Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

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Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

  • YES.

    Votes: 212 44.0%
  • NO.

    Votes: 141 29.3%

    Votes: 129 26.8%

  • Total voters
or a Mushroom hunter....."Although the mushroom hunter, who asked to remain anonymous, first spotted the body a week and a half ago, he didn’t tell police about his discovery until yesterday."

Isn't that somethin? Lol
Just like whatever.....no big deal just another dead person on LI. Wtf?

Maybe the dude has a past or is involved in drug dealing...ect but still what's wrong with a good old fashion anonymous call to crimestoppers? Why even tell anybody? Weird.

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Yea but he started having nightmares and felt guilty. I think it's pretty suspicious if you ask me, and makes me wonder if maybe it was killer inserting himself into the case.
Not sure if it's been stated yet but I'm curious if The Okland Torso Murdrer from the early 90's could be the LISK?? The bodies in Okland were dismembered, and found in "burlap sacks" just like the LISK. They could've moved across country and then started again in LI!!!
Where is Okland? do you mean Oakland, Ca? do you have a link? Edit: Nvm I see. I think the LISK was probably active in the 90s on LI, see Seaslug's forgotten thread
Yeah I forgot to proof read. Sorry about the typo's. I did mean Oakland, CA. There were some murders there in the early 90's that involved dismemberment, stuffed in burlap bags, and other parts washing up at other sites. Kind of like what happened with Fire Island. I'll check out Seaslug's thread. Thanks
I meant see slugs thread for all the bodies on Long Island in the 90s. There are a lot of bodies found in the woods, behind schools, off side streets and cul de sacs. Both male and female, it seems like there could have been an active serial killer going back to the late 80's
It makes no sense that the only detailed info on the Oakland Torso Murders from 90-91 is from this article on Ted Cruz. Haven't found Seaslug's post on it. Starts about halfway down.


Interesting thought, Dumas911! There's no thread here for them, but the disposal is eerily similar. Two women, their torsos each found in a burlap bag with a leg washing up on shore. One of the women wa identified by her tatoo, the other is still *unidentified*. Things that make you go hmmmm.

https://books.google.com/books?id=g...6AEIOTAF#v=onepage&q="Leslie Deneveu"&f=false

Screenshot from the page in this book on the murders:

Screen Shot 2016-02-25 at 7.27.20 PM.png
Wow! If the Oakland connection is legit, maybe the LISK went to Berkeley or some other school there.

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Its highly unlikely theres a connection. I think the burlap used by the LISK was to camouflage the bodies on OP.
Is there no thread for Lattingtown victim on here? There has been such little focus...I think this victim is very significant. Unlike all the victims found, this is the only one who was buried. This is very different than just dumping a body on the side of Ocean Parkway. It takes time to bury someone. It's hard to image LISK just driving up to a random beach and digging a hole. This guy is connected to the beach somehow. He knows what time he can dig and be absolutely sure he isn;t going to be disturbed. I think he has some very significant connection to the place. I think we should look real hard at this beach. What's nearby? Who uses beach?
"lice recovered 90 percent of the remains Monday and the last 10 percent Tuesday after digging below the spot where the body was located.

He said the body was buried there and had not washed up on the beach, although there had been washover between the bay and the Long Island Sound at the spot during Hurricane Sandy."

This article makes it sound to me like the girl was dismembered and probably buried in a burlap sack. Why is he burying her in the sand? Are there bodies buried all over the beaches on LI that haven't been uncovered? Are there even bodies on Gilgo Beach? This is a very different area than geographically than where all the other remains have been found aside from I guess the leg on Dolan's private beach. Why was this location chosen and why buried?
sorry this says garbage bags: Skeletal remains in a garbage bag partially buried in the sand. The bags are weathered and have tree roots and vegetation growing into the bags. Location is a secluded beach/sandy area off of Sheep Ln in Lattington along the Long Island Sound. from namus. why tree roots and vegetation growing in the bags? It is a frequent theme with the bodies for trees to be growing with the remains. Jessica taylor's skull had a plant growing through it. There was one victim I think a manorville make who had a berry bush growing through the remains. It sounds like the killer could possibly be tracking seeds that get deposited when he's dumping and after years and years the plants grow. This would point to the killer working at a nursery, landscaping. Possibly someone who does planting or landscaping on LI state parks. Who does the state hire to take care of state parks and plant trees, flowers, etc? On Thee rant there is a post about how the rumor is that one of JB2's nursery employees was the SK, not JB2 himself. Hawk can you find out more info about this? I have read that one of JB's employee's also committed suicide in the last few years. Can anyone confirm that the police did in fact raid bissett nursery? There were certainly posters on here claiming they saw LE activity all over the nursery. I will have to look for the posts. But it sounds to me like the killer works with plants, flowers,bushes,tree seeds which are deposited with the remains.
I probably mentioned this before but I was told by 2 SCPD officers that they did search the nursery. However, I need to add that neither of these people were working specifically on the LISK case. One was a patrolman in WI and the other one is a detective that does accident investigations. I realize they could have just repeated rumors that were being told within the SCPD.
THE SG 911 TAPES. SCPD continues to fight the releasing of the tapes to the family etc.,. Lead Detective Portela is quoted as saying that releasing the tape would interfere with the investigation. Portela said something about 'confidential' information would be revealed??? So there is something they are hiding?

I can only wonder how the good detective feels about his former police commissioner going public with a 'Info-commercial" for Arrow Security with 7 You Tube tapes extending over a period of 3 1/2 hours.
For some reason Richard Dormer reminds me of the Mr.Dennehy character in the Jackie Gleason Show.
If this case was the subject of a Sit-Com ( and, IMO it is not too far from that) one could relate some of the characters on this comedy of errors to any cast of characters in one of the popular shows. Characters could be inter-changeable with any show.


Dormer - Andy Brown
Burke: * George "Kingfish" Stevens.
Spota: Alquin J. Calhoun.
Dormer - Lightning - Dormer plays two parts.

Sini: Amos. Nice enough guy. Always like-able fellow that really contributes nothing to the comedy.

Bellone - Sapphire..

* meaning that Burke is lurking around in the background somewhere and has yet to be identified.
What a web they weave. Whos voice is on that tape?

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