you are fully aware millions are watching is not ok. Just so uncool.
I have wondered if this was staged. But the more I think about it I really don’t think so, mainly because WS came out looking like the Biggest Jerk and made a complete fool of himself, and of his wife. If he has any conscience and humility he will feel humiliated and ashamed about his behavior for a long time to come. But I wouldn’t hold my breathe .

Also, J is not actually bald, her head is shaved as it’s covered in stubble. It never occurred to her that she has the GI Jane look? If she didn’t like that look why not wear a wig. Ugh…. Hollywood has become so pathetic. Jmo
Here's the sad truth for me as part of the aftermath. I was considering seeing the movie King Richard, as I'm a great fan of the Williams sisters Venus and Serena. But now I know I could not watch that film without thinking the whole time about what WS did Sunday night.
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Jada Pinkett Smith Embraced Her Look Days Before Oscars: '#IAmNotMyHair'

While I don't think it's healthy for our culture to look up to celebrities as role models just because they're celebrities, I do think Jada missed a great opportunity Sunday night to "walk her talk". Her comments days before the Oscars certainly would have been inspiring to people afflicted with alopecia. But with Sunday night's antics it just seems now like all of her brave words were just for show and the aftermath and consequences will live on for much much longer. Very sad, IMO.
Jada Pinkett Smith Embraced Her Look Days Before Oscars: '#IAmNotMyHair'

While I don't think it's healthy for our culture to look up to celebrities as role models just because they're celebrities, I do think Jada missed a great opportunity Sunday night to "walk her talk". Her comments days before the Oscars certainly would have been inspiring to people afflicted with alopecia. But with Sunday night's antics it just seems now like all of her brave words were just for show and the aftermath and consequences will live on for much much longer. Very sad, IMO.

That's a good point. Beyond the disgusting display of violence and verbal abuse, Smith's reaction, and Jada's eye roll, only served to place alopecia into the category of things that are "shameful" instead of making peace with the condition, as Jada had seemed to do.

When I taught 8th grade in a school that had 6th-8th graders, I used to see a 6th grade boy walking the halls who always wore a baseball hat and a hoodie over that, no matter the weather. The school had a "no hats" rule, but we were told that he had alopecia, was very sensitive about it, and to let him wear his hat and hoodie.

When he got to 8th grade he was my student, and he was a really wonderful boy. He was extremely agitated about his condition. I had though he'd be less conspicuous if he just shaved his head, but he didn't feel that way and wanted to cover up as much as possible. Of course he didn't have eyebrows either, and that couldn't be hidden.

In NYC we are not supposed to deviate from the curriculum, but I asked him in private if he'd like me to do a lesson on alopecia and help to normalize things for him. He wanted to and his parents gave permission. I did a 40-minute lesson, with pictures of Princess Caroline of Monaco with a bald head, etc., and then let him take questions from his peers if he wished. He did, and he was relieved.

He'd be in his 20s now and I doubt he'd watch the Oscars. However, I'm sure he's seen this on social media, and I keep thinking about him. What a gut punch for him and others, IMO, for them to see this and reinforce that alopecia is something to cause shame. As you said, @La Louve, Jada could have taken this opportunity to be an advocate for those with this condition. She could have normalized it and been proud of herself. A missed opportunity since she gave tacit approval to Will's actions.

The whole thing was pathetic, a symbol of things to come? I'm glad I'm old and won't have to live to see the decline of our country and civilization as a whole.
Oh I don’t know. Not that our society and our country don’t have issues (I think social media has helped to exacerbate all of it), but I try to be optimistic about it. I think people are inherently good, not evil, and we’re experiencing growing pains. I hope so anyway!

As far as this incident goes, I think it’s easy to become full of yourself in Hollywood. That’s how I see this—two people who need to lighten up and quit taking themselves so seriously. They’re not above the jokes. They’re not better than everybody else. The rules should apply to everyone in the same way. Unfortunately Hollywood is very bad at that, as evidenced by the incident not resulting in his removal from the theater right then. As others have pointed out, Harvey Weinstein got to keep his Oscars. And just look how long it took to bring him to justice for all the horrible wrongs he did. Hollywood let it happen all that time. I worked in that industry for years, but I always tried to keep a little removed because it can be soooooo toxic.

I do have faith in humanity as a whole though. Sometimes it’s hard lately, but I’ll keep being hopeful. :)
O/t As a teen just starting a summer job in an office, i was brought by a group of workers to the various cubicles to meet everyone.
One man i met, spun around in his seat and without hesitation and to my mortification, inexplicably just looked at me and all he said was, '' you would not be as attractive without your hair''.
Stunned, without thinking i blurted out, neither would you!
Just then, somebody yanked the hat off that man and underneath he was totally bald!!

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